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#2796 1345129495000000 shevski and here: http://wiki.ckan.org/Using_the_Web_Interface
#2801 1344526607000000 shevski @Aron / Ross is it worth having a separate page for related items? E.g. like on pd.eu http://publicdata.eu/app/irail
#2812 1344507240000000 shevski Current text does need updating, but I think we need an explanation along the lines of: "Groups allow you to group together datasets under a organisation (for example, the Department of Health) or topic (e.g. Transport, Health) so make it easier for users to browse datasets by theme. Groups also enable you to assign roles and authorisation to members of the group - i.e. individuals can be given the right to publish datasets from a particular organisation." But even that could be clearer. Mark's text could be misleading since we haven't currently implemented private datasets or the right auth settings.
#2824 1344527130000000 shevski @aron any ideas?
#2826 1344527309000000 shevski @Toby do you know what's happened? Don't think this was the case before. Should pre-fill with standard image when there's no group image URL
#2852 1345104027000000 shevski Red is fine here Can we amend the message to: Cannot create new harvest jobs on inactive sources. First, please change the source status to 'active'.
#2855 1345104178000000 shevski I cleared my cache and it's working now
#2856 1345049793000000 shevski server error URL: http://s031.okserver.org:2375/apps/49a509f7-4eb6-456f-b1fc-87cfde90c60d
#2863 1345123824000000 shevski If by default it doesn't happen, then that's fine & we can close this. Any way for me to see how permissions are set?
#2906 1346862889000000 shevski fixed by removing custom css from the stylesheet, but should look into why it happened
#2956 1349346442000000 shevski This needs to be a navigation menu item that includes both the name & link to the dataset edit page and then underneath (nested) the links to it's resources - so that the user can easily move between the dataset edit pages and resource edit pages and know where they currently are (using the selected pointer style)
#868 1292921428000000 sebbacon See also #867 Thanks for the patch.
#868 1292921456000000 sebbacon I mean #876, of course.
#876 1292924064000000 sebbacon Thanks for the info! Re. nested transactions. I am getting repeated non-deterministic test failures against sqlite (and indeed postgres, but these failures appear more frequent against sqlite). One of them I seemed to be able to get rid of by eliminating the savepoint as per your first point. However, it appears that sqlite [http://www.sqlite.org/lang_savepoint.html does] support savepoints; to demonstrate it, the following test code appears to work in the latest sqlalchemy: {{{ #!python from sqlalchemy import * from sqlalchemy.orm import * db = create_engine('sqlite:///') metadata = MetaData(db) users = Table('users', metadata, Column('user_id', Integer, primary_key=True), Column('name', String(40)),) users.create() class User(object): pass usermapper = mapper(User, users) Session = sessionmaker() session = Session() fred = User() fred.name = "Fred" sue = User() sue.name = "Sue" amy = User() amy.name = "Amy" session.add(fred) session.add(amy) session.begin_nested() session.add(sue) session.rollback() session.commit() assert session.query(User).count() == 2 print "OK" }}} So, while I agree they're not needed, I'm not sure they're a problem. What do you think? Also, have you seen non-deterministic test errors like this?
#937 1296385042000000 sebbacon Could consider using third-party analytics tracking here, which will also give referrer etc data for free? Would probably be bes provided in the form of optional piwik or google analytics integration. Being able to say in the UI how many downloads there have been would need piwik.
#937 1297689781000000 sebbacon I did a very quick hacky thing at the end of last week on top of the "insert google analytics code" extension we discussed, to work out "most popular packages" based off data harvested from the Google Analytics API. Needs making generic, tests etc but could be a starting point: https://bitbucket.org/sebbacon/ckanext-googleanalytics/src
#937 1297689859000000 sebbacon (and it would also need some proper caching as the GA API is very slow)
#937 1298892547000000 sebbacon The current implementation I referenced above will be a good starting point. Work that remains: * Add download click tracking to individual download links (currently we just record page views for packages, not downloads) * Somehow cache the download stats against each package (the Google API is very slow); package reddis or sqlite or similar as a local storage for the extension * Expose download information in the relevant places in the UI (all users? package owners? where?) This is about 2 days' work. Unlikely to get it done in this sprint.
