Ticket #114 (new enhancement) — at Version 1

Opened 5 years ago

Last modified 5 years ago

Access Control - model

Reported by: dread Owned by: dread
Priority: major Milestone: v0.10
Component: ckan Keywords:
Cc: Repository:

Description (last modified by dread) (diff)

Create in the model basic operation of Access Control.

roles table

name | context | action
admin| package | edit
admin| package | edit-permissions
admin| package | read
editor| package | update
editor| package | read
reader| package | read
This data is set-up on db init and will have no interface.

user-roles table:

username | context_type | objectid | role
rgrp     | system  | n/a | admin
visitor  | package | * | reader
bob      | package | geonames | admin
visitor  | package | geonames | editor
visitor  | package | geonames | reader
john     | group | ukgov | admin
dread    | group | ukgov | editor
visitor  | group | ukgov | reader
This data will be added when someone is given permissions for the system, a package or a group.

Pseudo code:

class Package

def is_allowed(name, action):

is_allowed(name, action, context=self)

class Group

def is_allowed(name, action):

is_allowed(name, action, context=self)

def is_allowed(name, action, context=None): name: string - a username or IP for 'visitor'

action: string - 'read', 'edit', 'delete', 'edit-permissions' context: object - a Group or a Package or None (which means system)

# look up user from name. # look up in user-roles table what roles this user has for this context. # for each roles, look up in roles table what actions are allowed. # return True if action is allowed, else False.

Change History

comment:1 Changed 5 years ago by dread

  • Description modified (diff)
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