Custom Query (36 matches)


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Status: assigned (7 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Resolution Created
#2766 prevent draft datasets making it to activity stream seanh enhancement blocker 21 months
#2818 Improve related item schema seanh defect major 21 months
#2446 Create demo dataset history/comparison page johnmartin enhancement minor 2 years
#2457 Create demo tags list page johnmartin enhancement minor 2 years
#2461 Create demo revisions page toby enhancement minor 2 years
#2698 markdown preview toby enhancement minor 22 months
#2873 ckanext-qa: dataset summary incorrect toby defect awaiting triage 21 months

Status: closed (13 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Resolution Created
#2578 demo theme breaks the tests toby defect blocker fixed 23 months
#2599 Test in IE johnmartin enhancement blocker fixed 22 months
#2827 View Item - RSS Feed Issues defect major fixed 21 months
#2875 Fanstatic css issues enhancement major fixed 21 months
#2618 allow nested js resources toby enhancement minor fixed 22 months
#2741 admin index styling johnmartin enhancement awaiting triage fixed 22 months
#2798 Admin Config reset toby enhancement awaiting triage fixed 21 months
#2806 way to read full group description johnmartin enhancement awaiting triage fixed 21 months
#2824 Multiple of the same Flag Issues defect awaiting triage fixed 21 months
#2832 can't add a dataset to more than one group enhancement awaiting triage duplicate 21 months
#2849 header tagline misalighned toby defect awaiting triage fixed 21 months
#2864 don't show `create one now` message on other's user pages toby defect awaiting triage fixed 21 months
#2876 Admin Config changes are not forced toby enhancement awaiting triage fixed 21 months

Status: new (16 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Resolution Created
#2790 logic.action.user_show is slow kindly enhancement major 21 months
#2775 Add bin/less to paster serve command toby enhancement minor 21 months
#2822 Resource additional info titles format/i18n toby enhancement minor 21 months
#2834 Defer all publish calls until all modules have been initialised enhancement minor 21 months
#2850 Add JSON support for IE7 enhancement minor 21 months
#2718 can't add dataset to more than one group toby enhancement awaiting triage 22 months
#2721 deleted groups should not show on 'Add to Groups' dropdown toby defect awaiting triage 22 months
#2728 deleted group shows on search index - for admins toby defect awaiting triage 22 months
#2780 way for admins to undelete datasets toby enhancement awaiting triage 21 months
#2828 Draft datasets are confusing - tickets need creating toby enhancement awaiting triage 21 months
#2830 Need method to undelete groups toby enhancement awaiting triage 21 months
#2857 no UI to follow another user although option on dashboard toby defect awaiting triage 21 months
#2861 Add qa breadcrumb toby enhancement awaiting triage 21 months
#2862 Revised revised groups description toby enhancement awaiting triage 21 months
#2863 non-admin users can edit other's draft datasets toby defect awaiting triage 21 months
#2869 user profile not linked on disqus until page refresh defect awaiting triage 21 months
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.