#937 1302513831000000 sebbacon Completed; software at https://bitbucket.org/okfn/ckanext-googleanalytics/src
#948 1300271009000000 sebbacon I would propose a "trash can" model: a "deleted items" area where only deleted items can be viewed / searched. Deleted items should not appear anywhere else, but we could include a "also search deleted items" option in the search for admins. (In which case, deleted items should have a "div class='deleted'" or similar so they can be highlighted with CSS).
#948 1300385979000000 sebbacon Emptying the trashcan (which would amount to purging deleted objects) would probably be a function of the administrative dashboard #833
#971 1299245064000000 sebbacon folded into #1013
#1011 1298820235000000 sebbacon On reflection, may as well make a Plugin interface called IAuthorizer, which allows customisation of get_authorization_groups, get_roles, and is_authorized....
#1011 1298824649000000 sebbacon The "external source" is an Oauth service. We need to lookup user groups from that service.
#1011 1298825600000000 sebbacon Proposed implementation at https://bitbucket.org/okfn/ckan/changeset/187e65afb35f
#1011 1299245206000000 sebbacon Merged to default https://bitbucket.org/okfn/ckan/changeset/e8217c317a8e
#1013 1299245157000000 sebbacon This is now resolved, but depends on core CKAN behaviour (specifically pluggable middleware and unicode-aware error pages) to function: https://bitbucket.org/okfn/ckan/changeset/c846794c1799
#1014 1299245293000000 sebbacon Run out of time for decoupling, but tests and README.txt written (including pointers about how to customise for anyone who needs to decouple in the future)
#1051 1301305079000000 sebbacon This has been completed in https://bitbucket.org/okfn/ckan/changeset/64a949990e0b
#1063 1302514033000000 sebbacon Fixed in https://bitbucket.org/okfn/ckan/changeset/145eaae3168a
#1065 1301914004000000 sebbacon To reflect further conversations: * We are parking this ticket until dictization is complete * We would prefer to see roles as asserted globally by default, with packages just storing exceptions. E.g. If I am a "reader" globally, then I have "read-package" permission on all packages new and existing, unless otherwise asserted locally on a package. * Also w.r.t. algorithm above, consider repoze.what's model; "possible" is analagous to "has_permission". See http://what.repoze.org/docs/1.0/Manual/Predicates/Builtin.html
#1065 1302075994000000 sebbacon Re the point against my name, yes -- I think the fundamental principles of the current system are fine, but the implementation means asserting things for every single object, whereas we should be able to optimise it for the general cases -- something along the lines you suggest. I would be very happy to write up a full, detailed proposal for the system before we implement anything, if only as a proper straw man to have debates around.
#1076 1302515674000000 sebbacon See also http://trac.ckan.org/ticket/948
#1134 1305623531000000 sebbacon Agreed with James that we should consider *from the start* how to provide for a nice UI -- my worry is if we start out with people editing raw JSON we'll end up keeping that for years :)
#1142 1305880901000000 sebbacon The guys at Wikimedia also produced this spreadsheet including notable users and features of other software. Could be useful.: https://spreadsheets2.google.com/ccc?authkey=CLWu1cgP&hl=en&key=tYiwc9kUVLLlALOQEzFqujw&hl=en&authkey=CLWu1cgP#gid=0
#1167 1306856992000000 sebbacon Yes to all the above. Further question: which extensions should be installed as standard? I would argue: * ckanext-stats * ckanext-googleanalytics * ckanext-disqus * ckanext-solr (implies installing a running solr, too...) * ckanext-follower * ckanext-admin Note that googleanalytics and disqus both require user accounts set up at the corresponding service. Not sure how we would handle this in the instance setup.
