{22} Trac tickets (2647 matches)

Results (1201 - 1300 of 2647)

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Id Type Owner Reporter Milestone Status Resolution Summary Description Posixtime Modifiedtime
#1492 defect kindly dread closed wontfix Interference between extra and relationship fields in API

From Jan Kučera <elquenor@…>

I have also tried to use extras fields to store information about relationships between datasets. I found out that if you first add relationship using CKAN API into dataset relationships attribute and than you add extras field for the same relationship with key in format "parent_of:dataset_name" or "child_of:dataset_name", storing this extras field will clear all relationships in relationships attribute stored earlier.

I might be some kind of bug but I suppose you will know better. Is it possible to use relationships attribute and extras field for relationships at the same time?

1322481496000000 1340034528000000
#1425 enhancement zephod dread closed fixed Dataset delete button

From Jonathan gray:

At the moment to delete a package you have to go to 'state' and change from 'active' to 'deleted'.

For me this was not very obvious, and someone recently wrote to me about this too.

Its a small issue - but unless you know what 'state: active' refers to, its not obvious what this means, nor that this is where to go if you want to delete a package.

From UI perspective this could be replaced by either a trash can or some text that says 'delete', perhaps with some prompt that explains what happens when you delete a package - explaining that non-admins won't be able to see it, and how you purge, etc.

1319649860000000 1330085282000000
#3014 defect seanh ckan 2.0 new Crash when deleting a non-empty vocabulary

From Knud Möller:

when I try to delete a non-empty tag vocabulary via the API (through HTTP), I get an internal server error. Checking the logs, this turns out to be a consistency error raised by sqlalchemy:

Error - <class 'sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError?'>: (IntegrityError?) update or delete on table "vocabulary" violates foreign key constraint "tag_vocabulary_id_fkey" on table "tag" DETAIL: Key (id)=(21421955-7560-467c-af30-9f790b73e6ae) is still referenced from table "tag".

'DELETE FROM vocabulary WHERE vocabulary.id = %(id)s' {'id': u'21421955-7560-467c-af30-9f790b73e6ae'}


The error makes sense, but I'm wondering if it would be useful to extend the API to also allow the deletion of non-empty vocabularies, possibly via a parameter (not sure what best practice in API design is). At the very least, it would be cool if the error message coming back in the response had more information in it.

1352803808000000 1352803808000000
#1707 defect johnglover johnglover ckan-sprint-2012-02-06 closed duplicate Over-long URLs in QA ext broken links list

From Mark on the ckan-dev list:

In the table of broken links at <http://thedatahub.org/qa/dataset/broken_resource_links>, the links as printed should be abridged to a fixed length (but link to the full URL). Otherwise the 'reason' column vanishes off the screen. Also a table would probably be better since as things stand the 'reasons' are not lined up

1327488793000000 1328024253000000
#1790 enhancement dread ckan-future new Click to delete tags, rather than have all existing tags in the tag text box

From Pablo:

Editing the tags field is clumsy when there are too many tags. Could show existing effectively as tags (like delicious), then allow clicks to delete. New tags added via text box.

1328888674000000 1328888674000000
#661 task dread ckan-v1.3 closed fixed Create CKAN site tester

From Rufus:

'blackbox' testing command (read-only only would be fine) -- very
useful for upgrade on sunday

On blackbox thinking of something like:

paster test-site http://hmg.ckan.net {package-name}

Or (maybe better):

paster test-site --site-spec {myconfig.json}

my-config is a json file with info for testing (could overload
--config rather than site-spec):

site-url: http://hmg.ckan.net/
...etc ...


Test front-page
Test /revision/
Test /package/{page}  -- check title
Test /package/history
Test /api/rest/package/ ...
Test /api/search/package ...
1285348558000000 1288271266000000
#2987 refactor seanh ckan 2.0 new Remove all direct calls to logic action and auth functions

From Toby

1350298287000000 1350298287000000
#2974 enhancement seanh ckan 2.0 new General of all auth functions

From Toby:

A general cleanup of all auth functions (in logic/auth) to check their fitness, error messages, etc.

1350297612000000 1350297612000000
#2977 enhancement seanh ckan 2.0 new Fix user autocomplete on group and organization member pages

From Toby: @johnmartin the user autocomplete on member add needs fixing it gets data but does not understand what to do with it

1350297749000000 1350297749000000
#2976 enhancement seanh ckan 2.0 new Polish group and organization member pages

From Toby: A little polish to the member pages and probably a little hardening of the controller and logic actions

1350297709000000 1350297709000000
#2979 enhancement seanh ckan 2.0 new Requesting membership to groups and organizations

From Toby: The requesting membership user stories and implementation remain needed

1350297844000000 1350297844000000
#2980 enhancement seanh ckan 2.0 closed wontfix Add new groups and organizations functionality into legacy templates

From Toby: add the functionality to legacy templates

1350297883000000 1350560252000000
#2983 refactor seanh ckan 2.0 new Refactor lib/base.py to remove circular import issues

From Toby: c) refactor lib/base.py to remove the circular import issues (render functions to lib/render.py - would fix much of that)

1350298044000000 1350298044000000
#2978 enhancement seanh ckan 2.0 new Tests for permissions for organizations and groups

From Toby: checking the logic around the who can do what from the user stories - via some tests may be a good approach

1350297806000000 1350297806000000
#2986 refactor seanh ckan 2.0 new Make lib/base.py more like it was originally intended

From Toby: make lib/base.py be more like it was originally intended eg defines stuff that is shared eg _ but maybe try to include stuff like render/get_action if the circular import stuff can be solved - which should be doable if hard and likely needs an extra file or two for the externals _ etc

1350298245000000 1350298245000000
#2985 refactor seanh ckan 2.0 new Make lib/helpers.py more template-specific

From Toby: make lib/helpers more template specific and less generally shared with none template uses (some functions are shared but many shouldn't be) - again help avoid circular imports

1350298188000000 1350298188000000
#2984 refactor seanh ckan 2.0 new Auto-populate context with user, model, session, etc.

From Toby: make the context auto-populated with things like user/model/session if not user supplied - especially for extensions (pre 2.0) maybe via a helper or else a decorator on the action - helper seems nicer maybe done via get_action()

1350298101000000 1350298101000000
#2981 refactor seanh ckan 2.0 new Remove config from jinja templates

From Toby: remove the config from jinja2 templates get all such stuff via g. (before 2.0)

1350297960000000 1350297960000000
#2982 refactor seanh ckan 2.0 new Move functionality from controllers into template helpers

From Toby: strip more functionality from controllers and add via template helpers eg activity streams

1350298002000000 1350298002000000
#2975 enhancement seanh ckan 2.0 new Tests for auth functions and new actions

From Toby: tests around the auth functions and new actions - probably needs an improved testing mechanism and things like test data creation on via actions

1350297660000000 1350297660000000
#530 task pudo pudo closed fixed Map IATI attributes to CKAN metadata schema

From lopad:

Publishing Entity (often/always? equal to the logged in user)
    * Domain logic: only can add entries for "yourself"
Activity period: period to which this record relates
Verification status: enumeration of statuses (checked, not checked etc)
Resource links: to the actual IATI record
Number of activities: ...
Date record updated:
Date data updated: 
License: Need this field even if it may be a standard license
1282899187000000 1287392210000000
#1609 enhancement ross ross ckan-sprint-2012-01-23 closed fixed Celery task for ckanext-archiver to write to webstore.

From super Storage changes - #1574 - and http://ckan.okfnpad.org/newstorage we determined that ckanext-archiver should have a celery task for grabbing local file uploads and writing to webstore


When I upload a file to CKAN:

  • End up with file in permanent storage
  • IF file is ot type ... csv,xls,xlsx,sqlite,.sql
    • End up with new db in webstore
      • Where? {username}/{resource-id}/...
        • If a single table: name it after the file name (appropriately slugified)
      • A resource *always* corresponds to a 'database' in webstore ...
      • In Data Explorer have "Sheets" tab ...
  • Resource url = /dataset/{x}/resource/{y}/link -> cached_url ...
1325582253000000 1327057030000000
#2954 enhancement johnmartin johnmartin ckan 2.0 closed fixed Flickering on resource view when changing between views

From the google doc: When I move between grid, graph and map view mode (or click on filters) the whole data explorer flickers (jumps up & down slightly) for a few moments before settling. This is happening on all resources for me and when you initially open launch the page: http://demo.ckan.org/dataset/afghanistan-election-data/resource/f6331f99-51f6-44d9-95b9-b20f3b74f360. Only in Chrome, working fine in Firefox.

1349268916000000 1350578030000000
#2379 enhancement ross ross ckan-sprint-2012-06-25 closed fixed RDF output, api/sparql

From: Pierre-Yves Vandenbussche

In my use case I need to fetch every sparql endpoint associated to a dataset. With the previous version of your endpoint, I was doing this query: SELECT DISTINCT ?dataset ?endpoint ?title ?identifier WHERE {

?dataset <http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat#distribution> ?distribution. ?distribution <http://purl.org/dc/terms/format> [ <http://moat-project.org/ns#taggedWithTag> [ <http://moat-project.org/ns#name> "api/sparql" ] ]. ?distribution <http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat#accessURL> ?endpoint. ?dataset <http://purl.org/dc/terms/title> ?title. ?dataset <http://purl.org/dc/terms/identifier> ?identifier.

} ORDER BY ?title

Using your new version,dcterms:title of a dataset is now a rdfs:label ... OK

Unfortunately, I don't have the information of "api/sparql" anymore. So I can not differentiate between a dump file and a SPARQL endpoint...

Add the required information to the RDF template.

1336735947000000 1340033026000000
#2867 enhancement ross new 1.8 url_for error

From: <thedatahub.org@…> Date: Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 10:30 AM Subject: WebApp? Error: <class 'routes.util.GenerationException?'>: url_for can only return a string, got unicode instead: https://ckannet-storage.commondatastorage.googleapis.com/file/fd3e00d9-eb0d-479b-8303-38909e5400ca?Signature=cmuU3CzRHQ86F3aZ0gljxv%2B3IqQ%3D&Expires=1345109432&AWSAccessKeyId=GOOGC6OU3AYPNY47B66M&x-goog-meta-uploaded-by=d5c8ed25-70de-4035-b29d-ddbe363913c6 To: ckan-sysadmin@…, kindly@…

URL: http://ckan.net/storage/f/file/fd3e00d9-eb0d-479b-8303-38909e5400ca Module weberror.errormiddleware:162 in call << traceback_supplement = Supplement, self, environ

sr_checker = ResponseStartChecker?(start_response) app_iter = self.application(environ, sr_checker) return self.make_catching_iter(app_iter, environ, sr_checker)


app_iter = self.application(environ, sr_checker)

Module beaker.middleware:73 in call << self.cache_manager)

environ[self.environ_key] = self.cache_manager return self.app(environ, start_response)

return self.app(environ, start_response)

Module beaker.middleware:155 in call << headers.append(('Set-cookie', cookie))

return start_response(status, headers, exc_info)

return self.wrap_app(environ, session_start_response)

def _get_session(self):

return self.wrap_app(environ, session_start_response)

Module routes.middleware:131 in call << r'\1', oldpath)

response = self.app(environ, start_response)

# Wrapped in try as in rare cases the attribute will be gone already

response = self.app(environ, start_response)

Module pylons.wsgiapp:125 in call <<

controller = self.resolve(environ, start_response) response = self.dispatch(controller, environ, start_response)

if 'paste.testing_variables' in environ and hasattr(response,

response = self.dispatch(controller, environ, start_response)

Module pylons.wsgiapp:324 in dispatch << if log_debug:

log.debug("Calling controller class with WSGI interface")

return controller(environ, start_response)

def load_test_env(self, environ):

return controller(environ, start_response)

Module ckan.lib.base:239 in call << try:

res = WSGIController.call(self, environ, start_response)



res = WSGIController.call(self, environ, start_response)

Module pylons.controllers.core:221 in call << return response(environ, self.start_response)

response = self._dispatch_call() if not start_response_called:

self.start_response = start_response

response = self._dispatch_call()

