{22} Trac tickets (2647 matches)

Results (501 - 600 of 2647)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Id Type Owner Reporter Milestone Status Resolution Summary Description Posixtime Modifiedtime
#2662 defect toby shevski demo phase 2 closed fixed adding colons in tags results in server error on demo

changing a tag from "country-uk" to "country:uk" and updating gives server error

otherwise updating metadata / adding tags seem fine

either we should allow colons or form should return a message indicating what characters are allowed

1342017594000000 1342018898000000
#2668 defect ross dread ckan-v1.9 closed fixed Permission for sysadmin to read a deleted publisher

As a sysadmin I should be able to view deleted groups/publishers (publisher profile) but I can't.

In addition, there don't seem to be tests for permissions of deleted publishers.

1342171453000000 1345565100000000
#2670 defect ross dread ckan-v1.8 closed fixed model.Group.get_children_groups returns deleted groups

I believe it should only return active ones. On DGU we see deleted publishers popping up.

1342175117000000 1342440953000000
#2674 defect kindly shevski demo phase 5 assigned Data preview not loading on s031

Not loading for all resources as far as I can tell; e.g. http://s031.okserver.org:2375/dataset/afghanistan-election-data/resource/f6331f99-51f6-44d9-95b9-b20f3b74f360

Fine on demo.ckan.org

1342435102000000 1344349324000000
#2675 defect aron.carroll shevski demo phase 2 closed fixed editing related item uses 'create' button instead of save

see http://s031.okserver.org:2375/dataset/gold-prices/related/edit/46ba1174-3666-486e-b822-b5b45ffbb703

when editing a record, button at bottom right should change to save instead of create

1342435576000000 1342461534000000
#2682 defect seanh seanh ckan-v1.8 closed fixed CKAN's internal tracking counts each view twice, needs unit tests

CKAN's internal tracking seems to count each page view twice, the problem appears to be with the SQL in the update_tracking() method in ckan/lib/cli.py.

The internal tracking feature needs some tests, and some of the code could maybe do with some more explanatory comments, e.g. what is the intended difference between count and running_total?

1342446402000000 1343225636000000
#2686 defect shevski ckan-backlog assigned enabling datastore & data API breaks recline

First I noticed that the gold prices dataset preview was not displaying & has data API enabled Secondly I tried enabling datastore for http://datahub.io/dataset/adur_district_spending/resource/281dffa6-ea9b-4446-be41-05dced06591f and after I saved the preview no longer worked. Unticking the datastore & data api checkbox brought it back

Is this a known issue?

1342516011000000 1346663300000000
#2687 defect aron.carroll shevski demo phase 2 closed fixed uploading file breaks add dataset process

Once you upload a file, all the buttons on the page stop working. You can't complete & go to next step or save & add another or go to previous

Clicking on these just seems to re-load the page


1342518422000000 1342534855000000
#2692 defect aron.carroll shevski demo phase 2 closed fixed 'add your own data' link in no search results wrong

the "add your own data" link in "Try another search term, browse the datasets below or add your own data." here http://s031.okserver.org:2375/dataset?q=stuff doesn't take you to add a dataset, just back to the search/datasets page

1342540803000000 1342617328000000
#2694 defect toby toby demo phase 2 closed fixed index page 500 error

we need to have proper fix for this - not sure if there is some caching issue

this around the group search

1342605699000000 1342680771000000
#2714 defect johnmartin shevski demo phase 5 closed fixed XLS preview not working

see http://demo.ckan.org/dataset/vif-2012-population-totals/resource/e7b8401a-c410-4902-9e5a-6dbd78834873

what XLS previews do we support?

