{22} Trac tickets (2647 matches)

Results (2601 - 2647 of 2647)

Id Type Owner Reporter Milestone Status Resolution Summary Description Posixtime Modifiedtime
#1664 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-future closed fixed Smarter group activity streams

We already have simple activity streams for groups that have new group or group updated events (see #1631). Smarter/more useful group activity streams would also contain the events for things related to the group: users, datasets, other groups, etc.

This should just mean using a more complex SQL query in the group_activity_list() logic function.

Things might get tricky when a user or dataset joins a group, this may show up as two events (the user or dataset was modified, and the group was modified). We may want to have two separate events for this (one to go in the user or dataset activity stream and one for the group), or maybe we just want one 'user/dataset joined group' event.

1326795654000000 1351863437000000
#2631 enhancement johnmartin aron.carroll demo phase 5 closed fixed Style activity stream in user profile 1341826342000000 1352205778000000
#2658 enhancement johnmartin aron.carroll demo phase 5 closed invalid On Demo change 'Groups' to 'Publishers' everywhere

Can we do this as a localisation?

1342008495000000 1352205894000000
#2676 enhancement johnmartin shevski demo phase 5 closed fixed no way to browse through related items on dataset page

Need to add JS (presumably?) to the related app box on dataset page: http://s031.okserver.org:2375/dataset/gold-prices to allow user to scroll through when multiple related items exist

1342435678000000 1352205920000000
#2704 enhancement johnmartin shevski demo phase 5 closed fixed add list of resources to edit dataset page sidebar

when editing a dataset (e.g. here: http://s031.okserver.org:2375/en/dataset/edit/afghanistan-election-data) add sidebar list of resources for user to click & browse through taking you to the relevant resource edit pages

1342620986000000 1352205939000000
#2705 enhancement johnmartin shevski demo phase 5 closed fixed add link to edit dataset page from edit review page

e.g. on http://s031.okserver.org:2375/en/dataset/afghanistan-election-data/resource_edit/f6331f99-51f6-44d9-95b9-b20f3b74f360

& ensure consistant with sidebar of edit dataset page

1342621122000000 1352205954000000
#2711 enhancement johnmartin toby demo phase 5 closed fixed bin/less dies for toby

it would be nice if this didn't fall over when the dir is removed maybe a linux only issue?

1342631508000000 1352205968000000
#2741 enhancement johnmartin toby demo phase 4 closed fixed admin index styling


you need to be an admin

paster sysadmin add <username> -c dev.ini

we need to get links to other admin pages etc - I think this will want to be flexible so extensions can add extra links etc - but that can come later

1343124308000000 1352205988000000
#2806 enhancement johnmartin shevski demo phase 4 closed fixed way to read full group description

e.g. currently no way to read full description for the 'data explorer examples' group here:http://s031.okserver.org:2375/group/data-explorer

Can we add a 'read more' link that expands and contracts the sidebar box or similar?

1344254292000000 1352206005000000
#2742 enhancement johnmartin toby demo phase 5 closed fixed admin authz styling


you need to be an admin

paster sysadmin add <username> -c dev.ini

like #2741 we need other admin links

you may want to make the inputs use your form macros - I've just done a basic port

also we will need to get all the tables done but looks like we need to get auth groups working for that

1343124423000000 1352206081000000
#2714 defect johnmartin shevski demo phase 5 closed fixed XLS preview not working

see http://demo.ckan.org/dataset/vif-2012-population-totals/resource/e7b8401a-c410-4902-9e5a-6dbd78834873

what XLS previews do we support?

1342706454000000 1352206138000000
#2616 enhancement johnmartin aron.carroll demo phase 5 closed invalid Improve display of split stages in demo

Currently stages of the same colour blur together, these could do with a nice divider.

1340875108000000 1352206282000000
#2907 enhancement johnmartin johnmartin demo phase 5 closed fixed Demo header

The user login / avatar with in the header really should be within another topbar, as it goes against convention to have the user information within the normal header.

1346930925000000 1352206307000000
#2562 enhancement johnmartin aron.carroll demo phase 5 closed invalid Demo theme tag improvements

Tags should be implemented in two sections.

