Ticket #321 (new enhancement) — at Initial Version

Opened 4 years ago

Last modified 3 years ago

Delegate authentication to Drupal

Reported by: johnbywater Owned by: johnbywater
Priority: critical Milestone:
Component: ckan Keywords:
Cc: Repository:


When CKAN is included in a Drupal front-end, CKAN edit pages are used in a slave-mode, such that authentication is delegated to the Drupal front-end user model.

The Drupal front-end shall provide:

  1. Login page - fixed location, can authenticate users, on successful authentication sets auth cookie and redirects to HTTP_REFERER.
  1. Access control resource - fixed location, can authorise users, on receipt of valid auth cookie return message listing account details and permitted actions.
  1. Access denied page - fixed location, static resource, gently

indicates what has happened, and how to ask for permission.

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