{22} Trac tickets (2647 matches)

Results (101 - 200 of 2647)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Id Type Owner Reporter Milestone Status Resolution Summary Description Posixtime Modifiedtime
#316 defect rgrp dread closed fixed Search URL escaping

If you search for unescaped characters such as '`' (backtick) in the URL in Chrome then you get a 500 error.

e.g. http://www.ckan.net/package/search?q=fjdkf2B%C2%B4gfhgfkgf{gpk fjdkf2B´gfhgfkgf{gpk

returns this exception:

URL: http://www.ckan.net/package/search?q=fjdkf%2B%C2%B4gfhgfkgf%7Bg%C2%B4pk&search=Search+Packages+%C2%BB
Module weberror.errormiddleware:162 in __call__
<<              __traceback_supplement__ = Supplement, self, environ
                   sr_checker = ResponseStartChecker(start_response)
                   app_iter = self.application(environ, sr_checker)
                   return self.make_catching_iter(app_iter, environ, sr_checker)
>>  app_iter = self.application(environ, sr_checker)
Module repoze.who.middleware:107 in __call__
<<          wrapper = StartResponseWrapper(start_response)
               app_iter = app(environ, wrapper.wrap_start_response)
               # The challenge decider almost(?) always needs information from the
>>  app_iter = app(environ, wrapper.wrap_start_response)
Module beaker.middleware:73 in __call__
<<                                                     self.cache_manager)
               environ[self.environ_key] = self.cache_manager
               return self.app(environ, start_response)
>>  return self.app(environ, start_response)
Module beaker.middleware:152 in __call__
<<                          headers.append(('Set-cookie', cookie))
                   return start_response(status, headers, exc_info)
               return self.wrap_app(environ, session_start_response)
           def _get_session(self):
>>  return self.wrap_app(environ, session_start_response)
Module routes.middleware:130 in __call__
<<                  environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] = environ['SCRIPT_NAME'][:-1]
               response = self.app(environ, start_response)
               # Wrapped in try as in rare cases the attribute will be gone already
>>  response = self.app(environ, start_response)
Module pylons.wsgiapp:125 in __call__
               controller = self.resolve(environ, start_response)
               response = self.dispatch(controller, environ, start_response)
               if 'paste.testing_variables' in environ and hasattr(response,
>>  response = self.dispatch(controller, environ, start_response)
Module pylons.wsgiapp:324 in dispatch
<<          if log_debug:
                   log.debug("Calling controller class with WSGI interface")
               return controller(environ, start_response)
           def load_test_env(self, environ):
>>  return controller(environ, start_response)
Module ckan.lib.base:50 in __call__
<<          # available in environ['pylons.routes_dict']
                   return WSGIController.__call__(self, environ, start_response)
>>  return WSGIController.__call__(self, environ, start_response)
Module pylons.controllers.core:221 in __call__
<<                  return response(environ, self.start_response)
               response = self._dispatch_call()
               if not start_response_called:
                   self.start_response = start_response
>>  response = self._dispatch_call()
Module pylons.controllers.core:172 in _dispatch_call
<<              req.environ['pylons.action_method'] = func
                   response = self._inspect_call(func)
                   if log_debug:
>>  response = self._inspect_call(func)
Module pylons.controllers.core:107 in _inspect_call
<<                        func.__name__, args)
                   result = self._perform_call(func, args)
               except HTTPException, httpe:
                   if log_debug:
>>  result = self._perform_call(func, args)
Module pylons.controllers.core:60 in _perform_call
<<          """Hide the traceback for everything above this method"""
               __traceback_hide__ = 'before_and_this'
               return func(**args)
           def _inspect_call(self, func):
>>  return func(**args)
Module ckan.controllers.package:52 in search
<<                  collection=query,
                       page=request.params.get('page', 1),
                   # filter out ranks from the query result
>>  items_per_page=50
Module webhelpers.paginate:333 in __init__
<<              self.item_count = item_count
                   self.item_count = len(self.collection)
               # Compute the number of the first and last available page
>>  self.item_count = len(self.collection)
Module webhelpers.paginate:204 in __len__
<<      def __len__(self):
               return self.obj.count()
       # Since the items on a page are mainly a list we subclass the "list" type
>>  return self.obj.count()
Module sqlalchemy.orm.query:1094 in count
<<              q = q.params(params)
               q = q._legacy_select_kwargs(**kwargs)
               return q._count()
           def _count(self):
>>  return q._count()
Module sqlalchemy.orm.query:1103 in _count
<<          """
               return self._col_aggregate(sql.literal_column('1'), sql.func.count, nested_cols=list(self.mapper.primary_key))
           def _col_aggregate(self, col, func, nested_cols=None):
>>  return self._col_aggregate(sql.literal_column('1'), sql.func.count, nested_cols=list(self.mapper.primary_key))
Module sqlalchemy.orm.query:1125 in _col_aggregate
<<          if self._autoflush and not self._populate_existing:
               return self.session.scalar(s, params=self._params, mapper=self.mapper)
           def compile(self):
>>  return self.session.scalar(s, params=self._params, mapper=self.mapper)
Module sqlalchemy.orm.session:635 in scalar
<<          engine = self.get_bind(mapper, clause=clause, instance=instance)
               return self.__connection(engine, close_with_result=True).scalar(clause, params or {})
           def close(self):
>>  return self.__connection(engine, close_with_result=True).scalar(clause, params or {})
Module sqlalchemy.engine.base:834 in scalar
<<          """
               return self.execute(object, *multiparams, **params).scalar()
           def statement_compiler(self, statement, **kwargs):
>>  return self.execute(object, *multiparams, **params).scalar()
Module sqlalchemy.engine.base:844 in execute
<<          for c in type(object).__mro__:
                   if c in Connection.executors:
                       return Connection.executors[c](self, object, multiparams, params)
                   raise exceptions.InvalidRequestError("Unexecutable object type: " + str(type(object)))
>>  return Connection.executors[c](self, object, multiparams, params)
Module sqlalchemy.engine.base:895 in execute_clauseelement
<<          else:
                   keys = None
               return self._execute_compiled(elem.compile(dialect=self.dialect, column_keys=keys, inline=len(params) > 1), distilled_params=params)
           def _execute_compiled(self, compiled, multiparams=None, params=None, distilled_params=None):
>>  return self._execute_compiled(elem.compile(dialect=self.dialect, column_keys=keys, inline=len(params) > 1), distilled_params=params)
Module sqlalchemy.engine.base:907 in _execute_compiled
<<          context.pre_execution()
>>  self.__execute_raw(context)
Module sqlalchemy.engine.base:916 in __execute_raw
<<              self._cursor_executemany(context.cursor, context.statement, context.parameters, context=context)
                   self._cursor_execute(context.cursor, context.statement, context.parameters[0], context=context)
           def _execute_ddl(self, ddl, params, multiparams):
>>  self._cursor_execute(context.cursor, context.statement, context.parameters[0], context=context)
Module sqlalchemy.engine.base:958 in _cursor_execute
<<              self.engine.logger.info(repr(parameters))
                   self.dialect.do_execute(cursor, statement, parameters, context=context)
               except Exception, e:
                   self._handle_dbapi_exception(e, statement, parameters, cursor)
>>  self.dialect.do_execute(cursor, statement, parameters, context=context)
Module sqlalchemy.engine.default:133 in do_execute
<<      def do_execute(self, cursor, statement, parameters, context=None):
               cursor.execute(statement, parameters)
           def is_disconnect(self, e):
>>  cursor.execute(statement, parameters)
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xb4' in position 6: ordinal not in range(128)
1274265928000000 1291831177000000
#319 defect dread dread closed fixed Local Authority license misnamed in migration script 18

