{22} Trac tickets (2647 matches)

Results (1101 - 1200 of 2647)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Id Type Owner Reporter Milestone Status Resolution Summary Description Posixtime Modifiedtime
#519 requirement pudo pudo iati-1 closed fixed IATI look and feel
  • Use what is on iatiregistry.org at the moment.
1282893224000000 1283536828000000
#520 requirement pudo pudo iati-1 closed fixed Browseable web interface onto the data
  • e.g. find/browse by country and by publishing entity and by donor
1282893270000000 1283538080000000
#521 requirement pudo pudo iati-1 closed fixed IATI Customized search 1282893401000000 1283897124000000
#522 requirement pudo pudo iati-2 closed fixed Create publishing entity account
  • Publishing entity emails system editors
  • System editor creates publishing entity account and emails publishing entity with details
  • Priority: 4/5
1282893668000000 1287392999000000
#523 requirement pudo pudo iati-1 closed fixed Read/write APIs for users and publishing entities

Read/write APIs for users and publishing entities to access and register data

  • Users have read access
  • Publishing entities have both (though can only write to 'their' records)
  • Priority: 4 for write (read access is 3)
1282893743000000 1283897688000000
#524 requirement pudo pudo iati-2 closed fixed Limit registering data to authenticated users either via API or manually.

Limit registering data to authenticated users either via API or manually.

  • Edits may only be made by authenticated entities
  • Priority: 5
1282893904000000 1285594971000000
#525 requirement pudo pudo iati-2 closed fixed Confirm and approve publishing entity account

  • So some kind of confirmation or approval by someone more senior?
  • Alternative: just have an account request.
  • Priority: 3
1282894040000000 1285595152000000
#526 requirement pudo pudo closed wontfix Integrate validation tool into the registry

Assumes 8 is done:

  1. Tool for validation an IATI XML record (referenced by a URL) for compliance with the IATI specification
  • Outside of scope of registry
  • Multiple validators with different levels of rigour
1282894300000000 1340626152000000
#530 task pudo pudo closed fixed Map IATI attributes to CKAN metadata schema

From lopad:

Publishing Entity (often/always? equal to the logged in user)
    * Domain logic: only can add entries for "yourself"
Activity period: period to which this record relates
Verification status: enumeration of statuses (checked, not checked etc)
Resource links: to the actual IATI record
Number of activities: ...
Date record updated:
Date data updated: 
License: Need this field even if it may be a standard license
1282899187000000 1287392210000000
#544 requirement pudo ckan-v1.3 closed duplicate Backport facet browsing to CKAN 1.2

This is in IATI, would be nice to have in generic CKAN.

1283267292000000 1291638966000000
#557 defect pudo ckan-v1.3 closed invalid Remove siblings from link_to/from relationship display

Displaying siblings is not needed for link_to/from.

1283542595000000 1297075159000000
#558 defect pudo ckan-v1.2 closed fixed Sort extras, relationships by key/object alphabetically 1283542680000000 1283781883000000
#559 defect pudo pudo ckan-v1.5 closed invalid Fix package lookup on group edit form

Lookup is needed to add a package but won't show up at some times.

Originally reported by Anja Jentzsch, re questions.

1283542776000000 1310127694000000
#561 defect pudo ckan-v1.2 closed duplicate Deleted packages are returned in the API

Anja is reporting this, severe bug, I think.

1283775578000000 1283775711000000
#562 defect pudo ckan-v1.2 closed fixed OpenID Login fails using Yahoo and Google

reported by LOD folks.

subsidary bug: error messages from OpenID providers are not shown on the form return page.

