Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (1354 - 1356 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1676 fixed Publisher editor authz ross ross

Reported by ross, 2 years ago.


Super #1669

Editor authz for publisher groups need to be implemented and tested.

#1680 wontfix Group refactor top level element ross ross

Reported by ross, 2 years ago.


The new group refactor allows for a hierarchy of groups where each group has a type - to be able to implement a tree of groups.

It will need a flag within the group to denote that it is a top level group, to circumvent the need to determine whether the group is a child of a parent node (for a specific use case - a publisher representing the department that only contains publishers).

Suggest 'is_top_level'

#1681 fixed Core storage document ross ross

Reported by ross, 2 years ago.


Document all of the changes and usage for #1574 so that we can mark it 'done done'.

Make sure we document any setup issues/processes and the setup required for CKAN so that Mark can announce next week and it should be easily deployable/testable.

Internal (perhaps in README somewhere or wiki): how does process work, where does data end up and in what order etc

External: here's how to configure it and here's what you get ... (goes in main sphinx docs)

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