{22} Trac tickets (2647 matches)

Results (1301 - 1400 of 2647)

Id Type Owner Reporter Milestone Status Resolution Summary Description Posixtime Modifiedtime
#1362 defect johnglover johnglover ckan-sprint-2011-10-10 closed fixed Clearing the database should also clear the search index

When paster db clean is run, the search index should also be cleared.

1317121861000000 1318256546000000
#1361 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.5 closed fixed Simple search support

Would be nice if CKAN could work out of the box without the need for SOLR (solr is great but complex and heavyweight to install).


  • ckan.simple_search config option
  • If set:
    • query via simple query to database backend
    • do no specialized indexing



  • TagSearchQuery? from lib/search (just do a search directly)?
  • #1360: filter by downloadable and filter by open search options

Possible Extras

(Probably future improvements)

  • Re-introduce full-text search indexing where supported in e.g. postgres and use for querying
1317078276000000 1317082893000000
#1360 enhancement zephod rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-09-26 closed fixed Remove support for filter by download and filter by openness in search

Deliver little user benefit and easier just to search and then see what is listed as open and with resources.

Implementation Details

Areas to fix:

  • UI
  • lib/search/...
  • tests
  • ...?


Est: 2h

1317077958000000 1317650018000000
#1359 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-sprint-2012-02-20 closed fixed Radically simplify standard list of licenses

Major UX grip and incredibly simple to do. May also want to have basic autocomplete support within the list (trivial to do as well I believe).

(Talk to RP about this re how we define lists of licenses).

1317077855000000 1329132464000000
#1358 enhancement zephod rgrp ckan-backlog assigned Generate configuration documentation automatically from the deployment_ini_tmpl file

At the moment documentation of config options is duplicated between source (deployment_ini_tmpl in ckan/config which is used to generate user ini file) and the docs.

Suggest we write a script that automatedly generates reference documentation for the config from the source.

May be obsoleted by #277 (some config in db)

1317076350000000 1318257823000000
#1357 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-10-10 closed fixed Integrate new version of data preview

We have an all new and much improved data preview system developed as part of QA in July. Need to integrate this.

  • Is pure javascript
  • Will have this in CKAN core but considered to be a plugin (so need datapreview in ckan.plugins list to work -- will enable this by default)
  • Will depend on the http://wiki.ckan.org/DataExplorer
1317076044000000 1318164458000000
#1356 enhancement kindly amercader ckan-sprint-2011-10-10 closed fixed Can not recreate a deleted extra

If you delete an extra and later on change your mind, you can not recreate it with the same value (Different value works fine).

1317034180000000 1318279617000000
#1355 defect amercader ckan-backlog new Package extras property does not include the newly created ones

The extras in the package object sent to the extensions after editing (https://bitbucket.org/okfn/ckan/src/01efd5649c10/ckan/logic/action/update.py#cl-226) do not include the newly added.

1317034126000000 1339774056000000
#1354 enhancement amercader amercader ckan-v1.5 closed wontfix Pass the context object to plugins implementing the IPackageController and IGroupController

Plugins implementing some IPackageController or IGroupController operations (i.e. read, create, edit, delete) may need the context used in the logic action. For instance, to access the Session that created a package to perform additional queries from the extension (In that case the main logic action will still perform the final commit).

1316955680000000 1316970374000000
#1353 defect nickstenning ckan-v1.5 closed fixed No UI to remove resources

I have no idea whether this was a deliberate decision or not, but there is a total absence of any UI with which to delete resources from the currently deployed version of thedatahub.org.

1316729765000000 1317075904000000
#1352 enhancement amercader ckan-backlog new Use logic functions instead of as_dict when indexing entities

The current search implementation uses the output of the the as_dict method of the domain Package object to update the index


It also uses package_to_api1 in the SynchronousSearch? plugin:


This prevents extensions from being able to index custom properties (e.g. faceting by custom extras not included in the model).

The search should use the logic function to get the package properties:

1316615397000000 1339774086000000
#1351 enhancement zephod zephod ckan-sprint-2011-09-26 closed fixed Tidy edit-user form; strip preview functionality

The template for editing a user's profile seems to output the same form twice in one page. Furthermore, the page is made needlessly complex by the preview functionality. The neat inline preview used in package will make this page a lot neater.

  • Fix the duplicate form
  • Strip the preview functionality from the front-end, replacing it with js editor
  • Strip the preview functionality from the back-end and test
1316534753000000 1317650062000000
#1350 enhancement zephod zephod ckan-sprint-2011-09-26 closed fixed i18n of new javascript

New js code running produced in the work following #1294 contains various string literals, and needs proper internationalisation.

See files:

  • application.js
  • templates.js

Furthermore, efforts can be made to tidy up strings as described in #1329.

1316172576000000 1317650056000000
#1349 enhancement zephod zephod ckan-sprint-2011-09-26 closed fixed Template tidying

Various things in templates can be tidied up after work has finished on #1294:

  • remove styling in page in group/index.html (put in css main)
    • ditto for package/search.html
    • ditto for home/index.html
  • Forms.css - to merge into style.css; remove explicit imports elsewhere
    • @import at the top of style.css @import url(forms.css)
  • Make a note: Success/failure controllers clash CSS with success/failure flash banners
1316171025000000 1317650050000000
#1348 enhancement zephod zephod ckan-sprint-2011-09-26 closed fixed UX polishing (dataset create/view/edit experience)

Tweaking UIs and polishing the work done in #1294.