1283941119000000 1284063574000000
#647 requirement pudo pudo ckan-v1.3 closed fixed Authorization Groups for group-based access control

allow group-level authorization on all system entities

1284889418000000 1287391981000000
#648 requirement pudo ckan-v1.3 closed fixed Enable lock-down of package creation
  • copy exisiting tests, modify authz in setUp, adapt and extend tests
    • Problem: default_role_actions is read by init_db
    • Solution: nuke db after monkey-patching
    • role = model.Role('Reader'), del role.actions[...]

self.PRE_MAUTHZ_RULES = copy(mauthz.default_role_actions) mauthz.default_role_actions.remove((Role.READER, Action.CREATE)) #raise Exception(mauthz.default_role_actions) model.Session.remove() model.repo.rebuild_db()

  1. Start from the functional

is_authorized(user, Action.Create, model.Package)

-> Doing this will put 'Package' in the context field of the user_object_role table. This will trigger SQLAlchemy to attempt a join towards PackageRole? in all queries. Since for class-level role assignments there never is a PackageRole? join table entry, this will never return any results.

  • have a ckan install that would not allow visitors to either list packages or list groups
    • two paths: create the listing, but for each group/pkg decide that you cannot show this
    • lock down the whole page (/package/list)
      • this is class-based, not object-based

is_authorized(user, Action.Package_Create, model.System()) is_authorized(user, Action.Group_Create, model.System())

[Separating Package and Group roles may be useful going forward: PackageEditor?, GroupEditor? etc]

  1. Find a standard way to lock down classes
    • possibly add default rows in user_object_role
    • introduce lock-down into controllers: group new, package new, REST equivalents,
    • confirm tests
1284889519000000 1284889656000000
#649 story pudo closed fixed Introduce Authorization Groups in model

Authorization Groups:

(Doing this first seems more stable since we first want to "re-gain" exisiting functionality)

  • Create authz.py and model tests for authorization_group-based auth
    • tests: functional: create fixtures, do actual requests

lib-tests: test for membership addition, removal, group-right additions affecting all members, group-right removal, group rights affecting non-members.

# * Adapt model to get these passing

  • Integration into existing controllers should be negligible but may want ot have tests
    • do not want that. would mean design is broken
  • Need to create a new controller for editing authz groups (will have same permissions as any other object -- Reader, Editor, Administrator)
1284889884000000 1284889983000000
#650 story pudo pudo ckan-v1.2 closed fixed WUI editing for Authorization Groups
  • Copy & adapt Group controller tests to suit AuthorizationGroups?
  • Copy & adapt Group controllers and templates for Authorization Groups
1284890073000000 1287391932000000
#651 requirement pudo closed fixed Improve javascript helper for package/user addition on groups/authzgroups

This needs to be abstracted and we still need to be able to remove items before saving.

1284972211000000 1311171104000000
#652 requirement pudo ckan-v1.2 closed fixed Allow for addition and removal of groups on package/edit

Much more natural place to do this, even at the risk of overloading the package edit form.

1284998134000000 1284998201000000
#664 defect kindly pudo ckan-v1.4 closed fixed Sibling relationships shown for deleted packages 1285576600000000 1300371645000000
#669 task pudo pudo closed fixed Refactor Solr to become a generic worker 1286189594000000 1293057161000000
#670 task pudo pudo closed fixed HowTo: Creating a sysadmin 1286190347000000 1293056844000000
#671 task pudo pudo closed fixed Implement and show user names in WUI 1286190454000000 1293056852000000
#672 enhancement pudo pudo ckan-v1.3-sprint-1 closed fixed Facets in CKAN search results

This has been done in IATI ckan but should be ported over to CKAN main and put into the UI in a nice fashion.

IATI: http://bitbucket.org/okfn/iati/changeset/378431974c76 (related to #520)

Requires SOLR search backend (for postgres should fall back gracefully -- just do not show them).

1286190736000000 1291715338000000
#716 requirement pudo pudo iati-3 closed fixed Visual improvments to IATI CKAN 1287583741000000 1290000673000000
#717 bug pudo pudo closed fixed Fix and validate "setup_default_user_roles" in IATI 1287583892000000 1290005099000000
#718 story pudo pudo iati-3 closed fixed Show recent activities on home page 1287583989000000 1288459823000000
#719 story pudo pudo iati-3 closed fixed Improve overall layout of IATI

... probably by adapting aidtransparency.net

1287584092000000 1289910497000000
#720 story pudo pudo iati-3 closed wontfix Include CMS pages in IATI registry

Perhaps using deliverance?