Migration script 18 converts license "OKD Compliant::Local Authority Copyright with data.gov.uk rights" into "uklocalauthority-withrights" when it should be "localauth-withrights", according to the license service SoS 2. This causes clients difficulties looking it up.

1274349714000000 1274366882000000
#321 enhancement thejimmyg johnbywater closed duplicate Delegate authentication to Drupal

When CKAN is included in a Drupal front-end, CKAN edit pages are used in a slave-mode, such that authentication is delegated to the Drupal front-end user model.

The Drupal front-end shall have:

  1. Login page - fixed location, can authenticate users, on successful authentication sets auth cookie and redirects to HTTP_REFERER.
  1. Access control resource - fixed location, can authorise users, on receipt of valid auth cookie return message listing account details and permitted actions.
  1. Access denied page - fixed location, static resource, gently

indicates what has happened, and how to ask for permission.

The CKAN slave edit page shall:

  1. Try to detect a Drupal session key (passed as cookie or as request param).
  1. Redirect to Drupal login page if no session key.
  1. Check authorisation if session key is found.
  1. Redirect to access denied page if session key not authorised.
  1. Present the Package edit page.
  1. Reject unauthenticated or unauthorised edit submissions.
  1. Snag invalid edit submissions from authenticated and authorised users.
  1. Respond to valid edit submissions from authenticated and authorised users, by saving the new package state, and redirecting to Package read page in Drupal front-end.
1274705234000000 1291831399000000
#327 defect pudo pudo closed wontfix Create a web hook worker for CKAN

This will be useful as an example consumer of the new queue notifications (#325).

  • A user can register any URL to be notified upon an event.
  • Possible extensions: GET with ID only vs. POST with serialized object
  • E-Mail notifications are also hooks, essentially.

We need to have a UI module that allows for the hook CRUD and some feedback (e.g. non 200 status codes)

1274807361000000 1296467361000000
#330 defect dread dread closed fixed getdata/ons timezone not recognised on non-British servers

The python time module is supposed to recognise timezones such as 'UTC', 'GMT' and 'BST' using the %Z parameter. This works fine on British installs, but the buildbot (for example) gives this error:

DateConvertError?: Could not read date as ISO format "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z". Date provided: "Mon, 04 Jan 2010 09:30:00 BST"

It turns out that it only recognises local names of timezones.

The ONS import doesn't care much about timezone, so we should just ignore it, avoiding these problems.

1275300271000000 1275303122000000
#332 defect pudo rgrp closed fixed Autocomplete tag on click

During tag autocompletion, clicking on a suggested tag doesn't trigger completion in the text box.