## Edit Page ##

  • [Done; cset:49e0b059b6f5] Hide upload if storage not enabled
  • [Done; cset:81ff13b42dad] Make 'Add resource' links on edit page clearer and more button-like.
  • [Done; cset:03904fc50cbf] Move edit form tabs to the left
  • [Done; cset:fde26b87d6ce] API placeholder text should not link to a CSV file
  • [Done] We used to autocomplete the format field - restore this functionality
    • Works on live. My local db has an empty 'resource_revision' table; maybe 'paster create-test-data' should insert something here?
  • [Done; cset:1aab499d73db] Summary should contain 'name' (or, if unavailable, use description. Long term: description is to be deprecated)
  • [Done] Remove/move instructions where possible (a lot could just be placeholder text on the elements) (other stuff could only show on hover)
    • NB: reveal_instructions.js already disabled on edit page
    • [RP] have now done this on create -- think we can leave on edit
  • [Done; cset:755b1a622199] We have broken 'error' reporting for resource issues. Either need to move that into error summary or somehow not destroy it when we rewrite table on page load ...
  • [Done; cset:7ad090cb7855] Add slideDown to Resource expanded view
  • [Done; cset:d3595143e506] Need ability to delete resources
    • No thought yet given to uploaded resources. Long term re-think probable.
  • [Done; cset:2430a68a59fc] Empty resource table to resemble view page ("no resources" text)

## General ##

  • [Done; cset:cc0ad47293e5] Highlight the package tab I'm on (view/edit/history)
    • More generally, the presence of the #minornavigation bar is very inconsistent throughout the site.
  • [Done; cset:d5babc3629cf] Remove 'license' filtered search from backend
  • [Done] Move script stuff to footer of page
1316170410000000 1317650043000000
#1347 defect dread dread ckan-sprint-2011-10-28 closed fixed Exception caused by New Group form POST with bad formed parameter

Exception caused by bots POSTing 'new group' form, but with bad (old-style) parameters.

<type 'exceptions.ValueError'>: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'cache'
Module ckan.controllers.group:102 in new
<<          if context['save'] and not data:
                   return self._save_new(context)
               data = data or {}
>>  return self._save_new(context)
Module ckan.controllers.group:152 in _save_new
<<          try:
                   data_dict = clean_dict(unflatten(
                   context['message'] = data_dict.get('log_message', '')
                   group = create.group_create(data_dict, context)
>>  tuplize_dict(parse_params(request.params))))
Module ckan.logic:57 in tuplize_dict
<<          for num, key in enumerate(key_list):
                   if num % 2 == 1:
                       key_list[num] = int(key)
               tuplized_dict[tuple(key_list)] = value
           return tuplized_dict
>>  key_list[num] = int(key)
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'cache'
1316094466000000 1316094608000000
#1346 defect dread dread ckan-sprint-2011-10-28 closed fixed 'get_authorization_group_dict not found' exception

This stems from a feature to allow you to prefill fields in the authorizationgroup creation form.

e.g. http://ckan.net/authorizationgroup/new?name=science

It's not tested, not supported in the new logic layer and therefore broken. I don't think anyone uses it - can remove it.

1316081974000000 1316094632000000
#1345 enhancement kindly nils.toedtmann closed fixed Investigate possible memory leak

There is some evidence pointing to CKAN handling memory inefficiently or even leaking under certain conditions:

When we migrated ckan.net/thedatahub.org from eu7.okfn.org (32bit) to s053.okserver.org (64bit) (ticket) we experienced extraordinary memory usage peaks (ticket). Here are the observed value with Apache default settings:

  • eu7, mpm-prefork: base level ~0.6GB, peaks up to 2GB
  • s055, mpm-prefork: base level ~1GB, peaks up to 4GB
  • s055, mpm-worker: base level ~1.5GB, peaks up to 6GB

William reduced the life-time of a WSGI CKAN process from 500 requests down to 25 requests (changeset). This (together with two other tweaks) changed the situation drastically:

  • s055, mpm-event: base level ~1.4GB, no peaks

This suggests that the more requests a CKAN processes serves over time, the more memory it consumes, aka bad memory management or a leak.

To prove this theory, one could reduce the total number of WSGI CKAN processes as much as possible without killing the performance (e.g. down to processes=3), and then observing the relation between maximum-requests=25...500 and memory consumption.

On 14/09/11 17:49, David Read wrote:

Someone to do a bit of top-down memory-use profiling would be very useful. Also useful would be something in the tests that reported what test cases use lots of memory - this could be in the nose plugin.


1316041450000000 1343215489000000
#1344 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2011-10-10 closed fixed datetime error json conversion on search

Json decoding error on search, due to date in resources.

1316020195000000 1317211299000000
#1343 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-backlog new [super] User related improvements (login, user pages etc)
  • Disallow account creation via openid - #1386
  • Require email field - #1319
    • Require email confirmation to be activated (?)
  • Improvements to user page (e.g. show activity and more info about user) - #1396
  • Modal user login - #1311
1316017098000000 1318528138000000
#1342 defect johnglover amercader ckan-sprint-2011-10-10 closed fixed Home controller does not capture SearchError exceptions

If there is a problem with the SOLR connection,the home page just shows a 500 Server error, instead of a notice (the package controller shows a notice when visiting http://localhost:5000/dataset).

Steps to reproduce:

1316001227000000 1318256532000000
#1341 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-backlog reopened Delete spam users from ckan

Spam users where added to thedatahub and we need to clean them.

1315995034000000 1320141540000000
#1340 defect dread dread ckan-sprint-2011-10-28 closed fixed Editing non-existent group causes Exception

e.g. http://ckan.net/group/edit/history

Module ckan.controllers.group:135 in edit
<<          try:
                   old_data = get_action('group_show')(context, data_dict)
                   c.grouptitle = old_data.get('title')
                   c.groupname = old_data.get('name')
>>  old_data = get_action('group_show')(context, data_dict)
Module ckan.logic.action.get:347 in group_show
<<      if group is None:
               raise NotFound
           check_access('group_show',context, data_dict)
>>  raise NotFound
1315991374000000 1315991534000000
#1339 enhancement kindly rgrp ckan-backlog closed fixed Issues / question re navl and data conversion

I ran into a bug with the size field on resources.

  • It would not accept an empty value from form (IMO this clearly equates to null/None)
  • This could be fixed via using ignore_empty instead of ignore_missing
  • However using this means there was no way to empty the field (e.g. i may just want to set the size field back to null not just change to another value)
  • similar issues could arise around other fields (such as last_modified ...)
    • cf cset:645031d07b60

To solve this (cset:58acdcfe6d4e) i created an int_converter temporarily in logic/schema.py (this is almost certainly the wrong place). But I think it raises a bigger issue about the conversion layer and how it works.

1315947022000000 1316014954000000
#1338 defect amercader amercader ckan-sprint-2011-10-28 closed fixed Exception when trying to use a custom form schema from an extension

Both with the package and group controllers, when overriding the default _db_to_form_schema method (which does nothing) from an extension, you get an exception because the context is not passed to the validators.