#1167 1306857142000000 sebbacon Another thing to consider: how do we ensure we keep a single, up-to-date version available? (I'm thinking wrt developer / sysadmin workflow)
#1197 1340018903000000 seanh Hi Toby, yes I think I agree with you, it reminds me of when I install new Android apps on my phone, some of them start off by bothering me with some sort of guided tour or long instructional text, I hate this and always skip through without reading it, expecting to be able to figure out the interface for myself. The one thing that something like this could be useful is, rather than showing someone how to use the site, showing them what the site is capable of so they can assess whether it meets their needs/is something they're interested in. However, we already have a good guided tour of this type on ckan.org/features, those pages are really pretty good. Close this as wontfix?
#1197 1340020357000000 seanh AFAIK there isn't a ticket for that, it was something originally requested as part of the demo site, but since the devs think it's a horrible idea I don't think it's going to happen, easiest way to make a CKAN tour would be a series of static pages like the one we already have on ckan.org, I think that combined with a real functioning demo site probably meets the requirement. Anyway, closing this as wontfix
#1298 1321199769000000 seanh I've been working on this in this branch: https://github.com/seanh/ckan/commits/feature-1298-activities-table
#1298 1323106307000000 seanh See the new super ticket and its branch: #1515
#1298 1324384191000000 seanh David, Ignore my link above to a branch on my ckan fork. Now that I have permissions I'm pushing my branches to the okfn ckan repo on github. My super branch for the activity streams feature is '''feature-1515-activity-streams''' on the okfn ckan repo on github. This page comparing my branch to master is particularly useful: https://github.com/okfn/ckan/compare/master...feature-1515-activity-streams (click on the Files Changed tab) For reviewing this ticket, the relevant changes to review are: * ckan/lib/activity.py, all of it * ckan/model/activity.py, all of it * My changes to ckan/model/meta.py * My changes to ckan/model/package.py * My changes to ckan/model/resource.py * ckan/tests/models/test_activity.py, all of it The other changes on my branch are for other activity streams tickets that follow this one. The super ticket #1515 has an overview of it all.
#1395 1318520543000000 seanh The exact command that introduced the too-new webob into my virtualenv was: {{{ pip install --ignore-installed -r pyenv/src/ckan/requires/lucid_missing.txt -r pyenv/src/ckan/requires/lucid_conflict.txt }}}
#1413 1322479113000000 seanh I've made a first attempt at this here: https://github.com/seanh/ckan/compare/feature-1413-ask-users-to-add-email-address I used flash_notice() to ask the user to add an email whenever they visit their account page, if they don't have one already. This means they'll see the notice when they login, because after login they are redirected to their account page. Issues: Is it okay to approximate 'once they log in' as 'whenever they visit their account page' like this? Do I need to do something to support i18n for the string I added? I looked at users of flash_*() elsewhere and they seemed to be hardcoding the strings in English.
#1413 1322575534000000 seanh Another thought is: a lot of people might just use the cookie and v. rarely logout/in. Perhaps it could be done when they come back to the site at intervals (e.g. daily)? As discussed on IRC I've moved the notice from the user account page to the front page, in the hopes that people will see it often enough even if they are always logged in via a cookie. As discussed on IRC, we could make the notice appear on every page but no more than once per day, but that would be more complicated to implement and more likely to break. Yes your strings should be internationalised because they are user visible. Done. You're right that these other strings should be internationalised. I've created a separate ticket for this: #1491 Also done! :)
#1413 1322595160000000 seanh Added a 'please enter your full name' flash notice as well (the two are combined into one if they have neither full name nor email), added unit tests, fixed some issues. Still need to adjust the strings and change the full name notice so that it applies to people with gmail IDs only. https://github.com/seanh/ckan/compare/feature-1413-ask-users-to-add-email-address
#1413 1323088091000000 seanh Adjusted the 'please add your email' string and changed the 'please add your full name' notice to be used only for Google OpenID users. Finished? https://github.com/seanh/ckan/commits/feature-1413-ask-users-to-add-email-address
#1434 1338203960000000 seanh At least for the core extensions, any i18n-able strings should be getting pulled into the ckan.pot file by default.
