{22} Trac tickets (2647 matches)

Results (2001 - 2100 of 2647)

Id Type Owner Reporter Milestone Status Resolution Summary Description Posixtime Modifiedtime
#1117 defect thejimmyg nils.toedtmann closed invalid Depend deb package "ckan" against ubuntu package "python-pastescript"

... otherwise the scripts fails.

1304089619000000 1304277240000000
#681 task dread dread ckan-v1.3 closed fixed Department field bug


1286386685000000 1290507180000000
#2814 enhancement shevski markw assigned Demo: upload file behaves oddly
  1. Uploading a file behaves counter-intuitively (I would suggest wrongly).

When adding a new resource by uploading a file, I select a file called say create-group.png. I expect the following to happen:

  • the pathname of that file is filled in the box;
  • nothing is actually uploaded till I hit 'add' (confirming that I've got the right file etc).

Instead of this,

1344420360000000 1346670381000000
#2562 enhancement johnmartin aron.carroll demo phase 5 closed invalid Demo theme tag improvements

Tags should be implemented in two sections.

  • Custom predefined tags using vocabularies
  • Provide suggestions, auto completion then fallback to free text
1340035714000000 1352206599000000
#2525 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll demo phase 1 closed fixed Demo theme should auto-generate slugs on forms 1339679954000000 1341497344000000
#2526 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll demo phase 5 closed fixed Demo theme new custom form fields should be created when needed



1339680105000000 1343924205000000
#2609 enhancement toby aron.carroll opendatasuite 1 closed fixed Demo theme errors when creating a dataset without a resource
  1. Complete step one of add dataset
  2. Click next without adding any resource data.

Page errors.

URL: http://localhost:5000/dataset/new_resource/asdasd
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/weberror/evalexception.py', line 431 in respond
  app_iter = self.application(environ, detect_start_response)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/webob/dec.py', line 147 in __call__
  resp = self.call_func(req, *args, **self.kwargs)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/webob/dec.py', line 208 in call_func
  return self.func(req, *args, **kwargs)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/fanstatic/publisher.py', line 234 in __call__
  return request.get_response(self.app)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/webob/request.py', line 1053 in get_response
  application, catch_exc_info=False)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/webob/request.py', line 1022 in call_application
  app_iter = application(self.environ, start_response)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/webob/dec.py', line 147 in __call__
  resp = self.call_func(req, *args, **self.kwargs)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/webob/dec.py', line 208 in call_func
  return self.func(req, *args, **kwargs)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/fanstatic/injector.py', line 52 in __call__
  response = request.get_response(self.app)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/webob/request.py', line 1053 in get_response
  application, catch_exc_info=False)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/webob/request.py', line 1022 in call_application
  app_iter = application(self.environ, start_response)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/beaker/middleware.py', line 73 in __call__
  return self.app(environ, start_response)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/beaker/middleware.py', line 152 in __call__
  return self.wrap_app(environ, session_start_response)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/routes/middleware.py', line 130 in __call__
  response = self.app(environ, start_response)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pylons/wsgiapp.py', line 125 in __call__
  response = self.dispatch(controller, environ, start_response)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pylons/wsgiapp.py', line 324 in dispatch
  return controller(environ, start_response)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/src/ckan/ckan/lib/base.py', line 258 in __call__
  res = WSGIController.__call__(self, environ, start_response)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pylons/controllers/core.py', line 221 in __call__
  response = self._dispatch_call()
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pylons/controllers/core.py', line 172 in _dispatch_call
  response = self._inspect_call(func)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pylons/controllers/core.py', line 107 in _inspect_call
  result = self._perform_call(func, args)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pylons/controllers/core.py', line 60 in _perform_call
  return func(**args)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/src/ckan/ckan/controllers/package.py', line 495 in new_resource
  get_action('resource_create')(context, data)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/src/ckan/ckan/logic/action/create.py', line 240 in resource_create
  raise ValidationError(errors, _error_summary(errors))
ValidationError: {u'URL': u'Missing value'}


1340810211000000 1340900271000000
#2561 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll demo phase 1 closed fixed Demo theme edit dataset is missing functionality 1340035457000000 1341497328000000
#2559 enhancement toby aron.carroll demo phase 2 closed fixed Demo theme add resource has missing functionality
  • Show resources in the sidebar
  • Allow people to go backward and forward
  • Have a back button on each form
  • Lose resource type
  • Add extras as optional metadata
  • Remove save
  • Add back/Previous
  • Add Another
1340035336000000 1342084940000000
#2560 enhancement toby aron.carroll demo phase 2 closed fixed Demo theme add metadata is missing functionality
  • Hide remove button when adding new field
  • Finish takes you to the newly created dataset
1340035384000000 1342084988000000
#2510 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll ckan-sprint-2012-06-25 closed fixed Demo tag lists should link to the search page

Instead of pointing to /tags/{tagname} all tag links should just point to a dataset search filtered by that tag.

Examples are on the homepage and the dataset pages.

1339513217000000 1339670520000000
#2555 enhancement toby aron.carroll demo phase 5 new Demo site needs a breadcrumb helper

Something to make building breadcrumbs a bit nicer

1340026983000000 1342618384000000
#2494 enhancement toby aron.carroll ckan-sprint-2012-06-25 closed invalid Demo site has server error for a 404



Should show the 404 template.

