{22} Trac tickets (2647 matches)

Results (501 - 600 of 2647)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Id Type Owner Reporter Milestone Status Resolution Summary Description Posixtime Modifiedtime
#2902 enhancement ross ckan 2.0 new genshi is used in Group controller

The Group controller uses the genshi module where it may be better for it to use Markup() in the template.

See https://github.com/okfn/ckan/pull/117/files#r1524863

1346782230000000 1346782230000000
#2913 defect seanh ckan 2.0 new IGroupForm has package_form() method

Should be group_form() I think

1347374739000000 1350303779000000
#2915 refactor seanh ckan 2.0 new Refactor form_to_db_schema_options()

Having two methods form_to_db_schema(self) and form_to_db_schema_options(self, options) seems unnecessary, why not just have form_to_db_schema(self, options=None)?

Fixing this might break existing extensions although I don't think any are using form_to_db_schema_options() so it should be okay.

The same thing goes for db_to_form_schema_options().

Also why are we passing a dict 'options' that always contains the same three keys 'api', 'context' and 'type'? Why not three params api=None, contenxt=None, type=None?

1347446269000000 1347447588000000
#2916 enhancement johnmartin ross ckan 2.0 closed fixed User management in orgs needs autocomplete

The user management in organizations ( http://localhost:5000/organization/users/NAME ) should autocomplete names in the dropdown box so that only valid usernames are added to the table.

1347451792000000 1347970727000000
#2917 enhancement johnmartin ross ckan 2.0 new Organization admins can delete themselves

Organization administrators can delete themselves from the user management pages. We should disable this on the front-end as well as the back-end.

1347451843000000 1347455636000000
#2918 enhancement johnmartin ross ckan 2.0 closed fixed Can't remove users from organizations

When you remove someone, without adding them, the text box at the bottom (which should probably autocomplete) is empty, and this causes problems on the server.

Ideally when you add a user (select from the autocomplete) it would add another row to the table, defaulting the user to editor and setting the names to user{{X}}name and user{{X}}capacity where X is $('tr').size()

1347455572000000 1347970735000000
#2920 defect seanh ckan 2.0 new Genshi text template message extractor no longer needed?

In setup.py, do we still need:

('templates/.txt', 'genshi', {

'template_class': 'genshi.template:TextTemplate'


in message_extractors? Doesn't like there are any txt files in there anymore.

1347530249000000 1347530249000000
#2921 defect seanh ckan 2.0 new Add docstring to top of lib/extract.py file

I think it couldn't hurt for this module to have a docstring at the top of the file explaining what the module is for. I know from setup.py that it's there to provide the extract_ckan() string extractor function for Babel, but I think looking at the file on its own it's not so obvious.

Also a couple of other small fixes:

jinja2_cleaner looks like a helper function only meant to be used by extract_ckan(), might make things clearer if it was called _jinja2_cleaner(), just so it doesn't look like a public function the module wants to export.

jinja_extensions seems to be a module-level variable that is only used in one function, could be moved into the function, unless you think there might be more functions that want it in future.

1347530407000000 1347530407000000
#2922 defect seanh ckan 2.0 new Better docstring for CKANInternationalizationExtension

I'm unsure about what's going on here. As I understand it, when we run python setup.py extract_messages it's going to use the extract_ckan() function from ckan/lib/extract.py to process the HTML files. For the HTML files that are jinja2 templates, extract_ckan() will call jinja2_cleaner() which will call regularise_html() on the strings. So the strings are regularised when they are extracted from the source files.

But then we have the parse() method of CkanInternationalizationExtension? also calling regularise_html(). I don't get what's happening here. Why do the strings need to be regularised twice?

My guess is that CkanInternationalizationExtension? is used when the strings are extracted from the templates at runtime, and they need to be regularised at this time in order to match them against the regularised strings in the mo files to find the translations to output?

Maybe CkanInternationalizationExtension? needs a better docstring saying what it does?

1347530507000000 1347530507000000
#2923 defect seanh ckan 2.0 new Change regularise -> regularize

The function is called regularise_html(), can't remember what file it's in.

1347530582000000 1347530582000000
#2924 defect seanh ckan 2.0 new Better docs for trans js command, and add to release process

Add a better docstring to for trans js command explaining what it does and why, and how to use it.

Also add this command to the CKAN Release Process as it's needed there

1347530671000000 1347530671000000
#2925 defect seanh ckan 2.0 new Remove trans mangle paster command?
  • Is trans mangle really necessary? If you upload a pot file to Transifex, it can generate a po file for you with 100% strings translated into a fictional pseudo language where everything is really long strings of unicode characters. I found this worked well for coverage testing, and also tests handling of unicode and long strings all over the place.
1347530768000000 1347530768000000
#2926 enhancement seanh ckan 2.0 new I*Form tests for per-type templates

Finish the tests for the per-package-type custom template support in IPackageForm, IGroupForm and IOrganizationForm (i.e. the new_template(), read_template() etc. methods).

