{22} Trac tickets (2647 matches)

Results (2501 - 2600 of 2647)

Id Type Owner Reporter Milestone Status Resolution Summary Description Posixtime Modifiedtime
#178 enhancement rgrp dread v0.11 closed fixed Excel package importer

/tool New 'tools' section of the WUI with 'Excel package import' page.

/tool/import Import page allows you to upload a file. The format of the required Excel file is described here. List of licenses provided for copy&paste.

/tool/import/preview When you upload it, it gives you a simple preview of the file, offering import. Text as per Package Preview. 'import button' for completing process.

File format:

First row to have a cell value of 'name' or 'title' in it is the Title Row. It contains the field names, as per package. It includes:

  • license - name of license
  • tags - space separated
  • groups - space separated
  • anything - for extra key-values

When importing, values are bound into the package fieldset, validated and displayed for the preview and synced to complete.

User has to log in to use importer. Auth is checked for putting into groups.

1257244034000000 1265305558000000
#179 defect dread rgrp v1.0 closed fixed Restore 404 and 500 messages in WUI

Cost: 0.5h (?)

Conjecture this went missing in cset:a35db862a841

1257412668000000 1265305549000000
#188 enhancement rgrp rgrp v0.11 closed duplicate Improve package listing views

Propose change to tabular-like format showing these attributes (perhaps should be configurable?)

  • Openness status
  • Title (not sure name is needed)
  • Tags

Cost: 4h

1257870031000000 1265294090000000
#112 enhancement rgrp dread v0.11 closed wontfix Test db schema created via migration scripts

'paster db upgrade' should result in the same database as 'paster db create' on a clean system. In particular, all tests should pass.

Note: equivalent of paster db upgrade isn't being run from tests at the moment (we haven't been able to get this to work).

1252316495000000 1265294069000000
#113 enhancement dread dread v0.11 closed fixed Simple script to test data migration on a production db

Must not alter the db.

Related to ticket:112.

1252316523000000 1265294054000000
#145 enhancement rgrp dread v0.11 closed fixed Group shows its administrators

When viewing a group you see a list of the users who have admin rights to it. (Akin to owners / moderators)

1255010403000000 1265294041000000
#173 enhancement rgrp dread v0.11 closed fixed Diffing WUI

Use vdm diff functionality (see ticket:82) to implement diffing of packages between versions in WUI.

In package history you should be able to select to revisions and show the diff.

Estimated cost: 12h

1256565412000000 1265293968000000
#230 task dread dread v1.0 closed fixed Refactor 'package preview' to use 'package read'
  • Requires Package Read to not use the side-bar
  • Need to sync params to a package object that is taken out of the session so that it doesn't go into the database.
1262788084000000 1265293953000000
#135 enhancement rgrp dread v0.11 closed fixed sysadmins defined in the db 1254735368000000 1265293940000000
#175 enhancement rgrp dread v0.11 closed fixed Creation date

'created' attribute on User, Group and Rating

datetime object: default=datetime.datetime.now()

See example on revision

Requires migrate script

1256754070000000 1265291037000000
#239 task dread dread v1.0 closed fixed Test migrate scripts

Integrate new test upgrade into testmigrate stuff.

New "migrate.ini" config file programmed with the db to be used for migrate tests and a param saying where the db dump is.

1264439926000000 1265286521000000
#220 enhancement nickstenning dread v0.11 closed fixed UI Review - Package read

Package page package/mypackagename

  • Design
    • In general: a huge amount of visual and typographic noise: "Package:" is redundant.
    • "{edit}", "{history}" -- ugly, and it's not clear that these are primary actions on this page. Notably, why on earth is "make an enquiry with Is It Open?" bigger than these?
    • Openness/downloadability icons: need help, as discussed earlier
    • "Rating:" redundant, as is the second set of stars -- why can't both the display and rate widget
      • Rating - alternative to GET on set_rating.
    • "Metadata:" technospeak, probably redundant.
    • <li> bullets add nothing.
    • Title, Version, URL can probably go in one line.
    • Resources can be made more prominent.
    • Author, author email and Maintainer, maintainer email can be merged.
    • Groups, tags in little boxes?
    • Notes made more delineated -- Markdown has the capacity to look like other parts of the page: perhaps monospace the typeface?
    • Don't show extras unless there are any.
1260880136000000 1265286499000000
#189 enhancement dread dread v0.11 closed fixed Multiple download urls

See also: PackageResources which defines a 'distribution' as a package's payload (perhaps with metadata). In our case, at least within CKAN, the representation of the distribution will just be the reference to get it (plus some minor metadata). We are expanding this functionality to be any kind of 'resource' associated with a package since it is likely in some cases people will want to link to a file containing a part, but not the whole, of a package's data.