  • Custom predefined tags using vocabularies
  • Provide suggestions, auto completion then fallback to free text
1340035714000000 1352206599000000
#2471 enhancement johnmartin ross closed invalid ckan.org bug

If you go to http://ckan.org/features/geospatial/ there is a problem with the pop up tag shown (and zoomed in) - missing status and description.

1338229749000000 1352206679000000
#2903 enhancement johnmartin johnmartin demo phase 5 closed wontfix Two search boxes

I think the architecture on the search page is a bit odd. Not sure I like that there is a doubling up of the search box (e.g. one in the header and one in the body of the search results page)

Needs some thought

1346853712000000 1352206813000000
#3011 enhancement johnglover johnglover ckan 2.0 new Recline fixes and updates for CKAN 2.0

Fixes and updates to Recline / Datapreview for CKAN 2.0.

1352288455000000 1352288455000000
#3012 enhancement toby toby new data.gov auth 1352393409000000 1352393409000000
#3013 defect dominik dominik new common-error-messages is unreadable

Since the update of the doc theme, the page became unreadable.


1352553505000000 1352553505000000
#2446 enhancement johnmartin aron.carroll demo phase 4 assigned Create demo dataset history/comparison page

This is a low priority for the demo site.





1338210738000000 1352658819000000
#2641 enhancement johnmartin amercader demo phase 5 assigned Adapt spatial widgets to new theme

Dataset extent map and spatial filter need to adapted to the new theme, as they are not showing up now

1341846147000000 1352658854000000
#2457 enhancement johnmartin aron.carroll demo phase 4 assigned Create demo tags list page

This includes the tag page as well for now.





1338211735000000 1352658878000000
#2451 enhancement johnmartin aron.carroll demo phase 5 assigned Create demo user list page





1338211213000000 1352658902000000
#3014 defect seanh ckan 2.0 new Crash when deleting a non-empty vocabulary

From Knud Möller:

when I try to delete a non-empty tag vocabulary via the API (through HTTP), I get an internal server error. Checking the logs, this turns out to be a consistency error raised by sqlalchemy:

Error - <class 'sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError?'>: (IntegrityError?) update or delete on table "vocabulary" violates foreign key constraint "tag_vocabulary_id_fkey" on table "tag" DETAIL: Key (id)=(21421955-7560-467c-af30-9f790b73e6ae) is still referenced from table "tag".

'DELETE FROM vocabulary WHERE vocabulary.id = %(id)s' {'id': u'21421955-7560-467c-af30-9f790b73e6ae'}


The error makes sense, but I'm wondering if it would be useful to extend the API to also allow the deletion of non-empty vocabularies, possibly via a parameter (not sure what best practice in API design is). At the very least, it would be cool if the error message coming back in the response had more information in it.

1352803808000000 1352803808000000
#3016 enhancement johnmartin johnmartin ckan 2.0 new CKAN 2.0 template tweaks

Just a ticket to keep track of a few suggested template changes.

1352813417000000 1352813417000000
#3017 enhancement johnglover johnglover ckan 2.0 new New stable branch for the demo server 1352819088000000 1352819088000000
#3019 defect seanh ckan 2.0 new Cannot delete dataset extras

Deleting extras in the web interface is broken

1352918678000000 1352918678000000
#3020 enhancement seanh new Update CKAN coding standards 1353096711000000 1353096711000000
#3015 enhancement johnmartin johnmartin ckan 2.0 closed invalid Dropdowns don't work without JavaScript

Essentially the default bootstrap dropdowns don't work properly without JavaScript? which is a little bit of an issue with JS not working.

1352805553000000 1353410072000000
#3021 enhancement johnmartin johnmartin accepted Logout doesn't work without JS

Essentially, the functionality should be as follows:

  • Add logout link that has .js-hide attached to it within the header that isn't hidden within a dropdown

See http://plus.google.com/ (when logged in) with and without JS to see an example of the actual sign-out working without JS

1353410350000000 1353411968000000
#3023 enhancement amercader amercader new New methods on IPackageController to provide access to the data_dict

Extension hooking into the edit and create methods of the IPackageController interface receive the package object. This may not include all the fields that came from the form. The new extension points will pass the validated data_dict so extensions can have access to it

1353603657000000 1353603657000000
#3009 enhancement seanh seanh ckan 2.0 closed fixed On-site notification of new dashboard activity

We want a "bubble" with a number in it to appear in the top-right of the site next to your user name when you're logged in, telling you how many new activity stream items you have in your dashboard activity stream.