Module pylons.controllers.core:172 in _dispatch_call << req.environpylons.action_method? = func

response = self._inspect_call(func)


if log_debug:

response = self._inspect_call(func)

Module pylons.controllers.core:107 in _inspect_call << func.name, args)


result = self._perform_call(func, args)

except HTTPException, httpe:

if log_debug:

result = self._perform_call(func, args)

Module pylons.controllers.core:60 in _perform_call << """Hide the traceback for everything above this method"""

traceback_hide = 'before_and_this' return func(args)

def _inspect_call(self, func):

return func(args)

Module ckan.controllers.storage:190 in file << return fapp(request.environ, self.start_response)




Module ckan.lib.helpers:57 in redirect_to << if are_there_flash_messages():

kw__no_cache__? = True

return _redirect_to(url_for(*args, kw))

def url(*args, kw):

return _redirect_to(url_for(*args, kw))

Module ckan.lib.helpers:79 in url_for << # fix ver to include the slash

kwver? = '/%s' % ver

my_url = _routes_default_url_for(*args, kw) kw__ckan_no_root? = no_root return _add_i18n_to_url(my_url, locale=locale, kw)

my_url = _routes_default_url_for(*args, kw)

Module routes.util:265 in url_for << if not isinstance(url, str) and url is not None:

raise GenerationException?("url_for can only return a string, got "

"unicode instead: %s" % url)

if url is None:

raise GenerationException?(

"unicode instead: %s" % url)

GenerationException?: url_for can only return a string, got unicode instead: https://ckannet-storage.commondatastorage.googleapis.com/file/fd3e00d9-eb0d-479b-8303-38909e5400ca?Signature=cmuU3CzRHQ86F3aZ0gljxv%2B3IqQ%3D&Expires=1345109432&AWSAccessKeyId=GOOGC6OU3AYPNY47B66M&x-goog-meta-uploaded-by=d5c8ed25-70de-4035-b29d-ddbe363913c6 CGI Variables CKAN_CURRENT_URL '/storage/f/file/fd3e00d9-eb0d-479b-8303-38909e5400ca' CKAN_LANG 'en' CKAN_LANG_IS_DEFAULT True CONTENT_TYPE '; charset=utf-8' DOCUMENT_ROOT '/etc/apache2/htdocs' GATEWAY_INTERFACE 'CGI/1.1' HTTP_ACCEPT '*/*' HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET 'utf-8;q=0.7,iso-8859-1;q=0.2,*;q=0.1' HTTP_CONNECTION 'close' HTTP_HOST 'ckan.net' HTTP_USER_AGENT 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Ezooms/1.0; ezooms.bot@…)' PATH_INFO '/storage/f/file/fd3e00d9-eb0d-479b-8303-38909e5400ca' PATH_TRANSLATED '/etc/ckan/datahub/apache.wsgi/storage/f/file/fd3e00d9-eb0d-479b-8303-38909e5400ca' REMOTE_ADDR '' REMOTE_PORT '37236' REQUEST_METHOD 'GET' REQUEST_URI '/storage/f/file/fd3e00d9-eb0d-479b-8303-38909e5400ca' SCRIPT_FILENAME '/etc/ckan/datahub/apache.wsgi' SERVER_ADDR '' SERVER_ADMIN '[no address given]' SERVER_NAME 'ckan.net' SERVER_PORT '80' SERVER_PROTOCOL 'HTTP/1.0' SERVER_SIGNATURE '<address>Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu) Server at ckan.net Port 80</address>\n' SERVER_SOFTWARE 'Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu)' WSGI Variables application <beaker.middleware.CacheMiddleware? object at 0x7f5312a51650> beaker.cache <beaker.cache.CacheManager? object at 0x7f5312a51790> beaker.get_session <bound method SessionMiddleware?._get_session of <beaker.middleware.SessionMiddleware? object at 0x7f5312a516d0>> beaker.session {'_accessed_time': 1345109433.273328, '_creation_time': 1345109433.273328} mod_wsgi.application_group 'ckan.net|' mod_wsgi.callable_object 'application' mod_wsgi.handler_script mod_wsgi.input_chunked '0' mod_wsgi.listener_host mod_wsgi.listener_port '8080' mod_wsgi.process_group 'datahub' mod_wsgi.request_handler 'wsgi-script' mod_wsgi.script_reloading '1' mod_wsgi.version (3, 3) paste.cookies (<SimpleCookie: >, ) paste.registry <paste.registry.Registry object at 0x7f5303b05610> paste.throw_errors True pylons.action_method <bound method StorageController?.file of <ckan.controllers.storage.StorageController? object at 0x7f530891fa10>> pylons.controller <ckan.controllers.storage.StorageController? object at 0x7f530891fa10> pylons.environ_config {'session': 'beaker.session', 'cache': 'beaker.cache'} pylons.pylons <pylons.util.PylonsContext? object at 0x7f52f864f850> pylons.routes_dict {'action': u'file', 'controller': u'ckan.controllers.storage:StorageController', 'label': u'file/fd3e00d9-eb0d-479b-8303-38909e5400ca'} repoze.who.logger <logging.Logger object at 0x7f53127b2b50> repoze.who.plugins {'openid': <OpenIdIdentificationPlugin? 139994769488336>, 'friendlyform': <FriendlyFormPlugin? 139994769488528>, 'ckan.lib.authenticator:UsernamePasswordAuthenticator': <ckan.lib.authenticator.UsernamePasswordAuthenticator? object at 0x7f5312d893d0>, 'auth_tkt': <AuthTktCookiePlugin? 139994771858704>, 'ckan.lib.authenticator:OpenIDAuthenticator': <ckan.lib.authenticator.OpenIDAuthenticator object at 0x7f5312d89350>} routes.route <routes.route.Route object at 0x7f531296e690> routes.url <routes.util.URLGenerator object at 0x7f52f82cd450> webob._parsed_query_vars (GET([]), ) webob.adhoc_attrs {'language': 'en-us'} wsgi process 'Multi process AND threads (?)' wsgi.file_wrapper <built-in method file_wrapper of mod_wsgi.Adapter object at 0x7f52f5870cd8> wsgi.version (1, 1) wsgiorg.routing_args (<routes.util.URLGenerator object at 0x7f52f82cd450>, {'action': u'file', 'controller': u'ckan.controllers.storage:StorageController', 'label': u'file/fd3e00d9-eb0d-479b-8303-38909e5400ca'})

1345114669000000 1345128279000000
#2870 enhancement seanh ross new 1.8 tag_list not defined

From: <thedatahub.org@…> Date: Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 3:20 AM Subject: WebApp? Error: <class 'genshi.template.eval.UndefinedError?'>: "tag_list" not defined To: ckan-sysadmin@…, kindly@…

URL: http://ckan.net/dataset/uk-postboxes Module weberror.errormiddleware:162 in call << traceback_supplement = Supplement, self, environ

sr_checker = ResponseStartChecker?(start_response) app_iter = self.application(environ, sr_checker) return self.make_catching_iter(app_iter, environ, sr_checker)


app_iter = self.application(environ, sr_checker)

Module beaker.middleware:73 in call << self.cache_manager)

environ[self.environ_key] = self.cache_manager return self.app(environ, start_response)

return self.app(environ, start_response)

Module beaker.middleware:155 in call << headers.append(('Set-cookie', cookie))

return start_response(status, headers, exc_info)

return self.wrap_app(environ, session_start_response)

def _get_session(self):

return self.wrap_app(environ, session_start_response)

Module routes.middleware:131 in call << r'\1', oldpath)

response = self.app(environ, start_response)

# Wrapped in try as in rare cases the attribute will be gone already

response = self.app(environ, start_response)

Module pylons.wsgiapp:125 in call <<

controller = self.resolve(environ, start_response) response = self.dispatch(controller, environ, start_response)

if 'paste.testing_variables' in environ and hasattr(response,

response = self.dispatch(controller, environ, start_response)

Module pylons.wsgiapp:324 in dispatch << if log_debug:

log.debug("Calling controller class with WSGI interface")

return controller(environ, start_response)

def load_test_env(self, environ):

return controller(environ, start_response)

Module ckan.lib.base:239 in call << try:

res = WSGIController.call(self, environ, start_response)



res = WSGIController.call(self, environ, start_response)

Module pylons.controllers.core:221 in call << return response(environ, self.start_response)

response = self._dispatch_call() if not start_response_called:

self.start_response = start_response

response = self._dispatch_call()

Module pylons.controllers.core:172 in _dispatch_call << req.environpylons.action_method? = func

response = self._inspect_call(func)


if log_debug:

response = self._inspect_call(func)

Module pylons.controllers.core:107 in _inspect_call << func.name, args)


result = self._perform_call(func, args)

except HTTPException, httpe:

if log_debug:

result = self._perform_call(func, args)

Module pylons.controllers.core:60 in _perform_call << """Hide the traceback for everything above this method"""

traceback_hide = 'before_and_this' return func(args)

def _inspect_call(self, func):

return func(args)

Module ckan.controllers.package:322 in read << template = template[:template.index('.') + 1] + format

return render(template, loader_class=loader)

def comments(self, id):

return render(template, loader_class=loader)

Module ckan.lib.base:153 in render << try:

return cached_template(template_name, render_template,


except ckan.exceptions.CkanUrlException?, e:



Module pylons.templating:249 in cached_template << return content


return render_func()

return render_func()

Module ckan.lib.base:102 in render_template << if loader_class == NewTextTemplate?:

return literal(stream.render(method="text", encoding=None))

return literal(stream.render(method=method, encoding=None,

return literal(stream.render(method="text", encoding =None))

Module genshi.core:183 in render << method = self.serializer or 'xml'

generator = self.serialize(method=method, kwargs) return encode(generator, method=method, encoding=encoding, out=out)

def select(self, path, namespaces=None, variables=None):

return encode(generator, method=method, encoding=encoding, out =out)

Module genshi.output:57 in encode << _encode = lambda string: string

if out is None:

return _encode(.join(list(iterator)))

for chunk in iterator:


return _encode(.join(list(iterator)))

Module genshi.output:569 in call << def call(self, stream):

strip_markup = self.strip_markup for event in stream:

if event[0] is TEXT:

data = event[1]

for event in stream:

Module genshi.core:288 in _ensure << # unchanged

yield event for event in stream:

yield event

for event in stream:

Module genshi.core:288 in _ensure << # unchanged

yield event for event in stream:

yield event

for event in stream:

Module genshi.filters.transform:686 in _unmark << def _unmark(self, stream):

for mark, event in stream:

kind = event[0] if not (kind is None or kind is ATTR or kind is BREAK):

for mark, event in stream:

Module genshi.filters.transform:1145 in call << :param stream: The marked event stream to filter

""" for mark, event in stream:

yield mark, event if mark is ENTER:

for mark, event in stream:

Module genshi.filters.transform:714 in call << stream = iter(stream)

next = stream.next for mark, event in stream:

if mark is None:

yield mark, event

for mark, event in stream:

Module genshi.filters.transform:682 in _mark << def _mark(self, stream):

for event in stream:

yield OUTSIDE, event

for event in stream:

Module genshi.core:288 in _ensure << # unchanged

yield event for event in stream:

yield event

for event in stream:

Module genshi.filters.transform:686 in _unmark << def _unmark(self, stream):

for mark, event in stream:

kind = event[0] if not (kind is None or kind is ATTR or kind is BREAK):

for mark, event in stream:

Module genshi.filters.transform:1145 in call << :param stream: The marked event stream to filter

""" for mark, event in stream:

yield mark, event if mark is ENTER:

for mark, event in stream:

Module genshi.filters.transform:714 in call << stream = iter(stream)

next = stream.next for mark, event in stream:

if mark is None:

yield mark, event

for mark, event in stream:

Module genshi.filters.transform:682 in _mark << def _mark(self, stream):

for event in stream:

yield OUTSIDE, event

for event in stream:

Module genshi.core:288 in _ensure << # unchanged

yield event for event in stream:

yield event

for event in stream:

Module genshi.filters.transform:686 in _unmark << def _unmark(self, stream):

for mark, event in stream:

kind = event[0] if not (kind is None or kind is ATTR or kind is BREAK):

for mark, event in stream:

Module genshi.filters.transform:1145 in call << :param stream: The marked event stream to filter

""" for mark, event in stream:

yield mark, event if mark is ENTER:

for mark, event in stream:

Module genshi.filters.transform:714 in call << stream = iter(stream)

next = stream.next for mark, event in stream:

if mark is None:

yield mark, event

for mark, event in stream:

Module genshi.filters.transform:682 in _mark << def _mark(self, stream):

for event in stream:

yield OUTSIDE, event

for event in stream:

Module genshi.core:288 in _ensure << # unchanged

yield event for event in stream:

yield event

for event in stream:

Module genshi.filters.transform:686 in _unmark << def _unmark(self, stream):

for mark, event in stream:

kind = event[0] if not (kind is None or kind is ATTR or kind is BREAK):

for mark, event in stream:

Module ckanext.googleanalytics.plugin:93 in download_adder << [downloaded %s times]</span>

count = None for mark, (kind, data, pos) in stream:

if mark and kind == START:

href = data[1].get('href')

for mark, (kind, data, pos) in stream:

Module genshi.filters.transform:714 in call << stream = iter(stream)

next = stream.next for mark, event in stream:

if mark is None:

yield mark, event

for mark, event in stream:

Module genshi.filters.transform:682 in _mark << def _mark(self, stream):

for event in stream:

yield OUTSIDE, event

for event in stream:

Module genshi.core:288 in _ensure << # unchanged

yield event for event in stream:

yield event

for event in stream:

Module genshi.filters.transform:686 in _unmark << def _unmark(self, stream):

for mark, event in stream:

kind = event[0] if not (kind is None or kind is ATTR or kind is BREAK):

for mark, event in stream:

Module genshi.filters.transform:1175 in call << """

callable_value = hasattr(self.value, 'call') for mark, (kind, data, pos) in stream:

if mark is ENTER:

if callable_value:

for mark, (kind, data, pos) in stream:

Module genshi.filters.transform:714 in call << stream = iter(stream)

next = stream.next for mark, event in stream:

if mark is None:

yield mark, event

for mark, event in stream:

Module genshi.filters.transform:682 in _mark << def _mark(self, stream):

for event in stream:

yield OUTSIDE, event

for event in stream:

Module genshi.core:288 in _ensure << # unchanged

yield event for event in stream:

yield event

for event in stream:

Module genshi.filters.transform:686 in _unmark << def _unmark(self, stream):

for mark, event in stream:

kind = event[0] if not (kind is None or kind is ATTR or kind is BREAK):

for mark, event in stream:

Module genshi.filters.transform:1145 in call << :param stream: The marked event stream to filter

""" for mark, event in stream:

yield mark, event if mark is ENTER:

for mark, event in stream:

Module genshi.filters.transform:714 in call << stream = iter(stream)

next = stream.next for mark, event in stream:

if mark is None:

yield mark, event

for mark, event in stream:

Module genshi.filters.transform:682 in _mark << def _mark(self, stream):

for event in stream:

yield OUTSIDE, event

for event in stream:

Module genshi.template.base:605 in _include << from genshi.template.loader import TemplateNotFound?

for event in stream:

if event[0] is INCLUDE:

href, cls, fallback = event[1]

for event in stream:

Module genshi.template.base:565 in _flatten << elif kind is EXPR:

result = _eval_expr(data, ctxt, vars) if result is not None:

# First check for a string, otherwise the iterable test

result = _eval_expr(data, ctxt, vars)

Module genshi.template.base:277 in _eval_expr << if vars:


retval = expr.evaluate(ctxt) if vars:


retval = expr.evaluate(ctxt)

Module genshi.template.eval:178 in evaluate << traceback_hide = 'before_and_this'

_globals = self._globals(data) return eval(self.code, _globals, {'data': data})

return eval(self.code, _globals, {'data': data})

Module ?:51 in <Expression u"tag_list(c.pkg_dict.get('tags', ))"> << <li py:if="c.pkg_dict.get('tags')" class="sidebar-section">

<h3>Tags</h3> ${tag_list(c.pkg_dict.get('tags', ))}


${tag_list(c.pkg_dict.get('tags', ))}

Module genshi.template.eval:309 in lookup_name << val = BUILTINS.get(name, val)

if val is UNDEFINED:

val = cls.undefined(name)

return val

val = cls.undefined(name)

Module genshi.template.eval:410 in undefined << """Raise an UndefinedError? immediately."""

traceback_hide = True raise UndefinedError?(key, owner=owner)

raise UndefinedError?(key, owner=owner)

UndefinedError?: "tag_list" not defined CGI Variables CKAN_CURRENT_URL '/dataset/uk-postboxes' CKAN_LANG 'en' CKAN_LANG_IS_DEFAULT True CKAN_PAGE_CACHABLE True CONTENT_TYPE '; charset=utf-8' DOCUMENT_ROOT '/etc/apache2/htdocs' GATEWAY_INTERFACE 'CGI/1.1' HTTP_ACCEPT 'text/html,text/plain,text/xml' HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET 'ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7' HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING 'gzip' HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE 'vi,en-us;q=0.7,en;q=0.3' HTTP_CONNECTION 'close' HTTP_HOST 'ckan.net' HTTP_USER_AGENT 'coccoc/1.0 ()' PATH_INFO '/dataset/uk-postboxes' PATH_TRANSLATED '/etc/ckan/datahub/apache.wsgi/dataset/uk-postboxes' REMOTE_ADDR '' REMOTE_PORT '47065' REQUEST_METHOD 'GET' REQUEST_URI '/dataset/uk-postboxes' SCRIPT_FILENAME '/etc/ckan/datahub/apache.wsgi' SERVER_ADDR '' SERVER_ADMIN '[no address given]' SERVER_NAME 'ckan.net' SERVER_PORT '80' SERVER_PROTOCOL 'HTTP/1.0' SERVER_SIGNATURE '<address>Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu) Server at ckan.net Port 80</address>\n' SERVER_SOFTWARE 'Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu)' WSGI Variables application <beaker.middleware.CacheMiddleware? object at 0x7f5312a51650> beaker.cache <beaker.cache.CacheManager? object at 0x7f5312a51790> beaker.get_session <bound method SessionMiddleware?._get_session of <beaker.middleware.SessionMiddleware? object at 0x7f5312a516d0>> beaker.session {'_accessed_time': 1345083636.079552, '_creation_time': 1345083636.079552} mod_wsgi.application_group 'ckan.net|' mod_wsgi.callable_object 'application' mod_wsgi.handler_script mod_wsgi.input_chunked '0' mod_wsgi.listener_host mod_wsgi.listener_port '8080' mod_wsgi.process_group 'datahub' mod_wsgi.request_handler 'wsgi-script' mod_wsgi.script_reloading '1' mod_wsgi.version (3, 3) paste.cookies (<SimpleCookie: >, ) paste.registry <paste.registry.Registry object at 0x7f52e47477d0> paste.throw_errors True pylons.action_method <bound method PackageController?.read of <ckan.controllers.package.PackageController? object at 0x7f52e477b810>> pylons.controller <ckan.controllers.package.PackageController? object at 0x7f52e477b810> pylons.environ_config {'session': 'beaker.session', 'cache': 'beaker.cache'} pylons.pylons <pylons.util.PylonsContext? object at 0x7f52e477be90> pylons.routes_dict {'action': u'read', 'controller': u'package', 'id': u'uk-postboxes'} repoze.who.logger <logging.Logger object at 0x7f53127b2b50> repoze.who.plugins {'openid': <OpenIdIdentificationPlugin? 139994769488336>, 'friendlyform': <FriendlyFormPlugin? 139994769488528>, 'ckan.lib.authenticator:UsernamePasswordAuthenticator': <ckan.lib.authenticator.UsernamePasswordAuthenticator? object at 0x7f5312d893d0>, 'auth_tkt': <AuthTktCookiePlugin? 139994771858704>, 'ckan.lib.authenticator:OpenIDAuthenticator': <ckan.lib.authenticator.OpenIDAuthenticator object at 0x7f5312d89350>} routes.route <routes.route.Route object at 0x7f5312955a50> routes.url <routes.util.URLGenerator object at 0x7f52eb8c9090> webob._parsed_query_vars (GET([]), ) webob.adhoc_attrs {'language': 'en-us'} wsgi process 'Multi process AND threads (?)' wsgi.file_wrapper <built-in method file_wrapper of mod_wsgi.Adapter object at 0x7f5308983a80> wsgi.version (1, 1) wsgiorg.routing_args (<routes.util.URLGenerator object at 0x7f52eb8c9090>, {'action': u'read', 'controller': u'package', 'id': u'uk-postboxes'})

1345114732000000 1345114732000000
#2868 enhancement ross ross closed fixed 1.8 SOLR error

From: <thedatahub.org@…> Date: Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 8:34 AM Subject: WebApp? Error: <class 'ckan.lib.search.common.SearchError?'>: SOLR returned an error running query: {'sort': 'metadata_modified desc', 'fq': u'groups:"welcome" capacity:"public" +site_id:"www.ckan.net" +state:active', 'facet.mincount': 1, 'rows': 21, 'facet.limit': '50', 'facet': 'true', 'q': '*:*', 'start': -20, 'wt': 'json', 'fl': 'id data_dict'} Error: "'start' parameter cannot be negative" To: ckan-sysadmin@…, kindly@…

URL: http://thedatahub.org/feeds/group/welcome.atom?page=0 Module weberror.errormiddleware:162 in call << traceback_supplement = Supplement, self, environ

sr_checker = ResponseStartChecker?(start_response) app_iter = self.application(environ, sr_checker) return self.make_catching_iter(app_iter, environ, sr_checker)


app_iter = self.application(environ, sr_checker)

Module beaker.middleware:73 in call << self.cache_manager)

environ[self.environ_key] = self.cache_manager return self.app(environ, start_response)

return self.app(environ, start_response)

Module beaker.middleware:155 in call << headers.append(('Set-cookie', cookie))

return start_response(status, headers, exc_info)

return self.wrap_app(environ, session_start_response)

def _get_session(self):

return self.wrap_app(environ, session_start_response)

Module routes.middleware:131 in call << r'\1', oldpath)

response = self.app(environ, start_response)

# Wrapped in try as in rare cases the attribute will be gone already

response = self.app(environ, start_response)

Module pylons.wsgiapp:125 in call <<

controller = self.resolve(environ, start_response) response = self.dispatch(controller, environ, start_response)

if 'paste.testing_variables' in environ and hasattr(response,

response = self.dispatch(controller, environ, start_response)

Module pylons.wsgiapp:324 in dispatch << if log_debug:

log.debug("Calling controller class with WSGI interface")

return controller(environ, start_response)

def load_test_env(self, environ):

return controller(environ, start_response)

Module ckan.lib.base:239 in call << try:

res = WSGIController.call(self, environ, start_response)



res = WSGIController.call(self, environ, start_response)

Module pylons.controllers.core:221 in call << return response(environ, self.start_response)

response = self._dispatch_call() if not start_response_called:

self.start_response = start_response

response = self._dispatch_call()

Module pylons.controllers.core:172 in _dispatch_call << req.environpylons.action_method? = func

response = self._inspect_call(func)


if log_debug:

response = self._inspect_call(func)

Module pylons.controllers.core:107 in _inspect_call << func.name, args)


result = self._perform_call(func, args)

except HTTPException, httpe:

if log_debug:

result = self._perform_call(func, args)

Module pylons.controllers.core:60 in _perform_call << """Hide the traceback for everything above this method"""

traceback_hide = 'before_and_this' return func(args)

def _inspect_call(self, func):

return func(args)

Module ckan.controllers.feed:180 in group << data_dictfq? = 'groups:"%s"' % id

item_count, results = _package_search(data_dict)

navigation_urls = self._navigation_urls(params,

item_count, results = _package_search(data_dict)

Module ckan.controllers.feed:57 in _package_search << # package_search action modifies the data_dict, so keep our copy intact.

query = get_action('package_search')(context, data_dict.copy())

return querycount?, queryresults?

query = get_action('package_search')(context, data_dict.copy())

Module ckan.logic.action.get:1130 in package_search << query = search.query_for(model.Package)


for package in query.results:


Module ckan.lib.search.query:350 in run << except SolrException?, e:

raise SearchError?('SOLR returned an error running query: %r Error: %r' %

(query, e.reason))


data = json.loads(solr_response)

(query, e.reason))

SearchError?: SOLR returned an error running query: {'sort': 'metadata_modified desc', 'fq': u'groups:"welcome" capacity:"public" +site_id:"www.ckan.net" +state:active', 'facet.mincount': 1, 'rows': 21, 'facet.limit': '50', 'facet': 'true', 'q': '*:*', 'start': -20, 'wt': 'json', 'fl': 'id data_dict'} Error: "'start' parameter cannot be negative" CGI Variables CKAN_CURRENT_URL '/feeds/group/welcome.atom?page%3D0' CKAN_LANG 'ja' CONTENT_TYPE '; charset=utf-8' DOCUMENT_ROOT '/etc/apache2/htdocs' GATEWAY_INTERFACE 'CGI/1.1' HTTP_ACCEPT '*/*' HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING 'gzip,deflate' HTTP_CONNECTION 'close' HTTP_FROM 'googlebot(at)googlebot.com' HTTP_HOST 'thedatahub.org' HTTP_USER_AGENT 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html)' PATH_INFO '/feeds/group/welcome.atom' PATH_TRANSLATED '/etc/ckan/datahub/apache.wsgi/ja/feeds/group/welcome.atom' QUERY_STRING 'page=0' REMOTE_ADDR '' REMOTE_PORT '33139' REQUEST_METHOD 'GET' REQUEST_URI '/ja/feeds/group/welcome.atom?page=0' SCRIPT_FILENAME '/etc/ckan/datahub/apache.wsgi' SERVER_ADDR '' SERVER_ADMIN '[no address given]' SERVER_NAME 'thedatahub.org' SERVER_PORT '80' SERVER_PROTOCOL 'HTTP/1.0' SERVER_SIGNATURE '<address>Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu) Server at thedatahub.org Port 80</address>\n' SERVER_SOFTWARE 'Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu)' WSGI Variables application <beaker.middleware.CacheMiddleware? object at 0x7f5312a51650> beaker.cache <beaker.cache.CacheManager? object at 0x7f5312a51790> beaker.get_session <bound method SessionMiddleware?._get_session of <beaker.middleware.SessionMiddleware? object at 0x7f5312a516d0>> beaker.session {'_accessed_time': 1345016040.884951, '_creation_time': 1345016040.884951} mod_wsgi.application_group 'ckan.net|' mod_wsgi.callable_object 'application' mod_wsgi.handler_script mod_wsgi.input_chunked '0' mod_wsgi.listener_host mod_wsgi.listener_port '8080' mod_wsgi.process_group 'datahub' mod_wsgi.request_handler 'wsgi-script' mod_wsgi.script_reloading '1' mod_wsgi.version (3, 3) paste.cookies (<SimpleCookie: >, ) paste.parsed_dict_querystring (MultiDict?([('page', '0')]), 'page=0') paste.parsed_querystring ([('page', '0')], 'page=0') paste.registry <paste.registry.Registry object at 0x7f5302eef7d0> paste.throw_errors True pylons.action_method <bound method FeedController?.group of <ckan.controllers.feed.FeedController? object at 0x7f52f0341750>> pylons.controller <ckan.controllers.feed.FeedController? object at 0x7f52f0341750> pylons.environ_config {'session': 'beaker.session', 'cache': 'beaker.cache'} pylons.pylons <pylons.util.PylonsContext? object at 0x7f52f0341450> pylons.routes_dict {'action': u'group', 'controller': u'feed', 'id': u'welcome'} repoze.who.logger <logging.Logger object at 0x7f53127b2b50> repoze.who.plugins {'openid': <OpenIdIdentificationPlugin? 139994769488336>, 'friendlyform': <FriendlyFormPlugin? 139994769488528>, 'ckan.lib.authenticator:UsernamePasswordAuthenticator': <ckan.lib.authenticator.UsernamePasswordAuthenticator? object at 0x7f5312d893d0>, 'auth_tkt': <AuthTktCookiePlugin? 139994771858704>, 'ckan.lib.authenticator:OpenIDAuthenticator': <ckan.lib.authenticator.OpenIDAuthenticator object at 0x7f5312d89350>} routes.route <routes.route.Route object at 0x7f5312961e90> routes.url <routes.util.URLGenerator object at 0x7f52f0341210> webob._parsed_query_vars (GET([('page', '0')]), 'page=0') webob.adhoc_attrs {'language': 'en-us'} wsgi process 'Multi process AND threads (?)' wsgi.file_wrapper <built-in method file_wrapper of mod_wsgi.Adapter object at 0x7f52ed4873f0> wsgi.version (1, 1) wsgiorg.routing_args (<routes.util.URLGenerator object at 0x7f52f0341210>, {'action': u'group', 'controller': u'feed', 'id': u'welcome'})

1345114696000000 1345124503000000
#2874 enhancement rgrp rgrp assigned Clean up bin directory

Full of obsolete material

1345190508000000 1345190515000000
#1333 enhancement amercader amercader ckan-sprint-2011-10-28 closed fixed Move form converters to ckan core

Functions like convert_to_extras and convert_from_extras will be widely used from extensions and should be on ckan core.

1315909268000000 1316951285000000
#1624 defect dread pudo ckan-sprint-2012-01-23 closed fixed Typo in dataset edit mode

Futher Information -> Further Information

1326121197000000 1326216362000000
#535 defect dread ckan-v1.2 closed duplicate genshi error when logged into sl.ckan.net

Genshi exception when rendering the page whilst logged in to sl.ckan.net.

1283165774000000 1283167040000000
#1168 enhancement thejimmyg dread ckan-backlog assigned Test system for deb packaging

Get buildbot to:

  • build the deb packages
  • install them into a fresh virtual machine
  • run smoke tests on the installed ckan
1306441994000000 1330990423000000
#2810 enhancement kindly ckan-future new heroku ckan support

Get ckan working on heroku

1344364858000000 1344364858000000
#80 enhancement dread rgrp v0.10 closed fixed Refactor or remove modes code

Get rid of modes in the RESTful API. Do json stuff directly in controllers.

  • package will have to_dict and from_dict methods (called by rest controller) which provide and consume JSON friendly dictionaries representing the object. from_dict - class_method. stuff in forms for tags as_string, maybe factor out. reuse validation stuff.
1247844263000000 1265890912000000
#154 enhancement rgrp dread v0.11 closed wontfix Package form guidance

Give guidance on what to put in 'author' and 'maintainer' fields (e.g. name? URL?)

Suggestion from Jonathan Gray

1255621572000000 1257535066000000
#1408 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2011-10-24 closed fixed Make site user, so tasks can post information back to ckan.

Give site user system administrative rights.

1319019626000000 1320141847000000
#1033 defect dread dread closed fixed Register user with blank password causes 500

Go to http://ckan.net/user/register and fill in all the fields apart from password. On submit you get 500 error.

1299796274000000 1308310446000000
#938 enhancement pudo rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-1 closed fixed Message flashing / notification in WUI

Good user interfaces provide feedback to users. We should provide more feedback about the success / failure of actions using message flashing (see http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/patterns/flashing/).

We already do some of this (slightly poorly), e.g. on adding an authorization the app says: "X authorization added".


  • Standardize this process and add section to html for this purpose.
  • Already done in other OKFN apps e.g. yourtopia.net, wheredoesmymoneygo and commentonit
  • Testing: suggest keeping this very simple


  • Cost: 0.5h (html etc) + 1h to do some integration
1296398920000000 1297077023000000
#1209 defect kindly closed fixed sort out rendering of formalchemy package preview

Got broken due to the moderated edits changes #1141.

Need to make sure preview works.

1309817240000000 1310571715000000
#2899 enhancement johnmartin demo phase 5 new Step 2 > Save & add another bug


  1. Add dataset
  1. Get to step 2
  1. Click "Save & add another" without adding any data
  1. Ends on step 3

Should: fail to validate and remain on step 2

1346332519000000 1346332519000000
#1407 defect rgrp dread ckan-sprint-2011-12-19 closed fixed Stats extension not working

Graphs don't show any more at http://thedatahub.org/stats

1319014605000000 1323764239000000
#1507 enhancement zephod rgrp ckan-backlog assigned Minor fixes to dataset add on Group edit form - 0.5d

Group edit dataset add form needs some work

  • Dataset name is not cleared when you add
  • No way to remove item from list of datasets to be added if I make a mistake
  • (2nd Apr 2012) It now seems that option to add multiple datasets at once has disappeared (perhaps during the CSS/HTML refactor ...)
1323088429000000 1338205220000000
#1612 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2012-01-09 closed fixed Group view page slow

Group show that lists packages is slow due to not using query in pagination.

1325633737000000 1325688886000000
#2937 defect seanh ckan-v1.8 closed fixed GroupController.history() missing extras_as_string

GroupController?'s history() method doesn't pass 'extras_as_string': True in the context when it calls group_show. This means that if you have an IGroupForm plugin that is adding a custom metadata field and using convert_to/from_extras() then a field value of 'foo' will be returned as '"foo"'

Other GroupController? and PackageController? methods do pass 'extras_as_string'

1348155730000000 1348238875000000
#1403 enhancement zephod zephod ckan-backlog new Refactor groups index page

Groups are listed alphabetically with paging - not an ideal user experience. We would like to list groups in order of 'popularity': The number of datasets they contain.

Following this chain of thought, then, it would be nice to rearrange the groups table by clicking on column headers and having it sort by that column.

Furthermore, then, we'd like to implement a full-fledged groups search feature (if this is at all feasible).

The forthcoming groups refactor will probably have some bearing on this task.

1318847512000000 1318847566000000
#224 enhancement nickstenning dread v0.11 closed fixed UI Review - Groups

Groups landing page group

  • Yeesh! What's up with the typography for "Just login..."?
  • Truncated description along with group name.
  • Explanation text about what groups are for (RHS)
  • Another case of <li> bullets adding nothing.
1260880360000000 1267100560000000
#2721 defect toby shevski demo phase 4 new deleted groups should not show on 'Add to Groups' dropdown

Groups previously deleted still show up in the add dataset process in step 3 'Additional info'


1342948632000000 1344544214000000
#2275 enhancement johnglover seanh ckan-sprint-2012-04-16 closed fixed Implement group logos

Groups should be able to specify a URL to an image file for a group logo, the image will be shown on the group page.

Actually uploading an image file (rather than giving a URL) and cropping and resizing the file will be done later, for now just give a URL. (later ticket)

Further customisation of group pages (CSS, templates) also for later. (not sure if we really want this, but in a later ticket if so)

1333376076000000 1334594328000000
#1021 enhancement pudo pudo ckan-v1.4-sprint-3 closed fixed Config option to disable OpenID

HRI don't like federation, want to login normal way only. Make this a config option and perhaps even mess with runtime repoze config

1299492920000000 1299518828000000
#2829 enhancement johnglover toby ckan-v1.9 new Archiver fails on 403 http response

Had this issue with the archiver on my local machine need to be logged in (I am admin) to see via web front end

$ paster archiver update -c ../ckan/development.ini 

2012-08-09 11:01:37,636 INFO  [ckanext.archiver.commands] Archival of dataset resource data added to celery queue: opencontext-chogha-mish-fauna (1 resources)
2012-08-09 11:01:37,671 INFO  [ckanext.archiver.commands] Getting dataset metadata: south-african-national-gov-budget-2012-13
2012-08-09 11:01:37,900 INFO  [ckan.lib.base]  /api/action/package_show render time 0.043 seconds
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/toby/okfn/pyenv/bin/paster", line 8, in <module>
    load_entry_point('PasteScript==1.7.5', 'console_scripts', 'paster')()
  File "/home/toby/okfn/pyenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/paste/script/command.py", line 104, in run
    invoke(command, command_name, options, args[1:])
  File "/home/toby/okfn/pyenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/paste/script/command.py", line 143, in invoke
    exit_code = runner.run(args)
  File "/home/toby/okfn/pyenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/paste/script/command.py", line 238, in run
    result = self.command()
  File "/home/toby/okfn/pyenv/src/ckanext-archiver/ckanext/archiver/commands.py", line 98, in command
    response = app.post(api_url + '/package_show', data)
  File "/home/toby/okfn/pyenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/paste/fixture.py", line 262, in post
  File "/home/toby/okfn/pyenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/paste/fixture.py", line 243, in _gen_request
    return self.do_request(req, status=status)
  File "/home/toby/okfn/pyenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/paste/fixture.py", line 406, in do_request
    self._check_status(status, res)
  File "/home/toby/okfn/pyenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/paste/fixture.py", line 439, in _check_status
paste.fixture.AppError: Bad response: 403 Forbidden (not 200 OK or 3xx redirect for /api/action/package_show)
{"help": "Return the metadata of a dataset (package) and its resources.\n\n    :param id: the id or name of the dataset\n    :type id: string\n\n    :rtype: dictionary\n\n    ", "success": false, "error": {"message": "Access denied", "__type": "Authorization Error"}}
1344508484000000 1344508484000000
#400 task johnbywater johnbywater ckan-v1.2 closed fixed Configure DGU Public API with TSO

Have TSO configure data.ov.uk/api/catalogue. Have TSO register catalogue.data.gov.uk.