  • Move About to the right of the nav tabs and make it an about IATI page
  • Make a Help / FAQ section linked of main menu
  • Front page more dynamic - latest data registered and news (microblog thing)
  • make the front page blurb noticable / shorter etc.
  • link to iatistandard.org from the front page blurb
1287584189000000 1288459344000000
#721 story pudo pudo iati-3 closed fixed Make the table preview a link to a new page. 1287584244000000 1288459534000000
#722 story pudo pudo iati-3 closed fixed Further adapt l10n for IATI
  • Change "Publishing Entity" to "Publisher"
1287584314000000 1288459703000000
#723 story pudo pudo iati-3 closed fixed Hide action links pointing to unavailable actions (package create) 1287584448000000 1288459610000000
#724 requirement pudo pudo iati-3 closed fixed Improve publisher workflow 1287584548000000 1289835202000000
#725 story pudo pudo iati-3 closed fixed Change to allow anyone (logged in) to create a publisher

With a pending state set ("unapproved")

1287584630000000 1289296038000000
#726 story pudo pudo iati-3 closed fixed Send message to sysadmins to approve new publishers 1287584670000000 1289835192000000
#727 story pudo pudo iati-3 closed fixed Sysadmin can approve a publisher 1287584754000000 1289835196000000
#729 bug pudo closed fixed Assets to be loaded from assets.okfn.org, not m.okfn.org

Move from hetzner box to s3.

1287736519000000 1288012854000000
#796 defect pudo ckan-v1.3 closed invalid AlphaPage for non-latin languages

The AlphaPage? implementation assumes that all packages start with a latin character. This is not true for Russian, Chinese, Arabian and Persian languages etc. We should either use a unicode solution (i.e. display a full class of characters based on the current locale) or use generic paging instead.

1289296662000000 1291640040000000
#809 requirement pudo ckan-v1.3 closed wontfix Link to the Wiki pages in package form

This would allow for a community-driven definition of field values, conventions, etc.

Plus: create wiki.ckan.net

1289992231000000 1297075561000000
#810 enhancement pudo pudo ckan-v1.5 closed wontfix Move "add packages" field up in group form

Subticket of forms super ticket #961

1289992287000000 1310128477000000
#835 enhancement pudo pudo ckan-v1.3 closed fixed Authorization CLI and Documentation

As a sysadmin I want to take CKAN out of wiki-mode into normal mode. In normal mode visitor and logged in users cannot create or add packages.

Suggest put this as an internal command in authz system and add to cli as paster command.

1291029108000000 1291644820000000
#848 enhancement pudo ckan-v1.3-sprint-1 closed fixed Ability to hide extras fields on package read

for helsinki regional infoshare.

1291714316000000 1291751275000000
#849 defect pudo closed duplicate Import extra CSS from main template

The CSS @import directive at the bottom of the main CKAN css file is not understood in all browsers, move this to a seperate import.

1291714923000000 1291715179000000
#865 defect pudo pudo ckan-v1.3-sprint-1 closed fixed Support external strings in JS
  • Provide and include a "language.js" file.
1291801938000000 1295259773000000
#874 enhancement pudo ckan-v1.3-sprint-2 closed fixed Extract solr search backend into an extension

Move the solr SearchBackend? to a seperate code base, remove any mentions of the CKAN model.

1292844422000000 1293057151000000
#882 defect pudo pudo closed wontfix Update i18n user docs and backport genshi i18n:domain fixes from WDMMG 1293192044000000 1340626094000000
#890 enhancement kindly pudo ckan-v1.6 closed invalid Introduce timed actions into ckanext-queue

The ckan queuing system should provide the option to subscribe to timed re-submissions of specific resources. This could look as follows:

  • routing_key: Package
  • operation: daily
  • payload: pkg.as_dict()

Where operation is one of daily, weekly, monthly or any other interval.

1294050769000000 1318599247000000
#891 task johnglover pudo ckan-sprint-2011-11-07 closed fixed Resource download worker daemon

Superticket: #1397

Write a worker daemon to download all resources from a CKAN instance to a local repository.