1338988913000000 1338994890000000
#2558 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll demo phase 1 closed fixed Demo site add dataset has missing functionality
  • Needs tags
  • Needs groups
  • Needs slug
  • Licenses links to something
  • Needs tooltips (Ira to write some tooltips)
1340035280000000 1340615257000000
#2493 enhancement aron.carroll toby demo phase 5 accepted Demo site 404 needs some love


I've converted the 404 page to the new style but we probably want to serve this as a 'full page' ie content is 100% page width not sidebar and primary content

just go to a non-existant url to see





1338986081000000 1343135815000000
#2491 enhancement toby aron.carroll ckan-sprint-2012-06-25 closed fixed Demo related page is missing breadcrumb

The following pages are missing complete breadcrumbs.

Add related page:


Needs to look like.

Dataset > {dataset_title} > Related > Create Related

Template here: https://github.com/okfn/ckan/blob/feature-2375-demo-theme/ckan/templates/related/pages/form_page.html#L6

Same deal with Edit related.


Needs to look like.

Dataset > {dataset_title} > Related > Edit Related


1338977634000000 1338979614000000
#2765 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll demo phase 3 closed fixed Demo login error messages

I'd suggest we add a generic "failed to login, invalid fields" in the error_summary block. Then more specific "this field is required" when a required field is left empty.

So in general, provide an error dict

1343317842000000 1343817858000000
#2557 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll demo phase 1 closed fixed Demo issues on the search dataset page
  • Crosses have disappeared
  • Formats should stretch across the page
1340035222000000 1340185609000000
#2339 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-sprint-2012-05-15 closed fixed Demo install on RHEL/CentOS, and install instructions 1335876250000000 1336492657000000
#2643 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll demo phase 2 closed fixed Demo homepage redesign



1341848685000000 1342617247000000
#2907 enhancement johnmartin johnmartin demo phase 5 closed fixed Demo header

The user login / avatar with in the header really should be within another topbar, as it goes against convention to have the user information within the normal header.

1346930925000000 1352206307000000
#2492 enhancement toby aron.carroll ckan-sprint-2012-06-25 closed fixed Demo create related form has broken error output

See: http://s031.okserver.org:2375/dataset/adur_district_spending/related/new

Submit the form to see broken formatting.

eg. [u'Missing value']

Example of broken image

1338977874000000 1338982678000000
#2597 enhancement toby aron.carroll demo phase 1 closed fixed Demo add dataset throws error if tags are empty
  1. Go to new dataset
  2. Add a slug
  3. Click next

Get error.

URL: http://localhost:5000/dataset/new
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/weberror/evalexception.py', line 431 in respond
  app_iter = self.application(environ, detect_start_response)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/webob/dec.py', line 147 in __call__
  resp = self.call_func(req, *args, **self.kwargs)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/webob/dec.py', line 208 in call_func
  return self.func(req, *args, **kwargs)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/fanstatic/publisher.py', line 234 in __call__
  return request.get_response(self.app)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/webob/request.py', line 1053 in get_response
  application, catch_exc_info=False)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/webob/request.py', line 1022 in call_application
  app_iter = application(self.environ, start_response)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/webob/dec.py', line 147 in __call__
  resp = self.call_func(req, *args, **self.kwargs)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/webob/dec.py', line 208 in call_func
  return self.func(req, *args, **kwargs)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/fanstatic/injector.py', line 52 in __call__
  response = request.get_response(self.app)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/webob/request.py', line 1053 in get_response
  application, catch_exc_info=False)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/webob/request.py', line 1022 in call_application
  app_iter = application(self.environ, start_response)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/beaker/middleware.py', line 73 in __call__
  return self.app(environ, start_response)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/beaker/middleware.py', line 152 in __call__
  return self.wrap_app(environ, session_start_response)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/routes/middleware.py', line 130 in __call__
  response = self.app(environ, start_response)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pylons/wsgiapp.py', line 125 in __call__
  response = self.dispatch(controller, environ, start_response)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pylons/wsgiapp.py', line 324 in dispatch
  return controller(environ, start_response)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/src/ckan/ckan/lib/base.py', line 258 in __call__
  res = WSGIController.__call__(self, environ, start_response)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pylons/controllers/core.py', line 221 in __call__
  response = self._dispatch_call()
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pylons/controllers/core.py', line 172 in _dispatch_call
  response = self._inspect_call(func)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pylons/controllers/core.py', line 107 in _inspect_call
  result = self._perform_call(func, args)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pylons/controllers/core.py', line 60 in _perform_call
  return func(**args)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/src/ckan/ckan/controllers/package.py', line 422 in new
  return self._save_new(context)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/src/ckan/ckan/controllers/package.py', line 703 in _save_new
  return self.new(data_dict, errors, error_summary)
File '/Users/Aron/.virtualenvs/ckan/src/ckan/ckan/controllers/package.py', line 430 in new
  data['tag_string'] = ', '.join(h.dict_list_reduce(c.pkg_dict['tags'], 'name'))
TypeError: string indices must be integers, not str
1340642399000000 1340644591000000
#2595 enhancement toby aron.carroll demo phase 2 closed fixed Demo add dataset needs to remember which stages have been visited

For example.