1281000956000000 1288003690000000
#140 enhancement rgrp ckan-backlog new News section on front page

Have a news section (suggest as a sidebar item).

News section will link to latest 3/4 blog posts on CKAN from blog.okfn.org.


  • Suggest pulling via rss or similar.
  • Will want to cache this ...

Cost: 4h?

1254902541000000 1265625159000000
#351 enhancement dread ckan-backlog new Homepage: list new, updated and 'hot' packages

Have a simpler list of exciting data, as opposed to the big revision list.

For example:

Hot data

New packages: package1, package2, package3
Updated resources: package1, package2, package3
Popular packages: 
1276595816000000 1339774677000000
#953 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-1 closed fixed Add tagline/description to template and set in configuration

Have a tagline / description are under main title and set if from ckan.site_description config variable.

1296809808000000 1296809834000000
#2625 enhancement seanh ckan-v1.9 new Add i18n strings from non-core but supported extensions to ckan.pot file

Have to decide which non-core extensions are going to be supported first.

1341236903000000 1341236903000000
#2915 refactor seanh ckan 2.0 new Refactor form_to_db_schema_options()

Having two methods form_to_db_schema(self) and form_to_db_schema_options(self, options) seems unnecessary, why not just have form_to_db_schema(self, options=None)?

Fixing this might break existing extensions although I don't think any are using form_to_db_schema_options() so it should be okay.

The same thing goes for db_to_form_schema_options().

Also why are we passing a dict 'options' that always contains the same three keys 'api', 'context' and 'type'? Why not three params api=None, contenxt=None, type=None?

1347446269000000 1347447588000000
#834 task Alexander ckan-v1.3 closed worksforme Searching in CKAN


I've installed stable CKAN v1.1 from PyPI.

I can't find any docs about using CKAN API in order to query packages.

Query ./api/search/package?q=str works fine, but with extra parameters, such as limit, offset, fullinfo, order_by, search_notes, don't. Should I use new version for this? How can I perform this query via Ckanclient? Is it possible?

Also I'm interested how to find open-licensed files? I tied URL ./api/search/package?q=str&open_only=1&downloadable_only=1 and Ckanclient:

result = ckan.package_search('str', {'open_only': 1, 'downloadable_only': 1})

As result nothing found.


1290769564000000 1291633657000000
#1094 enhancement thejimmyg thejimmyg ckan-v1.5 closed duplicate [super] Refactor the Auth System

Here are some proposed changes related to CKAN's authorization system - they aren't very big, but should provide for some forthcoming use cases including #787.

Two man reasons for the changes are:

  • We have a completely refactored architecture now which introduces a logic layer. These Auth changes are designed to better support the way we work with that layer.
  • Different CKAN extension apps may need radically different authentication/authorisation so we need to allow whatever we have to be override-able.

The first two changes revolve around the is_authorized method, which is called by the logic layer to ask whether a particular user (e.g. Bob) is allowed to do a certain action (e.g. edit) on a certain object (e.g. Package).

  1. The first thing the is_authorized method is a hook to a plugin

which *overrides* the current call with its own implementation (note: in previous discussions we have considered allowing a chain of plugins, no longer!)

Reason: authorization can be completely delegated to another system (or partially)

  1. is_authorized method currently takes (username, action, object)

but for action=create_package, the object supplied is System, and for action=edit the object supplied is the package. Instead action should always be the string name of a function in the logic layer and object should always be the object passed to that function. This means our auth system is based around the actual actions we are performing (rather than a model them) and with the actual data that forms the action (rather than a related object). You never need a System object in this model.

  1. Rename these two classes to better reflect what they are
  1. Rename the Editor role to PriveledgeUser? since Editors sometimes can't edit.

Although this sounds a bit radical we already have auth extensions.

Read-only CKAN Web UI

(Additional requirement from #764)

Whilse using CKAN web interface, you are not tempted to edit stuff:

  • You know at all times this CKAN is read-only
  • All editing facilities are still seen but greyed-out with an indication why it is.
1303117973000000 1311173649000000
#1245 task rgrp ckan-v1.5 closed fixed Reorganise ckan.org pages

Here is Rufus' plan for ckan.org reorganisation from http://ckan.okfnpad.org/documentation (22/7/11) (ticket made by dread):

  /overview <--- current 'about' page (the software)
  /customers <-- say "in addition to our clients..."
  /features <-- needs most work (pictures etc)
/pricing/  <-- simplest thing possible ... talk with Ira (cover pricing and support)
/developers <--- links to http://docs.ckan.org/, getting the software, the wiki, the mailing list /contact


  • add tagline in header - "the data portal software"
  • make and add glossy PDF
  • change "data hub" to "data portal" passim (if only using one term)
  • add info@…
  • image banner on home page - redo screenshots without menus
1311861708000000 1317422640000000
#2883 enhancement seanh ckan-v1.8.1 new Add high level dev overview to 'For CKAN Developers' section of docs

Here's a draft: https://gist.github.com/3414107

1345546355000000 1345629890000000
#436 bug dread ckan-v1.2 closed wontfix Investigate exception: resource search JSON

Here's the dump from 22:10 last night:

URL: http://ckan.net/api/search/resource?all_fields=1&offset=0&limit=20&qjson=%3Cspan%20class= Module weberror.errormiddleware:162 in call << traceback_supplement = Supplement, self, environ

sr_checker = ResponseStartChecker?(start_response) app_iter = self.application(environ, sr_checker) return self.make_catching_iter(app_iter, environ, sr_checker)


app_iter = self.application(environ, sr_checker)

Module beaker.middleware:73 in call << self.cache_manager)

environ[self.environ_key] = self.cache_manager return self.app(environ, start_response)

return self.app(environ, start_response)

Module beaker.middleware:152 in call << headers.append(('Set-cookie', cookie))

return start_response(status, headers, exc_info)

return self.wrap_app(environ, session_start_response)

def _get_session(self):

return self.wrap_app(environ, session_start_response)

Module routes.middleware:130 in call << environSCRIPT_NAME? = environSCRIPT_NAME?[:-1]

response = self.app(environ, start_response)

# Wrapped in try as in rare cases the attribute will be gone already

response = self.app(environ, start_response)

Module pylons.wsgiapp:125 in call <<

controller = self.resolve(environ, start_response) response = self.dispatch(controller, environ, start_response)

if 'paste.testing_variables' in environ and hasattr(response,

response = self.dispatch(controller, environ, start_response)

Module pylons.wsgiapp:324 in dispatch << if log_debug:

log.debug("Calling controller class with WSGI interface")

return controller(environ, start_response)

def load_test_env(self, environ):

return controller(environ, start_response)

Module ckan.lib.base:73 in call << # available in environpylons.routes_dict?


return WSGIController.call(self, environ, start_response)



return WSGIController.call(self, environ, start_response)

Module pylons.controllers.core:221 in call << return response(environ, self.start_response)

response = self._dispatch_call() if not start_response_called:

self.start_response = start_response

response = self._dispatch_call()

Module pylons.controllers.core:172 in _dispatch_call << req.environpylons.action_method? = func

response = self._inspect_call(func)


if log_debug:

response = self._inspect_call(func)

Module pylons.controllers.core:107 in _inspect_call << func.name, args)


result = self._perform_call(func, args)

except HTTPException, httpe:

if log_debug:

result = self._perform_call(func, args)

Module pylons.controllers.core:60 in _perform_call << """Hide the traceback for everything above this method"""

traceback_hide = 'before_and_this' return func(args)

def _inspect_call(self, func):

return func(args)

Module ckan.controllers.rest:400 in search << response.status_int = 400

return gettext('Blank qjson parameter')

params = json.loads(request.paramsqjson?)

elif request.params.values() and request.params.values() != [u] and request.params.values() != [u'1']:

params = request.params

params = json.loads(request.paramsqjson?)

Module simplejson:384 in loads << parse_constant is None and object_pairs_hook is None

and not use_decimal and not kw):

return _default_decoder.decode(s)

if cls is None:

cls = JSONDecoder

return _default_decoder.decode(s)

Module simplejson.decoder:402 in decode << """

obj, end = self.raw_decode(s, idx=_w(s, 0).end()) end = _w(s, end).end() if end != len(s):

obj, end = self.raw_decode(s, idx=_w(s, 0).end())

Module simplejson.decoder:420 in raw_decode << obj, end = self.scan_once(s, idx)

except StopIteration?:

raise JSONDecodeError("No JSON object could be decoded", s, idx)

return obj, end

raise JSONDecodeError("No JSON object could be decoded", s, idx)

