Ticket #205 (closed enhancement: wontfix)

Opened 4 years ago

Last modified 3 years ago

Custom package importer

Reported by: dread Owned by: rgrp
Priority: awaiting triage Milestone:
Component: ckan Keywords:
Cc: Repository:


Importer function is exposed to logged in users.

Alongside specifying file to import, user chooses between 'form schemas' - 'basic' and 'government'.

  • Basic is as it is currently
  • Government form has pre-defined Extra fields, careful validation of lots of fields, code formats/processes some field data for storage. e.g. searching for tag keywords.

All fields should be in step with the government custom input form.

For fields which have suggested values but the user can input his own value, this is achieved in the spreadsheet with two columns - the first being a drop-down and the second free text.


Change History

comment:1 Changed 3 years ago by rgrp

  • Status changed from new to closed
  • Resolution set to wontfix

wontfix as:

  1. Easier to just to an import from google docs for which we have several importer examples in ckanclient
  2. (More important) importing is something that is quite bespoke (changes for each cirumstance). As a result pre-written importers tend to be very fragile and it is not a good use of time to try and some customizable WUI one when you can just write a custom importer in code (code is much more flexible than whatever we can write!)
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