#1434 1341236921000000 seanh Done for the core extensions, pull request: https://github.com/okfn/ckan/pull/47 Perhaps strings from the non-core but officially supported extensions should be added to, but we haven't decided which extensions those are yet, so add another ticket to do that later: http://trac.ckan.org/ticket/2625
#1471 1340623578000000 seanh Also test the packaging tools
#1471 1340633734000000 seanh The source install instructions have been updated to work with both lucid and precise, see #2592
#1486 1322061518000000 seanh Fixed here: https://github.com/seanh/ckan/tree/defect-1486
#1486 1322077524000000 seanh I've merged the fix for this into my feature-1298-activities-table branch, will merge it all into master at once: https://github.com/seanh/ckan/commits/feature-1298-activities-table
#1486 1323172027000000 seanh I've now merged my feature-1298-activities-table branch into my super branch for activity streams, so my fix for this defect is now merged into the activity streams super branch and will be merged when that branch is merged. See the activity streams super ticket: #1515 Resolving this ticket now
#1491 1322563620000000 seanh I've finished some work on this ticket here, ready to be reviewed: https://github.com/seanh/ckan/compare/defect-1491-visible-strings-need-internationalisation
#1491 1323703317000000 seanh Merged into master
#1494 1326103951000000 seanh I've added a controller function for getting a user's activity stream as rendered html to ckan/logic/action/get.py in this commit: https://github.com/okfn/ckan/commit/30264997c7fe34324381123d6741d404baa67c1e I'm proposing to leave it at that for now and not actually hook this controller function up to an API call, as I'm not sure how useful an API call for getting rendered HTML will be (we already have an API call for getting the user's activity stream a JSON).
#1495 1325606124000000 seanh Implemented in branch feature-1515-activity-streams and ready for review. See #1511 first as this builds directly on that. Relevant changes are in commit 3d328aa0: https://github.com/okfn/ckan/commit/3d328aa07f038287d4ecb3a9ba6facc9fabbddd2
#1496 1326104045000000 seanh I've implemented this in the activity streams branch: https://github.com/okfn/ckan/tree/feature-1515-activity-streams
#1496 1326736298000000 seanh This is finished, but I think that before closing this ticket a little more thought needs to go into what the activity streams and the user page should look like, where on the page they should go, what else should go on the page, etc. Also maybe add a simple test that the activity stream is being rendered into the page.
#1511 1323100081000000 seanh This ticket is just for getting the activity stream at the model level, not yet for rendering it in any particular output format. Estimate: one day Related user stories: #039 User I want to see the activity stream for another user when I go to their user (profile/home) page. #042 User Subscribe to RSS feeds for activity in relation to packages, users, groups, tags (?) #032 User See what status people have by seeing small bits of info next to their name, e.g. a sign to indicate being a superuser/sysadmin and/or the number of datasets they have. I know the approximate activity and authority of users I come across Also see: http://ckan.okfnpad.org/notifications
#1511 1323264315000000 seanh Should be as a list of dicts, not Activity objects.
#1511 1325605964000000 seanh Implemented in branch feature-1515-activity-streams and ready for review. Relevant changes: ckan/lib/dictization/model_dictize.py: Added functions activity_dictize(), activity_list_dictize(), activity_detail_dictize(), activity_detail_list_dictize(). ckan/logic/action/get.py: Added functions user_activity_list() and activity_detail_list(). ckan.tests.models.test_activity.py: Now uses user_activity_list() and activity_detail_list() functions instead of accessing the model directly to get activity streams.