JSONDecodeError: No JSON object could be decoded: line 1 column 0 (char 0) CGI Variables DOCUMENT_ROOT '/htdocs' GATEWAY_INTERFACE 'CGI/1.1' HTTP_ACCEPT 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8, application/json' HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET 'ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7' HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING 'gzip,deflate' HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE 'en-us,en;q=0.5' HTTP_CONNECTION 'keep-alive' HTTP_COOKIE 'utma=27730403.1245320310.1281386803.1281386803.1282164955.2; utmz=27730403.1282164955.2.2.utmcsr=jira|utmccn=(referral)|utmcmd=referral|utmcct=/browse/PLATFORM-892; utmb=27730403.3.10.1282164955; utmc=27730403' HTTP_HOST 'ckan.net' HTTP_KEEP_ALIVE '300' HTTP_REFERER 'http://jira/browse/PLATFORM-892' HTTP_USER_AGENT 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091221 Firefox/3.5.7' PATH '/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin' PATH_INFO '/api/search/resource' PATH_TRANSLATED '/home/okfn/var/srvc/ckan.net/pyenv/bin/ckan.net.py/api/search/resource' QUERY_STRING 'all_fields=1&offset=0&limit=20&qjson=%3Cspan%20class=' REMOTE_ADDR '' REMOTE_PORT '20720' REQUEST_METHOD 'GET' REQUEST_URI '/api/search/resource?all_fields=1&offset=0&limit=20&qjson=%3Cspan%20class=' SCRIPT_FILENAME '/home/okfn/var/srvc/ckan.net/pyenv/bin/ckan.net.py' SCRIPT_URI 'http://ckan.net/api/search/resource' SCRIPT_URL '/api/search/resource' SERVER_ADDR '' SERVER_ADMIN '[no address given]' SERVER_NAME 'ckan.net' SERVER_PORT '80' SERVER_PROTOCOL 'HTTP/1.1' SERVER_SIGNATURE '<address>Apache/2.2.9 (Debian) mod_wsgi/2.5 Python/2.5.2 Server at ckan.net Port 80</address>\n' SERVER_SOFTWARE 'Apache/2.2.9 (Debian) mod_wsgi/2.5 Python/2.5.2' WSGI Variables application <beaker.middleware.CacheMiddleware? object at 0xa1c13ec> beaker.cache <beaker.cache.CacheManager? object at 0xa1c142c> beaker.get_session <bound method SessionMiddleware?._get_session of <beaker.middleware.SessionMiddleware? object at 0xa1c12ac>> beaker.session {'_accessed_time': 1282165818.0880959, '_creation_time': 1282165818.0880959} mod_wsgi.application_group 'ckan.net|' mod_wsgi.callable_object 'application' mod_wsgi.listener_host mod_wsgi.listener_port '80' mod_wsgi.process_group mod_wsgi.reload_mechanism '0' mod_wsgi.script_reloading '1' mod_wsgi.version (2, 5) paste.cookies (<SimpleCookie: __utma='27730403.1245320310.1281386803.1281386803.1282164955.2' __utmb='27730403.3.10.1282164955' __utmc='27730403' __utmz='27730403.1282164955.2.2.utmcsr=jira|utmccn=(referral)|utmcmd=referral|utmcct=/browse/PLATFORM-892'>, 'utma=27730403.1245320310.1281386803.1281386803.1282164955.2; utmz=27730403.1282164955.2.2.utmcsr=jira|utmccn=(referral)|utmcmd=referral|utmcct=/browse/PLATFORM-892; utmb=27730403.3.10.1282164955; utmc=27730403') paste.parsed_querystring ([('all_fields', '1'), ('offset', '0'), ('limit', '20'), ('qjson', '<span class=')], 'all_fields=1&offset=0&limit=20&qjson=%3Cspan%20class=') paste.registry <paste.registry.Registry object at 0x130ed84c> paste.throw_errors True pylons.action_method <bound method RestController?.search of <ckan.controllers.rest.RestController? object at 0xe9bbe0c>> pylons.controller <ckan.controllers.rest.RestController? object at 0xe9bbe0c> pylons.environ_config {'session': 'beaker.session', 'cache': 'beaker.cache'} pylons.pylons <pylons.util.PylonsContext? object at 0xe9bbe8c> pylons.routes_dict {'action': u'search', 'controller': u'rest', 'register': u'resource'} repoze.who.logger <logging.Logger instance at 0xa3cb0cc> repoze.who.plugins {'openid': <OpenIdIdentificationPlugin? 170067148>, 'auth_tkt': <AuthTktCookiePlugin? 171739788>} routes.route <routes.route.Route object at 0xa102fac> routes.url <routes.util.URLGenerator object at 0x13a5a3cc> webob._parsed_query_vars (GET([('all_fields', '1'), ('offset', '0'), ('limit', '20'), ('qjson', '<span class=')]), 'all_fields=1&offset=0&limit=20&qjson=%3Cspan%20class=') webob.adhoc_attrs {'language': 'en-us'} wsgi process 'Multi process AND threads (?)' wsgi.file_wrapper <built-in method file_wrapper of mod_wsgi.Adapter object at 0x12f53530> wsgiorg.routing_args (<routes.util.URLGenerator object at 0x13a5a3cc>, {'action': u'search', 'controller': u'rest', 'register': u'resource'})

1282206959000000 1288003983000000
#434 defect dread ckan-v1.2 closed fixed Logged in user to si.ckan.net causes genshi exception

Here's the trace:

[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] Error - <type 'exceptions.IndexError'>: list index out of range
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] mod_wsgi (pid=6195): Exception occurred processing WSGI script '/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/py
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] Traceback (most recent call last):
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]   File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/paste/cascade.py", line 
130, in __call__
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]     return self.apps[-1](environ, start_response)
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]   File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/paste/registry.py", line
 375, in __call__
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]     app_iter = self.application(environ, start_response)
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]   File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/repoze/who/middleware.py
", line 107, in __call__
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]     app_iter = app(environ, wrapper.wrap_start_response)
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]   File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/pylons/middleware.py", l
ine 214, in __call__
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]     self.app, new_environ, catch_exc_info=True)
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]   File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/pylons/util.py", line 94
, in call_wsgi_application
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]     app_iter = application(environ, start_response)
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]   File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/weberror/errormiddleware
.py", line 156, in __call__
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]     return self.application(environ, start_response)
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]   File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/beaker/middleware.py", l
ine 73, in __call__
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]     return self.app(environ, start_response)
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]   File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/beaker/middleware.py", l
ine 152, in __call__
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]     return self.wrap_app(environ, session_start_response)
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]   File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/routes/middleware.py", l
ine 130, in __call__
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]     response = self.app(environ, start_response)
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]   File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/pylons/wsgiapp.py", line
 125, in __call__
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]     response = self.dispatch(controller, environ, start_response)
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]   File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/pylons/wsgiapp.py", line
 324, in dispatch
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]     return controller(environ, start_response)
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]   File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/src/ckan/ckan/lib/base.py", line 73, in __call__
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]     return WSGIController.__call__(self, environ, start_response)
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]   File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/pylons/controllers/core.
py", line 221, in __call__
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]     response = self._dispatch_call()
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]   File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/pylons/controllers/core.
py", line 172, in _dispatch_call
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]     response = self._inspect_call(func)
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]   File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/pylons/controllers/core.
py", line 107, in _inspect_call
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]     result = self._perform_call(func, args)
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]   File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/pylons/controllers/core.
py", line 60, in _perform_call
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]     return func(**args)
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]   File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/src/ckan/ckan/controllers/error.py", line 32, in doc
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]     ckan_template = render('error_document_template.html')
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]   File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/src/ckan/ckan/lib/base.py", line 38, in render
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]     return render_template()
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]   File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/src/ckan/ckan/lib/base.py", line 36, in render_templ
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]     return literal(stream.render(method=method, encoding=None))
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]   File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/genshi/core.py", line 18
3, in render
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]     return encode(generator, method=method, encoding=encoding, out=out)
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]   File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/genshi/output.py", line 
57, in encode
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]     return _encode(''.join(list(iterator)))
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]   File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/genshi/output.py", line 339, in __call__
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]     for kind, data, pos in stream:
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]   File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/genshi/output.py", line 670, in __call__
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]     for kind, data, pos in stream:
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]   File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/genshi/output.py", line 771, in __call__
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]     for kind, data, pos in chain(stream, [(None, None, None)]):
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]   File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/genshi/output.py", line 586, in __call__
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]     for ev in stream:
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]   File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/genshi/core.py", line 288, in _ensure
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]     for event in stream:
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]   File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/genshi/template/base.py", line 618, in _include
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]     for event in tmpl.generate(ctxt, **vars):
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]   File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/genshi/template/base.py", line 618, in _include
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]     for event in tmpl.generate(ctxt, **vars):
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]   File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/genshi/template/base.py", line 605, in _include
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]     for event in stream:
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]   File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/genshi/template/markup.py", line 327, in _match
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]     for event in stream:
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]   File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/genshi/template/base.py", line 545, in _flatten
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]     for kind, data, pos in stream:
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]   File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/genshi/filters/i18n.py", line 177, in _generate
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]     for event in msgbuf.translate(gettext(msgbuf.format())):
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]   File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/genshi/filters/i18n.py", line 1029, in translate
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]     parts = parse_msg(string)
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]   File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/genshi/filters/i18n.py", line 1143, in parse_msg
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client]     parts.append((stack[-1], string))
[Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] IndexError: list index out of range

ckan: 1e403927f2bb (metastable) genshi: 0.6 lang: slovenian

1282130515000000 1283189807000000
#2746 enhancement toby shevski demo phase 2 closed fixed help bubble on demo homepage missing

Hey, this is still missing. It's the one with the add dataset text

1343209387000000 1343214031000000
#728 requirement amercader johnbywater ckan-backlog assigned CSW Harvesting shall be optimised in respect of reharvesting only records that have changed

Hi Will, this is important again because some CSW servers we use have over 300 documents in. Could you take a look at modifying the filter please?

1287675340000000 1310124784000000
#1175 defect dread fccoelho@… closed invalid Stats extension not working

Hi, I get a 500, Internal server error when I enable ckanext-stats. Flavio

1307350823000000 1325355170000000
#2657 enhancement toby shevski demo phase 2 closed fixed hide history button on group pages until retheme

History button in top right of http://demo.ckan.org/group/data-explorer goes to http://demo.ckan.org/group/history/data-explorer and needs hiding

1342007213000000 1342008765000000
#1761 enhancement ross ross ckan-sprint-2012-02-20 closed fixed DGU History visibility

History on user profile should only be visible to a user who is a member of at least one group.

1328532889000000 1328716686000000
#2403 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2012-05-29 closed fixed home page speed improvements

Home page loads *all* groups and dictizes them, it should only dictize the top 10 or so from the search facets.

1337302582000000 1337782037000000
#1665 task seanh seanh closed fixed Begin doing research into eurovoc

How big is it? How are we going to store it? etc.

1326795828000000 1329742600000000
#1569 enhancement David Raznik jilly mathews ckan-future new Wordpressser

How much effort will this be to be ready to use?

1324294056000000 1324294056000000
#1823 enhancement rgrp ckan-backlog new Spring clean bin directory

Huge number of accumulated (and likely unnecessary) scripts in /bin directory.

1329773331000000 1338203554000000
#881 defect thejimmyg fccoelho closed invalid http authentication requirement when installing

I am having trouble installing Ckan with virtualenv and pip using pip-requirements.txt due to the Authentication requirements to download the source code.

1293021889000000 1296335072000000
#2670 defect ross dread ckan-v1.8 closed fixed model.Group.get_children_groups returns deleted groups

I believe it should only return active ones. On DGU we see deleted publishers popping up.

1342175117000000 1342440953000000
#2461 enhancement toby aron.carroll demo phase 4 assigned Create demo revisions page

I believe this is to be merged in with site activity.





1338212055000000 1344543838000000
#951 defect adrian.pohl@… closed invalid Can't add a package to group

I can't add a package (e.g. http://ckan.net/package/ub-konstanz) to a group (e.g. http://ckan.net/group/bibliographic). It's neither possible when editing a package (the only group in drop down menu is "history") nor on the group page.

1296726886000000 1314031006000000
#1419 enhancement dread ckan-sprint-2011-11-07 closed invalid Can't log in via OpenID

I couldn't log into theDataHub with OpenID today. I tried both Google ID and MyOpenID. Both times the login on the remote auth server went fine, but when it returns you to theDataHub you get error "Login failed. Bad username or password."

1319543013000000 1319796164000000
#1718 defect aron.carroll dread closed fixed Deprecated JS properties used

I get this warning when viewing the home page:

event.layerX and event.layerY are broken and deprecated in WebKit. They will be removed from the engine in the near future.

CKAN: latest master Browser: Chrome Ubuntu

Minor, but worth checking?

1327665842000000 1340703280000000
#1642 defect pudo ckan-backlog new Extra link generators generate garbled HTML

I had a package descriptions with URLs that contain "group:foo". This produces garbled output as the system tries to generate two sets of links: the outer link and an inner link.

Need to fix the parser.


Webdienst basierende Bereitstellung von Geobasisdaten der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg. Folgende Geobasisdaten werden als WebMapTileService? (WMT-S) für die Dauer des Wettbewerbs netzbasiert unter der Creative Commons Lizenz zur Verfügung gestellt: Digitale Orthophotos 40 cm Auflösung (Layer: apps4d_DOP40), Digitale Stadtkarte (Layer: apps4d_DISK), Digitale Regionalkarte (Layer: apps4d_DIRK), Digitale Karte 1:5000 (Layer: apps4d_DK5).

Metadateneinträge zu den Daten im PortalU:

One fix is quoting the URLs

1326382171000000 1339773967000000
#905 defect thejimmyg Stiivi ckan-sprint-2012-02-06 closed worksforme Unable to search with accented characters in package names

I have a package with name: "Štatistické prehľady agendy cestovných pasov" and when I try to search for "Štatistické" there are no results.

CKAN setup:

  • psql DB with UTF-8 tables
  • psql search backend
  • ckan version: 1.3.1b



try to search for the first word in the package name.

1294939120000000 1328638536000000
#1011 enhancement sebbacon sebbacon ckan-v1.4-sprint-3 closed fixed Make pluggable AuthzGroups implementation

I have a requirement to allow an external source to define the groups of which a user is a member.

I propose to create an IAuthzUserGroups plugin interface that allows an extension to arbitrarily extend the list of AuthzGroups? that a user is in.

