{2} Active Tickets by Version (495 matches)

This report shows how to color results by priority, while grouping results by version.

Last modification time, description and reporter are included as hidden fields for useful RSS export.

Results (401 - 495 of 495)

1 2 3 4 5
Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#2861 Add qa breadcrumb ckan enhancement toby new 08/16/12
#2862 Revised revised groups description ckan enhancement toby new 08/16/12
#2870 1.8 tag_list not defined ckan enhancement seanh new 08/16/12
#2874 Clean up bin directory ckan enhancement rgrp assigned 08/17/12
#2877 Bugs with datastore v2 ckan enhancement kindly assigned 08/18/12
#2883 Add high level dev overview to 'For CKAN Developers' section of docs ckan enhancement new 08/21/12
#2885 Labels (editor, admin) not translated in authorization pages for datasets or groups ckan enhancement new 08/22/12
#2886 Configurable related items ckan enhancement new 08/22/12
#2888 Datapreview in Iframe ckan enhancement new 08/23/12
#2889 Support JSON values in extras, when returning JSON from API ckan enhancement new 08/24/12
#2890 Collect data previews and data store docs in one chapter ckan enhancement new 08/28/12
#2895 QA pages (e.g. broken resource links) are not paginated ckan enhancement new 08/28/12
#2899 Step 2 > Save & add another bug ckan enhancement new 08/30/12
#2902 genshi is used in Group controller ckan enhancement new 09/04/12
#2904 Show more formats/groups/tags shouldn't display if there aren't more ckan enhancement new 09/05/12
#2905 Add dataset URL key behaviour ckan enhancement new 09/05/12
#2908 Dataset related with image should retain aspect ratio ckan enhancement new 09/06/12
#2909 User profile headers are a bit weird ckan enhancement new 09/06/12
#2910 User listings are not very compelling ckan enhancement new 09/06/12
#2911 Internal documentation of Organization Groups ckan enhancement new 09/06/12
#2917 Organization admins can delete themselves ckan enhancement johnmartin new 09/12/12
#2926 I*Form tests for per-type templates ckan enhancement new 09/13/12
#2927 Test new package/group/organization type URLs support ckan enhancement new 09/13/12
#2928 Run CKAN tests with example_i*form extensions enabled ckan enhancement new 09/13/12
#2929 Remove is_fallback() from I*Form extension interfaces? ckan enhancement new 09/13/12
#2931 Better docstring for app_globals.py ckan enhancement new 09/17/12
#2932 Add docstring to system_info.py ckan enhancement new 09/17/12
#2933 Update theming docs ckan enhancement new 09/17/12
#2934 Webtests for CKAN ckan enhancement new 09/18/12
#2938 Explain bundling in doc/resources.rst ckan enhancement Toby new 09/24/12
#2939 Orgs are groups ckan enhancement toby new 09/25/12
#2943 Chrome does not resize preview ckan enhancement new 10/01/12
#2944 Recline preview does not work in Opera ckan enhancement new 10/01/12
#2945 Pdf preview does not load in IE ckan enhancement new 10/01/12
#2948 Negative range breaks datastore backend ckan enhancement new 10/01/12
#2956 Allow for resource editing in CKAN 2.0 ckan enhancement shevski assigned 10/03/12
#2961 Preview plugin endpoint ckan enhancement dominik assigned 10/08/12
#2962 Search across multiple ckan instances ckan enhancement new 10/08/12
#2966 'Add' button text is wrong when editing organization members ckan enhancement new 10/15/12
#2971 "Are ytou sure you want to delete this member?" should say which member ckan enhancement new 10/15/12
#2972 Remove any imports of authz.py and delete file ckan enhancement new 10/15/12
#2973 Move new_authz.py into logic/auth/__init__.py ckan enhancement new 10/15/12
#2974 General of all auth functions ckan enhancement new 10/15/12
#2975 Tests for auth functions and new actions ckan enhancement new 10/15/12
#2976 Polish group and organization member pages ckan enhancement new 10/15/12
#2977 Fix user autocomplete on group and organization member pages ckan enhancement new 10/15/12
#2978 Tests for permissions for organizations and groups ckan enhancement new 10/15/12