As a

User (package editor and package user)

I want to

(package editor) Associate multiple distributions with a package.

(package user) Easily have access to multiple distributions of a package should they exist.


There is an object called 'Resource' with the following attributes:

  • url (text) (required in UI, but not in db table)
  • format (text)
  • description (text)
  • package (association) - a resource is always associated with 1 package

A package's list of resources will have an order which is preserved. The first in the list will be known as the 'default resource' (the presumption will always be that this is a 'distribution').

How to replace download url

download_url removed and replaced as a proxy attribute. Read returns the url of the default distribution. Write changes the url of the default resource. Ensures backward compatibility.

REST API has new attribute in package dictionary 'resouces' - an ordered list.

In WUI, replace download url in package read with a table of the distributions.

In the WUI package edit, be able to add/remove/edit/reorder distributions.


Example part of package:


http://some.com/pollution.pdf PDF Original report
http://some.com/pollution.csv csv Original data
http://some.com/pollution sparql Linked version of data

Existing data to be migrated to new structure.

Cost: 4 days

1258386120000000 1265284961000000
#144 enhancement rgrp dread v0.11 closed duplicate Most popular packages listed on homepage

Based on number of views.

Related to ticket:143.

1255010391000000 1265284457000000
#201 enhancement rgrp dread v1.0 closed fixed Stress test ckan


  • high numbers of simultaneous users
  • incomplete transactions
  • etc.
1259844836000000 1265284419000000
#194 defect rgrp dread v0.11 closed fixed Check star ratings aren't influenced by search engine crawlers

rel=nofollow or robots.txt ?

1258471512000000 1265284389000000
#180 enhancement rgrp jwyg v0.11 closed duplicate Tag cloud as way to view CKAN tags

Create big tag cloud with all CKAN tags - perhaps weighting with size and colour...

1257534254000000 1265284374000000
#237 enhancement johnbywater johnbywater closed fixed The system shall accept submissions from authenticated owners of activated accounts using the data openness enquiry form by presenting the enquiry summary and prompting for confirmation 1264157377000000 1264157420000000
#236 enhancement johnbywater johnbywater closed fixed The system shall present to all users a form for starting data openness enquiries 1264157100000000 1264157324000000
#217 enhancement nickstenning dread v0.11 closed fixed UI Review - Search results

Package search results page package/search

  • need clearer delineation between search entry form and results.
  • 0 results needs to be clearer, and the alternative suggestion: 'would you like to create a new package' needs to not look like a search result.
  • "N tags found" -- why do I care? this should be presented as "filter results by tag" -- very unlikely that I'm looking for a tag: I'm looking for a package, but tags might help me narrow down my search.
  • tags should be displayed more like the way they're displayed when you add them to a package (i.e. blue 'tag' background)
  • filter out particular tags
  • tag cloud?
  • copywriting: "Packages - Search" -> "Search packages"
1260879870000000 1263406092000000
#214 enhancement nickstenning dread v0.11 closed fixed UI Review - General template
  • Set hover names on navigation links.
  • Do we really need to display "About CKAN" everywhere? Just on home page.
  • Redirect in routing /groups and /tags rather than /group and /tag. At the very least make the plural versions forward to the singular versions.
1260879581000000 1263406056000000
#218 enhancement nickstenning dread v0.11 closed fixed UI Review - Package listing
  • openness/downloadability ticks/crosses are totally inscrutable to non-techies (those who don't know about the title attribute). need better icons, and a key in a box on RHS.
  • maybe highlight two-tick entries with a particular colour, but the open knowledge badge is horrendous, and breaks visual cadence.
  • results data should be tabulated, with the project names and descriptions made most prominent. <li> blobs are unnecessary visual noise.
  • maybe links should go on the full titles? Get rid of package names.
  • Should have filter by name (à la KForge alphanum widget) and also by tag: list of most common tags in box on RHS?
  • same comments as search listing (ticket:217)
1260879903000000 1263406033000000
#85 enhancement rgrp rgrp closed fixed Convert state from an object to an enumeration

No real benefit of having State object as opposed to a simple text field with enumerated values and this second option is both simpler and more flexible.

