Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (1090 - 1092 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2752 fixed Navigation highlight missing toby ross

Reported by ross, 22 months ago.


When navigating to on the demo server, the Group link in the navbar is not highlighted in the same was as the other links are when visiting those pages.

#1742 fixed Naming of a new package/group can clash with a route ross ross

Reported by ross, 2 years ago.


It is possible to create a group or a dataset called new, or edit, which will then be inaccessible as it is blocked by the existing routes with those names.

We should maintain a list of invalid names in the verification that happens behind the scenes in the UI.

#466 wontfix Name of HTTP header for API key shall be configurable dread johnbywater
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