1275302887000000 1280743320000000
#334 defect pudo dread closed fixed Wrong link for package feed icon

This is a problem with the package page e.g. http://ckan.net/package/open-election-data-project . The feed icon links to [1] and the text next to it "Subscribe" links to [2]. Surely these should be the same? The second link seems to right one to me.

1275407445000000 1280743667000000
#339 defect johnbywater closed fixed Remove download_url from package data format in API Version 2, but maintain the old data format in the old version of the interface (API Version 1) 1275901499000000 1278074705000000
#341 enhancement dread closed fixed Web UI accepts package IDs in URLs

(in the same way that we can refer to packages in the API by ID as well as name.)

As a

client of CKAN

I want to

link to a package page in the UI, referring to it by ID

1276162400000000 1277483030000000
#342 enhancement dread dread closed fixed JSONP parameter in API

As a

CKAN client using JQuery

I want to

call the CKAN API and instead of receiving back JSON I get JSONP. i.e. "%s(%s)" % (callback, json_content)

Suggested implementation

All API calls allow the JSONP 'callback' parameter to be specified in the request and this wraps the JSON response. See suggested patch to rest.py by Donovan Hide:



import re import unittest

def test_jsonp_callback():

response = self.app.get('/api/search/resource/?url=http://www.scraperwiki.com&callback=jsoncallback') match = re.match('jsoncallback\(.*\);',response) self.assertTrue(match)

response = self.app.get('/api/search/resource/?url=http://www.scraperwiki.com') match = re.match('jsoncallback\(.*\);',response) self.assertFalse(match)

I think the point needs to be made that JSONP only works for GET requests and not POST/PUT/DELETE, so there needs to be a check for that in the _finish_ok method.

(thanks to Donovan Hide for test)

1276166426000000 1276278485000000
#343 defect johnbywater dread closed fixed Packages referred by ID in API

When you do a Package Search or query a Package Relationship in the API version 2, the responses have relationships which refer to packages by name, not by ID.

1276180179000000 1278066420000000
#344 defect dread closed fixed REST Create package with incorrect format gives 500 error

PUT to /rest/api/package of {"name": "name", "resources": ["someurl.com/data"] } (i.e. resource is a string, not a dictionary) gives 500 error, when it should give a 400 error and helpful error message.


Module ckan.controllers.rest:154 in create
<<              if register == 'package' and not subregister:
                       fs = ckan.forms.get_standard_fieldset()
                       request_fa_dict = ckan.forms.edit_package_dict(ckan.forms.get_package_dict(fs=fs), request_data)
                       fs = fs.bind(model.Package, data=request_fa_dict, session=model.Session)
                   elif register == 'package' and subregister in model.PackageRelationship.get_all_types():
>>  request_fa_dict = ckan.forms.edit_package_dict(ckan.forms.get_package_dict(fs=fs), request_data)
Module ckan.forms.package_dict:88 in edit_package_dict
<<                      for res_dict in value:
                               res_dict_str = {}
                               for key, value in res_dict.items():
                                   res_dict_str[str(key)] = value
>>  for key, value in res_dict.items():
AttributeError: 'unicode' object has no attribute 'items'
1276341172000000 1277477712000000
#345 requirement dread johnbywater closed invalid metastable, stable & ultrastable branches shall be automatically built and tested 1276523083000000 1291831615000000
#347 enhancement johnbywater johnbywater closed fixed The system shall present the package edit form in an API 1276523692000000 1277820440000000
#348 enhancement johnbywater johnbywater closed fixed The system shall accept package edit form submissions in an API 1276523793000000 1277820496000000
#352 enhancement dread dread closed wontfix Package notification worker - sends XML-RPC

As an

external front-end

I want to

be notified (by XML-RPC) about package creations and updates.


  1. A message queue worker waits for package update notifications
  2. On reception, it constructs XML detailing the changes and PUSHes it to a configured URI.

Rather than turning the package fields into XML fields, the JSON dump of the list of package dictionaries will become a single XML parameter.

Config - in the CKAN config will be:

  • URI to callback to
  • API version to use (version 2 gives packages referred by ID not name)
1276597996000000 1286375870000000
#353 defect dread closed fixed SOLR search indexing

As a

SOLR instance

I want to

keep my search index of CKAN packages up-to-date


  • Using asynchronous event notifications
  • Running in a separate process to CKAN
1277123480000000 1280756399000000
#354 defect johnbywater johnbywater closed invalid Collect together requirements and top-level design for user/package 'groups'

Collect together requirements and top-level design for user/package 'groups': existing tickets, Rufus spec, Sean spec, meeting notes (dread) email, based on existing user authz stuff.


Do we add these into user-role table somehow or new table? To present this to team

1277131335000000 1282908983000000
#355 defect rgrp rgrp closed fixed Dashes versus underscores in package names

Sort out how we deal with dashes versus underscores in package names.

1277221996000000 1311177552000000
#357 defect johnbywater johnbywater closed fixed Fix API documentation, to correct misleading HTTP_AUTHORIZATION statement.