File '/home/adria/dev/envs/iati/src/ckan/ckan/controllers/group.py', line 140 in edit
  old_data, errors = validate(old_data, schema)
File '/home/adria/dev/envs/iati/src/ckan/ckan/lib/navl/dictization_functions.py', line 215 in validate
  converted_data, errors = _validate(flattened, schema, context)
File '/home/adria/dev/envs/iati/src/ckan/ckan/lib/navl/dictization_functions.py', line 270 in _validate
  convert(converter, key, converted_data, errors, context)
File '/home/adria/dev/envs/iati/src/ckan/ckan/lib/navl/dictization_functions.py', line 178 in convert
  converter(key, converted_data, errors, context)
File '/home/adria/dev/envs/iati/src/ckan/ckan/logic/validators.py', line 108 in group_name_validator
  model = context['model']
KeyError: 'model'
1315925217000000 1317117738000000
#1337 defect amercader amercader ckan-sprint-2011-10-28 closed fixed Group extras are JSON endoded in the REST API responses

Instead of this:

extras: {
type: ""Primary source""
license_id: ""localauth-withrights""
publisher_frequency: ""2Pre\u00f1o \u20ac $ \u00e0dri\u00e0""

we should return this:

extras: {
type: "Primary source",
license_id: "localauth-withrights",
publisher_frequency: "2Preño € $ àdrià",
1315924727000000 1316951259000000
#1336 defect johnglover dread ckan-backlog new License fudge

cset:4b59ab34137d ckan/logic/action/get.py:

-            isopen = model.Package.get_license_register()[license_id].isopen()
-            result_dict['isopen'] = isopen
+            try:
+                isopen = model.Package.get_license_register()[license_id].isopen()
+                result_dict['isopen'] = isopen
+            except KeyError:
+                # TODO: create a log message this error?
+                result_dict['isopen'] = False 

This change hides problems with the license server and returns potentially incorrect values for openness.

This has been noted as 'temporary fix' but seems to be forgotten about, since it has been merged to default and gone into release 1.4.3.

I suggest the licenses are cached (I thought this was already the case when CKAN first requests them after start-up?). I suggest failure would return 503.

1315912057000000 1323173073000000
#1335 enhancement kindly dread closed fixed Action API - basic

Provide an API to the logic layer at /api/action.

1315910021000000 1315910117000000
#1334 defect amercader amercader ckan-sprint-2011-10-28 closed fixed "AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'name'" exception when logging in

On same cases this exception is thrown when logging in:

File '/home/adria/dev/envs/iati/src/ckan/ckan/controllers/user.py', line 252 in logged_in
  user_dict = get_action('user_show')(context,data_dict)
File '/home/adria/dev/envs/iati/src/ckan/ckan/logic/action/get.py', line 414 in user_show
  revision_dict = revision_show(context,{'id':revision.id})
File '/home/adria/dev/envs/iati/src/ckan/ckan/logic/action/get.py', line 332 in revision_show
File '/home/adria/dev/envs/iati/src/ckan/ckan/model/__init__.py', line 317 in revision_as_dict
  for pkg in revision.packages]
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'name'
1315909508000000 1319798961000000
#1333 enhancement amercader amercader ckan-sprint-2011-10-28 closed fixed Move form converters to ckan core

Functions like convert_to_extras and convert_from_extras will be widely used from extensions and should be on ckan core.

1315909268000000 1316951285000000
#1332 defect dread closed fixed i18n IndexError exceptions

We get this i18n error for the URL http://no.ckan.net/authorizationgroup (which runs 1.4.2 with Norwegian translation). I'm not sure why it occurs. Fixing it is low importance though, because this site doesn't use Authorization Group feature

Usually caused by bots. The user does not appear to be logged in.

WebApp Error: <type 'exceptions.IndexError'>: list index out of range
Module genshi.filters.i18n:177 in _generate
<<                  msgbuf.append(*previous)
                       previous = None
                   for event in msgbuf.translate(gettext(msgbuf.format())):
                       yield event
                   if previous:
>>  for event in msgbuf.translate(gettext(msgbuf.format())):
Module genshi.filters.i18n:1029 in translate
<<                      )
               parts = parse_msg(string)
               parts_counter = {}
               for order, string in parts:
>>  parts = parse_msg(string)
Module genshi.filters.i18n:1143 in parse_msg
<<      if string:
               parts.append((stack[-1], string))
           return parts
>>  parts.append((stack[-1], string))
IndexError: list index out of range
1315906429000000 1315999104000000
#1331 defect dread dread closed worksforme Setting a tag twice causes exception

To reproduce:

  1. Create a package with two tags the same: "bulk bulk"
  2. Click 'save'
  3. 500 ERROR - 'Server Error'
1315905959000000 1325355631000000
#1330 enhancement rgrp ckan-backlog closed invalid Deprecate / Remove test_authz.py

test_authz.py appears to test in great detail some very specific additional authz (related to total site lock-down it seems -- introduced I think for hri project).

I think there are simpler ways to get total site lockdown (use external auth!) and this test is slow and delicate (e.g. depends on specific words in templates). Suggest removing. If we don't remove we should at least refactor tests for access to certain pages to use a proper method of testing (e.g. agreed html comments in each page) rather than being depending on the presence of absence of specific wording.

1315899129000000 1327060201000000
#1329 defect dread amercader ckan-sprint-2011-10-28 closed fixed i18n poor in some templates - missing i18n tags

Just a tip for developers regarding translations:

  • When writing templates, mark <p>, <div>, etc elements with the

i18:msg attribute, otherwise the messages don't get extracted properly.

Good: https://bitbucket.org/okfn/ckan/src/1996b0439e81/ckan/templates/home/about.html#cl-40

<p i18n:msg="">More about CKAN, and the background to its creation can
   be found in <a

gives this: https://bitbucket.org/okfn/ckan/src/1996b0439e81/ckan/i18n/ca/LC_MESSAGES/ckan.po#cl-1238

Bad: https://bitbucket.org/okfn/ckan/src/1996b0439e81/ckan/templates/package/new_package_form.html#cl-211

<p class="hints">
<strong>Important:</strong> By submitting content, you agree to
release your contributions
 under the <a href="http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1.0/">Open
Database License</a>. Please <strong>refrain</strong> from editing
this page if you are <strong>not</strong> happy to do this.

gives this: https://bitbucket.org/okfn/ckan/src/1996b0439e81/ckan/i18n/ca/LC_MESSAGES/ckan.po#cl-1384

The message is split in different parts that not necessarily match the grammar or syntax of the translated language.

