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Results (547 - 549 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1788 fixed IE7 compatibility problems zephod zephod

Reported by zephod, 2 years ago.


From Antonia Acuno, via Ira:

It appears that the current layout for the datahub does not work in IE7, which would mean a problem for us as most gov uses it and is one of those we have to support...any views?

Tested in several gov departments computers, so a common enough issue.

From Rufus: We haven't officially supported IE7 so far but can put engineering effort into this if absolutely needed. I note that IE 7 is now 3y out of date and is likely a security risk. Obviously this is something to ask Antonio about.

#1786 fixed Relationships lost when editing package dread mirko.spasic@…

Reported by mirko.spasic@…, 2 years ago.


If I have a relationship between two packages, and then I edit any property of one of them (Author email, for example), the relationship will automatically be lost.

#1784 wontfix Links to renamed objects break seanh seanh

Reported by seanh, 2 years ago.


The HTML templates for some activity stream activities link to objects (packages, resources, etc.) by their names, e.g. /dataset/foo, but if the object has since been renamed then the link will be broken.

Possible solutions are to use the object ID to find its current name at rendering time and link to that, or link to the object by ID rather than by name.

Linking by ID is both simpler to implement and better. Links by ID are ugly, but they are permanent and don't break when an object is renamed. We should be using links by ID everywhere on CKAN, so that when third-party sites copy-paste our URLs and link to us, their links don't break later.

Fixing this means fixing the dataset_link(), resource_link(), group_link() etc. functions in ckan/lib/ which will change the links everywhere in CKAN where those functions are used to link to objects (which should be everywhere where we link to an object).

If we want to have nice looking by-name URLs and what them to be permanent, then we need to change CKAN so that objects cannot be renamed.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.