Sean Burlington wrote:

I recently came across a documentation issue


The key should be passed in the API request header: Header Example value HTTP_AUTHORIZATION fde34a3c-b716-4c39-8dc4-881ba115c6d4

But the header name is actually just 'AUTHORIZATION'

For example to set it in PHP

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('AUTHORIZATION: xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxx'));

1277459886000000 1277461466000000
#362 defect dread dread closed invalid Ratings should not be created with a GET


In the Web UI, when you rate a package it simply links to something like:


This creates a GET request.

This is bad because:

  • Search engine crawlers follow links to find pages, and in this case end up creating a rating (although we've got a robots.txt to try and avoid this)
  • There are occasions when we want to make a CKAN instance read-only, so we put a <LimitExcept? GET> Apache instruction in. But the database may still get written for these ratings.
  • Best practise for web requests is for GET to be a read-only request.
1278925451000000 1311176564000000
#365 enhancement dread dread closed fixed ResourceNotifications

If you change a resource then you not only get a PackageNotification?, but also a ResourceNofication?.

1279037411000000 1279300621000000
#367 enhancement dread dread closed fixed Notfication monitor

Runs on the commandline and prints out notifications.

1279303310000000 1279303693000000
#368 defect anonymous closed wontfix 500 Server error when creating package

I've just started writing the importer from cap.open.org.nz and was running an initial import of just the package name and titles. The packages were created however I received a 500 error in response:

"publish: New Zealand Coastline (new-zealand-coastline)" opening connection to nz.ckan.net... opened <- "POST /api/rest/package HTTP/1.1\r\nContent-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\nConnection: close\r\nAuthorization: 81179ade-fa4a-4632-9b89-3d0c98bfc8b8\r\nContent-Length: 64\r\nHost: nz.ckan.net\r\n\r\n" <- "{\"name\":\"new-zealand-coastline\",\"title\":\"New Zealand Coastline\"}" -> "HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error\r\n" -> "Date: Tue, 20 Jul 2010 10:20:35 GMT\r\n" -> "Server: Apache/2.2.9 (Debian) mod_wsgi/2.5 Python/2.5.2\r\n" -> "Vary: Accept-Encoding\r\n" -> "Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n" -> "Cache-Control: proxy-revalidate\r\n" -> "Content-Length: 640\r\n" -> "Connection: close\r\n" -> "\r\n" reading 640 bytes... -> "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-IETFDTD HTML 2.0EN\">\n<html><head>\n<title>500 Internal Server Error</title>\n</head><body>\n<h1>Internal Server Error</h1>\n<p>The server encountered an internal error or\nmisconfiguration and was unable to complete\nyour request.</p>\n<p>Please contact the server administrator,\n [no address given] and inform them of the time the error occurred,\nand anything you might have done that may have\ncaused the error.</p>\n<p>More information about this error may be available\nin the server error log.</p>\n<hr>\n<address>Apache/2.2.9 (Debian) mod_wsgi/2.5 Python/2.5.2 Server at nz.ckan.net Port 80</address>\n</body></html>\n" read 640 bytes Conn close

The server should not respond with a 500 error if the package was created.

1279622462000000 1291831811000000
#373 requirement dread johnbywater closed fixed Sort out gov daily script

Split various jobs up into separate scripts. Change ONS importer to run remotely. Run ONS remotely. Run dump locally.

Requested by DGU.

1279885887000000 1286376176000000
#381 defect johnbywater closed invalid Test defect

please ignore

1280345937000000 1294410466000000
#394 task johnbywater johnbywater closed duplicate Fix munin on DGU (?) 1280485351000000 1294407189000000
#396 task johnbywater johnbywater closed fixed Integrate Forms API into Drupal 1280854226000000 1282324934000000
#401 task pudo pudo closed fixed Provide base worker as queue consumer

We should create and document a basic queue consumer and task processor for CKAN. It will connect to the CKAN update queue, read messages and dispatch them to a consumer function (such as a downloader or an analysis app)

1281018724000000 1286189243000000
#403 requirement pudo closed fixed Create web service for OFS storage

Create a thin web service that will allow users to upload files to OFS on S3 without knowing S3 credentials. This could also provide static urls for all stored resources.

1281346110000000 1287392451000000
#407 requirement dread closed wontfix Link to Scraperwiki

As a

user browsing a CKAN package which has a resource in a bad format

I want to

be alerted to the possibility of scraping it on scraperwiki


This should be done in a CKAN extension. It should appear in a side-bar on the package read page.

If the package does not have a resource with scraperwiki.com in the url, then it displays this message:

Title: Scrape it
Image: (Scraperwiki dumper truck)
Body text: Could this data be in a better format? Why not use Scraperwiki to extract data from tables, Excel or PDF for everyone's benefit? You can request this data is scraped or even write the scraper yourself.

1281348368000000 1330769956000000
#412 requirement johnbywater closed fixed Data format for package importing shall be documented


  • cater naturally for multiple packages with multiple resources
  • international encoding
  • large number of packages
1281430809000000 1289822092000000
#418 task dread closed invalid With COI, get SOLR working 1281431691000000 1291637919000000
#423 task dread johnbywater closed fixed Add examples to documentation about uploading data 1281435260000000 1282812768000000
#430 task thejimmyg pudo closed wontfix Upgrade CKAN to Pylons 1.0

Pylons 1.0 has been out for a while and appears to be running stable on a few production sites. It also introduces a few new features, among them the ability to specifiy controllers using the entrypoint mechanism.