1315824288000000 1317404566000000
#1328 defect minspamboks@… assigned Unicode & paster commands

A possible bug in CKAN when I tried deleting users using "paster --plugin=ckan user delete" command.

To reproduce the bug do the following:

  1. Create a user with an ID (which in my case was a user's full name)

that contains non-unicode caracters like Norwegian "æ", "ø", or "å".

  1. Make sure that you can see something like the example below:

(pyenv) rm@mycomputer:$ paster --plugin=ckan user Users: name=Rustæm

  1. Then try deleting the user with following command:

(pyenv) rm@mycomputer:$ paster --plugin=ckan user delete "Rustæm"

You should now get a python encoding error. I know that this is quite rare case, but in our case it caused some trouble. Could you guys have a look at this bug?

CKAN ver. 1.3.3.

1315823110000000 1340191065000000
#1327 enhancement rgrp ckan-v1.6 closed duplicate [super] Dataset Archiving

Split out of #852. Automated archiving of datasets (related to QA).

Automated archiving using worker process

  • #890 - Timed actions in ckanext-queue
  • #891 - Resource download worker daemon
  • #892 - Make stored data available in WUI
1315821490000000 1320662446000000
#1326 enhancement thejimmyg ckan-backlog new Write a set of auth plugin functions to integrate with Druapl

Ticket #787 described join auth between CKAN and Drupal. The authentication part is live and implemented. This ticket is a placeholder for work that will be needed in the new auth system to link authorization functions to Drupal. It is dependent on the groups refactor.

1315821084000000 1315821084000000
#1325 defect dread dread ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed python 2.5 incompatibilities

We claim to support Python 2.5 (useful for Lenny), yet a few problems have crept in:

  • 'with' statement requires from __future__ import with_statement
  • import json from ckan.lib.helpers, rather than directly, since it copes with reverting to simplejson, used in python 2.5.
1315580452000000 1315587113000000
#1324 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed Add extra fields to resource table

add extra fields to resource as outlined in


Specifically (all unicode strings except for those noted):

  • name: a name for this resource (could be used in a ckan url)
  • type: the type of the resource. One of: file | api | service | listing
  • mimetype: standard mimetype (e.g. for zipped csv would be application/zip)
  • mimetype_inner: mimetype of innermost object (so for example would be text/csv)
  • size: [integer] size of the resource (content length) in bytes. Usually only relevant for resources of type file.
  • last_modified: [datetime] the date when this resource's data was last modified (NB: not the date when the metadata was modified).
  • cache_url: url for cache of object in ckan storage
  • cache_last_updated: [datetime] timestamp when cached version was created
  • webstore_url:
  • webstore_last_updated: [datetime] timestamp when webstore was last updated
1315578976000000 1315948336000000
#1323 enhancement dread dread ckan-sprint-2011-10-28 closed fixed GET /authorizationgroup causes Exception when logged in

on thedatahub.org

1315475685000000 1315594333000000
#1322 enhancement dread assigned Action API improvements

Focusing on improving Action API as the v3 API:

  • have an optional parameter of the data_dict called "options". Options would contain items that would get passed into the context. e.g. {"options" : {"ref_package_by": "id"}}.
  • instead of using API version to change the way packages are referenced, use the ref_package_by.
  • All package_show, group_show etc. to accept an object 'name' as an alternative to object 'id'.
  • Action API is v3 of api, replacement for v1 & v2. Default for most urls is still v1, but if url is /api/action then default to v3.

Next steps:

  • Add search API (package, resource,
  • Add Util API
  • Clarify JSONP still applies
  • Add doc strings, clarifying parameters
1315474749000000 1340191088000000
#1321 defect dread dread ckan-sprint-2011-10-24 closed fixed Flash message deferred

When you reset a password, the flash message saying "check your email" sometimes doesn't display on the next page. You then click on the link in your email and it displays on that page (i.e. too late).

Seen this on thedatahub.org. To do with the proxy caching?

1315474657000000 1319814460000000
#1320 enhancement zephod rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-10-10 closed fixed Extend basic markdown to support normal http / https links

It is very annoying that you have to wrap links in <...> and most people don't bother. Extend h.markdown in code and markdown in js to fix this.

(We should also support 'package' links etc in javascript?)


  • Note that CKAN flavoured markdown will not currently recognise dataset:my_data links (still uses package).
  • Move the markdown api to /util/markdown
1315422000000000 1318164603000000
#1319 enhancement rgrp dread ckan-sprint-2011-10-24 closed fixed Require an email address on User registration

Superticket: #1343

This avoids difficulties when they forget their password.

  • (?) Email validation (navl does not have one!)
  • Require email confirmation to be activated (?) (Answer: no, not at present -- see discussion below)
1315415932000000 1324036947000000
#1318 defect dread dread ckan-sprint-2011-10-28 closed fixed 'Register user' doesn't log you in

When you register a user, it doesn't seem to be logged in properly straight away. Top-right it invites you to "log in" and "register". Also the "create package" menu option doesn't appear. Going to /user/me sends you to login page. If you then login, then all these things are corrected.

1315415783000000 1315569362000000
#1317 defect dread ckan-backlog assigned password reset - improve user search

In password reset, it gets confused if you have two similar users. This is because with the string the user provides, it searches several fields, not just name but also fullname and email address, allowing you to search for these. But only name is unique.

Specific problem: Ira searches for "Irina" then it finds both: <User name=irina fullname=Irina [email protected] ] and <User name=shevski fullname=Ira email=> (I think)

Maybe need to choose which field it searches?

1315415539000000 1340191221000000
#1316 defect kindly dread closed fixed /api/action uncaught exception if missing necessary parameter
curl http://ckan.net/api/action/package_show -d '{"name": "uk-quango-data"}'

This gives 500 error due to KeyError? (it looked for the 'id' param), rather than 400.

1315397224000000 1338193724000000
#1315 enhancement dread dread ckan-sprint-2011-11-07 closed fixed Document /api/action

We need some documentation for the /api/action. Even though it's beta and subject to change it would be good to have a guide.

1315396722000000 1320173768000000
#1314 enhancement dread ckan-backlog assigned ckanclient search - generator improvements

Apparently the search generator always makes two requests, even if you don't want to see the search results, which might be slow. Can this be optimised?

