Custom Query (2152 matches)
Results (1615 - 1617 of 2152)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#906 | fixed | Ability to search without accents for accented words | thejimmyg | Stiivi |
Description |
In Slovakia users are expecting from sites to be able to search without typing accents, for example if they do not have SK keyboard, just US. For example searching for: 'Obyvateľstvo' and 'obyvatelstvo' (population) or 'štatistika' and 'statistika' (statistics) should yield same results. This should work the other way around as well, as some people might enter entries without accents into CKAN instance and others might search with accents. For SK language simple ASCII transliteration for searched term and indexed words is sufficient (iconv ASCIITRANSLIT). |
#920 | fixed | empty tags are kind of confusing | thejimmyg | hellmann@… |
Description | doesn't have a single entry, but is still kept and displayed. It should be purged !!! |
#941 | wontfix | Submit apps or ideas for apps related to datasets (extension) | thejimmyg | rgrp |
Description |
The basic purpose of this extension is provide a way to record 'apps' (applications) that relate to datasets in CKAN. Both existing apps and ideas for apps should be permitted. |