  1. Start on stage one
  2. Add dataset click next
  3. Click previous

Expect Stage 1 to be "active", stage two to be "complete"

  1. Start on stage one
  2. Add dataset click next
  3. Click next
  4. Click previous

Expect Stage 2 to be "active", stage one and three to be "complete"

  1. Start on stage one
  2. Add dataset click next
  3. Click next
  4. Click previous
  5. Click previous

Expect Stage 1 to be "active", stage two and three to be "complete"

1340642246000000 1342086346000000
#1053 defect dread dread ckan-v1.5 closed fixed Deletion in Model API

Currently in the API if you DELETE a package/group/user (and you have the required permissions) then it purges the object, when it should probably just set the state to deleted.

There is no way to delete objects at the moment - changes to 'state' are ignored in the API.

Do we need an alternative way to purge objects in the API?

1300790039000000 1310126546000000
#1382 defect thejimmyg thejimmyg ckan-backlog new Deleted resources are present for harvested package

Perhaps the importer deletes them before re-importing. We shouldn't have deleted resources, so let's investigate.

1318337889000000 1318337889000000
#560 defect kindly rgrp ckan-v1.4 closed fixed Deleted packages showing up in tag lists

E.g. http://ckan.net/tag/lod contains musicbrainz_ (Musicbrainz) item (if you click you will get 403/login as deleted packages can only be seen by admins).

Also suggested that these are showing up in the API (courtesy of Anja)

Cost: 2h

1283700001000000 1297084192000000
#1283 enhancement dread dread ckan-backlog closed fixed Deleted packages shouldn't be searchable or browsable

A package in deleted state doesn't show to general users, but admins DO see them. The idea is that they can resurrect them if they want. But now we have the trash can that lists deleted packages. So we don't want admins to see the deleted packages anywhere else.

(But an admin should still be able to READ and EDIT a deleted package, so if he clicks on it in the trash list he can see it to decide whether to resurrect and actually be able to change its state.)

Same in the Web interface and API.

This ticket ties in with #948 highlighting a package being deleted (when viewing or editing) and follows on from the introduction of the trash can #1076.

1314112481000000 1330083933000000
#561 defect pudo ckan-v1.2 closed duplicate Deleted packages are returned in the API

Anja is reporting this, severe bug, I think.

1283775578000000 1283775711000000
#1341 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-backlog reopened Delete spam users from ckan

Spam users where added to thedatahub and we need to clean them.

1315995034000000 1320141540000000
#2992 enhancement johnmartin new Delete resource should send me back to edit dataset page 1350407956000000 1350407956000000
#579 story johnbywater ckan-v1.2 closed Delete remote metadata harvest job 1284209440000000 1285260356000000
#11 enhancement johnbywater johnbywater milestone16 closed fixed Delete package

As a

Authenticated user

I want to

Delete a package

So that

So that the package is no longer displayed for visitors of the site


  • The permissions for this action are the same as for updating the package details (see ticket:10)
  • When a package is deleted it is put in an inactive state and is invisible to users and vistors of the service. However its name remains reserved and it may be undeleted or purged by the service administrator
1152550328000000 1157371568000000
#783 story johnbywater johnbywater ckan-v1.3 closed duplicate Delete harvested documents when remote metadata disappears from harvest source

We need a condition for 'disappears'. Asked AW about this (prob. in July) but should chase for an answer.

1289210029000000 1294409399000000
#13 enhancement somebody rgrp closed invalid Delete a release 1152550611000000 1218545330000000
#17 enhancement johnbywater johnbywater closed invalid Delete a file

See ticket:16 (update a file)

1152550822000000 1250619180000000
#1733 enhancement amercader amercader ckan-sprint-2012-02-20 closed fixed Delete (inactivate) harvest sources

Right now harvest sources can be inactivated (only via the cli), but we need to make sure:

  • Expose this on the web interface (only for sysadmins, see #1731)
  • Inactive sources are not shown in the web interface

Also for deleted packages:

a) Deleted packages get state="deleted" (not actually purged) so they are hidden on front end ACTION: need a button on the front end for "Delete" for sysamdins

Done in #1425. Not sure if the button is only shown to sysadmins.

b) No undelete: If you reharvest a deleted package, it remains deleted

  • Publisher should create a new record with new identifier and same/different content as applicable.
  • If publisher reharvests, a deleted document they get a error and are told to create new identifier for their updated.
  • You won't get the state where a package is updated in its deleted state
  • If they change the ID and reharvest, a new record appears on DGU.

c) Update CSW interface so that export doesn't export deleted packages d) Check geospatial search doesn't search deleted pacakges e) Check deleted packages don't appear in harvest source details, or in the counts or anywhere in the harvest interface or API.

1328008287000000 1329754689000000
#321 enhancement thejimmyg johnbywater closed duplicate Delegate authentication to Drupal

When CKAN is included in a Drupal front-end, CKAN edit pages are used in a slave-mode, such that authentication is delegated to the Drupal front-end user model.

The Drupal front-end shall have:

  1. Login page - fixed location, can authenticate users, on successful authentication sets auth cookie and redirects to HTTP_REFERER.
  1. Access control resource - fixed location, can authorise users, on receipt of valid auth cookie return message listing account details and permitted actions.
  1. Access denied page - fixed location, static resource, gently

indicates what has happened, and how to ask for permission.