Maybe we should also provide a second search function that doesn't use the generator - the original simple search function (that leaves the user to deal with limit & offset).

1315395410000000 1340191233000000
#1313 enhancement zephod dread closed duplicate Tweaks to captcha configuration

Awesome to have the captcha implementation and running on thedatahub.org! Here are some further suggestions concerning the config options, before this goes into a release:

  • Document "ckan.recaptcha.publickey" and "ckan.recaptcha.privatekey" in doc/configuration.rst
  • Which one config option defines whether recaptcha is enabled? There is disagreement between the template and the lib. Maybe better to have a third option for this. When setting the syntax for this, I can see us wanting to use captcha for other operations, like package edit, package create, group create etc. so perhaps we'd want to be able to turn each one on/off separately, using the name of the logic action. e.g. ckan.recaptcha.enable = user_create, group_create
  • We got this exception last night from the template:
    Module ?:37 in <Expression u'g.recaptcha_publickey'>
    <<          <dd><input type="password" name="password2" value="" /></dd>
                   <dd py:if="g.recaptcha_publickey">
                     <script type="text/javascript"
    >>  <dd py:if="g.recaptcha_publickey">
    Module genshi.template.eval:324 in lookup_attr
    <<                      val = obj[key]
                           except (KeyError, TypeError):
                               val = cls.undefined(key, owner=obj)
                   return val
    >>  val = cls.undefined(key, owner=obj)
    Module genshi.template.eval:410 in undefined
    <<          """Raise an ``UndefinedError`` immediately."""
                   __traceback_hide__ = True
                   raise UndefinedError(key, owner=owner)
    >>  raise UndefinedError(key, owner=owner)
    UndefinedError: <ckan.lib.app_globals.Globals object at 0xb8f1182c> has no member named "recaptcha_publickey"

I'm not sure why - might be something to do with the maintenance on the server, but worth double checking, since we don't want exceptions, say if one or other config variable is not defined.

1315395185000000 1317076432000000
#1312 enhancement dread florian.marienfeld@… ckan-sprint-2011-10-28 closed invalid Particular characters in JSON cause exception creating package on API

From Florian:

I am having trouble with the characters "=&;".
if they occur e.g. in the title of a package, I get a 400-Bad-Request
when I try to register a package by POSTing to ckan/rest/api/package

However, when I PUT the same package as an edit to
ckan/rest/api/package/existing_package, it works and the title shows
correctly on the front end and API.


(pyenv-ckan)dread@dread-laptop:~/hgroot/ckan$ curl -i http://localhost:5000/api/rest/package -d '{"name": "test3", "title": "Test &"}' -H "Authorization:tester" 
HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request
Server: PasteWSGIServer/0.5 Python/2.6.5
Date: Tue, 06 Sep 2011 14:09:31 GMT
Pragma: no-cache
Cache-Control: no-cache
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 87

"Bad request - JSON Error: Unterminated string starting at: line 1 column 27 (char 27)"
1315318863000000 1315327743000000
#1311 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-backlog new Modal user register and login form

Subticket of: #1294

Rather than having to visit a dedicated page it would be good if registration and login could be done from a modal form (separate or combined ...).


  • It could be used from dataset creation page in situations where user needs to be registered / logged in to create a dataset (so we could allow someone to start creating a dataset and only get them to login at the end ...)
  • It allows for quicker and easier logging in


  • See Friedrich's work on the datahub
1315297227000000 1315297227000000
#1310 defect dread dread ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed API GET of a revision that has been approved causes exception

e.g. this particular revision on ckan.net: http://ckan.net/api/rest/revision/9601fbcb-03a7-4ebc-981d-5aa16df4852c (most others have not been approved) Causes 500 error.

1315234899000000 1315820419000000
#1309 enhancement zephod zephod ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed duplicate Registering new user requires immediate login

Registering a new user directs you to that user's profile page but does not log you in. There is an empty set of "Recent changes" and no ability to modify the page. Users must follow the login link in the top-right corner to continue.

Registering a new user should immediately log you in.

1315225510000000 1315586335000000
#1308 defect shevski dread closed fixed 'create package' user case failure

On the CKAN home page there is no suggestion that you can add or register a dataset. The 'Register a dataset' option has been removed at some point! (only visible to users that have registered - why would they do that when the benefits aren't described?)

1315219500000000 1323174312000000
#1307 enhancement zephod rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed Implement captcha for signup
  • Major issue with spam signup on thedatahub.org
  • Suggest using recaptcha

Est cost: 1d

1315153860000000 1317649963000000
#1306 enhancement kindly rgrp ckan-backlog closed wontfix Tests for the logic layer

AFAICT there are no tests for the logic layer at the moment. I imagine this is an issue (if it is not please explain and close as wontfix).

1315153267000000 1319797204000000
#1305 defect nils.toedtmann amercader ckan-backlog closed fixed SMTP config for thedatahub.org and IATI

The email sending functionality (e.g for password reset) does not work on thedatahub.org and IATI (and probably some other instances) when using an address which is not a okfn.org one.

Could not send reset link: SMTPRecipientsRefused({u'amercadero@…': (550, 'relay not permitted')},)

As I said, adria.mercader@… works fine. The SMTP server used mail.okfn.org

1314956657000000 1315317033000000
#1304 enhancement amercader amercader ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed Show more descriptive error messages when sending emails

Sending emails is failing in some cases, and the error message just says 'Could not send reset link'.

1314893206000000 1314893749000000
#1303 defect amercader amercader ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed User can not login again if he has edited his profile

Only happens if the user does not update the password. Most probably introduced during #1229.

1314889472000000 1314978842000000
#1302 refactor johnglover johnglover ckan-sprint-2011-09-26 closed fixed Move Resource and Tag search code to logic layer

Resource and Tag search is currently still using the old ckan query parser which is unnecessary. Refactor this out and move to the logic layer.

