Custom Query (23 matches)


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Status: closed (23 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Resolution Created
#906 Ability to search without accents for accented words thejimmyg enhancement awaiting triage fixed 3 years
#978 Edit Resource including Extras in Web UI zephod enhancement awaiting triage fixed 3 years
#1151 Preview for geographic data should be a map rgrp enhancement awaiting triage wontfix 3 years
#1400 Document Archiver Extension johnglover enhancement major fixed 3 years
#1469 Geo-spatial search on the front end amercader enhancement major fixed 2 years
#1506 [super] UX improvements to dataset edit, create and search + group + user page (Dec 2011) zephod enhancement major fixed 2 years
#1653 Change URLs for multilingual site toby enhancement awaiting triage fixed 2 years
#1670 Publisher profile documentation ross enhancement awaiting triage fixed 2 years
#1744 UX improvements to dataset edit as of Dec 2011 zephod enhancement major fixed 2 years
#1753 Last fixes of Webstorer + Deploy on the DataHub kindly enhancement major fixed 2 years
#1792 [super] api to use same validation and logic as wui forms. toby enhancement awaiting triage fixed 2 years
#1797 [super] Webstore v2 - Integrated and based on ElasticSearch rgrp enhancement critical fixed 2 years
#1802 Investigate CKAN deployment on Windows dread enhancement critical fixed 2 years
#1807 Recently added/updated datasets for EC portal seanh enhancement awaiting triage fixed 2 years
#1809 Catch request exceptions in archiver link_checker task johnglover enhancement major fixed 2 years
#1825 Write docs for vocabularies API seanh enhancement awaiting triage fixed 2 years
#1826 weight queries so that title is more important than rest of body kindly enhancement awaiting triage fixed 2 years
#1828 Upgrade to Recline v0.3 rgrp enhancement major fixed 2 years
#1830 OpenID disablable dread enhancement major fixed 2 years
#1788 IE7 compatibility problems zephod defect major fixed 2 years
#1799 To login as a different user or register, you need to logout first dread defect major fixed 2 years
#1804 CKAN mounted at URL - changing language problem toby defect major fixed 2 years
#1829 Changing back to English prints the flash message in the previous non-English language dread defect major fixed 2 years
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.