There's a github issue for this here:


1351615762000000 1353949938000000
#3025 enhancement amercader amercader new Add requests to core requirements

Because yes please

1354052124000000 1354052124000000
#3026 enhancement amercader amercader new Support icons on nav_named_link

nav_named_link won't include the nice icon even when passing the icon keyword param.

1354301516000000 1354301516000000
#3027 enhancement kindly kindly new solr for 2.0

change mm support solr 3 and 4 add *_date field

1354587729000000 1354587729000000
#3018 enhancement johnmartin johnmartin ckan 2.0 new Load more in activity streams

Activity streams should be able to load more than 15 items within them. Suggest the default amount of loading is around 30 and then click to load more.

1352900051000000 1355140950000000
#1746 enhancement seanh ckan-backlog closed wontfix Activity streams pagination

Currently user, package and group activity streams only return the most recent 15 activities, even though all activities are kept in the db. Do we want to add pagination - to both the API and the HTML pages - to support retrieving older activities?

1328446488000000 1355141062000000
#3024 enhancement seanh closed fixed Add activity stream tab to dataset read page 1353949986000000 1355141087000000
#3008 enhancement seanh ckan 2.0 closed fixed Add tests for dashboard activity stream auth

We need to test that only logged in users can see their own dashboard activity streams, and they can only see their own dashboard activity streams not those of other users.

1351600860000000 1355141103000000
#1635 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-backlog new Email notifications (e.g. for activity streams)

CKAN should be able to send email notifications to users.

Maybe have a notifications table in the db, and a server-side job that runs periodically and consumes rows from this table, mailing them to the users.

One thing that we may want to send users notifications of is activity stream events. So the activity streams code would have to add rows to the notifications table for the mailer job to consume. But remember that email notifications feature is separate from activity streams - we may want to send notifications of other things as well.

Need to implement (at least some of) #1634 before this can be implemented, in order to have something to send notifications about.

Analysis here: http://ckan.okfnpad.org/27

1326304587000000 1355141157000000
#3028 enhancement seanh seanh ckan 2.0 new Feature: dashboard activity stream filtering


1355141244000000 1355141244000000
#3029 defect seanh dread assigned JSONP parameter scuppers Search in API

http://datahub.io/api/2/search/package?jsonp=jsonpcallback&q=canada returns

{"count": 0, "results": []}

I believe this worked in CKAN 1.4 or 1.5, but it is broken on 1.7.1, 1.8 and whatever demo.ckan.org is running. I suspect the jsonpcallback parameter is getting sent to SOLR.

This bug prevents using javascript on another site to search CKAN (although hopefully the action API would work).

1355238035000000 1355243824000000
#3030 enhancement toby new clean up helper functions 1355834038000000 1355834038000000
#2331 defect kindly rgrp ckan-sprint-2012-05-29 reopened Search should AND terms not OR terms

Appears current default search in CKAN ORs terms rather than ANDing them (i.e. adding more terms increasing number of items found rather than reducing it).

Not sure when this crept in or if it has been there for a long time.

1335637485000000 1356474344000000
#3022 defect amercader amercader ckan 2.0 closed fixed setup_template_variables method of IDatasetForm never called

On the package controller the package_type is not passed to the lookup function, so the setup_template_variables defined on the extensions is never called

1353602743000000 1358254781000000
#2930 defect seanh ckan-v1.8.1 closed fixed convert_from_extras() returns qupted strings from API

Use an IGroupForm plugin to add a custom metadata field to groups using convert_to_extras() and convert_from_extras(), when calling group show the value comes back quoted, e.g. '"my_value"'

Should add tests to example_igroupform and others that setting and getting the custom fields works through the action API.

1347639864000000 1361988592000000
#3004 defect seanh ckan 2.0 closed fixed ImportError: No module named polib

This is happening whenever people try to run paster commands. polib should only be needed for the check-po-files command don't import otherwise.

1350907790000000 1361988802000000
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