Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (979 - 981 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#715 fixed The group list page shall show the group title *or* group name rgrp johnbywater

Reported by johnbywater, 4 years ago.


Symptom #1: Groups without titles don't get a clickable link, because there is no text. Defaulting to the group name would solve this trouble. Symptom #2: Package groups drop-down list show's 'None' when a group doesn't have a title.

Therefore, we need to centralize presentation of group title, so it defers to group name. And we need tests.

Also please sort groups by title on group list page.

#736 fixed URL validation for CSW and WMS links amercader johnbywater

Reported by johnbywater, 4 years ago.


Robust against slightly incorrect URLs (e.g. with trailing slash, or without /csw), and non-CWS service which also return <ows:ExceptionReport ... />.

Both cases would be resolved by checking capabilities (with CswClient's check_get_capabilities() method).

#738 fixed Store revisions of harvested documents kindly johnbywater
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