{23} Trac comments (3729 matches)

Results (2401 - 2500 of 3729)

Ticket Posixtime Author Newvalue
#784 1289815658000000 johnbywater Moved from sprint 1.3.3
#784 1294410089000000 thejimmyg In order to have end to end testing for UKLII we need to: * Review document from PP with the different things we need to test * Set up a GeoNetwork instance with sample documents to be tested We may also want to test ArcGIS, see #767
#784 1304936251000000 thejimmyg The UKLP test manager is looking at a new test proposal, we have had approval to go live without this, we can re-open later if necessary.
#783 1294409399000000 thejimmyg Exact duplicate of #738.
#782 1289218497000000 pudo This has existed for quite a while, but misses documentation. Has been documented in cset:db18a16a5b4d
#781 1289209653000000 johnbywater Moved from sprint 1.3.2
#781 1289815658000000 johnbywater Moved from sprint 1.3.3
#781 1294415081000000 thejimmyg This is a duplicate of #812 so closing.
#780 1289209653000000 johnbywater Moved from sprint 1.3.2
#780 1289815658000000 johnbywater Moved from sprint 1.3.3
#780 1294416608000000 thejimmyg This is now done.
#779 1289209652000000 johnbywater Moved from sprint 1.3.2
#779 1289815658000000 johnbywater Moved from sprint 1.3.3
#779 1294416581000000 thejimmyg This is now done.
#778 1289209652000000 johnbywater Moved from sprint 1.3.2
#778 1289815658000000 johnbywater Moved from sprint 1.3.3
#778 1294416567000000 thejimmyg This is now done.
#777 1289209649000000 johnbywater Referencing ticket #764 has changed sprint.
#777 1289815658000000 johnbywater Referencing ticket #764 has changed sprint.
#777 1292586843000000 dread James did this a while ago.
#776 1297066840000000 rgrp Moved to https://bitbucket.org/okfn/vdm/issue/3/avoid-generating-vdm-warnings
#775 1295260144000000 pudo fixed in cset:98c9997e80e8
#774 1288190596000000 johnbywater Referencing ticket #770 has changed sprint.
#774 1288190682000000 johnbywater Referencing ticket #772 has changed sprint.
#774 1288190711000000 johnbywater Referencing ticket #772 has changed sprint.
#774 1289209650000000 johnbywater Referencing ticket #772 has changed sprint.
#774 1289815658000000 johnbywater Referencing ticket #772 has changed sprint.
#774 1294413412000000 thejimmyg Merging with #770
#773 1288190596000000 johnbywater Referencing ticket #770 has changed sprint.
#773 1288190682000000 johnbywater Referencing ticket #770 has changed sprint.
#773 1288190711000000 johnbywater Referencing ticket #770 has changed sprint.
#773 1289209650000000 johnbywater Referencing ticket #770 has changed sprint.
#773 1289815658000000 johnbywater Referencing ticket #770 has changed sprint.
#773 1294413400000000 thejimmyg Merging with #770
#772 1288190596000000 johnbywater Referencing ticket #770 has changed sprint.
#772 1288190682000000 johnbywater Referencing ticket #770 has changed sprint.
#772 1288190711000000 johnbywater Referencing ticket #770 has changed sprint.
#772 1289209650000000 johnbywater Referencing ticket #770 has changed sprint.
#772 1289815658000000 johnbywater Referencing ticket #770 has changed sprint.
#772 1294413313000000 thejimmyg Merging with #770
#771 1288190596000000 johnbywater Referencing ticket #770 has changed sprint.
#771 1288190682000000 johnbywater Referencing ticket #770 has changed sprint.
#771 1288190711000000 johnbywater Referencing ticket #770 has changed sprint.
#771 1289209650000000 johnbywater Referencing ticket #770 has changed sprint.
#771 1289815658000000 johnbywater Referencing ticket #770 has changed sprint.
#771 1294413256000000 thejimmyg This works for me. {{{ paster help }}} and {{{ paster --help }}} both show help text for me.
#770 1289209650000000 johnbywater Moved from sprint 1.3.2
#770 1289815658000000 johnbywater Moved from sprint 1.3.3
#770 1294413390000000 thejimmyg Running CLI harvester command without arguments or with --help would return help for the harvester (currently crashes). We can therefore close #772, #773 and #774
#770 1296593925000000 thejimmyg I don't care about this. It is too trivial. If I get around to fixing it they great but I don't need it logged as a ticket.
#769 1288190630000000 johnbywater Referencing ticket #767 has changed sprint.
#769 1289209649000000 johnbywater Referencing ticket #767 has changed sprint.
#769 1289815658000000 johnbywater Referencing ticket #766 has changed sprint.