1342706454000000 1352206138000000
#2719 defect dread new Feeds controller does not catch NotAuthorized exception

Results in bad user experience and WebApp? errors emailed out. Seen in 1.7.1

1342872863000000 1342872863000000
#2721 defect toby shevski demo phase 4 new deleted groups should not show on 'Add to Groups' dropdown

Groups previously deleted still show up in the add dataset process in step 3 'Additional info'


1342948632000000 1344544214000000
#2722 defect aron.carroll shevski demo phase 3 closed fixed Ordering or search of datasets of a group brings up 'no results'
  1. go to a group, e.g. http://s031.okserver.org:2375/group/data-explorer
  2. Order by anything, e.g. choose 'popular' and click go
  3. "sorry no datasets found" message appears instead of ordering the group datasets in wanted order


1342948854000000 1344510010000000
#2723 defect aron.carroll shevski demo phase 2 closed fixed Search result summary badly displayed

Text goes over the order by text, with drop down floating on top meaning it's all impossible to read


1342949143000000 1343136190000000
#2728 defect toby shevski demo phase 4 new deleted group shows on search index - for admins

'test-group', which has been deleted,shows up on main search page under groups - and can be filtered by - see http://s031.okserver.org:2375/dataset?groups=test-group

1342950784000000 1345023944000000
#2730 defect toby shevski demo phase 2 closed fixed please change pricing footer link

Pricing <ckan.org/datasuite/solutions> needs to go to <ckan.org/datasuite/services>


1342951353000000 1343032612000000
#2744 defect aron.carroll toby demo phase 2 closed fixed license dropdown is cramped


license dropdown - when open we need some line spacing at least in FF I think it'd be nice to fix this in phase 2

1343144543000000 1343219298000000
#2745 defect amercader ckan-v1.9 new Password reset returns an exception if the key parameter is missing

Instead of showing a notice, the password reset page throws an exception if the key parameter is missing:

Module ckan.controllers.user:329 in perform_reset
         c.reset_key = request.params.get('key')
               if not mailer.verify_reset_link(user_obj, c.reset_key):
                   h.flash_error(_('Invalid reset key. Please try again.'))
 if not mailer.verify_reset_link(user_obj, c.reset_key):
Module ckan.lib.mailer:100 in verify_reset_link
     if not user.reset_key or len(user.reset_key) < 5:
               return False
           return key.strip() == user.reset_key
 return key.strip() == user.reset_key
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'strip'

Apart from the obvious fix of checking for the 'key' parameter, it seems like is quite common to get these reset urls without the key parameter, so I suspect some email clients might strip the query params when building the links. We could avoid this problem by making the key part of the url instead of a param:


instead of:


1343145931000000 1343145931000000
#2762 defect seanh ckan-v1.8 new test_related.py crashes


ImportError? (cannot import name assert_regexp_matches)

1343303753000000 1343303753000000
#2763 defect seanh ckan-v1.8.1 new Multilingual tests failing

test_multilingual_plugin.TestDatasetTermTranslation?.test_dataset_index_translation, test_multilingual_plugin.TestDatasetTermTranslation?.test_group_read_translation both failing for me on master

1343303819000000 1350303864000000
#2770 defect seanh seanh ckan-v1.8 closed fixed Some strings potentially not marked for translation

Luca De Santis reported these strings not marked in 1.7.1:

  • /user/login.html ("Remember me" & "Sign in")
  • /package/search.html and template/package/group/read.html (Tags, Resource Formats, Groups)
  • /package/resource_read.html (the "No description" message)
  • the "Add related item" dialog (some strings are i18n savvy, others not)
  • the stats page (labels on the graphs)
  • the history page (as far as the log messages are concerned).

lets check that they are marked in 1.8

1343386840000000 1343389747000000
#2784 defect icmurray icmurray new model dictize sensitive data

The model dictize layer doesn't consistently remove sensitive data from the dictized models. It should use the current context to decide whether to include sensitive data or not.

1343814685000000 1343814685000000
#2801 defect aron.carroll shevski demo phase 3 closed fixed no way to see full description of a related item

e.g. see here: http://s031.okserver.org:2375/apps same with related page on a dataset

1344245809000000 1344531016000000
#2811 defect seanh ckan-v1.8 closed fixed Author doesn't show on dataset read page

Edit a dataset and add an author, dataset read page still says 'author not given'. If you fill out both the author and author email fields then it works.