  • Do we only want to download openly licensed information? ANS: no, we do everything (though do need to think about this re. IP issues)
  • Should we have clever ways to dump APIs? ANS: no.
  • Do we respect robots.txt even for openly licensed information? ANS: No (we're not crawling we're archiving)
  • Use HTTP/1.1 Caching headers? ANS: if not changed since we last updated don't bother to recache.
    • Complete support for ETags
    • Expires, Max-Age etc.
  • Check


  • Download files via HTTP, HTTPS (will not do FTP)


  1. [Archiver.Update checks queue (automated as part of celery)]
  2. Open url and get any info from resource on cache / content-length etc
    1. If FAILURE status: update task_status table (could retry if not more than 3 failures so far). Report task failure in celery
    2. Check headers for content-length and content-type ...
      • IF: content-length > max_content_length: EXIT (store outcomes on task_status, and update resource with size and content-type and any other info we get?)
      • ELSE: check content-type.
        • IF: NOT data stuff (e.g. text/html) then EXIT. (store outcomes and info on resource)
        • ELSE: archive it (compute md5 hash etc)
      • IF: get content-length and content-length unchanged GOTO step 4
  3. Archive it: connect to storage system and store it. Bucket: from config, Key: /archive/{timestamp}/{resourceid}/filename.ext
    • Add cache url to resource and updated date
    • Add other relevant info to resource such as md5, content-type etc
  4. Update task_status

Optional functionality

  • If result object is HTML, search for references to "proper data" (CSV download pages etc.)
  • Download from POST forms (accepting licenses or weird proprietary systems)
  • Support running on Google Apps Engine to save traffic costs.

Existing work

1294052979000000 1320149841000000
#892 enhancement johnglover pudo ckan-sprint-2012-01-09 closed fixed Make stored data available in WUI - 0.5d

Once we have storage, make the data available in the following ways:

  • Now have a cached_url field can show in the frontend ...
  • Add a [<a href="${cached_url}">cached</a>] link to right of real url on resource listing on dataset page.
  • On resource page: will not add it yet.
    • At the moment no clear place to pu this given nice big download button (could put in list of items on left but that does not seem right and note that it will turn up in big list of info at bottom)
  • Add test (?)
  • Deploy
1294053293000000 1324402480000000
#893 defect pudo ckan-v1.4 closed wontfix ExtrasField should not overwrite more specific extras

At the moment, ExtrasField? cannot be used in conjunction with more specific extra fields, such as TextExtraField? or SuggestTextExtraField?.

1294135783000000 1298293527000000
#903 defect pudo pudo ckan-v1.3 closed fixed Proper handling of deleted packages in Solr serps

Currently, deleted packages are filtered from search results after solr returns. That means result count can drop below the requested number, down to 0. Thus we need to filter before or in Solr.

1294831054000000 1296588070000000
#909 enhancement pudo ckan-backlog assigned DCat importer for CKAN

Write an importer that supports most well known variants of DCat in importing the data as CKAN packages. In particular, the following sources should be supported:

  • CKANrdf generated exports
  • opengov.se RDF (not really DCat)
  • Sunlight Nationdatacatalog as harvested by dcat-tools.
1295265958000000 1346669602000000
#910 enhancement pudo pudo ckan-v1.5 closed invalid Refactor CKANrdf to support extras

Extra fields should be represented in some manner.

1295266026000000 1310128544000000
#911 defect pudo pudo ckan-v1.3-sprint-3 closed fixed Add pager to dcat-tools/rdfsolr 1295266211000000 1296467375000000
#912 defect pudo pudo ckan-v1.5 closed wontfix Rethink result row representation in dcat-tools/rdfsolr
  • Should license go in the bottom line?
  • Formats should be styled as in CKAN
1295266299000000 1306774876000000
#913 enhancement pudo pudo ckan-v1.5 closed wontfix Handle licenses in dcat-tools
  • Create a list of all valid predicates where licenses are stored.
  • Create a license normalization registry in GSpread
  • Fill spreadsheet from OKD/OSI lists.
1295266407000000 1306774962000000
#914 defect pudo pudo ckan-v1.3-sprint-3 closed fixed Handle formats in dcat-tools
  • Create a list of valid predicates for format information (accessURL et al)
  • Execute #235 via Google Spreadsheets and include in DCat enrichment
1295266569000000 1297069958000000
#915 defect pudo pudo ckan-v1.3-sprint-3 closed fixed Deploy dcat-tools/rdfsolr to publicdata.eu as a placeholder

We should present something there, why not start with a meta-search.

