Custom Query (2152 matches)
Results (1621 - 1623 of 2152)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#1708 | fixed | SOLR configuration lost | dread | dread |
Description |
The SOLR url, user and password defined in the CKAN config file are ignored and the default SOLR url is used. This causes:
To reproduceThis bug is only visible if your SOLR instance is not at the default place. To quickly reproduce this problem, setup your machine as a SOLR multicore instance and run: "paster db clean && paster create-test-data && paster serve development.ini". It quits with the error: "solr.core.SolrException?: HTTP code=400, reason=Missing solr core name in path" Code affected
#1709 | fixed | Simple_search fails with all packages | dread | dread |
Description |
The home page always shows the total number of packages as 0, because the query is '*:*' and SQL search doesn't know how to handle it. Also, simple_search configuration is not documented. Also, no tests for sql search. |
#1710 | fixed | 'Announce' email list for thedatahub | dread | dread |
Description |
We want to make email announcements to users of The most simple way to do this is to get a dump of the email addresses and subscribe/invite them to a mailman list. Different ways to do it:
Something more advanced in the future could be: