Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (631 - 633 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1725 fixed Tag autocompletion and commas don't mix dread dread

Reported by dread, 2 years ago.


If you use tag autocompletion, it automatically adds a comma after the tag. This is fine if you are going to add another tag, but not fine if it is the last one. If you don't manually remove the final comma than you get form validation error "Tag string: Tag "" length is less than minimum 2"

Affects only version 1.5.2a.

#1735 wontfix "Unsaved changes" warning briefly when you click "Save" zephod dread

Reported by dread, 2 years ago.


Super ticket #1744

If you edit a dataset, simply add a tag and click on "Save" then you get the message "You have unsaved changed. Make sure to click 'Save Changes' below before leaving this page." inserted whilst the submission takes place. (This is because the click moves focus away from the tag field). This (reasonably common) edge-case could usefully be squashed.

Also note typo: "unsaved changed"

#1783 fixed Locale change exception when unicode in URL dread dread

Reported by dread, 2 years ago.


If the current page URL has unicode in it (e.g. u'/tag/biocombust\xedveis') then I'm not sure how why it isn't more encoded, but we are seeing links such as which cause an exception when the foreign character is passed to ckan.lib.hash.get_message_hash().

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.