Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (283 - 285 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2501 fixed Implement three step dataset creation in demo site toby aron.carroll

Reported by aron.carroll, 2 years ago.


New form should allow three steps.

  1. Add basic fields to create a dataset
  2. Add a data resource to the dataset (this can be repeated multiple times using "Save and add another"
  3. Add final metadata to the dataset.

It should be possible to jump backward through the steps by clicking the arrows at the top. Errors in fields should be validated for each step when the next button is clicked.


#2500 fixed get_action should raise an exception if the action requested doesn't exist ross icmurray

Reported by icmurray, 2 years ago.


Original bug report:

Hi CKAN devs,

Can I request that ckan.logic.get_action raises an exception if the action requested doesn't exist?

Two of us had a frustrating time tracking down an exception this morning. It's difficult when the exception is raised in python in a template because you don't get a line number. The problem was caused by a new logic function being added to another extension, and we hadn't updated the code there. So if get_action raised an proper exception rather than silently returning None then I think we'd have found the problem quicker.

I'd write the code for this, but as I understand that the new system would require a ticket, branch, pull request, code review, merge. It seems a lot to do for such a small thing.


#2498 fixed on loggin redirect to requested page toby toby
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