#2979 Requesting membership to groups and organizations ckan enhancement new 10/15/12
#2988 UI functional tests for CKAN 2.0 ckan enhancement new 10/15/12
#2989 "Add dataset to organization" should auto-select the organization ckan enhancement new 10/15/12
#2990 Fix descriptions of groups and organizations on /groups and /organizations pages ckan enhancement new 10/15/12
#2991 Add blocks to header.html template ckan enhancement new 10/16/12
#2992 Delete resource should send me back to edit dataset page ckan enhancement new 10/16/12
#2994 Add dataset and user popovers throughout the site ckan enhancement new 10/17/12
#2995 Popovers for resources, groups, organizations, tags... ckan enhancement new 10/17/12
#2997 Add activity streams to dataset pages ckan enhancement new 10/17/12
#2998 Add activity streams to group pages ckan enhancement new 10/17/12
#2999 Add activity streams to organization pages ckan enhancement new 10/17/12
#3000 Add number of followers to dataset pages ckan enhancement new 10/17/12
#3003 New pg databases should be created with UTF8 encoding rather than system default ckan enhancement new 10/19/12
#3005 Add following/unfollowing of groups: model, API, frontend, tests ckan enhancement seanh new 10/23/12
#3006 Update translations from Transifex ckan enhancement new 10/29/12
#3007 Adding a dataset creates multiple activities ckan enhancement new 10/29/12
#3010 Pin images don't appear in data explorer ckan enhancement new 10/31/12
#3012 data.gov auth ckan enhancement toby new 11/08/12
#3016 CKAN 2.0 template tweaks ckan enhancement johnmartin new 11/13/12
#3018 Load more in activity streams ckan enhancement johnmartin new 11/14/12
#3020 Update CKAN coding standards ckan enhancement new 11/16/12
#3021 Logout doesn't work without JS ckan enhancement johnmartin accepted 11/20/12
#3023 New methods on IPackageController to provide access to the data_dict ckan enhancement amercader new 11/22/12
#3025 Add requests to core requirements ckan enhancement amercader new 11/27/12
#3027 solr for 2.0 ckan enhancement kindly new 12/04/12
#3028 Feature: dashboard activity stream filtering ckan enhancement seanh new 12/10/12
#3030 clean up helper functions ckan enhancement new 12/18/12
#1800 Tidy up *_list() and *_search() functions in ckan/logic/action/get.py ckan refactor new 02/16/12
#2915 Refactor form_to_db_schema_options() ckan refactor new 09/12/12
#2981 Remove config from jinja templates ckan refactor new 10/15/12
#2982 Move functionality from controllers into template helpers ckan refactor new 10/15/12
#2983 Refactor lib/base.py to remove circular import issues ckan refactor new 10/15/12
#2984 Auto-populate context with user, model, session, etc. ckan refactor new 10/15/12
#2985 Make lib/helpers.py more template-specific ckan refactor new 10/15/12
#2986 Make lib/base.py more like it was originally intended ckan refactor new 10/15/12
#2987 Remove all direct calls to logic action and auth functions ckan refactor new 10/15/12
#653 Trackback links for packages ckan requirement new 09/21/10
#818 Rethinking the author and maintainer fields ckan requirement new 11/17/10
#1273 Create docs for API v3 ckan requirement new 08/15/11
#2546 ODS Managing homepage content ckan requirement assigned 06/18/12
#1384 CKAN wiki needs updating to refer to thedatahub.org instead of ckan.net and datasets instead of packages ckan task rgrp new 10/12/11
#1815 Reenable Sparql endpoint on publicdata.eu pdeu task amercader new 02/20/12
#2382 Investigate options for basic geocoding ckan task amercader new 05/14/12
#2957 New datastore on postgres prior to 9.0 ckan task new 10/03/12
#2960 Private datasets are not private ckan task new 10/08/12
#2362 Improve plugin documentaion, including examples. ckan enhancement toby accepted 05/01/12
#2550 User types ckan enhancement icmurray assigned 06/18/12
#2867 1.8 url_for error ckan enhancement new 08/16/12
1 2 3 4 5
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