Custom Query (29 matches)


Show under each result:

Resolution: fixed (21 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Created
#2907 Demo header johnmartin enhancement awaiting triage ckan 20 months
#2825 Loss of URL encoding on language change on apps page defect awaiting triage ckan 21 months
#2787 Ensure templates_legacy directory is loaded for extensions toby enhancement major ckan 21 months
#2749 page title issue with super() super() aron.carroll enhancement awaiting triage ckan 22 months
#2742 admin authz styling johnmartin enhancement awaiting triage ckan 22 months
#2714 XLS preview not working johnmartin defect awaiting triage ckan 22 months
#2711 bin/less dies for toby johnmartin enhancement minor ckan 22 months
#2705 add link to edit dataset page from edit review page johnmartin enhancement minor ckan 22 months
#2704 add list of resources to edit dataset page sidebar johnmartin enhancement minor ckan 22 months
#2676 no way to browse through related items on dataset page johnmartin enhancement minor ckan 22 months
#2669 style [Draft] aron.carroll enhancement awaiting triage ckan 22 months
#2647 api bullshit button aron.carroll enhancement awaiting triage ckan 22 months
#2631 Style activity stream in user profile johnmartin enhancement major ckan 22 months
#2526 Demo theme new custom form fields should be created when needed aron.carroll enhancement minor ckan 23 months
#2454 Create demo login page toby enhancement minor ckan 2 years
#2453 Create demo edit user profile page aron.carroll enhancement major ckan 2 years
#2452 Create demo user profile page aron.carroll enhancement major ckan 2 years
#2447 Create demo add dataset page aron.carroll enhancement major ckan 2 years
#2375 Create new base theme toby enhancement major ckan 2 years
#2267 Add generator=ckan tag in head aron.carroll enhancement minor ckan 2 years
#1553 Upload handles non-logged in user badly aron.carroll defect major ckan 2 years

Resolution: invalid (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Created
#2658 On Demo change 'Groups' to 'Publishers' everywhere johnmartin enhancement minor ckan 22 months
#2616 Improve display of split stages in demo johnmartin enhancement minor ckan 22 months
#2562 Demo theme tag improvements johnmartin enhancement minor ckan 23 months

Resolution: wontfix (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Created
#2903 Two search boxes johnmartin enhancement trivial ckan 20 months
#2354 Front end performance improvements [super] aron.carroll enhancement major ckan 2 years

Resolution: worksforme (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Created
#2819 Related Item Summary of Descriptions Markdown Issue defect awaiting triage ckan 21 months
#2817 Item Type Reverts on Invalid URL defect awaiting triage ckan 21 months
#2800 tooltip on popular datasets with number of views aron.carroll enhancement awaiting triage ckan 21 months
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.