The new way that template inheritance works in jinja looks like it should allow this to be tested nicely without duplicating entire templates in the example extensions.

1347552081000000 1347552081000000
#2927 enhancement seanh ckan 2.0 new Test new package/group/organization type URLs support

IPackageForm, IGroupForm and IOrganizationForm allow you to define e.g. new package types with new top-level URLs, but the example extensions don't have tests for this yet.

1347552153000000 1347552153000000
#2928 enhancement seanh ckan 2.0 new Run CKAN tests with example_i*form extensions enabled

Before releasing CKAN 2.0 we need to run all the CKAN tests with a modified test-core.ini with the example_idatasetform, example_igroupform and example_iorganizationform plugins enabled. If any tests fail, fix the bugs. This needs to be done for each release so add it to the release process.

1347552334000000 1347552334000000
#2929 enhancement seanh ckan 2.0 new Remove is_fallback() from I*Form extension interfaces?

If a plugin wants to take over the default package type for example, it can return dataset? from its package_types() method. I don't see how there can be a package type that is not the default 'package' and is not returned by the package_types() method of a plugin, because the URLs for such a package type would not be mapped. Am I missing something or is is_fallback() not needed?

Same for IGroupForm and IOrganizationForm

1347552597000000 1347552597000000
#2931 enhancement seanh ckan 2.0 new Better docstring for app_globals.py

The application's Globals object is not very informative.

1347891194000000 1347891378000000
#2932 enhancement seanh ckan 2.0 new Add docstring to system_info.py

What is the system_info table for? It looks like a way to override config file settings in the database, perhaps so that admins can use a web interface to change site title etc. Could do with a docstring explaining the intended purpose of the table.

1347893429000000 1347893429000000
#2933 enhancement seanh ckan 2.0 new Update theming docs

There's quite a lot of custom stuff going on, with all the custom jinja extensions, and the use of Fanstatic plus custom fanstatic extensions. People who are new to CKAN wanting to write CKAN themes are likely to be confused. I think the whole lot could do with documentation, maybe in the Theming and Customizing chapter in the sphinx docs.

I suggest completely replacing the contents of doc/theming.rst, and putting a 'legacy theming' link at the bottom linking to a doc/legacy_theming.rst file with the old contents.

1347895272000000 1347895272000000
#2935 enhancement kindly kindly ckan 2.0 closed fixed Make recline work with new datastore 1348042459000000 1350578067000000
#2940 enhancement johnmartin johnmartin ckan 2.0 closed fixed Edit different resources from edit dataset pag

We need a nice way to be able to get to editing the different resources that are associated to a dataset.

1348580812000000 1350560926000000
#2941 enhancement johnmartin johnmartin ckan 2.0 closed fixed Add follower support back into CKAN 2.0

Add the views and functionality of following users and groups into 2.0

1348584670000000 1350560915000000
#2950 requirement icmurray ckan 2.0 closed fixed paster command to minify javascript and css

With the latest template, css and js changes in 2.0, there are a number of things that need preparation prior to a production deployment. One of these is:

  • the fanstatic_resources defined in ckan/lib/fanstatic_resources.py (bottom of module) should be prepared, and minified.

This ticket is to:

  • provide a paster command which when run will generate the minified javascript as css files.
  • stop the auto-minification of files when CKAN starts up.
  • remove reference to the minified files in the .gitignore file.
  • add instruction to the release process to run this command, and check-in the minified files to the repo.

## Background

Currently, minification works seamlessly without the need for any preparation when CKAN is started in a development setup. But on a production site, the webserver will (almost certainly) not have write-access to the directories that will contain the minified files. And so the minification will fail, and the site will end up serving the un-minified media, or even *old* minified media.

One way around this would be to allow webserver write access to the directory its serving out of. But this is not generally considered good practice.

Another method would be to distribute the minified files with CKAN. This ticket describes how to do this without causing a lot of noise in the commit history of the repo.

The auto-minifcation occurs when importing ckan/lib/fanstatic_resources.py.