The CKAN slave edit page shall:

  1. Try to detect a Drupal session key (passed as cookie or as request param).
  1. Redirect to Drupal login page if no session key.
  1. Check authorisation if session key is found.
  1. Redirect to access denied page if session key not authorised.
  1. Present the Package edit page.
  1. Reject unauthenticated or unauthorised edit submissions.
  1. Snag invalid edit submissions from authenticated and authorised users.
  1. Respond to valid edit submissions from authenticated and authorised users, by saving the new package state, and redirecting to Package read page in Drupal front-end.
1274705234000000 1291831399000000
#1375 enhancement amercader amercader ckan-sprint-2011-10-10 closed fixed Define new package id before sending it to the IPackageController plugins

When creating a package, the package_create logic function sends the newly created package object to all plugins implementing the IPackageController interface


At this point, the changes have not yet been commited and the id of the package is not set (It has a default value of make_uuid, which is set when commited). For this reason, plugins have no way of knowing the package id. E.g. the spatial query plugin needs to know this id to link the package extent to the actual package.

One possible solution would be to set the package id in the data dict received by package_create (if it's not defined):

from ckan.model.types import make_uuid
if not 'id' in data or not data['id']:
   data['id'] = make_uuid()
1317910441000000 1318260008000000
#583 task johnbywater ckan-v1.2 closed fixed Define fieldset object for harvest source forms 1284211169000000 1284261424000000
#1162 enhancement amercader amercader pdeu-1 closed fixed Define a common extra for storing the geographic extent

We need a common extra across the different harvested sources that defines the extent of the data. We will have mainly national level catalogues, but also at a lower level (region, city).

Relevant discussion: http://lists.okfn.org/pipermail/ckan-discuss/2011-May/001245.html

1306408704000000 1308647187000000
#2834 enhancement aron.carroll demo phase 4 new Defer all publish calls until all modules have been initialised

Currently if a module uses sandbox.publish() in its initilaize() function then any modules initialised afterwards will miss the event.

We should queue all calls to .publish() in the pubsub module in an array until all modules have loaded then iterate over and execute them.

1344532093000000 1344856692000000
#1039 enhancement dread dread ckan-v1.4 closed fixed Default user roles read from config

(instead of being hard coded)

1300212822000000 1300212856000000
#1270 defect dread dread ckan-sprint-2011-10-28 closed fixed Default site www.ckan.net is a redirect and loses POSTs

The default site was www.ckan.net, which had an Apache 301 redirect to ckan.net, but the problem was urllib was not rePOSTing stuff. This affected search parameters:

In [1]: import ckanclient

In [2]: c = ckanclient.CkanClient()

In [3]: c2 = ckanclient.CkanClient('http://ckan.net/api')

In [4]: c.package_search('', search_options={'groups':'openspending'})
{u'count': 2102,
 u'results': <generator object _result_generator at 0x10168b1e0>}

In [5]: c2.package_search('', search_options={'groups':'openspending'})
Out[5]: {u'count': 29, u'results': <generator object _result_generator at 0x10168b410>}

Thanks to borior for finding this and raising it.

1312911847000000 1312912188000000
#1679 enhancement dread ckan-backlog new Default roles problem

The 'editor', 'anon_editor' and 'reader' roles are intended to have immutable actions. This was designed to prevent their names being subverted - e.g. an editor should always be able to edit! It also meant that when we add Actions (e.g. DELETE-PACKAGE) then it can be added sensibly to these roles in an upgrade just by changing the defaults table (ckan/model/authz.py).

The problem is that this immutability is only enforced on 'db upgrade'. So you can happily change the editor role using the paster command and it works, right up until you do an upgrade and realise permissions are different.

We should stop the paster commands being able to edit these roles. Or get rid of the immutability completely. Views?

1326823042000000 1339773923000000
#1066 enhancement dread dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-5 closed fixed Default reader role too permissive

The definition of the 'reader' role includes creating packages, which is too permissive for some CKAN instances (e.g. DGU). 'Reader' suggests only reading, so I think this role should avoid creating and editing.

All projects so far want all roles to be able to create users, so this stays as a Reader action for now, as a convenience.


  • Action.PACKAGE_CREATE removed from reader's default_role_actions
  • Visitor has a new default role, called 'anon_editor' which can edit packages, but not groups / auth groups - you have to log in for that.
  • Migration script not needed?
  • Code comments written, to make clear the suggested policy
1301645250000000 1301932136000000
#468 task johnbywater johnbywater ckan-v1.2 closed fixed Default config file has commented out configuration variable 1282310659000000 1283250799000000
#1025 enhancement dread dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-3 closed fixed Default authz can be set in config

Currently the default authz for a package is hard-coded to:

 <PackageRole user="visitor" role="editor" context="Package">,
 <PackageRole user="logged_in" role="editor" context="Package">,

This should be configurable in the config, so that you can have a more locked down instance etc.