1344415861000000 1349869110000000
#2815 defect seanh seanh ckan-v1.8.1 new db_to_form_package_schema() strips tracking summary, isopen

If an IDatasetForm plugin with a db_to_form_schema() based on db_to_form_package_schema() (which is in turn based on default_package_schema()) is in use then the 'tracking_summary' dict and the 'isopen' bool get stripped from package dicts during validation, e.g. during package_show(), and these values are then not available to templates.

1344444427000000 1350303821000000
#2817 defect danieljohnlewis demo phase 5 closed worksforme Item Type Reverts on Invalid URL

Problem: When creating a related item, if you put in a invalid URL it loses the choice of Item Type (e.g. Visualisation, Application) and reverts to the first time (API). Expected: It remembers which one was chosen

1344504076000000 1344544901000000
#2818 defect seanh danieljohnlewis demo phase 4 assigned Improve related item schema

Problem: When creating a related item (e.g. a Visualisation), if you don't put in a URL it succeeds, but on the related items and apps pages it renders it as a link to the same page. Expected: Always require a URL and it should only submit if one is added

1344504176000000 1346231718000000
#2819 defect danieljohnlewis demo phase 5 closed worksforme Related Item Summary of Descriptions Markdown Issue

Problem: When creating a related item it mentions that you can use markdown in the description, however markdown doesn't render in apps page nor in related items page. Expected: Make shortened descriptions (on apps page & related items page) render markdown

1344504321000000 1344545479000000
#2820 defect danieljohnlewis demo phase 5 new English Language: Visualization -> Visualisation

Problem: In the English version (which has a UK flag, indicating British English), the word "Visualization" is used. For an example see the "Filter by type" drop down on the /apps page. Expected: This should be "Visualisation" in British English. Any instances of "Visualize" should be changed to "Visualise" too.

1344504455000000 1344504455000000
#2824 defect danieljohnlewis demo phase 4 closed fixed Multiple of the same Flag Issues

There is some bizarre language flag issues. 1) Log in to http://s031.okserver.org:2375/ (I'm logged in as danieljohnlewis) 2) Visit the apps page: http://s031.okserver.org:2375/apps 3) Have a look at the languages drop down, flags look fine (although Deutsche does have an EU flag rather than the German flag.. but that's irrelevant) 4) Change filters to, say, type: Application and sort: Newest, and apply. Web address becomes: http://s031.okserver.org:2375/apps?page=1&type=application&sort=created_desc 5) Look at the languages drop down: Flags are largely incorrect, with more than one country having the same flag.

Please see the attached screenshot.

Note: this was originally tested with Google Chrome on Linux (Ubuntu).

1344505215000000 1344532640000000
#2825 defect danieljohnlewis demo phase 5 closed fixed Loss of URL encoding on language change on apps page

Problem: On /apps page if you start in one language, filter the data, and then change languages it loses the correct format for the HTTP Get Parameters (and therefore loses the filters). Example, start in English language, change filter settings to to Application and Newest, change language to German. Expected: Retain correct format for HTTP Get Parameters so that the filter settings are retained. Solution will involve not turning "=" into "%3D" in the URL, i.e. turn off URL encoding.

1344505317000000 1344547172000000
#2826 defect toby danieljohnlewis demo phase 3 closed fixed Null group image

Problem: Example group ( http://s031.okserver.org:2375/en/group/example-group ) has a broken image, image not found. Link either incorrect, or no image set, if no image set then shouldn't it show a default image? Expected: There should be an image.