This might be a bit ugly since the default behaviour of some pylons objects, such as tmpl_context, app_globals and redirect has changed.

1281962485000000 1298283075000000
#431 task pudo pudo closed wontfix Solr index testing tool

There seem to be a few conditions under which either queue processing or the indexer fail in their current state. To get a more systematic picture of these failures, we should have a small testing tool to compare the index to the database of a live CKAN instance.

1281963532000000 1295260262000000
#439 task dread closed fixed Plan server requirements for DGU

Using use cases for security etc. Draw diagram to satisfy use cases. Communicate to Paul and therefore TSO.

1282224452000000 1294413903000000
#440 task dread dread closed duplicate Write and pass comprehensive performance tests

Run latest ckan on eu0. Automate some queries and searches. Check load and database connections / processes.

1282226932000000 1294417436000000
#444 task dread closed duplicate Discuss package relationships ideas with JF
  • Create test data on visible ckan
  • Discuss with JF
1282299238000000 1294414008000000
#446 task dread closed invalid Server configuration query (?)
  • Ensure use case is in design - "an admin writes to the CKAN API" (and see JB notes on paper)
  • Communicate how this is planned to be achieved in design to JF
1282299385000000 1294414077000000
#447 task memespring johnbywater closed fixed Presentation on Package edit form (labels IE7, horiz alignment in chrome)

Follow up with NS and RP.

1282299423000000 1311182895000000
#448 story thejimmyg dread closed invalid [Assist with] editing packages through Drupal 1282299478000000 1294417061000000
#449 task wwaites johnbywater closed invalid Start email thread about RDF in CKAN with JF and WW 1282299482000000 1311182945000000
#450 task dread closed fixed Assist with proxying of static media for forms

John did this a while ago.

1282299573000000 1287997487000000
#452 task dread closed fixed Assist with using package update error form 1282299647000000 1287997540000000
#453 task thejimmyg johnbywater closed invalid Analysis and planning for UKLII 1282299725000000 1294411374000000
#455 task johnbywater closed invalid SOLR - suggest 1 pager about how system would work

Either CKAN writes to SOLR and Drupal reads from SOLR, or CKAN writes to SOLR and Drupal reads SOLR via CKAN API (so search resource locations are unaffected).

1282299913000000 1291637172000000
#458 task rgrp johnbywater closed wontfix Request to DGU for access to database machine 1282299950000000 1294415537000000
#460 defect pudo johnbywater closed fixed State field changed by non-sysadmin

This package:



  1. created by Richard (logged-in)
  2. edited by Richard (logged-in)

(According to the logs, at this point the state was changed from 'active' to 'deleted') -- RP was it set to 'deleted' or just ?

  1. pudo changed the state back to active

Similarly an incident with bibbase package where field set to (see http://ckan.net/revision/diff/bibbase?diff=702bb0a3-03b7-49ac-87ad-e489c414962f&oldid=5447842d-b6ed-41d9-9cfd-8bb73b85c409)

Need to investigate how this got changed, fix if necessary and report back to Richard. Note that package 'admins' as well as sysadmins can change the state of a package (though note that bibbase did not appear to have an owner).

Suggested solution (for setting to ):

  • Ensure in ckan/forms.py that there is a validator for state field that ensures only set to valid values.
  • Check that we do not allow state to be changed in the api except by package owner or sysadmin
1282300002000000 1311176868000000
#464 task rgrp dread closed duplicate Request dgu db server access 1282306104000000 1282325194000000
#474 task dread dread closed wontfix Questions related to fi.ckan.net

Several questions to answer (and see file in email). To respond to the Finnish team and copy all Q&A to the ckan-discuss list.

1 ) I have played with two different datasets to get the metadata from those imported to CKAN. The other dataset is in PCAXIS format and other one is in Excel format. Please find the scripts + sample files attached in a zip file that contains instructions too to run the scripts. I looked at import scripts written in object oriented manner and getdata samples in CKAN but it was easier for me too write these from scratch (copied the unicrap function from CKAN samples). If I run the PCAXIS import script I get Unicode decode error (see errors file). When I use the unicrap function then the error does not appear in logs. I assume this is some Python environment setting issue. Of course I would like to run the script without unicrap function to get scandic letter imported correctly to ckan(and displayed in WUI). In Excel case there is no scandic letter issue which is kind of strange but this probably relates how the Excel library handles encoding.

To be honest the whole unicode/encoding/decoding issue has been quite difficult to deal with and debug. I hope I would get proper environment configuration to handle scandic letters.

2 ) It seem in CKAN by default the localisation file contains 462 strings. The transifex link Rufus sent contains 400 strings. Is transifex the one we should use as localisation file ? Where are the rest 62 strings then fetched from or are they needed at all. I have found that as I have been using the .po file coming in CKAN source (which has API translations too) this also causes similar unicode problems when an error in API occurs (the API error messages containing scandic letters provide the similar UnicodeDecoding? errors as mentioned above). So, it seems the unicode issues appear in various cases. Maybe a proper environment settings will be able to prevent also these problems... If transifex is the one to use I can prepare it and maybe then you could upload it to fi.ckan.net as there will be also other people checking the translations. To run the test and see the API translation errors especially in pcaxis case I would recommend to install attached FI translations to your environment and include lang = fi configuration. It looks like the API errors does not come when running default lang = en.