1299596110000000 1299751045000000
#696 task johnbywater johnbywater ckan-v1.2 closed fixed Decoupled generation of package group choices from validation of package group selection 1287066070000000 1287392206000000
#1014 defect sebbacon sebbacon ckan-v1.4-sprint-3 closed fixed Decouple oAuth repoze extension from DataNO, write tests

The current oAuth extension tightly couples repoze.who, ckan, and data.no. These components should be decoupled; they also need more tests

1298887493000000 1299245293000000
#1125 enhancement dread nils.toedtmann closed fixed Debian package "ckan" should not depend on "postgresql"

The debian package "ckan" with the two scripts "ckan-create-instance" and "ckan-instance-maintenance" depends against "postgresql". But "ckan-create-instance" is quite handy even when the DB is remote: it creates all the data dirs with the correct permissions, and the ckan and apache configs.

Please add a flag "--without-local-db" to "ckan-create-instance" and remove the postgres dependancy from the debain package.

1304538095000000 1310134813000000
#228 enhancement rgrp rgrp closed duplicate Deal with duplicate packages

This needs to be thought out ...

1262085763000000 1290596875000000
#2383 defect icmurray icmurray ckan-sprint-2012-05-29 closed fixed Date on add/edit resource breaks if offset is specified 1337080275000000 1338197024000000
#2733 enhancement johnglover johnglover ckan-v1.9 new Datastore logic functions

Where does the data go?

In a postgres database configured by the ckan.datastore_write_url config option which is a sqlalchemy url.

The user should have rights to create tables.

Whats the api like?

We will just implement it as logic functions like the rest of CKAN and will part of core. After that we may add some nicer api functions that use these but that is a secondary concern.

What are the initial logic functions?

  • datastore_create
  • datastore_delete
  • datastore_show

What is the JSON input format for datastore_create

To begin with it can have the following keys. It is fairly consistent with Max Ogdens' gut servers. Except adds resource_id.

resource_id: resource_id # the data is going to be stored against.
fields: a list of dictionaries of fields/columns and their extra metadata.
records: a list of dictionaries of the data eg  [{"dob": "2005", "some_stuff": ['a', b']}, ..]
  • The first row will be used to guess types not in the fields and the guessed types will be added to the headers permanently. Consecutive rows have to conform to the field definitions.
  • rows: can be empty so that you can just set the fields
  • fields are optional but needed if you want to do type hinting or add extra information for certain columns or to explicitly define ordering.

eg: [{"id": "dob", "type": "timestamp" }, {"id": "some_stuff", "type": "text"}, ...]. A header items values can not be changed after it has been defined nor can the ordering of them be changed. They can be extended though.

  • Any error results in total failure!! For now pass back the actual error.
  • Should be transactional

What json does datastore_delete take?

resource_id: resource_id # the data is going to be deleted.
filters: dictionary of matching conditions to delete
    e.g  {'key1': 'a. 'key2': 'b'}  this will be equivalent to "delete from table where key1 = 'a' and key2 = 'b' ".
    No filters (either not present or not defined) then delete the table. If we want truncate then add truncate: true to truncate the table.

What json does datastore_search take?

resource_id: resource_id # the data is going to be selected.
filters : dictionary of matching conditions to select
    e.g  {'key1': 'a. 'key2': 'b'}  this will be equivalent to "select * from table where key1 = 'a' and key2 = 'b' "
q: full text query
limit: limit the amount of rows to size default 100
offset: offset the amount of rows
fields:  list of fields return in that order, defaults (empty or not present) to all fields in fields order.
sort: comma separated field names with ordering e.g "fieldname1, fieldname2 desc"

Some free code: https://gist.github.com/3163864

What json does datastore_search return?

fields: same type as datastore_create accepts (i.e. with metadata)
offset: The same offset that was supplied in datastore_show
limit: The original limit
filters: The filters that were applied in data_show
total: # total matching records without size or offset
records: [same as data_create] # list of matching results

On error will return:

__error__: … sql error …

What types are allowed?

Aim to support as many postgres/postgis types that have string representations.




Each row in a table will be given an _id column which has an id generated by us which you can use in queries.

Other Features

Each row will store the _full_text index of all the data in the row. At some later point there will most likely be a way to index fields add constraints etc.

1343058886000000 1343656105000000
#2880 enhancement icmurray ross ckan 2.0 closed wontfix Datasets (Package) should have owners

Each dataset should have an explicit owner that is an organisation. This is the organisation that owns the dataset* and will be used for specifying who can move a dataset out of the default organisation.

This should probably be a foreign key link from dataset to organisation (or rather group).

  • Currently this won't necessarily be the organisation that the dataset is a member of, but it is likely that this will be the case initially (at least until someone moves it to another organisation).
1345466535000000 1350561968000000
#2879 enhancement ross ross ckan 2.0 closed wontfix Datasets (Package) should have a 'public' field

The Package model should have a boolean field added to it describing its visibility beyond that supplied via auth.

The related permission for viewing packages where public is set to False would be package.view (show, whatever), and *never* visible for unauthenticated users.

1345466389000000 1350562096000000
#2490 defect seanh seanh ckan-sprint-2012-06-25 closed fixed Dataset term translation isn't working on user pages, ckanext/multilingual test failing 1338822577000000 1338824047000000
#1683 defect dread dread ckan-sprint-2012-01-23 closed fixed Dataset search results - last item out of order

On each page of package search results, all the items are neatly sorted apart from the last item of the page. SOLR gets the sorting of the results incorrect.