1314886102000000 1317131948000000
#1301 defect amercader amercader ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed Give access to extensions from the old formalchemy controllers

This was removed during the auth refactoring, but it's needed in the old controllers

1314882888000000 1314893744000000
#1300 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-11-07 closed fixed Core changes to base theme

Core changes to theme in order to make it easier to re-theme:

  • page_heading
  • side bar menu must be switchable (left to right) (through config or css)
  • Add optional_footer to complement optional_head
    • And adopt rule for template writers that all extra js must go in optional footer
    • That way we could move optional js to the bottom of the page to improve page load times.
  • Re-add support for body-class ... (seems to be removed by #1108)
  • more divs.
  • better labelling for css (and javascript)
1314862223000000 1319794520000000
#1299 enhancement seanh kindly ckan-sprint-2012-01-23 closed fixed Activity streams table migration

Migrate tables for activity streams

1314696635000000 1327322739000000
#1298 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2012-01-09 closed fixed Generate activites to be put into activities table.

This should be done from the logic layer or automatically from a session extension.

1314696442000000 1325591582000000
#1297 enhancement zephod rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed In-place preview of edited description markdown on edit dataset form

Subticket of #1294.

Can integrate from working system on ckanjs.

1314406183000000 1317649974000000
#1296 enhancement zephod rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed Improved resource adding/editing on dataset/page page

Subticket of #1294.

  • Nice way to edit all resource attributes
  • Nice way to add new resources
    • Including file upload (cf #878).
      • Cf work in ckanjs (this can be a straight integration).
1314406093000000 1315948224000000
#1295 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed Simplify package create form

Sub ticket of #1294

  • Initial screen just title, name, description (notes), license (and tags?).
  • State that you can add data and more information on next screen. This takes you to Package 'view' where you can then do more stuff.
    • Flash some instructions? e.g. that resources are missing?
  • Name slug should by default look uneditable (cf wordpress way to do the slug)
1314406014000000 1315948009000000
#1294 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.5 closed fixed [super] Package creation and editing UX improvements

Largely an integration of work from ckanjs

  • #1295 Simplify package create form
  • Improvements to edit form
    • Split edit form into sections
    • Remove preview from edit form (introduce inline preview on description/notes field)
  • #1296 Improved resource adding/editing on dataset/page page
  • #878 File upload integrated into resource creation
  • #1297 In-place editing of notes field for existing packages
1314405811000000 1315948257000000
#1293 enhancement zephod rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed Rename Package to Dataset throughout WUI, API


  • All templates
  • [DONE] Routing: /package/ -> /dataset/ (including API)
  • [DONE] Tests: self.app.get('/dataset/...') rather than package ...
    • One test to check redirect works?
  • Docs


  • Stay with Package in code e.g. stay with 'PackageController?'
    • also leave stuff like pkg = .... (gradual migration)
  • Leave extensions


  • Package -> Dataset
  • Data Package -> Dataset
  • respect capitalization
1314405700000000 1317649968000000
#1292 enhancement dread dread ckan-sprint-2011-11-07 closed fixed Internationalization improvements
  • Review process of releases and updating strings (pot) and translations (po) files
  • Get language changing thing to get home page to mostly work - push to key strings translated (or don't advertise the translation?)
  • Review long list of strings for improvement
    • Consolidate any?
    • Get rid of i18n for strings in api
    • Try and remove javascript
    • Add in extensions
  • #1374 Fix switching to en from other default language
  • #1417 Fix browser language detection
1314303314000000 1320145732000000
#1291 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed Add activity and activity detail tables.

Add tables described in http://ckan.okfnpad.org/notifications

1314267572000000 1315950394000000
#1290 enhancement dread dread ckan-backlog closed fixed Better error when blank database

When installing CKAN, when doing "paster serve development.ini", lots of users encounter the error for every request:

ProgrammingError: (ProgrammingError) relation "user" does not exist

This is because the database tables have not been created - they have forgotten or missed the "paster db init" step.

Can we provide a better error to say that the database is not initialised yet?

Implementation options

  1. At the start of every request we reflect the database tables and check they are there. This is rather expensive!
  1. Uncached requests to the home page start with a cheap database query. If there is an exception then return this error about database setup. I really like Drupal's page for this that has in large letters that the site is currently off-line. Below a line, in small letters, there are developer suggestions on what is wrong and where to look to fix it.
1314264255000000 1314270894000000
#1289 CREP dread ckan-backlog closed wontfix Remove 'relationships'


Package Relationships have not taken off in the 18 months we've had them in the API. There are some issues with them and we need to spend more time improving them or consider getting rid of them.

The Problem

Original use cases are expressed here: #253 Here are comments about how we could handle these specific examples better:

  1. groups of packages - maybe better with a custom tag?
  2. fragment resources - soon to be covered by 'kind' resource field #957

3&5. derived resource - better to have some sort of resource relationship perhaps?

  1. linked resource - again better to have some sort of resource relationship perhaps?

Outstanding issues needing serious effort to fix:

  • #256 Editing them in Web UI (not done yet)
  • #1288 Package edit/creation can't include 'relationships' field


Remove relationships from model, API, tests, Web UI. Data migration to remove from db.

Why do it this way

Getting frustrated having problems with the code, when it's not used much. Often asked about what it's for, but rarely used. Seems an overly complicated design.

Backwards Compatibility


Implementation plan


See Specification

Risks and mitigations

Risk: a customer suddenly wants this, and the new ways to relate resources are not in place yet.

Mitigation: discuss this decision thoroughly to make sure we are confident the use cases are not important. Discuss with team, ckan-discuss and specifically the LOD people who have some related packages on thedatahub.org.


David Read


Not yet.

1314206502000000 1317315211000000
#1288 defect dread ckan-backlog new Package edit/creation can't include 'relationships' field

When you create or edit a package (via the API), you aren't able to specify the relationships it has. (If you do you get 409 {"__junk": ["The input field __junk was not expected."]} )

The normal way to create relationships is via /api/rest/relationships/ and this works. But when you GET a package, the dictionary lists all relationship details. So this bug creates a problem for editing a package that has relationships - you want to GET it, make any edits and then PUT it back. The work-around is to delete the 'relationships' key from the dict before you PUT it back.


Ideally, CKAN would read the 'relationships' key and make the necessary changes. This is a chunk of work.

Another good option is to allow an unchanged 'relationships' value, but barf it is edited. This is also a chunk of work.

A bad option would be to just ignore the 'relationships' value, since users will get frustrated changing this value and wonder why it never saves, not understanding it is different to all the rest, without error message.

A final option is to get rid of relationships altogether.