## Changing the process slightly

The reason for moving away from auto-minifying files at start-up, to minifying files when running a paster command is:

  • we should be distributing the minified files when we make a release (as we do with translation files). This makes it easier to install CKAN from source.
  • if we distribute the minified files, then they need to be checked-in to the repo.
  • if they are auto-minified, whenever small changes are made, then this will create a lot of noise in the repo. It will be clearer to have the minified-files generated manually as part of the release process. (Or whever we make a deployment internally).
1349118376000000 1349189654000000
#2951 enhancement icmurray ckan 2.0 new Paster command for building css from less

With the latest template, css and js changes in 2.0, there are a number of things that need preparation prior to a production deployment. One of these is:

  • the less files should be compiled to css (main.css, not just main.debug.css)

This ticket is to provide a paster command which will compile the .less into the main.css file. The idea of the paster command is that it will be run by developers, and they will check in the resulting .css files. It will also provide a convenient mechanism for production scenarios with node.js installed on the production server, as they will be able to compile the .less there as well.

## Background

The .css files that need to be served are built using less. The css files that are generated *are* checked-in to the repo; but they are a build artifact. So the general workflow is:

  • commit changes to the less files
  • build the main.css file and commit

This paster command slots into the above workflow for convenience.

## Notes

  • doc/frontend-development.rst
  • bin/less

to run this paster command, Node will be required. So that dependency should be checked.

## The paster command

This is the proposed behaviour of the paster command:

  • ensure custom.less does not exist
  • for each colour in{fuchsia,green,maroon,red}:
    • generate a custom.less file for $colour. There's a paster command that does this already: `paster color <color name>.
    • generate the css from the less files. ie - the equivelant of running bin/less --production.
      • this will generate a main.css file, which should be renamed to $color.css.
  • ensure custom.less does not exist
  • generate the css from the less files. This will create a main.css with the default colour scheme.
  • call the paster command that minifies css and js files. (This command does not exist yet, see #2950)
1349118740000000 1349175030000000
#2952 enhancement seanh icmurray ckan 2.0 new incorporate javascriopt translations into translations workflow

There are now javascript translations. There's a paster command, trans js. This is a ticket to ensure that using trans js is documented in the normal ckan translation workflow (which is followed after a feature freeze, prior to release). And to see if there's any need for further incorporation into the current translation process.

1349118945000000 1349118945000000
#2954 enhancement johnmartin johnmartin ckan 2.0 closed fixed Flickering on resource view when changing between views

From the google doc: When I move between grid, graph and map view mode (or click on filters) the whole data explorer flickers (jumps up & down slightly) for a few moments before settling. This is happening on all resources for me and when you initially open launch the page: http://demo.ckan.org/dataset/afghanistan-election-data/resource/f6331f99-51f6-44d9-95b9-b20f3b74f360. Only in Chrome, working fine in Firefox.

1349268916000000 1350578030000000
#2955 defect dominik dominik ckan 2.0 closed fixed Recline should be updated 1349270534000000 1350577952000000
#2956 enhancement shevski johnmartin ckan 2.0 assigned Allow for resource editing in CKAN 2.0

On the edit dataset page... there needs to be a way for users to be able to see all the resources associated to the dataset and edit them individually.

1349277100000000 1349346442000000
#2959 defect icmurray icmurray ckan 2.0 new Changing a Group's name through the action api disassociates it from its datasets in the index


  • Create a new Group, named "test-group".
  • Add a dataset to it.
  • Verify the dataset belongs to the group by visiting the Group's read-page
  • Update the Group through the action api (group_update), using the uid in the "id" field, and a new name in the "name" field.
  • Visit the group's read-page. The list of datasets will be empty.

This was an issue when editing a Group through the web interface, which was fixed in [1]. However it only fixes the issue in the group controller.

[1] https://github.com/okfn/ckan/commit/dbe25d8b8d7fabfc40c5d794a920b91cec349335

1349363935000000 1349363935000000
#2961 enhancement dominik dominik ckan 2.0 assigned Preview plugin endpoint

Users could write ckan extensions that offer previews for a certain datatype.


  • We can say that you can add your own previews
  • Every preview would have to define it's own dependencies
  • External development (community creates new extensions?)

Questions to answer:

  • Specification of the interface
  • Precedence of previews for the same data types
  • Plugins only define the datatype that they are responsible for or do we call a function that returns whether the extension is responsible.

As far as I can see, this should be fairly easy to implement by following these instructions: http://docs.ckan.org/en/latest/writing-extensions.html#writing-a-plugin-interface

1349696367000000 1350577990000000
#2964 defect seanh ckan 2.0 new Last organization admin can remove herself

If you are the only admin of an organization you can edit the organization's members and demote yourself, then the org has no admins and no one (except sysadmins maybe) can edit it.

Last admin should not be able to remove or demote herself.

Also applies to groups.

1350296058000000 1350296058000000
#2966 enhancement seanh ckan 2.0 new 'Add' button text is wrong when editing organization members

e.g. if I just changed a member's capacity I am not adding anything 'save' is better maybe

1350296149000000 1350296149000000
#2967 defect seanh ckan 2.0 new Organization members edit page reloads after demoting self

Edit an organizations members page and demote yourself from organization admin, after saving the members edit page reloads even though you are no longer an admin and should no longer be able to access this page.