This is a known issue: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-1777 affecting SOLR 1.4 only (which comes with Ubuntu 10.04)

It is highlighted in CKAN test ckan/tests/functional/test_pagination.py:TestPaginationPackage of commit 39096ed54bda86d043521b08b2e14fc5e283a0ff which fails most of the time it is run (passes intermittently).

1326971864000000 1326976925000000
#1745 enhancement rgrp ckan-v1.9 new Dataset search UX improvements as of Jan 2012

Changes to make search both more exploratory and more satisfying to use

  • Search query build - #1603
    • Ability to add new facet fields "live"
    • That is add fields which then contain faceted options (a bit like data.hri.fi)
  • (??) Autocomplete / drop down on search (i.e. search while you type)
    • Dubious about value / cost ratio here

Probably would involve to pure JS and HTML implementation.


Probably require

  • API changes to expose solr style API directly #1737
1328224941000000 1340033358000000
#2908 enhancement johnmartin demo phase 5 new Dataset related with image should retain aspect ratio

At the moment if you have an related item with an image associated to a dataset that appears in the side column it's resized but doesn't keep it's original aspect ratio.

1346931162000000 1346931162000000
#2735 enhancement toby shevski demo phase 5 assigned Dataset order on user page

I think the datasets on user pages http://s031.okserver.org:2375/user/me should be ordered by latest updated (with most recent at the top) instead of in alphabetical order.

What do you think?

1343062877000000 1344349245000000
#1425 enhancement zephod dread closed fixed Dataset delete button

From Jonathan gray:

At the moment to delete a package you have to go to 'state' and change from 'active' to 'deleted'.

For me this was not very obvious, and someone recently wrote to me about this too.

Its a small issue - but unless you know what 'state: active' refers to, its not obvious what this means, nor that this is where to go if you want to delete a package.

From UI perspective this could be replaced by either a trash can or some text that says 'delete', perhaps with some prompt that explains what happens when you delete a package - explaining that non-admins won't be able to see it, and how you purge, etc.

1319649860000000 1330085282000000
#2513 enhancement ross ckan-backlog assigned Dataproxy should not default to utf8

Unless explicitly told by the source web server the dataproxy should not assume that the content it has can be encoded as UTF-8. Even though the chars from 128 - 255 overlap an attempt to decode some byte array as utf8 will fail whenever a latin1 char whose bitpattern has the MSB set.

This will mean that the UTF8Recoder can be more rigid in its acceptance of data, Postel aside.

1339575820000000 1346669646000000
#2577 enhancement ross ross ckan-v1.9 closed fixed Dataproxy raises 500 when it can't get CSV

When given a url parameter for a file it cannot fetch, the app raises a 500 instead of something useful.

Better error reporting in the JSON would be useful

1340207124000000 1346669735000000
#2519 enhancement ross ross ckan-v1.9 closed fixed Dataproxy (converters) enhancement

Whilst the error messages returned from the dataproxy are informative, they aren't particularly human readable. It isn't clear to the user whether they should retry, or whether the format of their data is causing the problem etc...

Would be lovely if the error messages returned contained a human readable version of the error.

1339584955000000 1345565215000000
#2888 enhancement kindly new Datapreview in Iframe

Try and put datapreview in Iframe.

1345745461000000 1345745461000000
#2291 enhancement kindly rgrp ckan-v1.9 new DataStorer incorrectly attempts to store JSON in DataStore

See http://thedatahub.org/dataset/ecb13156-cf11-4e91-b51c-f287d154276e/resource/5db67915-40cb-467e-9d72-194ea4973670

This was marked as json format (and is JSON) but appears to have been imported as a quasi-CSV. Either this hsould not be imported at all or it should be imported as JSON ... (which is straightforward to do).

Assigning to David for triage and review.

1334431147000000 1340636737000000
#2278 defect rgrp rgrp ckan-sprint-2012-04-16 closed fixed DataStore enabled is disabled by default but is needed for DataStorer to run

Major UX gotcha reported by several people is that DataStore? is disabled by default and must be enabled for DataStorer? to run and import data.

Suggest switch to enable datastore by default for file and file.upload types (disable for API). People can always disable if they want.

1333441048000000 1333441177000000
#2530 enhancement kindly rgrp ckan-v1.9 new DataHub purge fails on some revisions

See http://datahub.io/ckan-admin/trash and try to purge revisions (*not* datasets). It will fail on some of the revisions with errors like:

Problem purging revision 391db9e8-df57-4e0e-8fe6-d4e0c2318344: (IntegrityError?) update or delete on table "revision" violates foreign key constraint "group_extra_revision_revision_id_fkey" on table "group_extra_revision" DETAIL: Key (id)=(391db9e8-df57-4e0e-8fe6-d4e0c2318344) is still referenced from table "group_extra_revision". 'DELETE FROM revision WHERE revision.id = %(id)s' {'id': u'391db9e8-df57-4e0e-8fe6-d4e0c2318344'}

1339750498000000 1341268280000000
#2529 enhancement rgrp ckan-v1.9 new DataHub (or CKAN) widgets

Simple widgets in pure JS. For example:

  • Count of datasets in a group (could generalise to a query but not sure how useful that is ...)
  • Embeddable list of top X (5) datasets for a given query
  • Embeddable list of *my* datasets

Either these live at: {site}/widgets and we have some kind of generator (form where I choose my group, or my query).