1344505546000000 1344528004000000
#2827 defect danieljohnlewis demo phase 4 closed fixed View Item - RSS Feed Issues

Problem: Server Error (HTTP Code 500) when trying to see information related to an RSS feed... example: http://s031.okserver.org:2375/en/dataset/testerisation/resource/974df29e-77bb-4b5e-982c-cb7a295c1923 Expected: A page that looks a bit more like this: http://s031.okserver.org:2375/dataset/epims-lod2/resource/97531bd8-e75c-4efa-bfa2-bb51d0ba90d0

1344505590000000 1344549139000000
#2843 defect seanh seanh ckan-v1.8 closed fixed Adding existing datasets to organizations is broken

On the organization read page there is only an 'Add Dataset' button, not a drop-down with add new dataset or add existing dataset as on the default group page.

On the organization edit page you do have the drop-down, but if you click add existing dataset nothing happens except it appends #datasets to the URL

1344859137000000 1347270569000000
#2845 defect seanh seanh ckan-v1.8 closed fixed Editing an organization removes all datasets from the organization

Run CKAN with the publisher profile and organizations plugins enabled. Make an organization. Make a dataset and add it to the organization. Edit the organization and change e.g. its description. After saving the organization, all its datasets have been removed from the organization and now belong to no organization.

1344859286000000 1347271110000000
#2846 defect seanh ckan-v1.8.1 new Organizations allows you to set an organization as the parent organization of itself

that doesn't make any sense

1344860536000000 1350303844000000
#2847 defect toby shevski demo phase 3 closed fixed 'show inactive sources' checkbox displaying incorrectly

On harvest page: http://s031.okserver.org:2375/harvest the checkbox appears above the text and not clear what it refers to/

Beter to relocate to the left (as on publicdata.eu) see screenshots attached.

1344864322000000 1345023769000000
#2848 defect toby shevski demo phase 3 closed fixed no dataset descriptions on front page


1344938505000000 1344947085000000
#2849 defect toby shevski demo phase 4 closed fixed header tagline misalighned

should be left alighned, not right aligned. Otherwise tag line disappears left off the page.

See: header here: http://s031.okserver.org:2375/ckan-admin/config

1344938638000000 1344947130000000
#2855 defect shevski shevski demo phase 3 closed fixed language box no longer functional

e.g. tried changing the lang here: http://s031.okserver.org:2375/ to no effect. Doesn't work on any other pages either. Flags have also dissappeared

1345049152000000 1345104178000000
#2856 defect toby shevski demo phase 3 closed fixed server error when clicking on deleted app link
  1. go to http://s031.okserver.org:2375/user/okfn
  2. Click on activity stream
  3. Click on 'Deletion test' related item that's linked to in entries 1 & 2
  4. Server error
1345049684000000 1345107503000000
#2857 defect toby shevski demo phase 4 new no UI to follow another user although option on dashboard

e.g. second option in left hand sidebar is follow another user' http://s031.okserver.org:2375/user/dashboard but if you click on that and then any user, there's no follow button

to me the dashboard user stuff is highly unfinished and probably should not be included unless someone is very keen for it

1345049983000000 1345107097000000
#2859 defect icmurray icmurray ckan-v1.8 new Fix the build

The requires files have been removed. These were required by buildkit.

We've lost the information regarding which packages were already in ubuntu repos, which conflicted and which were missing. But perhaps we can just package everything up.

1345109217000000 1345109217000000
#2863 defect toby shevski demo phase 4 new non-admin users can edit other's draft datasets

edit button shows up for daniel lewis for http://s031.okserver.org:2375/dataset/ff

1345114479000000 1345201502000000
#2864 defect toby shevski demo phase 4 closed fixed don't show `create one now` message on other's user pages

e.g. I can see 'You haven't created any datasets. Create one now?. ' http://s031.okserver.org:2375/user/kindly when logged in as shevski

1345114552000000 1345471138000000
#2869 defect shevski demo phase 4 new user profile not linked on disqus until page refresh

Reported by Daniel:

Problem: DISQUS comments don't appear with profile details (inc. username). How to reproduce: 1) Go to a dataset, e.g. I went to http://s031.okserver.org:2375/dataset/ff 2) I logged into DISQUS using the Google Authentication, e.g. in my case that is okfn.daniel.lewis@… 3) I made a comment and submitted 4) It comes up with the comment, but no linked profile until the page gets refreshed

1345114714000000 1345114714000000
#2871 defect shevski demo phase 3 closed fixed user profile about text does not show up

tested with my http://s031.okserver.org:2375/user/shevski and daniel's account. I have added about text and yet see ' Irina Bolychevsky

You have not provided a biography.'

