Ticket #1799 (new defect) — at Initial Version

Opened 2 years ago

Last modified 2 years ago

To login as a different user, you need to logout first

Reported by: dread Owned by: dread
Priority: major Milestone: ckan-sprint-2012-03-05
Component: ckan Keywords: [0.5d] [a1d]
Cc: Repository: ckan
Theme: none


When you are logged in, you cannot login as a different user before first logging out. (This is a restricting in repoze.who, which gives priority to an existing recognised identity over another one you supply.)

Yes, the CKAN login form appears when you try to do something you're not allowed to, even if you are logged in already. You login with a different identity and nothing happens - you remain as the first identity - this is incorrect.

(It is also a little confusing to be sent to the log-in page, although we do have a flash message explaining, and you might want to relogin as a superuser if you can.)

Whilst in this area, it would be worth fixing the problem for developers where you are logged in, do "paster db clean" and then try to log in - AuthTkt? recognises your old cookie but the User object doesn't exist, so you get an error logging in. In this instance we should tell people to log-out.

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