1350296227000000 1350296227000000
#2968 defect seanh ckan 2.0 new Anyone can access organization members page

The button will not show if you are not authorized but browse to /organization/members/foo and you can edit the members, it does stop you when you try to save your changes, but you shouldn't be able to get to the page at all

1350296355000000 1350297070000000
#2969 defect seanh ckan 2.0 new Group members page 500s

The group members page (e.g. /group/members/roger) seems broken, IDs instead of user names are shown for the members, and clicking on a member 500s

1350296454000000 1350296454000000
#2970 defect seanh ckan 2.0 new Organization and group member links use id not name

e.g. it the 'Members' button links to /organization/members/0a44... instead of /organization/members/foobar

1350296531000000 1350296531000000
#2971 enhancement seanh ckan 2.0 new "Are ytou sure you want to delete this member?" should say which member

when deleting members from groups and orgs

1350296840000000 1350296840000000
#2972 enhancement seanh ckan 2.0 new Remove any imports of authz.py and delete file

it is no longer used

1350297442000000 1350297442000000
#2973 enhancement seanh ckan 2.0 new Move new_authz.py into logic/auth/__init__.py

Makes sense to keep all auth stuff under logic/auth.

Also decide which functions from new_authz.pu should be marked private with _.

Also decide which functions from new_authz.py are really helpers for the auth functions in get.py, update.py and delete.py, and should maybe moved to another file, e.g. logic/auth/helpers.py

1350297545000000 1350297545000000
#2974 enhancement seanh ckan 2.0 new General of all auth functions

From Toby:

A general cleanup of all auth functions (in logic/auth) to check their fitness, error messages, etc.

1350297612000000 1350297612000000
#2975 enhancement seanh ckan 2.0 new Tests for auth functions and new actions

From Toby: tests around the auth functions and new actions - probably needs an improved testing mechanism and things like test data creation on via actions

1350297660000000 1350297660000000
#2976 enhancement seanh ckan 2.0 new Polish group and organization member pages

From Toby: A little polish to the member pages and probably a little hardening of the controller and logic actions

1350297709000000 1350297709000000
#2977 enhancement seanh ckan 2.0 new Fix user autocomplete on group and organization member pages

From Toby: @johnmartin the user autocomplete on member add needs fixing it gets data but does not understand what to do with it

1350297749000000 1350297749000000
#2978 enhancement seanh ckan 2.0 new Tests for permissions for organizations and groups

From Toby: checking the logic around the who can do what from the user stories - via some tests may be a good approach

1350297806000000 1350297806000000
#2979 enhancement seanh ckan 2.0 new Requesting membership to groups and organizations

From Toby: The requesting membership user stories and implementation remain needed

1350297844000000 1350297844000000
#2980 enhancement seanh ckan 2.0 closed wontfix Add new groups and organizations functionality into legacy templates

From Toby: add the functionality to legacy templates

1350297883000000 1350560252000000
#2981 refactor seanh ckan 2.0 new Remove config from jinja templates

From Toby: remove the config from jinja2 templates get all such stuff via g. (before 2.0)

1350297960000000 1350297960000000
#2982 refactor seanh ckan 2.0 new Move functionality from controllers into template helpers

From Toby: strip more functionality from controllers and add via template helpers eg activity streams

1350298002000000 1350298002000000
#2983 refactor seanh ckan 2.0 new Refactor lib/base.py to remove circular import issues

From Toby: c) refactor lib/base.py to remove the circular import issues (render functions to lib/render.py - would fix much of that)

1350298044000000 1350298044000000
#2984 refactor seanh ckan 2.0 new Auto-populate context with user, model, session, etc.

From Toby: make the context auto-populated with things like user/model/session if not user supplied - especially for extensions (pre 2.0) maybe via a helper or else a decorator on the action - helper seems nicer maybe done via get_action()

1350298101000000 1350298101000000
#2985 refactor seanh ckan 2.0 new Make lib/helpers.py more template-specific

From Toby: make lib/helpers more template specific and less generally shared with none template uses (some functions are shared but many shouldn't be) - again help avoid circular imports

1350298188000000 1350298188000000
#2986 refactor seanh ckan 2.0 new Make lib/base.py more like it was originally intended

From Toby: make lib/base.py be more like it was originally intended eg defines stuff that is shared eg _ but maybe try to include stuff like render/get_action if the circular import stuff can be solved - which should be doable if hard and likely needs an extra file or two for the externals _ etc

1350298245000000 1350298245000000
#2987 refactor seanh ckan 2.0 new Remove all direct calls to logic action and auth functions

From Toby

1350298287000000 1350298287000000
#2988 enhancement seanh ckan 2.0 new UI functional tests for CKAN 2.0

Afaik the new CKAN 2.0 frontend has no functional tests

1350298935000000 1350298935000000
#2989 enhancement seanh ckan 2.0 new "Add dataset to organization" should auto-select the organization

'Add dataset to organization' button, when you get through to the third stage of the new dataset form the organization you came from is not selected.