3 ) Is it possible to change the license selection/options available in license field drop-down ? Where are these located and can these be modified locally ?

4) It looks like the values stored in package extra fields are not searchable. Is this intentional ? It looks more or less that all other fields can be searched using free-text search in CKAN.

5) How package dependencies are defined and managed ? For instance we want to import some packages in a manner that the other package is a child package of another. Does API support this and/or is this possible to do in WUI ?

Best Regards, Henri

1282312255000000 1294916760000000
#483 story johnbywater closed invalid Restricted total read-write access to catalogue Web UI 1282422801000000 1294417216000000
#484 story johnbywater closed invalid Restricted partial read-write access to catalogue Web UI 1282422858000000 1294417248000000
#485 story johnbywater closed duplicate Performance beats QoS criteria 1282425219000000 1294411946000000
#487 story johnbywater closed duplicate Notify SOLR service of model events 1282425910000000 1291639404000000
#488 requirement johnbywater closed wontfix Catalogue service shall notify RDF service 1282426021000000 1320930240000000
#489 story wwaites johnbywater closed fixed Notify RDF service of model events 1282426051000000 1294416189000000
#490 requirement johnbywater closed fixed The system shall support registering a harvest source via the CKAN API 1282426875000000 1286200804000000
#497 story johnbywater johnbywater closed duplicate Respond to CSW "GetRecords" request 1282427334000000 1294407718000000
#498 story johnbywater closed invalid Search packages within location "bounding box" 1282427412000000 1294412520000000
#499 story thejimmyg johnbywater closed wontfix Registration and management of UKLII related code lists, controlled vocabularies and other forms of reference/static data 1282432571000000 1296593038000000
#503 task dread rgrp closed fixed Provide exemplar package relationships for some packages
  1. Find some relationships.
  2. Add them via API
  3. Notify DGU of completion and point to exemplars
1282659631000000 1314031851000000
#505 enhancement dread rgrp closed fixed DGU fieldset supports v3 of DGU metadata specification 1282660416000000 1298368280000000
#506 task dread rgrp closed fixed Plan transition to DGU metadata-fields v3 1282660490000000 1287080989000000
#507 story johnbywater closed fixed Upgrade a CKAN service 1282661646000000 1282909852000000
#509 story dread dread closed invalid ONS data imported daily 1282665870000000 1291734435000000
#510 enhancement dread dread closed fixed Setup cron for ons import 1282665939000000 1294138332000000
#512 story dread closed duplicate User creates package via API with incorrect core fields specified 1282754750000000 1294917121000000
#513 task dread closed wontfix Creating a package with API should warn if there are incorrect fields

When you create a package using the API, you might get a core field name wrong e.g. 'title' mispelt as 'titel' or 'groups' (which can't be specified in package creation). Currently that field will be ignored by the API. It should warn or give an error, rather than give 200 OK.

1282754802000000 1302774329000000
#526 requirement pudo pudo closed wontfix Integrate validation tool into the registry

Assumes 8 is done:

  1. Tool for validation an IATI XML record (referenced by a URL) for compliance with the IATI specification
  • Outside of scope of registry
  • Multiple validators with different levels of rigour
1282894300000000 1340626152000000
#527 story pudo rgrp closed fixed Create domain model and load sample data 1282899025000000 1293097531000000
#528 task pudo rgrp closed fixed Setup demonstration instance at iati.ckan.net 1282899110000000 1283536475000000
#529 task pudo rgrp closed fixed Obtain sample metadata 1282899161000000 1283536554000000
#530 task pudo pudo closed fixed Map IATI attributes to CKAN metadata schema

From lopad:

Publishing Entity (often/always? equal to the logged in user)
    * Domain logic: only can add entries for "yourself"
Activity period: period to which this record relates
Verification status: enumeration of statuses (checked, not checked etc)
Resource links: to the actual IATI record
Number of activities: ...
Date record updated:
Date data updated: 
License: Need this field even if it may be a standard license
1282899187000000 1287392210000000
#531 task pudo rgrp closed fixed Load sample IATI metadata
  • Parse data
  • Load via API
  • Develop test for load via API (can be local or remote -- with paste webfixture may be easier)
1282899244000000 1283536676000000
#537 task wwaites wwaites closed duplicate Caching and Performance improvement

There are several places where performance is unacceptably slow. Even in places where it is not, the system could still be more responsive for read requests.

Introducing caching has to be done carefully and should be done in a standards compliant manner.

General strategy

  • Where possible, cache output within the pylons app (beaker).
  • Facilitate external caching in an end-user's web browser or a caching proxy
  • Slightly stale data is not necessarily much of a problem so allow the output to be cached for a relatively short period (e.g. 5-15 minutes).
  • When cache expiry has been reached, a request will be made to the server. The server should check if its internally cached data is still valid, and serve that, otherwise regenerate the data.