Main hassle here is that it requires migration in all projects that use vdm.

If we're going to do this we should do it sooner rather than later.

Cost: 2h (+ 1h for a conversion method)

1248339662000000 1263206391000000
#206 enhancement nickstenning nickstenning v1.0 closed fixed UI review

Investigate and list (on the wiki at wiki:UiReviewNotes) CKAN's UI issues, in particular:

  • Overview pages: reduction in visual noise and unnecessary elements.
    • best example: package overview page
    • consider openness/downloadability icons
    • display common metadata fields in a more structured fashion?

Est cost: 2 hrs.

1260199941000000 1260881123000000
#212 enhancement rgrp rgrp v0.11 closed fixed Switch to using m.okfn.org "kforge" media (css and behaviour)

We are already using standard kforge css though copied locally and with a few modifications.

We should switch to using common copy on m.okfn.org. Some work will be required to factor out any changes we have made.

Cost: 2h

1260703728000000 1260703969000000
#209 enhancement rgrp rgrp closed fixed Validate email address when creating an enquiry

p:wui 2009-09-09 validate email address when creating an enquiry

1260288671000000 1260288728000000
#102 enhancement rgrp rgrp closed fixed Switch to using UUIDs for revision ids

This is better for long term sustainability, especially if we want to "push and pull" from unrelated repositories in the future.


  • May wish to retain a number field updated in the usual incremental way (what's the cost/benefit here?)
1250068175000000 1260285104000000
#197 enhancement dread dread v0.11 closed fixed Simple dumper

As a

admin / user

I want to

Admin: export all HEAD data to JSON / CSV / RDF format dump.

User: wants to get hold of this dump.


  • Just do JSON & CSV for now.
  • Put this in CLI.
  • Just do list of packages - as_dict info. CSV needs a bit of flattening.

Cost: 2h

1258972495000000 1258989700000000
#153 enhancement dread dread v0.11 closed duplicate Group's packages listed alphabetically

This is so you can easily look up whether a given package is already listed - otherwise as lists get bigger becomes difficult to see what is already there.

Suggested by Jonathan Gray

1255621515000000 1258971895000000
#195 enhancement rgrp rgrp v0.11 closed fixed Association listings should be alphabetically sorted (e.g. a group's packages)

Where an item has an association listing (e.g. package's tags or group's packages) these should be sorted in a sensible way. For present choose to sort alphabetically by name.

Cost: 2h

1258475448000000 1258585500000000
#161 defect dread rgrp v0.11 closed fixed Tag listing is incorrect

E.g. http://ckan.net/tag/read/postcodes this has no-postcode listed but when you look at that package 'postcodes' isn't a tag ...

I suspect this may be to do with search using deleted tags as I think no-postcode had postcodes as a tag at some point earlier ...

1256030925000000 1258573607000000
#87 enhancement rgrp rgrp closed duplicate Multiple download links

Multiple download links, including links to mirrors and multiple formats/versions

1248693302000000 1258470719000000
#138 enhancement rgrp dread v1.0 closed fixed User has editable home page
  • Generic text box for markdown about the user 'About'

Model's user table reflects these:

  • 'about' attribute
  • 'created' attribute is a default=datetime.now() - so when user was created

Need edit page for this.

Only user should be able to edit it.

Follows on from ticket:136 and ticket:142

Cost: 2h

1254741789000000 1258466074000000
#125 enhancement dread rgrp v1.0 closed duplicate Edit Generic Package Attributes in WUI

Split out from ticket:43

1253709712000000 1258377621000000
#154 enhancement rgrp dread v0.11 closed wontfix Package form guidance

Give guidance on what to put in 'author' and 'maintainer' fields (e.g. name? URL?)

Suggestion from Jonathan Gray

1255621572000000 1257535066000000
#172 enhancement rgrp rgrp v0.11 closed fixed Build ckan documentation using sphinx and upload

Use python sphinx to build documenation in ./doc and then upload it somewhere publicly accessible.

NB: improving the documentation is another matter (as is integrating e.g. existing api docs).

Upload location (these are docs for CKAN codebase/concept not the ckan service at ckan.net so good not to associate it too closely with ckan.net):

1256489019000000 1257532331000000
#149 enhancement dread dread v0.11 closed fixed Loader for esw data recognises existing packages

Follows on from ticket:148. Sister to ticket:150.

