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Results (418 - 420 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2314 fixed parse_rfc_2822 tests failing in some timezones icmurray seanh

Reported by seanh, 2 years ago.


These two tests:



have been failing in certain timezones. In the UK they pass, if you're in Germany they'll fail.

The function being tested uses datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp() which uses the local time, but the tests compare the results against hardcoded strings, so the tests cannot work in different timezones.

#2313 fixed Deprecate old facet data structures and related functions. icmurray icmurray

Reported by icmurray, 2 years ago.


In branch feature-1821-multilingual-extension, a new faceting datastructure was introduced. This makes the old one and related functions obsolete. These have been marked as deprecated for the 1.7 release, and should be removed for the 1.8 release.

  • facets.html:facet_sidebar()
  • uses of c.facets (rather than c.new_facets)
#2312 duplicate Analysis of how datasets could belong to users instead of Groups ross ross

Reported by ross, 2 years ago.



Currently datasets can only be part of a group but that is quite heavyweight when a single user wants to upload a single dataset. To resolve this it would be great if a dataset could be attached to a user directly - find out how.

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