These tasks should be broken into sub-tickets:

  • caching of parts of templates that are expensive to render (package list, tag list, group list)
  • caching of entire output using beaker particularly for API read operations.
  • need to perform a check to see if the cache should be invalidated by checking if anything in the output would have changed -- i.e. checking timestamps on package modifications. this is a natural place to introduce the ETag which will help browsers and web caches.
  • cache infrastructure front end - varnish, squid, etc. To do this right, the controllers need to set the cache control headers appropriately (max-age, must-revalidate). This is a good resource: http://www.mnot.net/cache_docs/#CACHE-CONTROL
    • Deploy varnish on a host dedicated to this purpose for research. This will be useful for other sites as well
    • Do not configure varnish to ignore cache control headers or otherwise behave in a non HTTP/1.1 compliant manner

Future Work

  • Investigate ckanclient library maintaining a local cache as a web browser would
  • Investigate using a CDN like Google Storage or Amazon for serving cached data.
1283184362000000 1311178929000000
#538 task rgrp johnbywater closed wontfix Update CKAN Trac ticket report queries

Update report queries with more recent versions (below are report queries shipped with trac 0.11.7):

NB: Report 1 has already been done.

id | query

1 |

: SELECT p.value AS color, : id AS ticket, summary, component, version, milestone, t.type AS type, : owner, status, : time AS created, : changetime AS _changetime, description AS _description, : reporter AS _reporter : FROM ticket t : LEFT JOIN enum p ON p.name = t.priority AND p.type = 'priority' : WHERE status <> 'closed' : ORDER BY CAST(p.value AS integer), milestone, t.type, time :

2 |

: SELECT p.value AS color, : version AS group, : id AS ticket, summary, component, version, t.type AS type, : owner, status, : time AS created, : changetime AS _changetime, description AS _description, : reporter AS _reporter : FROM ticket t : LEFT JOIN enum p ON p.name = t.priority AND p.type = 'priority' : WHERE status <> 'closed' : ORDER BY (version IS NULL),version, CAST(p.value AS integer), t.type, time :

3 |

: SELECT p.value AS color,

: 'Milestone '
milestone AS group,

: id AS ticket, summary, component, version, t.type AS type, : owner, status, : time AS created, : changetime AS _changetime, description AS _description, : reporter AS _reporter : FROM ticket t : LEFT JOIN enum p ON p.name = t.priority AND p.type = 'priority' : WHERE status <> 'closed' : ORDER BY (milestone IS NULL),milestone, CAST(p.value AS integer), t.type, time :

4 |

: : SELECT p.value AS color, : owner AS group, : id AS ticket, summary, component, milestone, t.type AS type, time AS created, : changetime AS _changetime, description AS _description, : reporter AS _reporter : FROM ticket t : LEFT JOIN enum p ON p.name = t.priority AND p.type = 'priority' : WHERE status = 'accepted' : ORDER BY owner, CAST(p.value AS integer), t.type, time :

5 |

: SELECT p.value AS color, : owner AS group, : id AS ticket, summary, component, milestone, t.type AS type, time AS created, : description AS _description_, : changetime AS _changetime, reporter AS _reporter : FROM ticket t : LEFT JOIN enum p ON p.name = t.priority AND p.type = 'priority' : WHERE status = 'accepted' : ORDER BY owner, CAST(p.value AS integer), t.type, time :

6 |

: SELECT p.value AS color, : t.milestone AS group, : (CASE status : WHEN 'closed' THEN 'color: #777; background: #ddd; border-color: #ccc;' : ELSE : (CASE owner WHEN $USER THEN 'font-weight: bold' END) : END) AS style, : id AS ticket, summary, component, status, : resolution,version, t.type AS type, priority, owner, : changetime AS modified, : time AS _time,reporter AS _reporter : FROM ticket t : LEFT JOIN enum p ON p.name = t.priority AND p.type = 'priority' : ORDER BY (milestone IS NULL), milestone DESC, (status = 'closed'), : (CASE status WHEN 'closed' THEN changetime ELSE (-1) * CAST(p.value AS integer) END) DESC :

7 |

: SELECT p.value AS color, : (CASE status WHEN 'accepted' THEN 'Accepted' ELSE 'Owned' END) AS group, : id AS ticket, summary, component, version, milestone, : t.type AS type, priority, time AS created, : changetime AS _changetime, description AS _description, : reporter AS _reporter : FROM ticket t : LEFT JOIN enum p ON p.name = t.priority AND p.type = 'priority' : WHERE t.status <> 'closed' AND owner = $USER : ORDER BY (status = 'accepted') DESC, CAST(p.value AS integer), milestone, t.type, time :

8 |

: SELECT p.value AS color, : (CASE owner : WHEN $USER THEN 'My Tickets' : ELSE 'Active Tickets' : END) AS group, : id AS ticket, summary, component, version, milestone, t.type AS type, : owner, status, : time AS created, : changetime AS _changetime, description AS _description, : reporter AS _reporter : FROM ticket t : LEFT JOIN enum p ON p.name = t.priority AND p.type = 'priority' : WHERE status <> 'closed' : ORDER BY (COALESCE(owner, ) = $USER) DESC, CAST(p.value AS integer), milestone, t.type, time

1283190081000000 1294414537000000
#540 story wwaites rgrp closed fixed Implement caching in a systematic manner 1283242705000000 1302694845000000
#541 enhancement wwaites rgrp closed fixed Full-page caching even for logged in users

The simplest way to improve performance on specific pages is to implement full page caching.

