Custom Query (495 matches)


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Results (201 - 300 of 495)

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Ticket Summary Milestone Status Owner Priority Keywords
#2830 Need method to undelete groups demo phase 4 new toby awaiting triage
#2857 no UI to follow another user although option on dashboard demo phase 4 new toby awaiting triage
#2861 Add qa breadcrumb demo phase 4 new toby awaiting triage
#2862 Revised revised groups description demo phase 4 new toby awaiting triage
#2863 non-admin users can edit other's draft datasets demo phase 4 new toby awaiting triage
#2873 ckanext-qa: dataset summary incorrect demo phase 4 assigned toby awaiting triage
#2939 Orgs are groups new toby awaiting triage
#3012 auth new toby awaiting triage
#277 Set some config options / settings in WUI (extension) ckan-backlog assigned zephod awaiting triage
#1358 Generate configuration documentation automatically from the deployment_ini_tmpl file ckan-backlog assigned zephod awaiting triage
#1403 Refactor groups index page ckan-backlog new zephod awaiting triage
#1411 Force resource format to be lower case (also mimetype) ckan-backlog new zephod awaiting triage
#1507 Minor fixes to dataset add on Group edit form - 0.5d ckan-backlog assigned zephod awaiting triage ux [0.5d]
#1782 Improvements to datasets page UX (Feb 2012) ckan-future new zephod awaiting triage
#2412 More than one resource invalidatiing breaks dataset edit form ckan-sprint-2012-06-25 assigned zephod major
#140 News section on front page ckan-backlog new awaiting triage
#253 Package relationships ckan-backlog assigned awaiting triage
#256 Package relationships - 3. Edit in WUI ckan-backlog assigned major
#285 Paginate list of packages on tag read page assigned awaiting triage
#301 Package discussion pages assigned awaiting triage
#331 Timezone of CKAN timestamps should be configurable ckan-backlog new awaiting triage
#350 Search engine optimisation ckan-backlog reopened awaiting triage
#351 Homepage: list new, updated and 'hot' packages ckan-backlog new awaiting triage
#369 "Package Listing Key" should appear on Tag results ckan-backlog new awaiting triage
#370 Use better email encryption for author_email and maintainer_email ckan-backlog new awaiting triage
#653 Trackback links for packages ckan-backlog new awaiting triage
#737 Markdown syntax summary page ckan-backlog new awaiting triage ux
#763 Read-only mode - Setup ckan-future assigned minor
#765 Read-only mode - API usage ckan-backlog assigned awaiting triage
#811 Extra field editing form layout breaks when there are long field names ckan-backlog new awaiting triage ux
#812 Package edit form only allows three extra fields ckan-backlog new awaiting triage
#818 Rethinking the author and maintainer fields ckan-backlog new awaiting triage
#837 CKAN integration with freebase gridworks / google refine ckan-backlog new awaiting triage
#895 Add version number (or simular) to css/js includes query string ckan-backlog new awaiting triage
#909 DCat importer for CKAN ckan-backlog assigned awaiting triage
#924 Search box has no search button ckan-backlog new minor ux
#948 Highlight (to a sysadmin) which packages are deleted ckan-future assigned minor
#1101 Integrate googlanalytics into site nav ckan-backlog new awaiting triage
#1120 Atom feeds of each tag ckan-backlog new awaiting triage atom tag
#1130 First time users assigned awaiting triage
#1134 CREP0003: Description and Configuration of Harvesters ckan-backlog new major Harvesting
#1144 Support DSPL ckan-backlog new awaiting triage
#1145 Support the Handle System ckan-backlog new awaiting triage
#1165 Add multi-site support to ckan ckan-future new awaiting triage deployment
#1179 Support tag aliases ckan-backlog new awaiting triage
#1182 Comments from deleted packages appear in "Recent Comments" feed ckan-backlog new awaiting triage comments
#1184 Support Wuala as CKAN storage option ckan-backlog new awaiting triage
