Custom Query (178 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 178)

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Status: assigned (38 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#143 Most active users listed on homepage thejimmyg enhancement minor ckan
#253 Package relationships enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#256 Package relationships - 3. Edit in WUI requirement major ckan
#277 Set some config options / settings in WUI (extension) zephod enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#728 CSW Harvesting shall be optimised in respect of reharvesting only records that have changed amercader requirement major uklii
#765 Read-only mode - API usage enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#794 Investigate reconciling UKLP Publisher and Provider with DGU amercader requirement major uklii
#909 DCat importer for CKAN enhancement awaiting triage lod2
#979 Edit Resource extras in the API kindly enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#1041 Start Using the CKAN Wiki for Tutorial-style documentation thejimmyg enhancement major ckan
#1062 Data preview encoding error johnglover defect minor ckan
#1168 Test system for deb packaging thejimmyg enhancement major ckan
#1240 [super] API v4 kindly enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#1255 Drupal consistancy checks. kindly enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#1287 NAVL validation errors - Junk fields should be listed explicitly thejimmyg enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#1314 ckanclient search - generator improvements enhancement minor ckan
#1317 password reset - improve user search defect trivial ckan
#1358 Generate configuration documentation automatically from the deployment_ini_tmpl file zephod enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#1393 Don't skip search tests johnglover enhancement minor ckan
#1447 disk space leakage kindly defect major ckan
#1489 Updating example theme/extension enhancement major ckan
#1507 Minor fixes to dataset add on Group edit form - 0.5d zephod enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#1550 Allow simple auth via the API enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#1571 [super] Issues Extension rgrp enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#1652 How we intergrate with Drupal Multiligual? kindly enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#1661 Wrong Routes version installed by CKAN package defect major ckan
#1684 Remove all config from ckanext-archiver enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#1831 Login with email address enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#1832 dataset purge API enhancement critical ckan
#2197 Storage Metadata API: add/update not working with local file storage (Pairtree) defect awaiting triage ckan
#2284 Local queries/views/viz in Related stuff. enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#2513 Dataproxy should not default to utf8 enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#2546 ODS Managing homepage content requirement awaiting triage ckan
#2554 Research Virtuoso cartridges enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#2590 Publisher dashboard shevski enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#2607 'Upload a file' appears on resource form when storage not enabled defect awaiting triage ckan
#2686 enabling datastore & data API breaks recline defect critical ckan
#2732 New file upload functionality enhancement awaiting triage ckan

Status: closed (40 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#129 Secure db access by channelling query generation through authz module rgrp enhancement awaiting triage ckan invalid
#363 Blank revisions kindly defect trivial ckan wontfix
#482 API Rate Limiting thejimmyg story trivial ckan wontfix
#691 Package Relationships thejimmyg requirement minor ckan duplicate
#819 Tag autocompletion widget broken defect awaiting triage ckan fixed
#925 Change the search box icon to remove the down arrow defect minor ckan fixed
#952 CKAN should run under nginx/uswgi wwaites task minor ckan invalid
#1004 Group creation instructions missing zephod defect minor ckan fixed
#1132 test_authz doesn't run defect awaiting triage ckan invalid
#1139 Create CKAN Theme Gallery lucychambers enhancement minor ckan fixed
#1141 [super] Moderated Edits User Interface CREP major ckan fixed
#1153 Update CKAN wiki front page lucychambers enhancement awaiting triage ckan fixed
#1197 Add JavaScript guide for CKAN enhancement awaiting triage ckan wontfix
#1231 [super] Management Information Reporting kindly requirement awaiting triage uklii wontfix
#1251 Rename to rgrp enhancement awaiting triage ckan fixed
#1269 User view page shows the packages followed by viewing user not user being viewed johnglover defect minor ckan wontfix
#1280 fix sqlalchemy so that it works with postgres 9.0 defect awaiting triage ckan fixed
#1283 Deleted packages shouldn't be searchable or browsable dread enhancement major ckan fixed
#1289 Remove 'relationships' CREP awaiting triage ckan wontfix
#1290 Better error when blank database dread enhancement minor ckan fixed
#1305 SMTP config for and IATI nils.toedtmann defect critical ckan fixed
#1306 Tests for the logic layer kindly enhancement critical ckan wontfix
#1330 Deprecate / Remove enhancement awaiting triage ckan invalid
#1339 Issues / question re navl and data conversion kindly enhancement awaiting triage ckan fixed
#1388 etags caching on home page defect major ckan fixed
#1413 Ask users to 'add email address' when logged in seanh enhancement awaiting triage ckan fixed
#1528 Gravatar next to My Account link on all pages zephod enhancement awaiting triage ckan fixed
#1533 Make sure ckanext-wordpresser works on CKAN 1.5.1 rgrp defect major ckan wontfix
#1549 [super] Short link tool enhancement awaiting triage ckan wontfix
#1551 CKAN auth for webstore changes ross enhancement awaiting triage ckan fixed
#1579 Full text search in Webstore ross enhancement awaiting triage ckan fixed
#1648 Clarify that additional info = extra fields + add guidance enhancement awaiting triage ckan fixed
#1685 Move archiver download function to core ross enhancement awaiting triage ckan wontfix
#1746 Activity streams pagination enhancement awaiting triage ckan wontfix
#1780 Api to add translations. kindly enhancement awaiting triage ckan duplicate
#1801 No links to password reset enhancement awaiting triage ckan fixed
#1810 Store list of Eurovoc tag names and IDs johnglover enhancement major ecportal wontfix
#1811 Translate Eurovoc tags from ID to dataset language johnglover enhancement major ecportal wontfix
#1812 Restrict editing rights/permissions based on publisher johnglover enhancement major ecportal fixed
#2323 Auto-complete in organizations ross enhancement awaiting triage ckan fixed

Status: new (22 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#140 News section on front page enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#331 Timezone of CKAN timestamps should be configurable enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#351 Homepage: list new, updated and 'hot' packages enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#369 "Package Listing Key" should appear on Tag results enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#370 Use better email encryption for author_email and maintainer_email enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#653 Trackback links for packages requirement awaiting triage ckan
#737 Markdown syntax summary page enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#811 Extra field editing form layout breaks when there are long field names defect awaiting triage ckan
#812 Package edit form only allows three extra fields defect awaiting triage ckan
#818 Rethinking the author and maintainer fields requirement awaiting triage ckan
#837 CKAN integration with freebase gridworks / google refine enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#895 Add version number (or simular) to css/js includes query string defect awaiting triage ckan
#924 Search box has no search button enhancement minor ckan
#1009 Improvements to user accounts sytem pudo enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#1077 Move to simpler vdm system kindly enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#1101 Integrate googlanalytics into site nav enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#1120 Atom feeds of each tag enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#1134 CREP0003: Description and Configuration of Harvesters CREP major ckan
#1144 Support DSPL enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#1145 Support the Handle System enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#1152 True support for generic CSW servers amercader enhancement major uklii
#1163 Improvements to Storage Extension rgrp enhancement major ckan
(more results for this group on next page)
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.