Custom Query (49 matches)


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Status: closed (49 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Resolution Created
#1334 "AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'name'" exception when logging in amercader defect major fixed 3 years
#1318 'Register user' doesn't log you in dread defect blocker fixed 3 years
#1346 'get_authorization_group_dict not found' exception dread defect minor fixed 3 years
#1253 Authz refactor amercader enhancement major fixed 3 years
#816 Autocomplete for the resource format field johnglover enhancement minor fixed 3 years
#1258 Bring purge revision into ckan repo from vdm kindly enhancement awaiting triage fixed 3 years
#1271 CORS support rgrp enhancement major fixed 3 years
#1218 Colour the History tab icon dread enhancement minor fixed 3 years
#1192 Convert CKAN Sphinx docs into admin/reference manual annapowellsmith task major fixed 3 years
#1270 Default site is a redirect and loses POSTs dread defect minor fixed 3 years
#1228 Display OpenID login errors dread enhancement minor fixed 3 years
#1183 Downloads "Preview" button doesn't preview. johnglover defect awaiting triage fixed 3 years
#1340 Editing non-existent group causes Exception dread defect minor fixed 3 years
#1347 Exception caused by New Group form POST with bad formed parameter dread defect minor fixed 3 years
#1338 Exception when trying to use a custom form schema from an extension amercader defect major fixed 3 years
#78 Extend login cookie lifetime rgrp enhancement trivial fixed 5 years
#1254 Feature sheet dread task major fixed 3 years
#1323 GET /authorizationgroup causes Exception when logged in dread enhancement critical fixed 3 years
#1337 Group extras are JSON endoded in the REST API responses amercader defect minor fixed 3 years
#1418 If default language is not 'en' then you can't switch language to 'en' dread defect major duplicate 3 years
#888 Improvements to the dataproxy and the data API johnglover enhancement major fixed 3 years
#318 Insufficient validation of resource URIs johnglover defect major fixed 4 years
#1281 Locale change flash message in wrong language pudo defect minor fixed 3 years
#1222 Mailer has no tests dread defect major fixed 3 years
#1154 Make ckan robust against solr failure johnglover enhancement major fixed 3 years
#1230 Make sure plugins tables work in tests. enhancement awaiting triage fixed 3 years
#1333 Move form converters to ckan core amercader enhancement minor fixed 3 years
#1150 Non-ASCII chars prevent data preview johnglover defect awaiting triage fixed 3 years
#1312 Particular characters in JSON cause exception creating package on API dread enhancement minor invalid 3 years
#1221 Password reset tidy up dread defect minor fixed 3 years
#1247 Put docs on ReadTheDocs rgrp task minor fixed 3 years
#1172 Remove all try: except: blocks that don't re-raise the original exception dread defect major fixed 3 years
#1239 Remove and re-add tag on package not working rgrp defect critical fixed 3 years
#1246 Search results on are mistakenly all 'open' pudo defect critical fixed 3 years
#1234 Setting locale error conditions handled badly dread enhancement minor fixed 3 years
#1195 Storage extension to handle incorrect routes better rgrp defect minor fixed 3 years
#1421 Tag cloud recipe broken dread defect minor fixed 3 years
#1427 Tags validation needs to limit length to 100 characters dread enhancement trivial fixed 3 years
#1274 Testing solr search johnglover enhancement major fixed 3 years
#1266 Timestamps without microseconds causing exception dread defect critical fixed 3 years
#1225 Tool for mass tag changes dread enhancement minor fixed 3 years
#1128 Upload Scotland gov data dread task major fixed 3 years
#1426 Validation errors cause 409 not 400 response dread defect minor invalid 3 years
#1238 Viewing a package @date misses non-PackageRevisions kindly defect major invalid 3 years
#1208 Webstore: a datastore with web API rgrp enhancement major fixed 3 years
#1256 fix modification extension for moderation kindly defect awaiting triage fixed 3 years
#1329 i18n poor in some templates - missing i18n tags dread defect major fixed 3 years
#1176 unicode_body exception thejimmyg defect trivial fixed 3 years
#1265 user/edit error conditions cause exceptions dread defect minor fixed 3 years
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.