1295267040000000 1296467518000000
#916 enhancement rgrp pudo vdm-0.8 closed duplicate Port new vdm to Mongodb

We should create a port of VDM 0.9 for MongoDB to support user editing in WDMMG.

1295277011000000 1297066902000000
#935 defect pudo pudo closed fixed "groups" field bug in IATI

An internal server error was reported when trying to create a new package (not when editing):

WebApp? Error: <class 'sqlalchemy.exceptions.IntegrityError?'>: (IntegrityError?) null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint 'INSERT INTO package (id, name, title, version, url, author, author_email, maintainer, maintainer_email, notes, license_id, state, revision_id) VALUES (%(id)s, %(name)s, %(title)s, %(version)s, %(url)s, %(author)s, %(author_email)s, %(maintainer)s, %(maintainer_email)s, %(notes)s, %(license_id)s, %(state)s, %(revision_id)s)' {'maintainer': None, 'name': None, 'author': None, 'author_email': None, 'notes': None, 'title': None, 'maintainer_email': None, 'url': None, 'state': 'active', 'version': None, 'license_id': None, 'revision_id': '0141c09c-4eb3-4dda-a6b1-e07f2c73b4c5', 'id': '7fe16a29-f183-471a-99c5-2c2e81dd86e4'}

The error could not be reproduced in a non-apache/mod_wsgi environment, even with a dump of the live database. Further investigation by manual editing of the package form left the "groups" field as the likely cause. After updating the packages installed, and temporarily editing the package controller the problem vanished after a restart of the web server.

Possible causes include:

  • Stale pyc file
  • Threading issue
  • Dependency issue

As the problem is gone for now, it cannot be further investigated atm.

1296302915000000 1306778682000000
#942 defect pudo pudo ckan-v1.4-sprint-1 closed fixed Fix SERP pager argument passing

It only passes "q", but the whole query must be serialized.

1296469490000000 1297074807000000
#943 enhancement pudo pudo ckan-v1.4-sprint-1 closed fixed Create CKAN Wiki

Set up a Mediawiki to contain info on CKAN.net (community) conventions etc.

1296469547000000 1297076498000000
#944 defect pudo pudo iati-4 closed fixed Upgrade IATI to CKAN 'default'
  • Move code base, fix any breakage.
  • Deploy to eu8
  • Test
  • Deploy to eu14


Later CKAN codebase has a bunch of improvements / fixes that it would be good to have.


  • 8h
1296469688000000 1306774766000000
#949 enhancement pudo pudo ckan-v1.4-sprint-1 closed fixed Generic username/password login

based on repoze.who-friendlyForms

1296658126000000 1297074827000000
#952 task wwaites pudo ckan-backlog closed invalid CKAN should run under nginx/uswgi

second part of #908

1296730498000000 1310125204000000
#980 defect pudo pudo ckan-v1.4-sprint-1 closed fixed Fixes to HR Infoshare

We've fixed a few things in CKAN that were discovered and tracked by HRI in their own issue tacker. This includes:

  • add authz checks to package edit links (cset:0752316cd2fe)
  • replace gettext with _ in controllers, to support unicode error msgs (cset:822340e6077e)
  • handle broken html in notes field without crashing on package read (cset:4b6be037dda0)
  • update i18n (cset:37d57dc3c492, cset:ea03173f5e77, cset:f16f4ee40fe7)
1297430918000000 1297503177000000
#985 enhancement pudo pudo pdeu-1 closed duplicate Harvest other data catalogues
  • data.london.gov.uk (1d, ping DERI)
  • catalogues from Paris and Vienna (1d)


