Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (232 - 234 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2577 fixed Dataproxy raises 500 when it can't get CSV ross ross

Reported by ross, 23 months ago.


When given a url parameter for a file it cannot fetch, the app raises a 500 instead of something useful.

Better error reporting in the JSON would be useful

#2576 fixed resource side box in dataset resource view broken aron.carroll toby

Reported by toby, 23 months ago.


assuming you have datahub data


also the breadcrumb becomes overly long too

#2575 fixed Licenses have i18n issues (was Inconsistent language on license dropdown) toby amercader

Reported by amercader, 23 months ago.


License titles at least for some of them need translating. This wants to be done in a more efficient and simple manner than currently exists.

the original problem was:

The license dropdown on the dataset form shows titles in Swedish by default. Changing the language seems to default to English, but after refreshing the page a couple of times it shows a wrong language again.

Thanks to pudo for reporting.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.