Custom Query (11 matches)


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Status: closed (11 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Resolution Created
#2459 Faceting improvements: fix tags and decide on facet fields johnglover enhancement major fixed 2 years
#2460 Hide private datasets in 'top publishers' and 'recent updates' on home page johnglover enhancement major fixed 2 years
#2462 Add converter to rename resource_type field to type johnglover enhancement major duplicate 2 years
#2463 Fix whitespace bug in breadcrumbs when zoomed in (Google Chrome) johnglover enhancement major fixed 2 years
#2464 Rename 'organization' to 'publisher' johnglover enhancement major fixed 2 years
#2465 Make sure dropdown lists on dataset edit form are sorted johnglover enhancement major fixed 2 years
#2487 Don't preview text/html johnglover enhancement major fixed 2 years
#2517 Test installation instructions for EC ODP on CentOS 6.2 johnglover enhancement major fixed 23 months
#2518 Create EC ODP CKAN release branch johnglover enhancement major fixed 23 months
#2470 Fix inconsistency in package_list snippet johnglover enhancement minor fixed 2 years
#2489 Select publisher when dataset created via 'publisher > add dataset' johnglover defect minor fixed 2 years
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.