#1515 1323106050000000 seanh Branch for this feature: https://github.com/seanh/ckan/compare/master...feature-1515-activity-streams
#1515 1338204149000000 seanh Closing this super ticket. See remaining tickets with keyword "activity_streams": http://trac.ckan.org/query?status=accepted&status=assigned&status=new&status=reopened&order=priority&col=id&col=summary&col=status&col=type&col=priority&col=milestone&col=component&keywords=~activity_streams
#1621 1335878161000000 seanh Closing because I haven't seen this test fail for ages
#1632 1326736455000000 seanh This is finished, see the activity streams branch: https://github.com/okfn/ckan/tree/feature-1515-activity-streams but I think that before closing this ticket a little more thought needs to go into what the activity streams and the group page should look like, where on the page they should go, what else should go on the page, etc. Also maybe add a simple test that the activity stream is being rendered into the page.
#1632 1335877871000000 seanh Closing this as there doesn't seem to be interest in showing activity streams on group pages anytime soon
#1633 1326736502000000 seanh This is finished, see the activity streams branch: https://github.com/okfn/ckan/tree/feature-1515-activity-streams but I think that before closing this ticket a little more thought needs to go into what the activity streams and the dataset page should look like, where on the page they should go, what else should go on the page, etc. Also maybe add a simple test that the activity stream is being rendered into the page.
#1633 1335877927000000 seanh Closing this as there doesn't seem to be much interest in showing activity streams on group pages anytime soon.
#1635 1355141157000000 seanh https://github.com/okfn/ckan/pull/199
#1636 1338204258000000 seanh Resolving as won't fix as this doesn't seem important.
#1637 1326737169000000 seanh Done on feature-1515-activity-streams branch.
#1639 1328212781000000 seanh The templates have been rewritten to use CSS classes instead of embedded styles, but those CSS classes don't exist yet, they need to be added to a css file somewhere to style the activity streams.
#1639 1328213300000000 seanh See activity_stream_event() in ckan/templates/_util.html for the CSS classes used.
#1639 1328465219000000 seanh Basic CSS added.
#1663 1327919257000000 seanh Done in branch feature-1515-activity-streams
#1666 1326977528000000 seanh Done in feature-1515-activity-streams branch. Did not add activity streams for tags (as in the ticket description), instead added 'tag added' and 'tag removed' activities into the existing user and dataset activity streams.
#1698 1338204433000000 seanh Closing this super ticket, see remaining tickets with keyword "taxonomies": http://trac.ckan.org/query?status=accepted&status=assigned&status=closed&status=new&status=reopened&group=owner&max=1000&order=milestone&col=id&col=summary&col=status&col=owner&col=milestone&col=keywords&keywords=~taxonomies
#1705 1327945105000000 seanh Done in branch feature-1698-tag-taxonomies
#1705 1328094584000000 seanh Reopening because I still need to trace all the places in the model (tag.py, package.py, etc.) where there are methods that depend on tag names being unique, and then in the controllers and logic functions as well, and add new tests for the updated methods.
#1722 1328805890000000 seanh Done on branch feature-1698-tag-taxonomies
#1723 1328533040000000 seanh We're not going to update the existing tag and package classes (as long as they don't break), going to add our own functional tests in a new file instead.
#1724 1329302302000000 seanh I've updated tag_search() and tag_autocomplete() and added tests for them. So this ticket is finished now on branch feature-1698-tag-taxonomies
#1746 1355141062000000 seanh Closing this as won't fix, we decided to do http://trac.ckan.org/ticket/3018 instead
#1764 1335878051000000 seanh Closing because I'm not sure what the reason for doing this would be.
#1765 1328805833000000 seanh Done on branch feature-1698-tag-taxonomies
#1767 1328806740000000 seanh The API tests are done, in https://github.com/okfn/ckan/compare/master...feature-1698-tag-taxonomies#diff-24 on branch feature-1698-tag-taxonomies. The WUI tests still need to be done.