1255440751000000 1257414916000000
#168 enhancement rgrp dread closed duplicate Show admins for a group in group view 1256291481000000 1257414795000000
#151 enhancement dread rgrp v0.11 closed duplicate User object should have a created attribute

User object should have a "created" attribute initialized to current datetime.

Require a db migration but o/w very simple.

Cost: 1.5h

1255589694000000 1257414545000000
#49 enhancement rgrp rgrp closed invalid Filter Spam in Changes to CKAN Data

As A


I Want To

Have revisions to the CKAN data filtered in order to reduce the spam in the system.


In the long run this is a quite a generic problem common across several OKF systems and probably can become a general component in the okfmisc repo. For time being focus on a well-factored CKAN-specific solution.

Suggest we follow path of trac: http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/SpamFilter

Could have a general engine that aggregates spam scores from many different 'plugins' and then marks spam appropriately (actions should be configurable depending on spam level from 'purge' to 'delete' (mark revision as inactive) to 'flag' to 'do nothing').

Main initial plugins would be:

  • regex filter (this would seem very useful here, e.g. do not allow urls in commit messages ...)
    • could augment using the badcontent list approach (can find list on e.g. moinmoin)
  • spambayes and/or akismet
1204134691000000 1257244973000000
#150 enhancement dread dread v0.11 closed fixed Loader for esw data uses REST API

(instead of sqlalchemy interface, to facilitate general usage of the loader)

  • use ckanclient

Follows on from ticket:148 and ticket:149

1255440828000000 1256751974000000
#82 enhancement rgrp rgrp closed fixed Support diffing of versioned objects

Should have function/facility to get a diff of a version object between 2 revisions. Function should return a dictionary of fields with diffs.


  • Do we deal with m2m relationships (and m2one on the many side)?
  • What is diff?
    • For text fields output of python diff command
    • For non-text field guess just simple +/- for what was there before and now

Cost: 4h (don't think this is a huge request)

1248289499000000 1256565441000000
#162 enhancement dread rgrp v0.11 closed fixed Tags should be automatially lowere-cased if not already

Rather than raising a validation error automatically lower-case tags on submission.

Cost: 0.5h

1256048269000000 1256142462000000
#106 enhancement dread rgrp closed duplicate Regularly convert CKAN data to RDF and put on Talis CC

Sister to ticket:90 (Link to RDF version of CKAN data on Talis Connected Commons).

Talis have already kindly done an initial conversion. We should repeat this process regularly and re-upload the data to Talis CC.

In the long run may wish to only re-convert packages changed since the last upload. However given relatively smaller size of full dataset this optimization is probably not yet required.

Attached is the ruby script used by Talis for conversion

Cost: ? (1d+ depending on e.g. how easy integration with Talis CC is)

1251454474000000 1256140649000000
#157 enhancement dread rgrp v0.11 closed fixed Log message not persisted through preview

Log message on package edit page is no longer persisted through a preview (no doubt due to recent form upgrades). Let's fix this.

cost: 0.5h

1255694396000000 1256062680000000
#159 defect dread rgrp v0.11 closed fixed Searching for tags:... resulting in lots of tags being found

Search of form: tags: ... behaves differently depending on whether there is a leading space:

  • tags: postcode - tags found correctly but no packages found
  • tags:postcode - tags incorrectly found but correct packages found

Let's fix this.

Cost: 0.5h

1256030097000000 1256060264000000
#152 enhancement dread dread v0.11 closed fixed Package has editable 'Extra' fields

Package edit page has fields for extra key-value pairs. Don't use formalchemy. The form displays the existing ones and new ones as follows:

Key           Value            delete
[ country   ] [ uk, spain   ]  [x]

When presenting the form, existing pairs and 3 blank pairs are provided.

When saving the data, keys that are not changed use the existing PackageExtra object (perhaps with new value). Deleted keys put the PackageExtra state to deleted. For new keys, only create a new PackageExtra if there isn't a state=deleted one to resurrect.

Validators ensure no repeated keys.

1255615316000000 1256056193000000
#158 enhancement dread dread v0.11 closed fixed Add 'extras' to REST API
  • Ensure you can add/change/delete extra fields from packages using the REST API.
  • Update API docs to cover this.

On Package get, ensure separation of extra attributes from other attributes.

What is the meaning of posting an incomplete dictionary (updating a package)? Option 1 - if field not present, leave field alone

  • Delete field if field value is None

Option 2 - user must supply all fields

  • Delete field if field absent

Prefer option 1. Document this.