The about text is saved (and viewable on the edit form itself) but does not show on profile

1345114953000000 1345121991000000
#2872 defect seanh ckan-v1.8 closed fixed Non-open licenses are marked as open

Set a dataset's license to 'Other (Not Open)', the dataset will have an Open Data icon next to it

1345124135000000 1350304179000000
#2873 defect toby danieljohnlewis demo phase 4 assigned ckanext-qa: dataset summary incorrect

For example see: http://s031.okserver.org:2375/qa/dataset/five_stars

Which has: Example dataset as a score of: 4 After examination of the dataset ( http://s031.okserver.org:2375/dataset/example-dataset ) it is made up of a CSV and an HTML file.

1345126429000000 1345208283000000
#2881 defect seanh ckan-v1.8.1 new Remove or improve 'Domain Model' docs page


Currently not very useful. Also these pages:




This just seems very incomplete to me (surely there is more to the domain model the dataset, resource and task status?) and very likely to not get updated as changes are mode to the code. Would anyone seriously refer to this rather than just looking at the source code?

If we want to have something along these lines in the docs, I suggest adding docstrings to packages, modules, classes and methods and then using autodoc to pull them into sphinx.

1345539917000000 1345626056000000
#2882 defect seanh ckan-v1.8.1 new Remove User Stories Overview from docs?

Why is this here? Is it up to date? Is anyone keeping it up to date? Does this belong in some sort of CKAN planning or roadmap document rather than in the documentation?


1345540723000000 1345540723000000
#2884 defect seanh ckan-v1.8.1 new Lock icon shown next to unknown licenses

Set the license of a dataset to blank (the first option) or to 'License Not Specified' or 'Other (Non-Commercial)' and a lock icon appears next to the license on the dataset read page. Shouldn't this be a question mark or something?

1345564873000000 1345564873000000
#2887 defect seanh ckan-v1.8.1 new "Welcome to CKAN!" on front page is untranslatable

ckan/templates/home/index.html contains:

<h1 class="page_heading">Welcome to ${g.site_title}!</h1>

which means that just "Welcome to" ends up in the ckan.po files for translation. This makes the phrase untranslatable in languages that have a different word ordering than English where the site title needs to be somewhere other than at the end of the sentence.

1345627079000000 1345627233000000
#2891 defect seanh ckan-v1.8.1 new Update or remove DataStore google presentation

Currently this page:


has an embedded Google docs presentation about data store which contains some outdated information, e.g. links to datastoreclient which was merged into ckanclient.

Suggest moving the google presentation into the documentation proper, so it works with grep etc.

1346149423000000 1346154177000000
#2892 defect seanh ckan-v1.8.1 new IDatasetForm's form_to_db_schema() breaks API?

It looks like when an IDatasetForm plugin with a form_to_db_schema() method is active, then the posted data dict is validated against the schema even if the user is posting to an API endpoint like /api/action/package_update etc. This breaks the API, for example 'name' and 'title' are optional keys for package_update (you can supply only the 'id'), but the schema validation will fail if either are not present in the posted dict.

It may be we need different schema for package create and package update, currently IDatasetForm has just the one form_to_db_schema() method.