  • digitaliser.dk (1d)
  • data-publica.com (2d)
  • data.suomi.fi (2d)
  • dati.piedmonte.it (1d)
  • portalu.de (2d)
1297679799000000 1306408134000000
#987 defect pudo pudo closed duplicate Common harvesting framework

We are now harvesting metadata from other sources in various places around CKAN. Such harvesting can include:

  • CSW/WFS for INSPIRE/UKLII (yields CKAN packages)
  • Catalogue scraping for LOD2 experiments (yields RDF graphs)
  • Atom/DCat for LOD2 production (yields RDF graphs)
  • OAI-PMH for http://datadryad.org/ and other dspace (yields CKAN packages)

We should aim to consolidate the harvesting clients into a common system that is easy to extend when needed and can be re-used in different scenarios.

In general, such a system would have the following stages:

  • Source selection: find what to download/scrape/harvest/parse
  • Index retrieval (i.e. package index)
  • Item retrieval (i.e. package entity)
  • (Optional: Serialization)
  • Normalisation
  • Loading/Merging? into CKAN

Exisiting harvesters are at:

1297684756000000 1311177705000000
#989 enhancement kindly pudo ckan-future new Extending the model from plugins

We need to support extending the model from plugins. This could involve:

  • Adding a plugin hook to extend the mapper
  • Adding an upgrade hook for plugin schema migrations
  • Documenting how this is to be done
  • Find a way to avoid conflicts
1297689724000000 1340034311000000
#1007 defect pudo pudo closed wontfix Backport WDMMG translations for extensions i18n

Needed to allow extensions to be internationalized in the code and in templates. Requires in-template i18n domain switching which is broken between Genshi and Pylons, thus needs this hackish class.

cf. https://bitbucket.org/okfn/wdmmg/src/198841e770e5/wdmmg/config/environment.py#cl-16

1298630621000000 1340626203000000
#1008 defect rgrp pudo ckan-v1.4-sprint-2 closed fixed eval() of user display name in template head

We're currently setting the user preferences links via a javascript snippet that also evals the name. This should be removed as we're not displaying the user name any longer.

We should also have page fragment caching in Genshi, which is not currently implmented.

cf. http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionController/Caching/Fragments.html

1298632686000000 1298821826000000
#1019 enhancement pudo pudo ckan-v1.4-sprint-3 closed fixed Webhooks notification service

We propose the following push approach using individual packages:

  1. New, updated and deleted packages are pushed to a url endpoint on Wordpress (WPURL). This endpoint will be a configuration option on the CKAN side. A POST or PUT http method will get used. The payload will be a json document of the following form:


payload: The entity data as available from the REST API entity-type: 'Package', operation-type: 'create'|'update'|'delete' # one of these options


It will be sent as the body of the request with content-type set to application/json.

  1. The wordpress side will provide a 200 on success. Any other response will be taken as a failure. On failure, submission will be archived and failure logged and notified to system administrator. Submission can be resent later automatically by sysadmin after review.
  1. Pushes will happen continuously and approximately simultaneously with updates (a webhooks type model)
  1. [optional] CKAN side will support configuring authorization for basic authentication if applied on WP side.
  1. [optional] List queue status (including failures) on ckan adminstrative dashboard.
1299166784000000 1299166930000000
#1021 enhancement pudo pudo ckan-v1.4-sprint-3 closed fixed Config option to disable OpenID

HRI don't like federation, want to login normal way only. Make this a config option and perhaps even mess with runtime repoze config

1299492920000000 1299518828000000
#1022 enhancement pudo pudo ckan-v1.4-sprint-3 closed fixed Error reporting in CKAN worker API

Report on errors by any worker daemons, send them out via E-Mail

1299493047000000 1299512991000000
#1023 defect pudo pudo closed wontfix Re-queueing of worker requests with errors

Schedule worker calls to be ran several times, with certain intervals.

1299493179000000 1340626231000000
#1024 enhancement pudo pudo ckan-v1.4-sprint-3 closed duplicate Lock down all controller actions in CKAN

When a user visits the site, he/she may only see a login box.