Follows on from ticket:152

1255703259000000 1255949818000000
#148 enhancement dread dread v0.11 closed fixed Parser and loader for esw.org data
  • parse like data4nr code

Follow up tickets: ticket:149 and ticket:150

1255440696000000 1255515222000000
#147 enhancement dread dread v0.11 closed duplicate Parser and loader for esw.org data 1255440695000000 1255515162000000
#134 defect rgrp dread v0.11 closed fixed admin interface is only available to sysadmins 1254735314000000 1255430998000000
#139 defect rgrp rgrp v0.11 closed worksforme Ensure you cannot add same tag twice to a package

Seems some package have ended up with same tag twice: http://www.ckan.net/package/fred2dot0

Check whether this is still possible and if it is fix it ...

Cost: 2h

1254768552000000 1255188974000000
#77 enhancement dread rgrp v0.11 closed fixed Rate packages

As a User or Visitor

I wish to rate a package in some way. On the package view, below Openness, there is a 'Rating' heading with the star rating which is selectable.

Rating out of 5. One user or IP, one vote.

package_rating table:

package | user | rating annakarenina | joe.bloggs.openid.com | 4 annakarenina | | 1

1247829193000000 1255176732000000
#136 enhancement rgrp dread v0.11 closed fixed User has publicly viewable page

A user's 'home page' is at: user/<user.id> e.g. user/28394723982-03849472

Step 1:

  • Current user home page with recent edits

Step 2: Readonly

  • Number of edits
  • Number of Packages they are admin of

How do we do a nicer URL for the home page - can we use their openid login?

Follow on tickets: ticket:138 and ticket:142

1254741650000000 1255169466000000
#141 task dread rgrp v0.11 closed fixed Search api docs

Write up search api documentation and put it in a template that shows up at api/search/.

Cost: 2h

1254903008000000 1255007583000000
#137 enhancement rgrp dread closed duplicate User has editable home page
  • Generic text box for markdown about the user 'About'

Model's user table reflects these:

  • 'about' attribute
1254741703000000 1254741830000000
#126 enhancement dread dread v0.10 closed fixed Change package state in the WUI (delete and undelete)

As a Package Admin I want to change the state of the package. In particular I wish to delete and undelete it.

(NB: this is quite separate from "purging" objects which is the term we shall use for irrevocable removal of an object from the domain model).

  • Only Package Admins (and sysadmins) should be able to change state

Implementation Suggestions

  • 'delete' action should be renamed to 'change-state' (NB: this requires a db migration ...)
  • Have new package formalchemy form (created via inheritance?) to incorporate state attribute. Suggest this is rendered as a dropdown (and may be simple object rendering of state, i.e. do NOT need to change it to a single name such 'active').
  • This form should then be used when the user satisfies is_authorized(..., model.Action.CHANGE_STATE) instead of the usual fieldset
1253789571000000 1254740244000000
#117 enhancement dread dread v0.10 closed fixed Access Control - group core functionality

Based on a section of AccessControl design: Group reads and edits are controlled by access control. WUI and REST interfaces covered.

1253271333000000 1254735855000000
#124 enhancement rgrp rgrp v1.0 closed fixed Display Generic Package Attributes in WUI

Split out from ticket:43

1253709702000000 1254735558000000
#130 enhancement dread rgrp v0.10 closed fixed Create a New Group via the WUI

As a


I want to

Create a new group via the WUI


  • locate at /group/new/
  • You must be logged in to create a group
  • Group creator is automatically given role of group admin
  • Edit screen is same as edit screen ...
1254130212000000 1254735501000000
#120 enhancement dread dread v0.10 closed fixed Security audit

Look for all places where model is accessed and check authorization is checked.

Document holes (and, as necessary, suggestions for fixes) as new tickets. Likely areas that need looking at:

  • search i/f
  • package WUI commit

Write holes are obviously much more significant to us than read holes.

1253529427000000 1254406544000000
#123 enhancement dread dread v0.10 closed fixed Ability to edit Group in WUI

Add Group editing page.

If no permissions to change group can't edit group. Also cannot view edit page.

Editable attributes: name, title, description

No preview needed

1253708041000000 1254321447000000
#131 enhancement dread dread v0.10 closed fixed Groups REST interface

Controlling Groups through a REST interface.