#1185 Administrators can't delete packages from web UI ckan-backlog new awaiting triage ui admin
#1188 Allow diffing against initial (blank) package version ckan-backlog new awaiting triage
#1198 Publisher hierarchy ckan-backlog new critical
#1201 seperate out logic in atom feeds to logic layer. ckan-backlog new awaiting triage
#1227 Display packages' tags in search results ckan-backlog new awaiting triage
#1232 [super] Interface improvements ckan-backlog new awaiting triage
#1233 [super] Improve wiki-style functionality for history ckan-backlog new awaiting triage
#1235 [super] Search Improvements ckan-future new major
#1244 Notes field carriage-returns converted to CRLF assigned major
#1257 Anti-Spam tools ckan-backlog new major
#1260 Remove duplicate functions from _util.html ckan-backlog new trivial
#1261 Investigate dots in extras search ckan-backlog new trivial
#1262 Enforce "create-user" permission ckan-backlog new major
#1273 Create docs for API v3 ckan-backlog new awaiting triage
#1278 Refactor authorized_query calls ckan-backlog new awaiting triage authz
#1285 Errors cause emails ckan-future assigned minor
#1286 Remove remaining formalchemy stuff ckan-backlog new major
#1288 Package edit/creation can't include 'relationships' field ckan-backlog new minor
#1314 ckanclient search - generator improvements ckan-backlog assigned minor
#1317 password reset - improve user search ckan-backlog assigned trivial
#1322 Action API improvements assigned major
#1326 Write a set of auth plugin functions to integrate with Druapl ckan-backlog new minor
#1328 Unicode & paster commands assigned minor
#1352 Use logic functions instead of as_dict when indexing entities ckan-backlog new major search
#1355 Package extras property does not include the newly created ones ckan-backlog new awaiting triage
#1366 Search inside extra fields ckan-future assigned major
#1406 Re-enable RSS subscriptions ckan-backlog new awaiting triage
#1414 track user log-ins on ckan-backlog new awaiting triage
#1423 Edit resources suggestions ckan-backlog new awaiting triage
#1424 Openness notice should be clearer ckan-backlog new minor
#1432 [super] Data processing system for CKAN and Webstore ckan-backlog new awaiting triage
#1438 Action API - parameter discovery/checking ckan-future new major
#1439 Action API discoverablility ckan-backlog new major
#1457 Bug with DataNL instance ckan-future new awaiting triage Data NL
#1460 Improve extensions documentation assigned major docs
#1466 Need to support https login for multiple instances as part of the CKAN package install ckan-backlog new critical
#1489 Updating example theme/extension ckan-backlog assigned major
#1509 Mis-dated old revisions of datasets assigned minor
#1534 Change revisions to record userid rather than username ckan-backlog new major
#1535 Plump for auth header of: X-CKAN-API-KEY ckan-backlog new awaiting triage
#1542 Buttons to purge spam datasets and groups ckan-backlog new major
#1544 delete old git branches ckan-backlog new minor
#1550 Allow simple auth via the API ckan-backlog assigned awaiting triage auth
#1578 [super] Re-enable and refactor ratings ckan-backlog new awaiting triage
#1596 Refactor authz roles ckan-future new awaiting triage
#1598 Reinstate Ratings ckan-backlog new awaiting triage
#1604 Get ckanext-moderatededits working with CKAN 1.5+ templates ckan-backlog new awaiting triage
#1606 metadata license config option ckan-backlog new awaiting triage
#1642 Extra link generators generate garbled HTML ckan-backlog new awaiting triage
#1643 Add fixed tags to thedatahub for better browsing ckan-backlog new awaiting triage ux, tags
#1644 Order default dataset page by most downloaded resources on thedatahub ckan-backlog new awaiting triage ux
#1647 add links to ckan discuss & dev to thedatahub ckan-backlog new trivial ux
#1661 Wrong Routes version installed by CKAN package ckan-backlog assigned major
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.