1298819657000000 1299245206000000
#1178 defect fccoelho closed fixed Local storage issue with ckanext-storage

I have followed the instruction for installation a configuration of ckanext-storage, but I am getting this error when I try to access the /storage/upload url:

URL: http://ckan.emap.fgv.br/storage/upload Module weberror.errormiddleware:162 in call << traceback_supplement = Supplement, self, environ

sr_checker = ResponseStartChecker?(start_response) app_iter = self.application(environ, sr_checker) return self.make_catching_iter(app_iter, environ, sr_checker)


app_iter = self.application(environ, sr_checker)

Module beaker.middleware:73 in call << self.cache_manager)

environ[self.environ_key] = self.cache_manager return self.app(environ, start_response)

return self.app(environ, start_response)

Module beaker.middleware:152 in call << headers.append(('Set-cookie', cookie))

return start_response(status, headers, exc_info)

return self.wrap_app(environ, session_start_response)

def _get_session(self):

return self.wrap_app(environ, session_start_response)

Module routes.middleware:130 in call << environSCRIPT_NAME? = environSCRIPT_NAME?[:-1]

response = self.app(environ, start_response)

# Wrapped in try as in rare cases the attribute will be gone already

response = self.app(environ, start_response)

Module pylons.wsgiapp:124 in call << return % paste.registry.restorer.get_request_id(environ)?

controller = self.resolve(environ, start_response) response = self.dispatch(controller, environ, start_response)

controller = self.resolve(environ, start_response)

Module pylons.wsgiapp:263 in resolve << if self.log_debug:

log.debug("Resolved URL to controller: %r", controller)

return self.find_controller(controller)

def find_controller(self, controller):

return self.find_controller(controller)

Module ckan.config.environment:39 in find_controller << # Check to see if its a dotted name

if '.' in controller or ':' in controller:

mycontroller = pkg_resources.EntryPoint?.parse('x=%s' % controller).load(False) self.controller_classes[controller] = mycontroller return mycontroller

mycontroller = pkg_resources.EntryPoint?.parse('x=%s' % controller).load(False)

Module pkg_resources:1954 in load << def load(self, require=True, env=None, installer=None):

if require: self.require(env, installer) entry = import(self.module_name, globals(),globals(), __name__?) for attr in self.attrs:


entry = import(self.module_name, globals(),globals(), __name__?)

Module ?:87 in <module> << class StorageAPIController(BaseController?):

ofs = get_ofs()

class StorageAPIController(BaseController?):

Module ?:88 in StorageAPIController << class StorageAPIController(BaseController?):

ofs = get_ofs()


ofs = get_ofs()

Module ?:69 in get_ofs << continue

kw[k[4:]] = v

ofs = get_impl(storage_backend)(kw) return ofs

ofs = get_impl(storage_backend)(kw)

Module ofs.local.pairtreestore:26 in init << self.hashing_type = hashing_type

self.shorty_length = shorty_length self._open_store()

def _open_store(self):


Module ofs.local.pairtreestore:30 in _open_store << def _open_store(self):

if self.hashing_type:

self._store = PairtreeStorageClient?(self.uri_base, self.storage_dir, shorty_length=self.shorty_length, hashing_type=self.hashing_type)


self._store = PairtreeStorageClient?(self.uri_base, self.storage_dir, shorty_length=shorty_length)

self._store = PairtreeStorageClient?(self.uri_base, self.storage_dir, shorty_length=self.shorty_length, hashing_type=self.hashing_type)

Module pairtree.pairtree_client:91 in init << self._decode = re.compile(r"\(..)", re.U)


def char2hex(self, m):


Module pairtree.pairtree_client:264 in _init_store << self.uri_base = prefix


raise NotAPairtreeStoreException

if not os.path.isdir(self.store_dir):

raise NotAPairtreeStoreException

NotAPairtreeStoreException: CGI Variables AUTH_TYPE 'cookie' DOCUMENT_ROOT '/etc/apache2/htdocs' GATEWAY_INTERFACE 'CGI/1.1' HTTP_ACCEPT 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8' HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET 'ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7' HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING 'gzip, deflate' HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE 'pt-br,pt;q=0.8,en-us;q=0.5,en;q=0.3' HTTP_CONNECTION 'keep-alive' HTTP_COOKIE 'utma=4669863.1260802706.1295364409.1306935693.1306960483.86; utmz=4669863.1295364409.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none); SESS61faf7f7d2406929b2f9eb4cbfff17d2=a3306f5d1194cf0d8a51dbf7b42c1259; ckan=d4951177ef995d92f0f987d481bd9180aa0f89e4518921db9cd9b6ac75fdd3fab4a25d06; auth_tkt="c6c3c3e0b3fe7bb765356659992760b24da43221flaviouserid_type:unicode"; auth_tkt="c6c3c3e0b3fe7bb765356659992760b24da43221flaviouserid_type:unicode"; ckan_user="flavio"; ckan_display_name="Fl\xc3\xa1vio Code\xc3\xa7o Coelho"; ckan_apikey="c139718d-918f-4a2b-b219-e33cb05cbe23"; utmc=4669863; hide_welcome_message=1' HTTP_HOST 'ckan.emap.fgv.br' HTTP_KEEP_ALIVE '115' HTTP_USER_AGENT 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:2.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/4.0.1' PATH_INFO '/storage/upload' PATH_TRANSLATED '/home/flavio/var/srvc/ckan.emap.fgv.br/pyenv/bin/ckan.emap.fgv.br.py/storage/upload' REMOTE_ADDR '' REMOTE_PORT '57426' REMOTE_USER u'flavio' REMOTE_USER_DATA 'userid_type:unicode' REMOTE_USER_TOKENS [] REQUEST_METHOD 'GET' REQUEST_URI '/storage/upload' SCRIPT_FILENAME '/home/flavio/var/srvc/ckan.emap.fgv.br/pyenv/bin/ckan.emap.fgv.br.py' SERVER_ADDR '' SERVER_ADMIN '[no address given]' SERVER_NAME 'ckan.emap.fgv.br' SERVER_PORT '80' SERVER_PROTOCOL 'HTTP/1.1' SERVER_SIGNATURE '<address>Apache/2.2.16 (Debian) Server at ckan.emap.fgv.br Port 80</address>\n' SERVER_SOFTWARE 'Apache/2.2.16 (Debian)' WSGI Variables application <beaker.middleware.CacheMiddleware? object at 0x7fc2999a6cd0> beaker.cache <beaker.cache.CacheManager? object at 0x7fc2999a6d90> beaker.get_session <bound method SessionMiddleware?._get_session of <beaker.middleware.SessionMiddleware? object at 0x7fc2999a6d10>> beaker.session {'locale': u'pt_BR', '_accessed_time': 1307373458.4790759, '_creation_time': 1302605470.0245121} mod_wsgi.application_group 'dck093|' mod_wsgi.callable_object 'application' mod_wsgi.handler_script mod_wsgi.input_chunked '0' mod_wsgi.listener_host mod_wsgi.listener_port '80' mod_wsgi.process_group 'ckan' mod_wsgi.request_handler 'wsgi-script' mod_wsgi.script_reloading '1' mod_wsgi.version (3, 3) paste.cookies (<SimpleCookie: SESS61faf7f7d2406929b2f9eb4cbfff17d2='a3306f5d1194cf0d8a51dbf7b42c1259' __utma='4669863.1260802706.1295364409.1306935693.1306960483.86' __utmc='4669863' __utmz='4669863.1295364409.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none)' auth_tkt='c6c3c3e0b3fe7bb765356659992760b24da43221flavio!userid_type:unicode' ckan='d4951177ef995d92f0f987d481bd9180aa0f89e4518921db9cd9b6ac75fdd3fab4a25d06' ckan_apikey='c139718d-918f-4a2b-b219-e33cb05cbe23' ckan_display_name='Fl\xc3\xa1vio Code\xc3\xa7o Coelho' ckan_user='flavio' hide_welcome_message='1'>, 'utma=4669863.1260802706.1295364409.1306935693.1306960483.86; utmz=4669863.1295364409.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none); SESS61faf7f7d2406929b2f9eb4cbfff17d2=a3306f5d1194cf0d8a51dbf7b42c1259; ckan=d4951177ef995d92f0f987d481bd9180aa0f89e4518921db9cd9b6ac75fdd3fab4a25d06; auth_tkt="c6c3c3e0b3fe7bb765356659992760b24da43221flavio!userid _type:unicode"; auth_tkt="c6c3c3e0b3fe7bb765356659992760b24da43221fla...lcome_message=1') paste.registry <paste.registry.Registry object at 0x7fc299de4f50> paste.throw_errors True pylons.environ_config {'session': 'beaker.session', 'cache': 'beaker.cache'} pylons.pylons <pylons.util.PylonsContext? object at 0x7fc299e27d50> pylons.routes_dict {'action': u'index', 'controller': u'ckanext.storage.controller:StorageController'} repoze.who.identity <repoze.who identity (hidden, dict-like) at 140473773131872> repoze.who.logger <logging.Logger instance at 0x7fc2999a3b48> repoze.who.plugins {'openid': <OpenIdIdentificationPlugin? 140473779397008>, 'friendlyform': <FriendlyFormPlugin? 140473777417040>, 'ckan.lib.authenticator:UsernamePasswordAuthenticator': <ckan.lib.authenticator.UsernamePasswordAuthenticator? object at 0x7fc299b93a50>, 'auth_tkt': <AuthTktCookiePlugin? 140473779397136>, 'ckan.lib.authenticator:OpenIDAuthenticator': <ckan.lib.authenticator.OpenIDAuthenticator object at 0x7fc299b934d0>} routes.route <routes.route.Route object at 0x7fc299864090> routes.url <routes.util.URLGenerator object at 0x7fc299e27ed0> webob._parsed_query_vars (GET([]), ) webob.adhoc_attrs {'language': 'en-us'} wsgi process 'Multi process AND threads (?)' wsgi.file_wrapper <built-in method file_wrapper of mod_wsgi.Adapter object at 0x7fc299dae4e0> wsgi.version (1, 1) wsgiorg.routing_args (<routes.util.URLGenerator object at 0x7fc299e27ed0>, {'action': u'index', 'controller': u'ckanext.storage.controller:StorageController'}) Reply Reply to all Forward Reply to all paste@localhost to fccoelho show details 10:17 (2 hours ago)