I don't see any option to choose the group when adding or updating a dataset, but if I add a dataset via the "Add dataset to group" button on a group's page, then the dataset seems to get added to that group. (And I can also add/remove existing datasets by editing the group.) I wonder if organizations should work the same way, instead of having an Organization drop-down when creating or updating a dataset. The add dataset page needs to somehow indicate that you're adding a dataset to a certain group or organization though, doesn't currently.

1350299052000000 1350299052000000
#2990 enhancement seanh ckan 2.0 new Fix descriptions of groups and organizations on /groups and /organizations pages 1350299091000000 1350299091000000
#2991 enhancement seanh ckan 2.0 new Add blocks to header.html template

Currently if you want to customise the header.html template you have to copy the whole thing, it isn't broken up into blocks like other templates are.

1350385820000000 1350385820000000
#2993 defect seanh ckan 2.0 new "logged_in" and "visitor" show in user list at /users 1350466922000000 1350484826000000
#2994 enhancement seanh ckan 2.0 new Add dataset and user popovers throughout the site

If you hover the mouse over a dataset or user in an activity stream, you now get a popover with some info about that dataset or user and a follow/unfollow button.

These popovers should appear wherever datasets or users are listed, throughout the site.

1350483964000000 1350483964000000
#2995 enhancement seanh ckan 2.0 new Popovers for resources, groups, organizations, tags...

If you hover the mouse over a dataset or user in an activity stream, you now get a popover with some info about that dataset or user and a follow/unfollow button.

It would be nice to add similar popovers for other types of object in CKAN, e.g. resources, groups, organizations, tags...

1350484041000000 1350484041000000
#2996 enhancement seanh ckan 2.0 new Fix behaviour of View Profile button in user popover when already on user's profile

The user popovers that appear when you hover the mouse over a user in an activity stream include a View Profile button that takes you to that user's profile page. If you are already on that user's profile page then it simply reloads the same page, but it sends you to the Datasets tab if you were on another tab.

Possible solutions:

Don't show button if already on user's page?

Button just makes popover disappear, if already on user's page?

Button does reload the page, but reloads the same tab (datasets, followers, activity stream) that you were on.

Marking this low priority

1350484238000000 1350484238000000
#2997 enhancement seanh ckan 2.0 new Add activity streams to dataset pages

Add an activity stream tab to dataset pages, like we have on user profile pages. Dataset activity streams are already implemented in the backend.

1350484306000000 1350484306000000
#2998 enhancement seanh ckan 2.0 new Add activity streams to group pages

Before we do this we should implement smarter group activity streams (i.e. what activities should appear in a group's activity stream?) and following of groups.

1350484394000000 1350484394000000
#2999 enhancement seanh ckan 2.0 new Add activity streams to organization pages

Before we do this we need to merge the organizations branch into master, we need to implement smarter activity streams for organizations, and we need to implement following of organizations.

1350484457000000 1350484457000000
#3000 enhancement seanh ckan 2.0 new Add number of followers to dataset pages

User profile pages now show some interesting stats about the user: num. datasets, num. edits and num. followers. Would be nice to add some similar info to dataset pages. At least num. followers can be done (already implemented in backend).

1350484560000000 1350484560000000
#3001 defect seanh ckan 2.0 new Multilingual plugin crashes CKAN on add dataset when some languages are default

Enable the multilingual plugins:

ckan.plugins = stats synchronous_search multilingual_dataset multilingual_group multilingual_tag

and set your default language to one not supported by the multilingual plugin, e.g.

ckan.locale_default = cs_CZ

now run CKAN and try to add a dataset:

File '/home/seanh/Projects/ckan171/ckan/ckanext/multilingual/plugin.py', line 141 in before_index

text_field_items+ default_lang?.extend(all_terms)

KeyError?: 'text_cs_CZ'

It doesn't matter what language you are viewing the site in in your browser, the default language setting in the ini file determines whether it crashed or not.

A number of supported languages are defined at the top of ckanext/multilingual/plugin.py. I think if the default language is not one of these it crashes.

I think this affects all versions of CKAN since the multilingual plugin was added so at least 1.7, 1.8 and 2.0

1350579048000000 1350579048000000
#3004 defect seanh ckan 2.0 closed fixed ImportError: No module named polib

This is happening whenever people try to run paster commands. polib should only be needed for the check-po-files command don't import otherwise.

