Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (1942 - 1944 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1659 fixed Cannot logout if CKAN mounted at non-root url dread dread

Reported by dread, 2 years ago.


If you set WSGIScriptAlias to mount CKAN at a URL other than / then you cannot logout without adjusting the OpenID logged_out_url to match in who.ini config. e.g.

[plugin:openid] ... logged_out_url = /sub/dir/user/logged_out

Note: all the other URLs in who.ini should not have the /sub/dir/ - it is just this one that doesn't take account of the mounting point.

The solution is to fix-up the repoze.who OpenID plugin to take account of the mounting point.

#1682 duplicate [super] Translatability for EC dread dread

Reported by dread, 2 years ago.


We need to be able to translate:

  • EC extension (templates, form)
    • Currently the pot file is just for CKAN core. New pot file for CKAN core and this extension? Or separate ones for extensions?
  • Field values in taxonomy (e.g. country names - Eurovoc)
    • #1665 Research into Eurovoc
    • Display Taxonomy in different languages
  • Field values not in taxonomy (e.g. title & description)
    • Use extra fields e.g. _i18n_title_fr = Le data.
    • (If lots of fields would need translating then would consider having a new package for each language, linked together with PackageRelationships?. But I think it is just title and description (resource description etc. are so minor, not worth translating?), so using extra field better.)

Timescale to complete this - Mar/Apr?.

Related work to interface with:

  • Eurovoc - Sean
  • i18n in search index - Adria
#1683 fixed Dataset search results - last item out of order dread dread

Reported by dread, 2 years ago.


On each page of package search results, all the items are neatly sorted apart from the last item of the page. SOLR gets the sorting of the results incorrect.

This is a known issue: affecting SOLR 1.4 only (which comes with Ubuntu 10.04)

It is highlighted in CKAN test ckan/tests/functional/ of commit 39096ed54bda86d043521b08b2e14fc5e283a0ff which fails most of the time it is run (passes intermittently).

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.