  • Show quoted text -

CGI Variables AUTH_TYPE 'cookie' DOCUMENT_ROOT '/etc/apache2/htdocs' GATEWAY_INTERFACE 'CGI/1.1' HTTP_ACCEPT 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8' HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET 'ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7' HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING 'gzip, deflate' HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE 'pt-br,pt;q=0.8,en-us;q=0.5,en;q=0.3' HTTP_CONNECTION 'keep-alive' HTTP_COOKIE 'utma=4669863.1260802706.1295364409.1306935693.1306960483.86; utmz=4669863.1295364409.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none); SESS61faf7f7d2406929b2f9eb4cbfff17d2=a3306f5d1194cf0d8a51dbf7b42c1259; ckan=d4951177ef995d92f0f987d481bd9180aa0f89e4518921db9cd9b6ac75fdd3fab4a25d06; auth_tkt="c6c3c3e0b3fe7bb765356659992760b24da43221flaviouserid_type:unicode"; auth_tkt="c6c3c3e0b3fe7bb765356659992760b24da43221flaviouserid_type:unicode"; ckan_user="flavio"; ckan_display_name="Fl\xc3\xa1vio Code\xc3\xa7o Coelho"; ckan_apikey="c139718d-918f-4a2b-b219-e33cb05cbe23"; utmc=4669863; hide_welcome_message=1' HTTP_HOST 'ckan.emap.fgv.br' HTTP_KEEP_ALIVE '115' HTTP_USER_AGENT 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:2.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/4.0.1' PATH_INFO '/storage/upload' PATH_TRANSLATED '/home/flavio/var/srvc/ckan.emap.fgv.br/pyenv/bin/ckan.emap.fgv.br.py/storage/upload' REMOTE_ADDR '' REMOTE_PORT '57429' REMOTE_USER u'flavio' REMOTE_USER_DATA 'userid_type:unicode' REMOTE_USER_TOKENS [] REQUEST_METHOD 'GET' REQUEST_URI '/storage/upload' SCRIPT_FILENAME '/home/flavio/var/srvc/ckan.emap.fgv.br/pyenv/bin/ckan.emap.fgv.br.py' SERVER_ADDR '' SERVER_ADMIN '[no address given]' SERVER_NAME 'ckan.emap.fgv.br' SERVER_PORT '80' SERVER_PROTOCOL 'HTTP/1.1' SERVER_SIGNATURE '<address>Apache/2.2.16 (Debian) Server at ckan.emap.fgv.br Port 80</address>\n' SERVER_SOFTWARE 'Apache/2.2.16 (Debian)' WSGI Variables application <beaker.middleware.CacheMiddleware? object at 0x7fc2999a6cd0> beaker.cache <beaker.cache.CacheManager? object at 0x7fc2999a6d90> beaker.get_session <bound method SessionMiddleware?._get_session of <beaker.middleware.SessionMiddleware? object at 0x7fc2999a6d10>> beaker.session {'locale': u'pt_BR', '_accessed_time': 1307373466.085686, '_creation_time': 1302605470.0245121} mod_wsgi.application_group 'dck093|' mod_wsgi.callable_object 'application' mod_wsgi.handler_script mod_wsgi.input_chunked '0' mod_wsgi.listener_host mod_wsgi.listener_port '80' mod_wsgi.process_group 'ckan' mod_wsgi.request_handler 'wsgi-script' mod_wsgi.script_reloading '1' mod_wsgi.version (3, 3) paste.cookies (<SimpleCookie: SESS61faf7f7d2406929b2f9eb4cbfff17d2='a3306f5d1194cf0d8a51dbf7b42c1259' __utma='4669863.1260802706.1295364409.1306935693.1306960483.86' __utmc='4669863' __utmz='4669863.1295364409.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none)' auth_tkt='c6c3c3e0b3fe7bb765356659992760b24da43221flavio!userid_type:unicode' ckan='d4951177ef995d92f0f987d481bd9180aa0f89e4518921db9cd9b6ac75fdd3fab4a25d06' ckan_apikey='c139718d-918f-4a2b-b219-e33cb05cbe23' ckan_display_name='Fl\xc3\xa1vio Code\xc3\xa7o Coelho' ckan_user='flavio' hide_welcome_message='1'>, 'utma=4669863.1260802706.1295364409.1306935693.1306960483.86; utmz=4669863.1295364409.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none); SESS61faf7f7d2406929b2f9eb4cbfff17d2=a3306f5d1194cf0d8a51dbf7b42c1259; ckan=d4951177ef995d92f0f987d481bd9180aa0f89e4518921db9cd9b6ac75fdd3fab4a25d06; auth_tkt="c6c3c3e0b3fe7bb765356659992760b24da43221flavio!userid _type:unicode"; auth_tkt="c6c3c3e0b3fe7bb765356659992760b24da43221fla...lcome_message=1') paste.registry <paste.registry.Registry object at 0x7fc29a9da850> paste.throw_errors True pylons.environ_config {'session': 'beaker.session', 'cache': 'beaker.cache'} pylons.pylons <pylons.util.PylonsContext? object at 0x7fc29a9ef950> pylons.routes_dict {'action': u'index', 'controller': u'ckanext.storage.controller:StorageController'} repoze.who.identity <repoze.who identity (hidden, dict-like) at 140473790084352> repoze.who.logger <logging.Logger instance at 0x7fc2999a3b48> repoze.who.plugins {'openid': <OpenIdIdentificationPlugin? 140473779397008>, 'friendlyform': <FriendlyFormPlugin? 140473777417040>, 'ckan.lib.authenticator:UsernamePasswordAuthenticator': <ckan.lib.authenticator.UsernamePasswordAuthenticator? object at 0x7fc299b93a50>, 'auth_tkt': <AuthTktCookiePlugin? 140473779397136>, 'ckan.lib.authenticator:OpenIDAuthenticator': <ckan.lib.authenticator.OpenIDAuthenticator object at 0x7fc299b934d0>} routes.route <routes.route.Route object at 0x7fc299864090> routes.url <routes.util.URLGenerator object at 0x7fc29a9efcd0> webob._parsed_query_vars (GET([]), ) webob.adhoc_attrs {'language': 'en-us'} wsgi process 'Multi process AND threads (?)' wsgi.file_wrapper <built-in method file_wrapper of mod_wsgi.Adapter object at 0x7fc29a9d7d50> wsgi.version (1, 1) wsgiorg.routing_args (<routes.util.URLGenerator object at 0x7fc29a9efcd0>, {'action': u'index', 'controller': u'ckanext.storage.controller:StorageController'})

1307373810000000 1308045351000000
#1353 defect nickstenning ckan-v1.5 closed fixed No UI to remove resources

I have no idea whether this was a deliberate decision or not, but there is a total absence of any UI with which to delete resources from the currently deployed version of thedatahub.org.

1316729765000000 1317075904000000
#2286 enhancement zephod zephod ckan-sprint-2012-04-16 closed fixed Upgrade to boostrap v2.0.2

I minified bootstrap and apparently downgraded the version. This breaks things in Recline, and creates weird discrepancies (DGU uses 2.0.2 and had some problems importing HTML from TheDataHub? core, for example.)

  • Switch to the latest minifed CSS + JS
  • QA-sweep the site, especially dataset/edit
1334251818000000 1338205222000000
#971 enhancement sebbacon sebbacon closed duplicate Support middleware as a plugin

I need to completely munge the rendered data coming from the app. There's not currently a plugin hook for this, where I get access to the entire environment. The most generic form of plugin would be WSGI Middleware. I propose adding an IMiddleware plugin hook for inserting abritrary middleware via our plugin system.

1297277473000000 1299245064000000
#1339 enhancement kindly rgrp ckan-backlog closed fixed Issues / question re navl and data conversion

I ran into a bug with the size field on resources.

  • It would not accept an empty value from form (IMO this clearly equates to null/None)
  • This could be fixed via using ignore_empty instead of ignore_missing
  • However using this means there was no way to empty the field (e.g. i may just want to set the size field back to null not just change to another value)
  • similar issues could arise around other fields (such as last_modified ...)
    • cf cset:645031d07b60

To solve this (cset:58acdcfe6d4e) i created an int_converter temporarily in logic/schema.py (this is almost certainly the wrong place). But I think it raises a bigger issue about the conversion layer and how it works.

1315947022000000 1316014954000000
#2598 enhancement aron.carroll toby demo phase 1 closed fixed stages css broken in FF

I see X where none should be

1340708102000000 1341218567000000
#737 enhancement dread ckan-backlog new Markdown syntax summary page

I suggest we produce a quick Markdown cheat-sheet page, showing the key runes: e.g. create a title and quote some text. This page can link to the full Markdown docs for advanced users.

A user going to the Markdown docs that we link will have to read a couple of pages of the raison-d'etre of Markdown before he gets to the syntax. And it's not very easy to read, and being white on black it looks like proper geek stuff.

1287766749000000 1323170239000000
#2921 defect seanh ckan 2.0 new Add docstring to top of lib/extract.py file

I think it couldn't hurt for this module to have a docstring at the top of the file explaining what the module is for. I know from setup.py that it's there to provide the extract_ckan() string extractor function for Babel, but I think looking at the file on its own it's not so obvious.

Also a couple of other small fixes:

jinja2_cleaner looks like a helper function only meant to be used by extract_ckan(), might make things clearer if it was called _jinja2_cleaner(), just so it doesn't look like a public function the module wants to export.

jinja_extensions seems to be a module-level variable that is only used in one function, could be moved into the function, unless you think there might be more functions that want it in future.

1347530407000000 1347530407000000
#2684 enhancement aron.carroll toby demo phase 2 closed fixed .js leaving forms warning

I think it would be nice to have all form pages monitor their forms - excluding search ones - and if a field has changed then warn the user that they have not saved the form data but are leaving the page.

This would help with things like changing resources on the add dataset resource form etc.

1342510477000000 1342539637000000
#2903 enhancement johnmartin johnmartin demo phase 5 closed wontfix Two search boxes

I think the architecture on the search page is a bit odd. Not sure I like that there is a doubling up of the search box (e.g. one in the header and one in the body of the search results page)

Needs some thought

1346853712000000 1352206813000000
#2735 enhancement toby shevski demo phase 5 assigned Dataset order on user page

I think the datasets on user pages http://s031.okserver.org:2375/user/me should be ordered by latest updated (with most recent at the top) instead of in alphabetical order.

What do you think?

1343062877000000 1344349245000000
#2833 enhancement aron.carroll demo phase 5 new Load module templates before calling .initialize()

I think this would be a nice feature for remote loading templates if the options.template value ends in ".html".

ckan.module('my-module', {
  options: {
    template: 'my-template.html'
  initialize: function () {
    this.template // This is the loaded template.
1344531939000000 1344531939000000
#2667 enhancement shevski toby demo phase 2 closed fixed edit resource needs form

I thought I'd made this ticket before but can't find it. When we have a fully created dataset we need to be able to edit the resources.

template: package/resource_edit.html

when you've made a form reassign to me and I'll get it working

1342170103000000 1343058578000000
#272 enhancement rgrp rgrp closed fixed Atom/RSS feeds for individual tags and groups

I want to be able to easily check when a package is added (or removed?) from a given tag or groups. To do this I would like access to an Atom/RSS feed for a given tag or group.

  • This would allow people to embed feed widgets in other places
1268988652000000 1340631775000000
#1597 enhancement dread ckan-sprint-2012-01-23 closed fixed Tag search - filter by group

I want to browse tags, but filtered for a particular group. Currently our tag API doesn't allow for filtering by group.

This is important for improving groups as communities within a site #1521. It would be easy to do this by adding an option to filter by a group. BUT are there any other use cases that would warrant a more complete faceted tag search?


BTW I can currently draw a tag cloud for a group - I can get the top tags used in a group like this:

curl http://thedatahub.org/api/action/package_search -d '{"q":"groups:country-ca", "facet.field":"tags", "rows":"0"}'

but it only contains the top 20 tags.

1324550492000000 1326821156000000
#2838 enhancement seanh ckan-v1.9 new Context variables accepted by action functions need to be documented

I was doing this:

context = {'model': base.model, 'session': base.model.Session,
                    'user': toolkit.c.user or toolkit.c.author,
                    'extras_as_string': True}
group_dict = logic.get_action('group_show')(context,
                    {'id': group_id})

in an extension and one of the group_dicts fields, one that uses convert_to/from_extras, was coming out with the wrong value. It took me ages to realise that I had to pass 'extras_as_string': True in the context. I don't think this or other context variables are documented anywhere.

1344630911000000 1344630911000000
#2338 enhancement johnglover johnglover ckan-sprint-2012-05-15 closed wontfix Help with setup of new test instance for EC ODP (running on RedHat)

I won't be needed for this during the current sprint, closing.

1335875955000000 1336491648000000
#1413 enhancement seanh shevski ckan-backlog closed fixed Ask users to 'add email address' when logged in

I'd like us to display a one-off banner that prompts users who log into thedatahub.org to go and update & their profile & fill in their email address (if we could do it just for those who don't have an email address, then even better) That is, once they log in, they see a banner which says: Please update your profile [here] and add your email address, so you can receive notifications, be able to reset your password and get updates

Then when we build notifications or if we decide to survey people, we can actually contact them. Email address should be required as standard

DR: Also, mention their Full Name too - v. useful for selecting correct user in group curation

1319453108000000 1330020486000000
#2765 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll demo phase 3 closed fixed Demo login error messages

I'd suggest we add a generic "failed to login, invalid fields" in the error_summary block. Then more specific "this field is required" when a required field is left empty.

So in general, provide an error dict

1343317842000000 1343817858000000
#1118 defect johnlawrenceaspden closed invalid tests are testing something other than the behaviour seen in the browser

I'm finding that if I try to take an action with insufficient credentials from a test then I often (but not always) get a 401 error, whereas in the browser I get redirected to the login page.

It's a bit worrying that the program in its test environment doesn't behave like it does in the browser.

1304093017000000 1311174062000000
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