1350907790000000 1361988802000000
#3005 enhancement seanh seanh ckan 2.0 new Add following/unfollowing of groups: model, API, frontend, tests 1351013744000000 1351013744000000
#3007 enhancement seanh ckan 2.0 new Adding a dataset creates multiple activities

Adding a new dataset creates multiple activity stream activities, e.g. seanh created the dataset foo, seanh add the resource bar to the dataset foo, and seanh updated the dataset foo are all created when I add a new dataset. I wonder if these can be collapsed into a single activity.

1351516507000000 1351517019000000
#3008 enhancement seanh ckan 2.0 closed fixed Add tests for dashboard activity stream auth

We need to test that only logged in users can see their own dashboard activity streams, and they can only see their own dashboard activity streams not those of other users.

1351600860000000 1355141103000000
#3009 enhancement seanh seanh ckan 2.0 closed fixed On-site notification of new dashboard activity

We want a "bubble" with a number in it to appear in the top-right of the site next to your user name when you're logged in, telling you how many new activity stream items you have in your dashboard activity stream.

There's a github issue for this here:


1351615762000000 1353949938000000
#3010 enhancement seanh ckan 2.0 new Pin images don't appear in data explorer

When minified files are in use (set debug = false in ini file) the pin images for points don't show up in the data explorer map view when viewing a resource with geolocation data.

set debug = true will fix the problem by using unminified files instead but also turns on a bunch of debug stuff you wouldn't want on a production site.

middleware.py, around line 73, is where the decision to turn minified files on or off based on the debug setting is made. This can be hacked on a production site to run with unminified files but otherwise run on production mode thereby getting around the issue with the pins. But that doesn't fix the underlying bug.

1351705506000000 1351705506000000
#3011 enhancement johnglover johnglover ckan 2.0 new Recline fixes and updates for CKAN 2.0

Fixes and updates to Recline / Datapreview for CKAN 2.0.

1352288455000000 1352288455000000
#3014 defect seanh ckan 2.0 new Crash when deleting a non-empty vocabulary

From Knud Möller:

when I try to delete a non-empty tag vocabulary via the API (through HTTP), I get an internal server error. Checking the logs, this turns out to be a consistency error raised by sqlalchemy:

Error - <class 'sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError?'>: (IntegrityError?) update or delete on table "vocabulary" violates foreign key constraint "tag_vocabulary_id_fkey" on table "tag" DETAIL: Key (id)=(21421955-7560-467c-af30-9f790b73e6ae) is still referenced from table "tag".

'DELETE FROM vocabulary WHERE vocabulary.id = %(id)s' {'id': u'21421955-7560-467c-af30-9f790b73e6ae'}


The error makes sense, but I'm wondering if it would be useful to extend the API to also allow the deletion of non-empty vocabularies, possibly via a parameter (not sure what best practice in API design is). At the very least, it would be cool if the error message coming back in the response had more information in it.

1352803808000000 1352803808000000
#3015 enhancement johnmartin johnmartin ckan 2.0 closed invalid Dropdowns don't work without JavaScript

Essentially the default bootstrap dropdowns don't work properly without JavaScript? which is a little bit of an issue with JS not working.

1352805553000000 1353410072000000
#3016 enhancement johnmartin johnmartin ckan 2.0 new CKAN 2.0 template tweaks

Just a ticket to keep track of a few suggested template changes.

1352813417000000 1352813417000000
#3017 enhancement johnglover johnglover ckan 2.0 new New stable branch for the demo server 1352819088000000 1352819088000000
#3018 enhancement johnmartin johnmartin ckan 2.0 new Load more in activity streams

Activity streams should be able to load more than 15 items within them. Suggest the default amount of loading is around 30 and then click to load more.

1352900051000000 1355140950000000
#3019 defect seanh ckan 2.0 new Cannot delete dataset extras

Deleting extras in the web interface is broken

1352918678000000 1352918678000000
#3022 defect amercader amercader ckan 2.0 closed fixed setup_template_variables method of IDatasetForm never called

On the package controller the package_type is not passed to the lookup function, so the setup_template_variables defined on the extensions is never called

1353602743000000 1358254781000000
#3028 enhancement seanh seanh ckan 2.0 new Feature: dashboard activity stream filtering


1355141244000000 1355141244000000
#129 enhancement rgrp dread ckan-backlog closed invalid Secure db access by channelling query generation through authz module

Controllers and templates should not access db objects directly - they should do all access via authz module giving username. They are handed by a query that has already been filtered by the packages they are authorized to read.

(Additional idea to be discussed: When they request a package object, they are handed an copy of the db object - disconnected from the database - so it the db object can't be changed.)

