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Results (1489 - 1491 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2950 fixed paster command to minify javascript and css icmurray

Reported by icmurray, 19 months ago.


With the latest template, css and js changes in 2.0, there are a number of things that need preparation prior to a production deployment. One of these is:

  • the fanstatic_resources defined in ckan/lib/ (bottom of module) should be prepared, and minified.

This ticket is to:

  • provide a paster command which when run will generate the minified javascript as css files.
  • stop the auto-minification of files when CKAN starts up.
  • remove reference to the minified files in the .gitignore file.
  • add instruction to the release process to run this command, and check-in the minified files to the repo.

## Background

Currently, minification works seamlessly without the need for any preparation when CKAN is started in a development setup. But on a production site, the webserver will (almost certainly) not have write-access to the directories that will contain the minified files. And so the minification will fail, and the site will end up serving the un-minified media, or even *old* minified media.

One way around this would be to allow webserver write access to the directory its serving out of. But this is not generally considered good practice.

Another method would be to distribute the minified files with CKAN. This ticket describes how to do this without causing a lot of noise in the commit history of the repo.

The auto-minifcation occurs when importing ckan/lib/

## Changing the process slightly

The reason for moving away from auto-minifying files at start-up, to minifying files when running a paster command is:

  • we should be distributing the minified files when we make a release (as we do with translation files). This makes it easier to install CKAN from source.
  • if we distribute the minified files, then they need to be checked-in to the repo.
  • if they are auto-minified, whenever small changes are made, then this will create a lot of noise in the repo. It will be clearer to have the minified-files generated manually as part of the release process. (Or whever we make a deployment internally).
#920 fixed empty tags are kind of confusing thejimmyg hellmann@…

Reported by hellmann@…, 3 years ago.

Description doesn't have a single entry, but is still kept and displayed.

It should be purged !!!

#377 wontfix API Should return JSON in all cases glen@…

Reported by glen@…, 4 years ago.


When the API returns any response it should always retunr JSON. For example a 404 response should return something like

{'status': 404, 'message': 'package somename not found'}

When errors are encountered when creating a package:

{'status': nnn, 'message': 'Validation Errors', 'errors':['description':'name cannot be
blank', 'description':'license code must be an integer']}

Not authorised:

{'status': 503, 'message': 'You are not authorised to create this package.'}

The reason being that screeds of html coming back in the response just makes it harder to debug and understand. Having the proper error codes/messages means that you can see why your package was not created.

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