#1776 1328805695000000 seanh Implemented create_tag() and delete_tag() logic action functions. If you specify a vocabulary_id in the params you can use these to add tags to vocabs, one at a time. There are not yet functions for adding or removing multiple tags in a single API call.
#1785 1340724312000000 seanh No point in doing this for 1.8 because the new theme is coming along anyway, moving into 1.9
#1807 1330809641000000 seanh Implemented the recently-changed-datasets activity stream on branch feature-1807-recently-changed-datasets in CKAN and merged it into master (but the default templates don't make use of it). Added the recently-changed-datasets activity stream to the front page template on branch master in ckanext-ecportal.
#2208 1332251880000000 seanh I've attached a ckan.pot file. To make it, I edited setup.py in CKAN core like this: https://gist.github.com/2135849 and then ran python setup.py extract_messages. (And I had ckanext-ecportal installed at ~/pyenv/src/ckanext-ecportal.) I guess I may need to run this again when the ckanext-ecportal source is finalised, so leaving this ticket open for now.
#2226 1332159640000000 seanh These deployment docs seem worth moving into sphinx as well: http://wiki.ckan.org/Deployment
#2238 1343392681000000 seanh Ticket #2771 encompasses this and related changes. Vocabs probably won't be deployed to test.ckan.net but a working example extension using vocabs will be added to core instead. Closing this ticket as a dup
#2242 1333375436000000 seanh Conclusion: jenkins should work, may need some jenkins plugin magic to get it to show what branch each build was run on.
#2264 1333635637000000 seanh Many strings have been fixed (and committed on master). Still to go: When uploading a file: - The "Browse..." button. This comes from the user's browser? - Hangs when I try to upload a file, so the rest of this UI is unchecked. The licenses on the dataset add, edit and view pages, "License Not Specified" etc. Dataset state on dataset view page, e.g. "active". When adding or editing resources: - The resource types (Data File, etc.) The strings seem to come from resource.resource_type. - "You can use Markdown formatting here", "Should a DataStore table and Data API be enabled for this resource?", "Dates are in ISO Format — eg. 2012-12-25 or 2010-05-31T14:30". I can't get strings with hyperlinks in them to translate here. Dataset view page: - License not specified. Dataset search page: - "Tags", "Res_format" and "Groups" in the sidebar. Leaving because this code has been refactored on feature-1821-multilingual-extension. Fix after that branch has been merged. Dataset view page: - The resource types, e.g. "plain text". - The field names under additional information: cache_last_updated etc. Dataset history view: timestamps not localised. Login page: - "Login failed. Bad username or password. (Or if using OpenID, it hasn't been associated with a user account.)" This string is marked for translation but I can't seem to get translations to work for flash messages. Also "Sean Hammond is now logged in" flash message. Register page: - "Missing value" in error message when you try to register and don't give an email. The string seems to come from formencode. stdtrans() not working? User view page: - Activity streams strings. Activity streams genshi function needs a little refactoring to be i18n-friendly. Users page: - "less than 1 month". This string comes from Pylons' time_ago_in_words() function which doesn't appear to support i18n. New auth group (and edit auth group) page: - "Unique identifier for group. 2+ chars, lowercase, using only 'a-z0-9' and '-_'". This string is marked for translation but for some reason it isn't working. - "Name: Please enter a value" (in an error msg) - "User name". The string comes from class FormBuilder? Also, need to check that all tooltips are translated!
#2264 1334348070000000 seanh A few strings are still left to be marked for translation: - http://trac.ckan.org/ticket/2289 - http://trac.ckan.org/ticket/2288 - http://trac.ckan.org/ticket/2287 - http://trac.ckan.org/ticket/2290
#2297 1334569632000000 seanh http://ckan.okfnpad.org/27
#2304 1335878372000000 seanh I'm setting the priority of this high just because it's a low-hanging fruit for this sprint, as it was almost done last sprint.
#2304 1335885463000000 seanh Setting minor again after cleaning tickets out of this sprint
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