1314203695000000 1339774098000000
#1287 enhancement thejimmyg dread ckan-backlog assigned NAVL validation errors - Junk fields should be listed explicitly

When you create a package, but specify a key that is not allowed (e.g. 'relationships') then you get error message:

{"__junk": ["The input field __junk was not expected."]}

It should mention the actual key which is not expected. e.g.

{"relationships": ["The input field 'relationships' was not expected."]}

Kindly said that James' version of NAVL was better in this respect, so this might be best solved by moving to that.

1314203102000000 1330990459000000
#1286 enhancement rgrp ckan-backlog new Remove remaining formalchemy stuff

Stuff I've spotted:

  • forms/*
  • template/group/edit_form.html
  • template/package/edit_form.html

This can go once new DGU form is in.

1314116996000000 1342436420000000
#1285 enhancement dread ckan-future assigned Errors cause emails

Currently a sysadmin gets an email when an exception is not caught. But there are occasions when we DO want to catch an exception so we can fail nicely for the user, but the sysadmin STILL gets an email to know to fix something. e.g. if there is an exception when search indexes a package. You want to catch the exception and still run any other notify calls.

1314116944000000 1338206151000000
#1284 defect dread rgrp closed fixed Lots of revisions being created on datahub.org

Revisions aren't assigned to packages. Where are they coming from? This seems to have been occurring since the upgrade to 1.4.3b a couple of weeks ago?

1314113015000000 1315215626000000
#1283 enhancement dread dread ckan-backlog closed fixed Deleted packages shouldn't be searchable or browsable

A package in deleted state doesn't show to general users, but admins DO see them. The idea is that they can resurrect them if they want. But now we have the trash can that lists deleted packages. So we don't want admins to see the deleted packages anywhere else.

(But an admin should still be able to READ and EDIT a deleted package, so if he clicks on it in the trash list he can see it to decide whether to resurrect and actually be able to change its state.)

Same in the Web interface and API.

This ticket ties in with #948 highlighting a package being deleted (when viewing or editing) and follows on from the introduction of the trash can #1076.

1314112481000000 1330083933000000
#1282 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.5 closed fixed JS and WUI tidy up

Consolidate js. Remove cruft.

  • Move stuff to vendor
    • Have all vendor libs local (?)
    • jquery, jquery-ui etc
  • Consolidate autocomplete to use jquery-ui
    • package autocomplete (groups)
    • tag autocomplete (package)
    • user autocomplete (authz group create)
      • turns out that authz group edit had autocomplete disabled so refactoring meant enabling ...
  • Move forms.css into main
  • Remove tag cloud from front page (can be example going forward)
  • Remove bookmarklet (since in wiki at: http://wiki.ckan.net/Managing_Data_Packages#How_Do_I_Install_the_CKAN_Bookmarklet.3F)
  • Move name slug generation into standard js and clean up


  1. JS unit tests for the given pages ...
  2. Option to use external site to serve js and css (e.g. CDN)

1314090389000000 1314404540000000
#1281 defect pudo pudo ckan-sprint-2011-10-28 closed fixed Locale change flash message in wrong language

When you change the locale, it displays a flash message "Language has been set to: English" in the original language, not the one we have just changed to.

1314021656000000 1314021919000000
#1280 defect kindly ckan-backlog closed fixed fix sqlalchemy so that it works with postgres 9.0

After the ckan migrate process, sqlalcehmy reflect does not work and causes an error when reflecting indexes. A bug report needs to be put into sqlalchemy.

1313513090000000 1328786670000000
#1279 enhancement ross amercader ckan-v1.8 closed duplicate Refactor or deprecate Authorization Groups

Authorization Groups are going to be deprecated in 1.8

It is still unclear how Authorization Groups fit in the new authz model, so they have been left out of the logic and auth refactoring (Tickets #1229 and #1253)

1313415367000000 1338212028000000
#1278 enhancement amercader ckan-backlog new Refactor authorized_query calls

There are some functions that still use the Auhtorizer().authorized_query method:

./ckan/controllers/authorization_group.py:24:        query = ckan.authz.Authorizer().authorized_query(c.user, model.AuthorizationGroup)
./ckan/lib/base.py:237:        groups = ckan.authz.Authorizer.authorized_query(c.user, model.Group, 
./ckan/lib/search/sql.py:55:        q = authz.Authorizer().authorized_query(username, model.Group)
./ckan/lib/search/sql.py:118:        q = authz.Authorizer().authorized_query(self.options.get('username'), model.Package)
./ckan/logic/action/get.py:154:    query = Authorizer().authorized_query(user, model.Group, model.Action.EDIT)

./ckan/tests/test_authz.py:158:        q = self.authorizer.authorized_query(self.notadmin.name, model.Package)
./ckan/tests/test_authz.py:353:        q = self.authorizer.authorized_query(self.notmember.name, model.Package)
./ckan/tests/test_authz.py:357:        q = self.authorizer.authorized_query(self.member.name, model.Package)
./ckan/tests/functional/test_authorization_group.py:44:        group_count = Authorizer.authorized_query(u'russianfan', model.AuthorizationGroup).count()
1313415177000000 1313415177000000
#1277 enhancement johnglover johnglover ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed Use solr query parser for search instead of ckan query parser

See http://ckan.okfnpad.org/search for details/discussion

1313414446000000 1315948417000000
#1276 enhancement johnglover johnglover ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed Apply weighting to search fields in solr

For example:

  • name and title should have a higher weight than the notes field
1313414353000000 1315948394000000
#1275 enhancement johnglover johnglover ckan-sprint-2011-09-26 closed fixed Move solr search extension to ckan core 1313413597000000 1319812967000000
#1274 enhancement johnglover johnglover ckan-sprint-2011-10-28 closed fixed Testing solr search

Copy ckan core postgres package search tests to the ckanext-solr extension and update them so that they use the solr search backend.

1313413202000000 1313429049000000
#1273 requirement amercader ckan-backlog new Create docs for API v3 1313412083000000 1313412083000000
#1272 enhancement amercader ckan-sprint-2011-10-10 closed fixed Store spatial extents provided in the package form

Consolidate the extra spatial as the field for providing information about the geographic extent of the package. This will integrate automatically with the spatial search and give developers a single point to develop geospatial features.

1313411787000000 1317381996000000
#1271 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-10-28 closed fixed CORS support

CORS - http://www.w3.org/TR/cors/ - support.

This is what you do in Apache. Should do this in lib/base.py or similar.