Or: we have this attached to areas of site where relevant.

Can combine the 2 so that the latter links to the former. Think first will be easier to do and possibly more useful long-term (e.g. can just link people to that page).

Cf. http://okfnlabs.org/ckanjs/

1339750049000000 1340624917000000
#2380 enhancement ross ross opendatasuite 1 closed duplicate DataGM Upgrade

Provide a new test install of DataGM based on the ODS demo site being completed through June.

1337002144000000 1340627558000000
#2270 enhancement johnglover johnglover ckan-sprint-2012-04-16 closed fixed DataExplorer overview
  • get up to speed with DataExplorer? code (and dependencies like Backbone)
1333374339000000 1334073875000000
#502 requirement dread rgrp ckan-v1.3 closed wontfix Data4nr uploading script shall remove deleted packages

Occasionally data4nr removes a data package from its registry. When the latest full data4nr data is imported, these removed packages should be found and removed.

1282659304000000 1292586466000000
#907 enhancement rgrp ckan-v1.3-sprint-3 closed fixed Data previews: preview package resource data in the WUI

As a user I want to preview a dataset ('resource') before downloading it.


This will be implemented as an Extension

NB: This ticket requires a way to get data out of a remote url (the dataset). We do not want to put this data load/streaming into ckan core due to a) complexity b) load problems (do not want to take ckan out by accidentally pulling in a 1GB file)

  1. Need a 'data proxy' - see ticket:698 and ticket:888
  2. Preview using javascript in WUI - do this in an extension http://bitbucket.org/okfn/ckanext-dataapi
1295261173000000 1297072303000000
#2674 defect kindly shevski demo phase 5 assigned Data preview not loading on s031

Not loading for all resources as far as I can tell; e.g. http://s031.okserver.org:2375/dataset/afghanistan-election-data/resource/f6331f99-51f6-44d9-95b9-b20f3b74f360

Fine on demo.ckan.org

1342435102000000 1344349324000000
#1062 defect johnglover sebbacon ckan-backlog assigned Data preview encoding error

The preview of "Species Misc Turtle Download" at http://ckan.net/package/taxonconcept results in the following error:

Unable to Preview - Had an error from dataproxy: Data Transformation Error (Data transformation failed. Reason: 'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0x8b in position 1: unexpected code byte

1301396143000000 1311773731000000
#433 defect wwaites datapkg-0.8 closed fixed Data package metadata in the Egg

Still not sure if we shouldn't use the existing setuptools machinery to manage this -- there is already a way to get at the metadata. In any event, I've just made an addition to datapkg that makes it possible to put datapkg_sources as a dictionary in your package's setup.py. Afterwards it is possible to pull the metadata out of the egg. Of course this could easily be changed to save the information in whatever form, indeed if you pass it a string instead of a dictionary it will just write whatever you gave it into the datapkg_sources.spec. The point is, I think that the egg is a good place to stuff this information.

For non-python users, it is always possible to simply put up the datapkg_sources.spec somewhere on the web so they can directly retrieve the data files.

From the docstring::

    This is the implementation for an [egg_info.writers] entrypoint.
    Datapkg adds an argument to setuptools's setup() function called
    datapkg_sources. The argument should be a dictionary of the form:

    .. code-block:: python

            datapkg_sources = {
                "cra2009" : "http://www.hm-treasury.gov.uk/d/cra_2009_db.csv"

    The result of this is that there will be a file in the egg called
    datapkg_sources.spec that looks like this::


    How do you get at this data? Simple::

    .. code-block:: python

        import pkg_resources
        dist = pkg_resources.get_distribution("ukgov_treasury_cra")
        spec = dist.get_metadata("datapkg_sources.spec")

    and 'spec' will be the contents of the file as a string.
1282078660000000 1283183647000000
#438 requirement dread dread ckan-v1.3 closed invalid Data importers use minimal processing

e.g. ONS importer

1282224383000000 1294661079000000
#412 requirement johnbywater closed fixed Data format for package importing shall be documented


  • cater naturally for multiple packages with multiple resources
  • international encoding
  • large number of packages
1281430809000000 1289822092000000
#2203 enhancement kindly rgrp ckan-v1.9 assigned Data Viewer support for PDF
  • Boot viewer for format/mimetype: application/pdf, application/x-pdf, application/acrobat, applications/vnd.pdf, text/pdf, text/x-pdf
  • propose we use pdf.js - https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js
  • We could also try iframing for browsers with native support but this seems more complex
1330860293000000 1348568961000000
#2285 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-sprint-2012-04-30 closed fixed Data Previewer / Viewer v3 : Embedding! - /resource/../embed

Allow a user to embed the data viewer in their webpage.

  • [x] Embedding widget [1d]
  • [x] The embed page [1-2d]
  • [x] Documentation and Announce [0.5d]

Depends upon:

  • [x] Recline improvements ?d

All the above, plus user stories are fleshed out in [1]

[1] http://ckan.okfnpad.org/feature-2283-data-viewer-v3?

1334230810000000 1335440451000000
#1446 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-sprint-2012-01-09 closed fixed Data Explorer v2

Super ticket: #1602 (Data Previewer v2)

We already have first pass of Data Explorer that was released as part of #1357.