A couple of tests can be reenabled when this is done: ckan.tests.functional.test_authz.TestUsage?.test_admin_list_deleted ckan.tests.functional.test_authz.TestUsage?.test_search_deleted

1253886136000000 1267719162000000
#140 enhancement rgrp ckan-backlog new News section on front page

Have a news section (suggest as a sidebar item).

News section will link to latest 3/4 blog posts on CKAN from blog.okfn.org.


  • Suggest pulling via rss or similar.
  • Will want to cache this ...

Cost: 4h?

1254902541000000 1265625159000000
#143 enhancement thejimmyg dread ckan-backlog assigned Most active users listed on homepage

Display league of users' recent activity on homepage.

1255010373000000 1312372381000000
#253 enhancement dread ckan-backlog assigned Package relationships


Functionality to formally associate packages. We see a need for specific parent-child, inheriting or dependency relations. Not only should this help navigation between packages in the web interface, but it also provides a mechanism to automatically pull dependencies when downloading a data package, in a similar manner as we see in software package management.


  1. There are 27 packages in data.gov.uk to do with the Data4NR's Health Poverty Index. There is currently no common link between these, unless you search for 'HPI' (which also brings up House Price Index), or look under tag 'health' (which also has 600 other results). There should be a link on each HPI package page to navigate to the other 'sibling' HPI packages, and to a 'root' package that has info about the set. This could be partially achieved using the existing tag or group concepts, but a more explicit/official/obvious marking of their relationship could be beneficial.
  1. In ckan.net is freedict, a collection of translation dictionaries. You could make each dictionary a child package and use this system. But it would probably be better to make each dictionary a different resource in the same package. (There are other ideas to denote a resource as the data making up a 'portion' of package, or a 'whole' of the package, to help people downloading datasets in the software package style.)
  1. OSM has had some Naptan data imported (bus stops), with special permission - i.e. a more liberal license. It would be useful to show this link on both OSM and Naptan packages in CKAN: OSM 'derives from' Naptan with a comment about the license change. I'm not sure this is useful to an automatic download or use of these datasets, but may aid exploration on the CKAN website and understanding the provenance of the bus stop data on it.
  1. IPCC collection of data linked / mirrored. Not sure if there are useful relationships here?
  1. Dracos gets postbox locations from crowd sourcing and OSM. We could say Dracos 'derives from' OSM.

See more examples discussed here: http://trac.ckan.org/ticket/253


This is split into four tickets:

No need for write access to be provided API for the moment.

This ticket also encompasses ticket:169 (Package derivations) and ticket:176 (Package dependencies).

1266854721000000 1339774726000000
#256 requirement dread ckan-backlog assigned Package relationships - 3. Edit in WUI


  • Editable as part of package or separately? (e.g. like authz)
  • Do we normalize to only one type name of the pair?
  • Do we allow create of relationship from both ends (e.g. only from dependency to dependent or either way?)
1266928561000000 1339774714000000
#277 enhancement zephod dread ckan-backlog assigned Set some config options / settings in WUI (extension)

Use case

As a ckan administrator I want to easily change options about the CKAN install.


Settings to be in DB


## Title of site (using in several places including templates and <title> tag
ckan.site_title = CKAN

## Logo image to use (replaces site_title string on front page if defined)
ckan.site_logo = http://assets.okfn.org/p/ckan/img/ckan_logo_box.png

## Site tagline / description (used on front page)
ckan.site_description = 

## Used in creating some absolute urls (such as rss feeds, css files) and 
## dump filenames
ckan.site_url =

## Favicon (default is the CKAN software favicon)
ckan.favicon = http://assets.okfn.org/p/ckan/img/ckan.ico

## An 'id' for the site (using, for example, when creating entries in a common search index) 
## If not specified derived from the site_url
# ckan.site_id = ckan.net

## API url to use (e.g. in AJAX callbacks)
## Enable if the API is at a different domain
# ckan.api_url = http://www.ckan.net

## html content to be inserted just before </body> tag (e.g. google analytics code)
## NB: can use html e.g. <strong>blah</strong>
## NB: can have multiline strings just indent following lines
# ckan.template_footer_end = 

NB: these will still need to be stored somewhere for loading on initialization. do this in db init function ...

Settings / Options / KeyValues? Table


  • [namespace]: ? only if KeyValues? (for settings this would then always be settings)
  • key
  • label
  • value (json)
  • type (e.g. date and to specify in advance what type should be)
  • description
  • tags: ?? (for grouping ...)

Loading settings from DB

Do this in ckan/config/environment.py


  • /ckan-admin/settings
  • Show label, plus description plus text field


  • Would be part of ckan-admin section and hence build on ticket:833 (Administrative dashboard)
1269274861000000 1318247121000000
#331 enhancement rgrp ckan-backlog new Timezone of CKAN timestamps should be configurable

Revisions are timestamped using the server's clock, which may not relate to the expected timezone for the site. e.g. the Norway site has a server on GMT. No timezone info is displayed either.