1254307959000000 1254308115000000
#127 enhancement dread dread v0.10 closed fixed Minor form and UI improvements
  • group form: description field for needs to be a text area
  • group form: make title and name field wider
  • package view: need to move tags and license above notes
1253798659000000 1253868048000000
#119 enhancement dread dread v0.10 closed fixed Ensure non-active packages don't show up

Ensure pending packages don't show up in search or browse

cost: 4h

1253529414000000 1253791147000000
#118 enhancement dread dread v0.10 closed fixed Use paginate in webhelpers

Take out import of paginate in setup.py. Use paginate in webhelpers instead. Make changes to take account of any i/f changes.

1253273657000000 1253784902000000
#34 defect somebody zool closed worksforme Page Not Found - returns with 200 rather than 404 as it should 1163008961000000 1253781550000000
#121 enhancement dread dread v0.10 closed fixed Add 'Group' to main menu

And associated page to browse group.

1253694827000000 1253716782000000
#122 enhancement dread dread v0.10 closed fixed Add Group authz page 1253694842000000 1253716757000000
#43 enhancement rgrp rgrp v0.10 closed fixed Generic Attributes for Packages

As A


I Want To

Add arbitrary named attributes to packages (an attribute being a name, type, value triple).


  • We will do this using a dedicated (versioned) table associated to Package
  • Do we allow multiple attributes of the same name?
    • For the present: No (since we will key by attribute name)
    • Could allow for single attribute but with multiple values using json list ...
  • What types do we allow or do we just rely on JSON to take care of this?

Questions (Original)

  • How complex is this to implement?
  • What would an arbitrary user be able to edit? Possibilities:
    1. 'create new attribute' and setting the value (so name and type would be chosen from predefined list).
    2. 'create', setting of name and value (but not type -- type already set in predefined list)
  • Could just use (machine) tags -- though this could be seen as a bit of a hack.
  • Would solve having to create special file/url attributes (though I think that perhaps file stuff is important enough to merit first class support in the domain model -- though, that said, since one won't want to have a file limit adding unlimited file support is very similar to unlimited attributes of arbitrary type).
1199788109000000 1253709802000000
#116 enhancement dread dread v0.10 closed fixed Access Control - edited in wui

Based on a section of AccessControl design: WUI gives controls to user and administrator to change permissions on a package.

1253034802000000 1253709460000000
#93 enhancement rgrp rgrp v0.10 closed fixed Access control for packages

Should be able to limit ability to a user's ability to do things with packages (read, edit etc). This is a big ticket (it may required splitting) and full details are in separate wiki page: AccessControl.

Cost: 8d

1249055049000000 1253613274000000
#115 enhancement dread dread v0.10 closed fixed Access Control - wui constrained by model

Based on a section of AccessControl design: Reading and writing to packages in the WUI and REST API are now dependent on the authz tables.

1253034394000000 1253091426000000
#114 enhancement dread dread v0.10 closed fixed Access Control - model

Create in the model basic operation of Access Control.

roles table

name | context | action
admin| package | edit
admin| package | edit-permissions
admin| package | read
editor| package | update
editor| package | read
reader| package | read
This data is set-up on db init and will have no interface.

user-roles table:

username | context_type | objectid | role
rgrp     | system  | n/a | admin
visitor  | package | * | reader
bob      | package | geonames | admin
visitor  | package | geonames | editor
visitor  | package | geonames | reader
john     | group | ukgov | admin
dread    | group | ukgov | editor
visitor  | group | ukgov | reader
This data will be added when someone is given permissions for the system, a package or a group.

Pseudo code:

class Package

def is_allowed(name, action):

is_allowed(name, action, context=self)

class Group

def is_allowed(name, action):

is_allowed(name, action, context=self)

def is_allowed(name, action, context=None): name: string - a username or IP for 'visitor'

action: string - 'read', 'edit', 'delete', 'edit-permissions' context: object - a Group or a Package or None (which means system)

# look up user from name. # look up in user-roles table what roles this user has for this context. # for each roles, look up in roles table what actions are allowed. # return True if action is allowed, else False.

1252494527000000 1253034529000000
#110 enhancement dread dread v0.10 closed fixed Integrate groups into packages
  1. Package needs a groups property (backref Group.packages).
  2. Put groups in the search api.
  3. Display them on the package, but not editable. (Only editable from the group page.)

Follow up to ticket:105 (Groups).

