Custom Query (2152 matches)
Results (238 - 240 of 2152)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#203 | fixed | show package counts for groups in WUI | dread | dread |
Description |
In two places in the WUI
Cost: 1h |
#204 | fixed | Custom package input form | dread | dread |
Description |
As aadmin I want toinput government data in a constrained way so thatyou get consistency in the db which is easily searched, discovered and automatically linked. implementationForm has fields suitable for government data. (related to custom excel importer ticket) In pylons config specify the form schema to use - whether the existing one or the government one. On submission, during validation, warn if a field isn't completed (unless it's optional - agency, maintainer, maintainer_email) Simple fields
Date fieldsDate format: machine readable. Can be specific or vague: year or month/year or day/month/year.
Strict selectionDrop down combo
Selection or free textEditable combo
Specialised fields
(Idea for future version: Select the most relevant one from a choice of OS hierarchical geographic IDs in the UK. Stored in the database as the RDF URI. Question - what to do beyond the UK?)
Field data processed
Future - optionalEach form schemas is made available (or not) in the pylons config, along with the default schema for new packages. If there is more than just the 'basic' schema available then the 'new package' form has at the top a drop-down to select the schema with a 'switch' button. This submits the form's current data and parameter schema=xyz and the form arrives back populated with the existing options. No data should be lost switching views. When you edit a package it detects the schema based on the extra fields that are present. |
#205 | wontfix | Custom package importer | rgrp | dread |
Description |
Importer function is exposed to logged in users. Alongside specifying file to import, user chooses between 'form schemas' - 'basic' and 'government'.
All fields should be in step with the government custom input form. For fields which have suggested values but the user can input his own value, this is achieved in the spreadsheet with two columns - the first being a drop-down and the second free text. Estimate: |