Would like to set timezone for a CKAN instance to use in rendering revision timestamps. For example, use CET or EST timezone.

1275302440000000 1339774701000000
#350 enhancement dread ckan-backlog reopened Search engine optimisation

Need to research what can easily be done to improve CKAN packages in the search rankings.

Comments from Glen Barnes:

We've been pretty successful at SEO without even really trying (see http://www.google.co.nz/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=auckland+google+transit+feed&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&redir_esc=&ei=dsYSTOzJLs2eceuZiI8I as an example). This to me is key. If we are to make data available it has to be findable which is the main reason for a catalogue. There are probably things we should be doing on CKAN like using slugged urls (http://www.ckan.net/package/ascoe -> http://www.ckan.net/package/ascoe/atmospheric-chemistry-studies-in-the-oceanic-environment), setting the H1 tag correctly ("Atmospheric Chemistry Studies in the Oceanic Environment" on the example above). Some basic SEO 101 on page optimisations.

1276594541000000 1339774690000000
#351 enhancement dread ckan-backlog new Homepage: list new, updated and 'hot' packages

Have a simpler list of exciting data, as opposed to the big revision list.

For example:

Hot data

New packages: package1, package2, package3
Updated resources: package1, package2, package3
Popular packages: 
1276595816000000 1339774677000000
#363 defect kindly dread ckan-backlog closed wontfix Blank revisions

Occasionally we seem to get revisions that are not connected to packages. These shouldn't appear, since all revisioned objects are linked to a package aren't they?

They appear on the 'Recently changed' list on the home page with an empty 'Packages' column.

1278947772000000 1310125872000000
#369 enhancement shudson@… ckan-backlog new "Package Listing Key" should appear on Tag results

Currently there's a nice legend titled "Package Listing Key" that appears in right side of "Browse Packages" results. The same key should show on other search results like when searching for a tag.

1279821634000000 1339774666000000
#370 enhancement shudson@… ckan-backlog new Use better email encryption for author_email and maintainer_email

The JavaScript? email encryption used is not very reassuring. Google's MailHide? is a much better solution that is easily implemented.


Check on the Mailhide API where there are even some Python libraries already built.

1279821819000000 1339774649000000
#482 story thejimmyg johnbywater ckan-backlog closed wontfix API Rate Limiting 1282422756000000 1298284158000000
#653 requirement dread ckan-backlog new Trackback links for packages

When people link to a package, a track-back link is auto-created. (Similar system as for blogs).

As suggested by Tim Davies:

Allowing some form of ‘track back’ against datasets When a non-technical user comes to look at a dataset it would be really useful for them to be able to see if anyone has created an interface interpretation of it already.

I found quite a few cases in research of end-users struggling to make sense of a dataset when good interfaces to that data had already been built and blogged about, but without there being any link from the dataset listing to those data uses. Accepting track backs could also make it easier for technical users to find blog posts / shared code etc. relating to a given dataset.

1285062025000000 1339774636000000
#691 requirement thejimmyg johnbywater ckan-backlog closed duplicate Package Relationships 1286822735000000 1295610145000000
#728 requirement amercader johnbywater ckan-backlog assigned CSW Harvesting shall be optimised in respect of reharvesting only records that have changed

Hi Will, this is important again because some CSW servers we use have over 300 documents in. Could you take a look at modifying the filter please?

1287675340000000 1310124784000000
#737 enhancement dread ckan-backlog new Markdown syntax summary page

I suggest we produce a quick Markdown cheat-sheet page, showing the key runes: e.g. create a title and quote some text. This page can link to the full Markdown docs for advanced users.

A user going to the Markdown docs that we link will have to read a couple of pages of the raison-d'etre of Markdown before he gets to the syntax. And it's not very easy to read, and being white on black it looks like proper geek stuff.

1287766749000000 1323170239000000
#765 enhancement dread ckan-backlog assigned Read-only mode - API usage

All writes to the API are captured and you are returned an error explaining the reason.

Possible errors:

  • 503 temporary maintenance
  • 403 forbidden (if server if permanently read-only)
1288091897000000 1338206123000000
#794 requirement amercader johnbywater ckan-backlog assigned Investigate reconciling UKLP Publisher and Provider with DGU

This needs more analysis, but the GEMINI2 attribute "metadata point of contact" must be reconciled with the registered publisher (or agent).

This might also be used to filter records harvested from a CSW source, but filtering also needs more analysis, as does distinction between agent and provider.

1289227811000000 1311179581000000
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