Tickets include (* indicates improvement over current explorer)

Est: 10-15d (should be broken down -- partly is in recline issues)

1320665596000000 1326281658000000
#2738 enhancement toby shevski closed invalid Data API

Why is datastore not enabled for this resource http://s031.okserver.org:2375/dataset/frere/resource/cdeddb39-b0cb-4762-aa5b-f80fc892d4dd ?

Is this going to be a site wide setting? How do new resources get added to datastore? Or are we just using the dataproxy for demo?

1343123012000000 1343125335000000
#355 defect rgrp rgrp closed fixed Dashes versus underscores in package names

Sort out how we deal with dashes versus underscores in package names.

1277221996000000 1311177552000000
#428 requirement dread ckan-v1.2 closed fixed Daily dump of DGU CKAN available

End users want to get hold of a JSON & CSV dump of the DGU data.

1281703251000000 1285757316000000
#456 story johnbywater dread ckan-v1.2 closed duplicate Daily dump 1282299917000000 1282665858000000
#476 requirement johnbywater ckan-v1.3 closed wontfix Daily database dumps shall be discoverable and downloadable 1282313433000000 1294411741000000
#1752 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-sprint-2012-02-20 closed fixed DGU: collection of updates from feedback
  • [x] hide black stars on the data-view page
  • [x] Edit on view form (if you have the right permission)
  • [x] RES_FORMAT ~> Resource Format
  • [x] Map Based Search -> UK Location Map Based Search
  • [x] Note at the top right expalining that these are seach filters (if they are) -> this requires "add a dataset" and "other access" to be moved to a different place (just some whitespace is fine)
  • [x] Display publisher and provider (UKLP records only).
  • [x] analysis of filter by OGL / non-OGL
  • [x] provide /dump on the build server
1328526750000000 1329733515000000
#1768 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-v1.7 closed fixed DGU: 7a. Public Publisher Dashboard (including QA Work and notifications) MUST PHASE 1 1328539740000000 1337159873000000
#714 bug johnbywater closed fixed DGU package form shall have a read only field for ??? attribute

So that Drupal doesn't need to make any adjustments to the form, and risk data being lost on submission.

1287581408000000 1291733788000000
#505 enhancement dread rgrp closed fixed DGU fieldset supports v3 of DGU metadata specification 1282660416000000 1298368280000000
#1714 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-sprint-2012-02-06 closed fixed DGU dataset view page

Dataset read page for DGU


  • [X] Fix missing title
  • [X] Links to the social media stuff
    • "Share your app"
    • "Share your idea"
    • "Request new data"
  • [ ] Presentation of additional information should be broken into sections

Content is there. Don't do anything until theming/design work is undertaken.

  • [ ] "More like this": links to similar datasets.


  • [N] Stars (I think these are being removed)
  • [ ] Comments

Possible integration point with Drupal. Needs it own ticket.

  • [X] Give feedback to department
  • [X] Tidy up the QA stars
1327591090000000 1329734018000000
#1713 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-sprint-2012-02-06 closed fixed DGU dataset search page

Search results page of DGU.


[X] ensure faceting by group (publisher) works [X] allow faceting by UKLP dataset type [X] allow faceting by INSPIRE

1327590700000000 1327932401000000
#1751 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-sprint-2012-02-20 closed fixed DGU dataset form: collection of updates from feedback

A collection of improvements to the dataset creation/edition form (feedback form DGU).

  • [x] validation error formatting
  • [x] geograohic coverage: add local authority
  • [x] resource format field
  • [x] resource format auto-complete
  • [x] renamed data tab -> files tab
  • [x] integrate Adris'a INSPIRE changeset, and migration scripts as part of build
  • [x] remove "discontinued" from the update frequency
  • [x] disable the disabling of save
  • [x] Remove ability to edit url on the edit-form (and remove "url not available")
1328526612000000 1329733458000000
#1756 enhancement ross ross ckan-sprint-2012-02-20 closed fixed DGU Treeview of hierarchical publishers

The publisher index page should show a treeview of the publishers within the system. Probably behind a tab.

1328530689000000 1328709846000000
#1762 enhancement ross ross ckan-sprint-2012-02-20 closed fixed DGU Join publisher form

A new form for create publisher -> Add publisher access to your account' New wizard Autocomplete publisher name if linked from publisher view. Email address used to publish should be activated/validated on first use. Original email still used to log in.

1328532992000000 1329729305000000
#1761 enhancement ross ross ckan-sprint-2012-02-20 closed fixed DGU History visibility

History on user profile should only be visible to a user who is a member of at least one group.

1328532889000000 1328716686000000
#1757 enhancement ross ross ckan-sprint-2012-03-05 closed fixed DGU Hide administrators from public view

On publisher view page - hide administrators from public view - only logged in admins of group should see them.

1328530775000000 1338205187000000
#1760 enhancement ross ross ckan-sprint-2012-02-20 closed fixed DGU Extract current publisher hierarchy

Get access to live Drupal MySQL database to get latest publisher list for migration.

Write a one-off script for import of the data.

1328531001000000 1328709560000000
#1759 enhancement ross ross ckan-sprint-2012-02-20 closed fixed DGU Create publisher form access

Only sysadmin can access create publisher form.

1328530956000000 1329732744000000
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.