This, however, has challenges on pages with user-specific content. For example, on CKAN when a user is logged at the top of the page we have "You are logged in as: {username}". Similarly we change the visibility of some material depending on the status of users:

  • Visibility of Edit or Authz link on packages and groups
1283243139000000 1294924872000000
#542 task wwaites rgrp closed fixed 'Show and Tell' page customization using cookie + js

To allow for full page caching even on customized pages for logged in users we can use cookie+javascript techniques as described here: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/web/library/wa-rails2/

In the first place we just need to apply this to:

  • You are logged in as
  • Package/group edit/authz tabs
1283244432000000 1283278942000000
#543 task wwaites rgrp closed duplicate Investigate partial page caching and edge-side includes

Edge-side includes or partial page caching are a standard way to deal with caching of pages in which some (usually small) part of the content cannot be cached or should be cached in a different manner (e.g. much more briefly) than the rest of the page.

Edge-side includes have the advantage that they integrate with general 3rd-party caching systems such as varnish.

Introducing either partial page or ESI will require some overhaul work to change the page render processing somewhat.

1283244784000000 1311178918000000
#563 requirement thejimmyg johnbywater closed duplicate Support a minimal CSW server interface or export to GeoNetwork 1284033576000000 1296592472000000
#573 story johnbywater closed duplicate Add metadata entity to harvesting queue 1284045353000000 1284220987000000
#574 story johnbywater closed duplicate Create UKLII package with attributes from remote metadata record 1284045805000000 1284222410000000
#580 story johnbywater closed duplicate Write (create or update) CKAN package for metadata document 1284210730000000 1284223068000000
#613 task johnbywater johnbywater closed Store result of schema validation check on metadata document object 1284218828000000 1286798466000000
#614 task johnbywater johnbywater closed invalid Acquire local copy of XML schema for remote metadata documents 1284219077000000 1288038898000000
#615 task johnbywater johnbywater closed invalid Acquire local implementation of UKLP schematron

We "just" need a schematron.validate(metadata) method. :-)

1284219174000000 1288038926000000
#616 task johnbywater johnbywater closed invalid Store result of schematron validation check on metadata document object 1284219246000000 1288038907000000
#637 task johnbywater closed invalid Read UKLII package data from given metadata document 1284222536000000 1284223104000000
#646 requirement johnbywater closed wontfix Web UI shall support registering harvest sources 1284740303000000 1294413500000000
#649 story pudo closed fixed Introduce Authorization Groups in model

Authorization Groups:

(Doing this first seems more stable since we first want to "re-gain" exisiting functionality)

  • Create authz.py and model tests for authorization_group-based auth
    • tests: functional: create fixtures, do actual requests

lib-tests: test for membership addition, removal, group-right additions affecting all members, group-right removal, group rights affecting non-members.

# * Adapt model to get these passing

  • Integration into existing controllers should be negligible but may want ot have tests
    • do not want that. would mean design is broken
  • Need to create a new controller for editing authz groups (will have same permissions as any other object -- Reader, Editor, Administrator)
1284889884000000 1284889983000000
#651 requirement pudo closed fixed Improve javascript helper for package/user addition on groups/authzgroups

This needs to be abstracted and we still need to be able to remove items before saving.

1284972211000000 1311171104000000
#659 enhancement nils.toedtmann dread closed fixed Check CKAN instance works automatically

Auto way to check web and API interface of a CKAN instance basically works. Several gotchas can be quickly determined, such as logging in, search not working. Needs to be configurable per site basis.

1285348333000000 1311183031000000
#660 requirement dread closed invalid Check CKAN instance works

As an admin I want to check a CKAN instance works having just upgraded it or configured it.

1285348463000000 1311183115000000
#668 defect thejimmyg Colin Calnan closed invalid Caching issues on API v1

It seems like the API v1 on CKAN metastable (cset:ec21f8e1c87e) has some caching issues.

Steps to test:

  1. Modify a dataset on datadotgc.ca, redirects to CKAN
  1. On save, redirects to http://www.datadotgc.ca/update/geogratisnat_hydrography_v100 which in turn redirects to http://www.datadotgc.ca/dataset/geogratisnat_hydrography_v100
  1. You can see that the Dataset has not updated correctly. Run a check on the API v1 - http://ca.ckan.net/api/1/rest/package/geogratisnat_hydrography_v100 the updates are not present
  1. Check the v2 of the API - http://ca.ckan.net/api/rest/package/geogratisnat_hydrography_v100, the updates are present.
  1. Setting the headers to 'Cache-control: no-cache' or 'Pragma: no-cache' does not work either.
1285953542000000 1311176649000000
#669 task pudo pudo closed fixed Refactor Solr to become a generic worker 1286189594000000 1293057161000000
#670 task pudo pudo closed fixed HowTo: Creating a sysadmin 1286190347000000 1293056844000000
#671 task pudo pudo closed fixed Implement and show user names in WUI 1286190454000000 1293056852000000
#673 task johnbywater closed Construct and send CSW GetRecordById request 1286214712000000 1286786758000000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.