Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (2077 - 2079 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2693 fixed License is out of date seanh toby

Reported by toby, 22 months ago.

Description mentions requires/lucid_conflict.txt which is no longer the case for 1.8 and needs updating

not sure where requirements-testing/docs fit in

@sean I've assigned this to you as you changed the requirements and my plate is full feel free to pass on to someone else

#2694 fixed index page 500 error toby toby

Reported by toby, 22 months ago.


we need to have proper fix for this - not sure if there is some caching issue

this around the group search

#2710 fixed make the api_info.html not look like shit tobes toby

Reported by toby, 22 months ago.


you know the score

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