1299493428000000 1299668648000000
#1027 enhancement pudo pudo ckan-v1.4-sprint-3 closed fixed Authorization checks on all controller actions

We want to have authz checks on all controller actions so that we can lock down CKAN to a login-only mode.

1299666256000000 1299682082000000
#1056 defect dread pudo ckan-v1.4-sprint-6 closed fixed User links for OpenID users are broken

Use case:

  • Login using OpenID
  • Click on 'My account' - results in 404


  • User user.id instead of their name
  • Escape the URL properly.
1301060249000000 1302882616000000
#1096 defect rufuspollock pudo ckan-future new [super] CKAN Hosted

Many users of CKAN want to have their own instance without much effort. Setting these up in separate places is a maintenance nightmare, we should much rather have some tenant separation in core CKAN. Some ideas:

  • introduce model.Site and c.site
    • site has: custom CSS, extra_template_path, title, languages list, package_form, group_form (all configured via web UI)
  • Subdomain detector to activate sites.
  • use site in Authorizer instead of System, have a NullSite? for global things
  • allow cross-site search
  • packages are in a list of sites, m:n rather than 1:n
    • list of sites is string-based, can contain sites not in site table to express harvested external material which is not editable locally.
1303235062000000 1339774484000000
#1108 enhancement zephod pudo ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed Create a more modern theme for CKAN

CKAN looks a bit aged, it should be styled more modernly and some elements could be re-arranged:

  • Collect user info in top bar
  • re-add the logo to ckan.net
  • Remove tags from main menu, replace with /sitemap.xml


quora.com, github.com, Google Projects, Google Refine, etc.

CKAN.net or CKAN general theme?

To be decided. Suggest we start with ckan.net specific and then backwards integrate (?). Existing ckan.net theme repo:


1303830790000000 1315140879000000
#1155 enhancement pudo pudo pdeu-1 closed fixed Harvester for data.london.gov.uk

Write a harvester for data.london.gov.uk to import catalogue metadata into PDEU. API (or at least documentation) is available at: http://sourceforge.net/projects/londondatastore/files/

1306337318000000 1306773174000000
#1156 enhancement pudo pudo pdeu-1 closed fixed Scraping harvesters for Paris and Vienna Catalogues

Import metadata from both sources into PDEU via the Harvesting framework but by scraping their respective catalogue pages.

1306337428000000 1306855111000000
#1157 enhancement pudo pudo pdeu-1 closed fixed A simple theme for publicdata.eu, CKAN

Change the visual style of CKAN to be more like these sites:

This does not include major UX work.

1306337573000000 1309804029000000
#1158 enhancement pudo pudo pdeu-1 closed fixed Put PDEU into read-only mode and remove unneeded functions

PDEU should be in a mode where:

  • Users cannot edit or create packages
  • Users cannot sign up on their own
  • AuthorizationGroups? and RevisionHistory? is completely gone from the UI
  • Groups have been repurposed as Subjects
1306337786000000 1309804060000000
#1159 enhancement pudo pudo pdeu-1 closed fixed Add RDFa to CKAN package pages

RDFa can be used as a simple way to expose linked data or at least sameAs the API version of the data but we need to make sure we do not expose anything different from the "official" representation.

1306337907000000 1307615133000000
#1174 enhancement pudo pudo pdeu-1 closed wontfix API Representation Registry

As CKAN grows, more and more optional representations of packages will become used. Besides RDF (which is the motivation for this ticket), support for DSPL, home-grown XML, or CSV listings is imaginable.

To properly support this CKAN should have an extensible representation registry that can be extended when new output types become available (and without changing the API in the process). This needs to integrate in two places:

  • We need to add support for file format extensions to the package handler and REST API.
  • We need to add HTTP content type negotiation (Accept headers).

To support this we should have a registry with two registers:

  • to map format extensions to mime types (e.g. "json" -> "application/json")
  • to map mime types and entity types to converter functions (e.g. 8"application/json", ckan.model.Package) -> func(obj, mime_type) )

This should be set up on load_environment so that IConfigurer plugins can feed into it.