    Header always set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
    Header always set Access-Control-Allow-Methods "POST, PUT, GET, OPTIONS"
    Header always set Access-Control-Allow-Headers "X-CKAN-API-KEY, Content-Type"

    # Respond to all OPTIONS requests with 200 OK
    # This could be done in the webapp
    # This is need for pre-flighted requests (POSTs/PUTs)
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1 [R=200,L]
1313241839000000 1313753663000000
#1270 defect dread dread ckan-sprint-2011-10-28 closed fixed Default site www.ckan.net is a redirect and loses POSTs

The default site was www.ckan.net, which had an Apache 301 redirect to ckan.net, but the problem was urllib was not rePOSTing stuff. This affected search parameters:

In [1]: import ckanclient

In [2]: c = ckanclient.CkanClient()

In [3]: c2 = ckanclient.CkanClient('http://ckan.net/api')

In [4]: c.package_search('', search_options={'groups':'openspending'})
{u'count': 2102,
 u'results': <generator object _result_generator at 0x10168b1e0>}

In [5]: c2.package_search('', search_options={'groups':'openspending'})
Out[5]: {u'count': 29, u'results': <generator object _result_generator at 0x10168b410>}

Thanks to borior for finding this and raising it.

1312911847000000 1312912188000000
#1269 defect johnglover rgrp ckan-backlog closed wontfix User view page shows the packages followed by viewing user not user being viewed

This overlaps with Sean's follow support (for activity streams) and so will be dealt with there.

1312906598000000 1335875028000000
#1268 enhancement kindly rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-10-10 closed fixed Speed up listing users by revisions by adding db index

At the moment this appears to be slow (kindly suggests because missing index in db). Page is /user on a ckan instance.

Would this also speed up user page where we recent changes?

1312906592000000 1318279592000000
#1267 defect dread dread closed fixed Random exception: cannot set the body to a unicode value

Occasionally see this problem when producing an error page. Here's an example

WebApp Error: <type 'exceptions.TypeError'>: You cannot set the body to a unicode value without a charset
URL: http://at.ckan.net/authorizationgroup/new
Module weberror.errormiddleware:162 in __call__
<<              __traceback_supplement__ = Supplement, self, environ
                   sr_checker = ResponseStartChecker(start_response)
                   app_iter = self.application(environ, sr_checker)
                   return self.make_catching_iter(app_iter, environ, sr_checker)
>>  app_iter = self.application(environ, sr_checker)
Module beaker.middleware:73 in __call__
<<                                                     self.cache_manager)
               environ[self.environ_key] = self.cache_manager
               return self.app(environ, start_response)
>>  return self.app(environ, start_response)
Module beaker.middleware:152 in __call__
<<                          headers.append(('Set-cookie', cookie))
                   return start_response(status, headers, exc_info)
               return self.wrap_app(environ, session_start_response)
           def _get_session(self):
>>  return self.wrap_app(environ, session_start_response)
Module routes.middleware:130 in __call__
<<                  environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] = environ['SCRIPT_NAME'][:-1]
               response = self.app(environ, start_response)
               # Wrapped in try as in rare cases the attribute will be gone already
>>  response = self.app(environ, start_response)
Module pylons.wsgiapp:125 in __call__
               controller = self.resolve(environ, start_response)
               response = self.dispatch(controller, environ, start_response)
               if 'paste.testing_variables' in environ and hasattr(response,
>>  response = self.dispatch(controller, environ, start_response)
Module pylons.wsgiapp:324 in dispatch
<<          if log_debug:
                   log.debug("Calling controller class with WSGI interface")
               return controller(environ, start_response)
           def load_test_env(self, environ):
>>  return controller(environ, start_response)
Module ckan.lib.base:117 in __call__
<<          # available in environ['pylons.routes_dict']    
                   return WSGIController.__call__(self, environ, start_response)
>>  return WSGIController.__call__(self, environ, start_response)
Module pylons.controllers.core:284 in __call__
<<              if log_debug:
                       log.debug("Calling Response object to return WSGI data")
                   return response(environ, self.start_response)
               if log_debug:
>>  return response(environ, self.start_response)
Module webob.exc:248 in __call__
<<              return []
               if not self.body and not self.empty_body:
                   return self.generate_response(environ, start_response)
               return Response.__call__(self, environ, start_response)
>>  return self.generate_response(environ, start_response)
Module webob.exc:239 in generate_response
<<              status=self.status,
               return resp(environ, start_response)
>>  content_type=content_type
Module webob.response:94 in __init__
<<                  if charset is None:
                           raise TypeError(
                               "You cannot set the body to a unicode value without a charset")
                       body = body.encode(charset)
                   self._body = body
>>  "You cannot set the body to a unicode value without a charset")
TypeError: You cannot set the body to a unicode value without a charset
1312889084000000 1312897724000000
#1266 defect dread dread ckan-sprint-2011-10-28 closed fixed Timestamps without microseconds causing exception

I'm not sure why some timestamps are missing microseconds in the ckan.net data, but plenty seem to. This causes this exception when viewing the package rss feed:

URL: http://ckan.net/package/history/sfk_publishing?format=atom&days=7
In Module ckan.lib.helpers:227 in date_str_to_datetime
WebApp Error: <type 'exceptions.ValueError'>: time data '2008-04-13T20:40:20' does not match format '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f'

Only seen with ckan 1.4.3b

1312794831000000 1312797477000000
#1265 defect dread dread ckan-sprint-2011-10-28 closed fixed user/edit error conditions cause exceptions

We get exceptions on these occasions:

  • user/edit if not logged in
  • user/edit/bob if bob is not a known user

These are a problem only on 1.4.3b.

Introduced in #1229 - merge of branch feature-1229-db-out-of-controllers

1312565788000000 1312566052000000
#1264 enhancement zephod rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-10-10 closed fixed Merge ckanext-admin into core

This extension should be in core now -- functionality is basic and very useful.

Copy across from here: http://bitbucket.org/okfn/ckanext-admin

Suggest this no longer even be an extension.

1312480783000000 1318245716000000
#1263 enhancement dread dread closed fixed Bad name for logic action in API causes Exception

A bad action name: e.g. curl http://test.ckan.net/api/action/user_showaa -d '{}' causes 500 response.

Occurs only on 1.4.3 beta.

1312479020000000 1314029279000000
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