Custom Query (44 matches)


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Status: closed (44 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#338 Reference groups by ID in addition to name, since group names can change johnbywater story critical ckan
#382 Measure quality of service parameters johnbywater story
#384 Send alert when QoS measurements break expectation johnbywater story
#333 CKAN front end requirements for package notifications enhancement awaiting triage ckan wontfix
#226 UI Review - History nickstenning enhancement critical ckan fixed
#227 UI Review - General checks nickstenning enhancement major ckan fixed
#233 Allow simple site-specific customization/overriding of templates rgrp enhancement major ckan fixed
#242 Miscellaneous tidying up (v0.11) pudo defect critical ckan fixed
#263 Improve and test openid login johnbywater enhancement critical ckan fixed
#273 Investigate search index options and create tickets pudo task major ckan fixed
#310 Commit message box looks wrong in edit page since edit style overhaul dread defect major ckan fixed
#311 Reordering of package resources can lead to integri dread defect critical ckan fixed
#313 Allow packages to be specified by IDs in REST interface rgrp enhancement critical ckan fixed
#315 Improvements and fixes to csv dump dread defect critical ckan fixed
#317 Make search pluggable pudo enhancement critical ckan fixed
#320 site_title configuration variable which is used in template dread enhancement major ckan fixed
#322 Client interface for Notification Service dread enhancement blocker ckan fixed
#323 Notification message dread enhancement blocker ckan fixed
#324 Search indexing using notifications dread enhancement blocker ckan fixed
#325 Event push notification dread enhancement critical ckan fixed
#326 Centralise importation of json library dread task minor ckan fixed
#328 Mention code libraries in API documentation dread enhancement critical ckan fixed
#329 Bad dates cause exception on Gov form rgrp defect blocker ckan fixed
#335 Post-package-edit redirect to configurable URL dread enhancement blocker ckan fixed
#336 Resource Search API dread defect blocker ckan fixed
#337 Download links for resources should open in new window johnbywater enhancement minor ckan fixed
#340 Web UI theme easier to configure dread enhancement critical ckan fixed
#356 Search box in at top of page (UI) enhancement major ckan fixed
#374 Design servicization of CKAN API johnbywater task critical ckan fixed
#375 Integrate Forms API into Drupal johnbywater task critical ckan fixed
#376 Implement servicization of CKAN API johnbywater task critical ckan fixed
#378 My user story #1 johnbywater story fixed
#379 My dev task #1 johnbywater task fixed
#380 My dev task #2 johnbywater task fixed
#383 Create middleware feature to generate QoS throughput log johnbywater task fixed
#385 Send email if QoS measurement breaks QoS criteria johnbywater task fixed
#386 Set limits in /etc/security/limits.conf johnbywater task fixed
#387 Fix failing tests in search sub-system trigged by recent changes johnbywater task fixed
#388 Reply to "two projects" question from RS johnbywater task fixed
#389 Investigate timezone issue raised by SB johnbywater task fixed
#391 Create monitoring feature to generate QoS responsiveness log johnbywater task fixed
#392 Create monitoring feature to generate QoS availability log johnbywater task fixed
#393 Create aggregation feature to aggregate QoS log johnbywater task fixed
#397 Implement QoS monitoring for DGU johnbywater task fixed
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.