The registry should then first be added to _finish in the REST API (which needs to be refactored to be passed the {format} part of the URL if one is given. Based on the format part and HTTP headers, an appropriate representation can be generated by the registry and then be returned to the user.

Forwarding of requests to the regular WUI controllers with Accept headers set or a format specified can be implemented in a separate effort.

1307050992000000 1307615200000000
#1199 enhancement pudo pudo closed fixed Implement an email function for users.

We need an email function in CKAN to accept messages sent to users. The basic signature will be:

  • mail_user(user_obj, subject, body, mime_type='text/plain', headers={})

This has a number of use cases:

  • Retrieval of lost passwords
  • E-Mail confirmation

Finally, the mail function should be exposed in the API for sysadmin clients. This way we can have scripts traverse CKAN for 404s, invalid data or missing fields and ping users about that automatically (requires traversal by revision, not package, to get the associated users).


Note we have already written code like this (*and* tested it) in isitopen:

1308821986000000 1310555589000000
#1200 enhancement pudo closed duplicate Port PDEU theme to CKAN.net

PDEU has a newer layout which could be adapted to also be used on ckan.net. For this, things should be cleaned up, copied to the ckanext-ckan.net repo as needed and re-colored the core CKAN color scheme.

Maybe we could have this coincide with a CKAN rename?

1308824017000000 1311180218000000
#1223 enhancement pudo pudo closed fixed Caching of static files

StaticURLParser can have caching - use it

1310573854000000 1310573893000000
#1259 enhancement johnglover pudo ckan-backlog new "Add a row" for Extras on Package form

The default package form offers 4 empty extras fields. Like the resource section, it should have an "add more" button to add another row.

1312302693000000 1312907056000000
#1260 enhancement pudo ckan-backlog new Remove duplicate functions from _util.html

There seems to be both a list view for dictized and non dictized data structures for all entities in _util.html at the moment. Probably in the back of someone's mind already, but cleanup here would be nice.

1312366652000000 1313401499000000
#1261 defect pudo ckan-backlog new Investigate dots in extras search

It seems that searching for extras_foo:value works with solr, but extras_foo.bar:value doesn't. No theory on why.

1312366768000000 1312366768000000
#1262 enhancement pudo ckan-backlog new Enforce "create-user" permission

This does not seem to have any implications at the moment, it should lock down registration and remove all related links.

1312375296000000 1323090112000000
#1281 defect pudo pudo ckan-sprint-2011-10-28 closed fixed Locale change flash message in wrong language

When you change the locale, it displays a flash message "Language has been set to: English" in the original language, not the one we have just changed to.

1314021656000000 1314021919000000
#1381 enhancement amercader pudo ckan-sprint-2011-10-24 closed fixed Managing groups via package entity API

It is not currently possible to assign or remove groups by adding or removing their group name from the "groups" list on the REST API. This should be allowed, as it is easier than first adding a package and then editing each group it must belong to.

1318266706000000 1324037815000000
#1461 defect pudo closed fixed CkanClient doesn't submit auth headers for GET requests

e.g. package_register_get.

1321354037000000 1321359503000000
#1624 defect dread pudo ckan-sprint-2012-01-23 closed fixed Typo in dataset edit mode

Futher Information -> Further Information

1326121197000000 1326216362000000
#1642 defect pudo ckan-backlog new Extra link generators generate garbled HTML

I had a package descriptions with URLs that contain "group:foo". This produces garbled output as the system tries to generate two sets of links: the outer link and an inner link.

Need to fix the parser.


Webdienst basierende Bereitstellung von Geobasisdaten der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg. Folgende Geobasisdaten werden als WebMapTileService? (WMT-S) für die Dauer des Wettbewerbs netzbasiert unter der Creative Commons Lizenz zur Verfügung gestellt: Digitale Orthophotos 40 cm Auflösung (Layer: apps4d_DOP40), Digitale Stadtkarte (Layer: apps4d_DISK), Digitale Regionalkarte (Layer: apps4d_DIRK), Digitale Karte 1:5000 (Layer: apps4d_DK5).

Metadateneinträge zu den Daten im PortalU:

One fix is quoting the URLs

1326382171000000 1339773967000000
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