#769 1294409318000000 thejimmyg Duplicate of #767
#768 1288190630000000 johnbywater Referencing ticket #767 has changed sprint.
#768 1289209649000000 johnbywater Referencing ticket #767 has changed sprint.
#768 1289815658000000 johnbywater Referencing ticket #766 has changed sprint.
#768 1294409308000000 thejimmyg Duplicate of #767
#767 1289209649000000 johnbywater Moved from sprint 1.3.2
#767 1289815658000000 johnbywater Referencing ticket #766 has changed sprint.
#767 1294409336000000 thejimmyg Our CSW code should be able to cope with ArcGIS too though surely? Worth testing though. To do this we'd need to: * Obtain example ArcGIS CSW server * Write a test Now we can close #768 and #769.
#767 1296593504000000 thejimmyg I haven't heard this mentioned yet, but yes, let's try to implement it if possible. Appears to expose a CSW interface? http://webhelp.esri.com/geoportal_extension/9.3.1/index.htm#ext_csw_clnts.htm
#767 1304936413000000 thejimmyg We are now live and have used a variety of servers in testing.
#766 1289815658000000 johnbywater Moved from sprint 1.3.3
#766 1294248066000000 thejimmyg I haven't heard this mentioned yet, but yes, let's try to implement it if possible. Appears to expose a CSW interface? http://webhelp.esri.com/geoportal_extension/9.3.1/index.htm#ext_csw_clnts.htm
#766 1296593519000000 thejimmyg This is a duplicate of #767
#765 1288606918000000 dread Referencing ticket #441 has changed sprint.
#764 1289209648000000 johnbywater Moved from sprint 1.3.2
#764 1289815657000000 johnbywater Moved from sprint 1.3.3
#764 1310133334000000 shevski will be done as part of #1094
#763 1288606918000000 dread Referencing ticket #441 has changed sprint.
#763 1292775248000000 thejimmyg Notes from my discussion with David a while ago: Following irc discussion, it looks like read-only mode is simply achieved by Apache config: * 503 for PUT/POST operations - stops writes * 503 for GETs to URIs containing: /edit, /create, /new, /authz - stops providing forms that lead to a write * setenv CKAN_READONLY="Undergoing maintenance 12.00 UTC for one hour" which can be picked up by CKAN to be displayed as we see fit in the future. Friedrich's current IATI sprint may link into this and grey out edit links etc.
#760 1288041238000000 johnbywater Referencing ticket #759 has changed sprint.
#760 1288265044000000 johnbywater Referencing ticket #759 has changed sprint.
#760 1289209646000000 johnbywater Referencing ticket #759 has changed sprint.
#760 1289815657000000 johnbywater Referencing ticket #753 has changed sprint.
#760 1294409111000000 thejimmyg Duplicate of #754
#759 1289209646000000 johnbywater Referencing ticket #753 has changed sprint.
#759 1289815657000000 johnbywater Referencing ticket #753 has changed sprint.
#759 1294408652000000 thejimmyg Duplicate of #754
#758 1288041215000000 johnbywater Referencing ticket #754 has changed sprint.
#758 1288264917000000 johnbywater Referencing ticket #754 has changed sprint.
#758 1289209646000000 johnbywater Referencing ticket #753 has changed sprint.
#758 1289815657000000 johnbywater Referencing ticket #753 has changed sprint.
#758 1294409053000000 thejimmyg Also a duplicate of #754.
#757 1288041215000000 johnbywater Referencing ticket #754 has changed sprint.
#757 1288264918000000 johnbywater Referencing ticket #754 has changed sprint.
#757 1289209646000000 johnbywater Referencing ticket #753 has changed sprint.
#757 1289815657000000 johnbywater Referencing ticket #753 has changed sprint.
#757 1294233016000000 thejimmyg Don't fully understand this ticket. Will return to it.
#757 1296593448000000 thejimmyg Duplicate of #754. If we added filtering we'd need to write a migration script anyway.
#756 1288041215000000 johnbywater Referencing ticket #754 has changed sprint.
#756 1288264917000000 johnbywater Referencing ticket #754 has changed sprint.
#756 1289209646000000 johnbywater Referencing ticket #753 has changed sprint.
#756 1289815657000000 johnbywater Referencing ticket #753 has changed sprint.
#756 1294408642000000 thejimmyg Duplicate of #754
#755 1288041215000000 johnbywater Referencing ticket #754 has changed sprint.
#755 1288264918000000 johnbywater Referencing ticket #754 has changed sprint.
#755 1289209646000000 johnbywater Referencing ticket #753 has changed sprint.
#755 1289815657000000 johnbywater Referencing ticket #753 has changed sprint.
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