Cost: 1d

1252315956000000 1252488660000000
#105 enhancement dread rgrp v0.10 closed fixed Package groups (view)

As a user I want to be able to create groups of packages.

This functionality is different from tags:

  • The ability to add a package to a given group is restricted whereas anyone can add a given tag to a package
  • Specifically groups have owners and only the owners can add a package to that group

Group properties

  • id (primarykey, uuid style)
  • name (restricted content - same rules as package)
  • title (no restrictions)
  • owners -- many:many with user object
  • description (markdown)
  • packages -- many:many with package object

Don't version groups for now.

Groups address in the WUI will be:

  • /group - browse list of groups (reuse list action)
  • /group/list - same thing for now
  • /group/<groupname> - display: group properties with links to packages. No links to user pages (yet).

Group editing and searching will be another ticket.

Cost: 3d

1251392282000000 1252488496000000
#108 enhancement dread rgrp v0.10 closed fixed Package search in the REST API

Add package search facility in the rest api at /api/search

Queries can be provided as for the normal package search either by posting to that url or by performing a get with a query string.

E.g. .../api/search/package?q=xyz

Query parameters:

  • q is keyword string (searches name, title, tags by default)
    • split by words and ANDed
  • additional parameters for specific fields
  • qjson is alternative to q for Searching by specific fields (in addition to keyword string). Payload to json is a JSON-encoded dict which is a dictionary with a q field for free text (keywords) and additional key/value pairs for specific fields
    • if q and qjson specified ignore q and just process qjson value

Additional parameters in addition to query ("q" or "qjson") are:

  • limit
  • offset
  • fullinfo=0/1 - return full record for each result (default=0)
  • order_by=field_name
  • search_notes=0/1 (default 0) do we search notes field in a keyword search

Return value is json encoded dictionary with keys:

  • 'results': list of results
  • 'count': total number of results

Extras (for the future)

  • Prioritisation is not part of this ticket (requires fulltext support in DB or in external app such as Xapian)
1251915845000000 1252340511000000
#111 enhancement rgrp dread v0.10 closed fixed Create user object

Object properties:

  • id (uuid)
  • apikey (uuid) -- migrated from the apikey table
  • name (username = openid)

/account is being renamed to /user in the wui.

1252315994000000 1252331626000000
#95 enhancement rgrp rgrp closed fixed Add manifest support

Support for listing files (manifest) contained within a package.

Traditional manifests just list the files. Suggest in addition we have support for optional metadata in form of key, value pairs.

1249981842000000 1251454716000000
#72 enhancement rgrp rgrp v0.10 closed fixed Integrate new logo

Integrate new logo from http://wiki.okfn.org/ckan/logo into site:

  • In title

Also can do favicon (separate ticket:48)

Cost: 1h

1246441021000000 1251451954000000
#76 enhancement dread rgrp v0.10 closed fixed Convert to use formalchemy for all forms

Current form stuff is not very good (uses formencode). Switch to formalchemy would improve this, especially on validation.

As an extra we could utilize the formalchemy pylons admin interface (pretty much for free).

Cost: 12h


  1. Replace htmlfill and formencode extract in controllers/templates with formalchemy
    1. Crude and simple
    2. Suppress unwanted fields (revision, state, all revisions) and sort out ordering to be similar to before.
    3. Sort out tag field with a special renderer
  2. Validation - testing definitely required.
  3. Fix up description and pretty css etc
1247829041000000 1251301765000000
#91 enhancement dread rgrp v0.10 closed fixed Add author and maintainer attributes to package

Add the following attributes to package:

  • author, author_email
  • maintainer, maintainer_email

Gives us full compatibility to: http://docs.python.org/distutils/setupscript.html#additional-meta-data

Column ordering - should come after name, title, url, download_url.

1249049780000000 1250864156000000
#66 enhancement rgrp rgrp v0.10 closed fixed Improve user account UI
  1. Link at top should say "Your Account" when you are logged in
    • when not logged in should say: "Log in via openid"
    • Open Id info on /account/ should move to /account/login/ or be deleted
    • Going to /account/ when not logged in should redirect to /account/login/
  1. When logged in the basic account index page should not give generic information but should reflect fact you are logged in by:
  • Saying something like: "You are logged in as: ..."
  • Showing your apikey or a link to apikey
  • Giving you a logout link

We can think of a bunch of other stuff that could go on their (recent edits, packages you own etc) but these will be separate tickets.

