Ticket #2894 (new defect)

Opened 20 months ago

Empty lists get stripped from package dicst in package_show()

Reported by: seanh Owned by:
Priority: awaiting triage Milestone: ckan-v1.8.1
Component: ckan Keywords:
Cc: Repository: ckan
Theme: none


If there's an IDatasetForm plugin active with a form_to_db_schema(), then packages with e.g. no extras get the 'extras' key entirely stripped by the validation in package_show, which causes some tests to crash, e.g. in ckan/tests/functional/api/test_activity.py (if the tests are run with a suitable IDatasetForm plugin active).

If a package has no extras the dict returned by package_show should still have an 'extras' key with an empty list as the value.

Suspect this also effects packages with no tags, no groups, etc.

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