1245263685000000 1250785405000000
#67 enhancement rgrp rgrp v0.10 closed fixed List all of a user's recent edits on their home page

Additional feature related to ticket:66.

cost: 2h

1245263731000000 1250785122000000
#17 enhancement johnbywater johnbywater closed invalid Delete a file

See ticket:16 (update a file)

1152550822000000 1250619180000000
#16 enhancement johnbywater rgrp closed invalid Update a file

As a

Authenticated user

I want to

Update a file associated with a release

So that

The file attributes are changed. File attributes are:

  • (internal) id
  • description
  • source: (url usually)


  • Permissions are as for package updating
1152550796000000 1250619162000000
#8 enhancement johnbywater johnbywater closed invalid View file

As a


I want to

View the files associated with a package.


  • See also ticket:16 (updating a file).
  • Files should either be listed on the same page as a release or there should be a link from the release page to a page listing all the files associated with the release. See also ticket:14 (update a release)

1152550057000000 1250619147000000
#15 enhancement johnbywater johnbywater closed invalid Create a file

As a

Authenticated user

I want to

Create a file associated with a release

So that

The release has a new file associated with it


  • Permissions are as for package updating (see ticket:10)
  • file attributes are described in file updating: ticket:16)
    • there are no attributes that are required to be supplied to create a file
1152550770000000 1250619139000000
#94 enhancement dread rgrp v0.10 closed fixed Use sqlalchemy-migrate to handle db/model upgrades

Details of how to go about this here <http://www.rufuspollock.org/2009/07/27/sqlalchemy-migrate-with-pylons/>

Cost: 2h

1249134185000000 1250604808000000
#74 enhancement dread rgrp v0.10 closed fixed Add Is It Open links to package pages

On each package page in the openness field if the package is not open provide a link to is it open create enquiry page.


  • may want to add to the url a query parameter indicating which package this relates to e.g. ?ckan-package=...
  • http://isitopen.ckan.net/enquiry/create/?ckan-package=...
  • do we provide link even if package is open (e.g. so that people can make enquiries about e.g. adding open data/content buttons ...)

Cost: 0.5h

1247828218000000 1250182938000000
#62 enhancement dread rgrp v0.10 closed fixed Change tags to contain any character (other than space)

Requires us to url encode the tag names when displaying them ...

1240585095000000 1250181376000000
#71 enhancement rgrp rgrp v0.10 closed fixed Upgrade to Pylons 0.9.7

Cost: 2h

1246435041000000 1250181211000000
#86 enhancement rgrp rgrp closed fixed Support for stateful dict-like collections

Already support stateful list-like collections and should extend this to dict-like collections.

(This is prerequisite for implementing versioned "extra" (key/value) attributes on packages in CKAN and elsewhere).

1248430798000000 1249050202000000
#70 enhancement rgrp rgrp v0.9 closed fixed Convert from py.test to nosetests

Cost: 1h

1246434753000000 1247827053000000
#24 enhancement somebody johnbywater v0.9 closed fixed View list of most recently registered or updated packages on front page 1152551291000000 1246441366000000
#69 enhancement rgrp rgrp v0.9 closed fixed Change to text-only license field and use external license repo

Switch from license domain object to a simple license field and use license list from new centralised license repo:


  • This will require a migration

Cost: 4h (plus migration ...)

1245687449000000 1246437494000000
#60 enhancement rgrp rgrp v0.9 closed fixed Front page usability improvements
  1. List in sidebar 3 latest created/updated packages.
  1. Put package search box on front page (might also want to move some of front page content into an about page).
  1. Similarly might want package creation box on front page.
1239094266000000 1246434921000000
#65 enhancement rgrp rgrp v0.9 closed fixed Add version attribute to package

It is essential packages have a version attribute to assist in tracking releases etc (and to allow compatibility with other packaging systems e.g. distutils which is being used by datapkg).

cost: 2h

1245262864000000 1246434569000000
#64 enhancement rgrp rgrp v0.10 closed fixed Switch to repoze.who for authentication

Switch to repoze.who + openid plugin for authentication from authkit.

Already did this in microfacts so should be fairly easy.

1245168853000000 1246127063000000
#68 enhancement rgrp rgrp v0.9 closed fixed Show affected packages in revision list view

When listing revisions (at /revision/ or in atom feed) show affected packages. Minor but v. useful UI improvement.

Cost: 1h

1245656153000000 1245697554000000
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.