1346154125000000 1346154163000000
#2893 defect seanh ckan-v1.8.1 new Tags missing from form_to_db_package_schema()

With an IDatasetForm plugin active with a form_to_db_package_schema() method that returns a schema based on ckan/logic/schema.py:form_to_db_package_schema() I'm getting validation errors like this:

[ckan.controllers.api] Validation error: "{'type': 'Validation Error', 'junk': [u'The input field junk was not expected.']}"

They seem to be caused when a data dict with key 'tags' is passed to e.g. the package_update API, for example in ckan/tests/functional/api/model/test_vocabulary.py there are various tests that get this error when they call package_update (if you run the tests with a suitable IDatasetForm plugin active).

In ckan/logic/schema.py:form_to_db_package_schema() 'tags' is for some reason deliberately removed from the schema.

1346155864000000 1346155864000000
#2894 defect seanh ckan-v1.8.1 new Empty lists get stripped from package dicst in package_show()

If there's an IDatasetForm plugin active with a form_to_db_schema(), then packages with e.g. no extras get the 'extras' key entirely stripped by the validation in package_show, which causes some tests to crash, e.g. in ckan/tests/functional/api/test_activity.py (if the tests are run with a suitable IDatasetForm plugin active).

If a package has no extras the dict returned by package_show should still have an 'extras' key with an empty list as the value.

Suspect this also effects packages with no tags, no groups, etc.

1346157634000000 1346157634000000
#2896 defect seanh ckan-v1.8.1 new resource_create crashes on ValidationErrors with KeyError: 'resources'



pkg_dict = _get_action('package_update')(context, pkg_dict)

except ValidationError?, e:

errors = e.error_dictresources?[-1] raise ValidationError?(errors)

This assumes that package_update always returns an error dict with 'resources' in it. This assumption doesn't hold.

1346257754000000 1346257754000000
#2897 defect seanh ckan-v1.8.1 new db_to_form_package_schema() crashes historical dataset page

If there's an IDatasetForm plugin active with a db_to_form_schema() method based on db_to_form_package_schema(), then viewing historical versions of datasets (e.g. crashes.

Reason is that revison_id and revision_timestamp need to be added to db_to_form_package_schema(), something like:

schema.update({'revision_id': [validators.ignore_missing, unicode]}) schema.update({'revision_timestamp':

[validators.ignore_missing, unicode]})

1346330495000000 1346330495000000
#2898 defect johnmartin demo phase 5 new Looses data entered on step 1 of create dataset after login

To reproduce:

  1. Enter details for new dataset without being logged in
  1. Hit login page for just before step 2
  1. Once logged in you end up back at the empty add dataset form (instead of expected 2nd step of dataset edit)
1346332094000000 1346332120000000
#2900 defect seanh ckan-v1.8.1 new snippets/package_list.html template crashes on dataset that has no 'notes'

Sometimes a dataset dict comes through package_show() with 'notes': None and then the 'notes' key gets stripped from the dict when validation happens (validation only happens if there's an IDatasetForm plugin with a db_to_form_schema() method) and then package_list.html template crashes, e.g. on user profile pages.

Fix in the template? Or in the schema?

The template also crashes on packages with no tags (empty list gets stripped from dict) and probably other empty fields as well

1346335207000000 1346335788000000
#2906 defect dominik demo phase 5 new Wrong flags in language dropdown

The flags in the dropdown on details pages are not right.

You can see the error on http://s031.okserver.org:2375/dataset/malawi-aid-projects/resource/b717c20e-2006-4ad4-82d2-59b57ebc1ab0.

1346861144000000 1346862889000000
#2912 defect seanh ckan-v1.8.1 new ckanext/organizations: Neither public or private initially selected when adding dataset

When adding a dataset with the organizations extension on, neither the Public or the Private radio button is initially selected. Public should be selected.

1347271076000000 1350303897000000
#2913 defect seanh ckan 2.0 new IGroupForm has package_form() method

Should be group_form() I think

1347374739000000 1350303779000000
#2914 defect seanh ckan-v1.8.1 new Add form_to_db_schema_options() to IDatasetForm and IGroupForm

This optional method is supported when creating or updating groups and packages and is used in DefaultGroupForm? and DefaultPackageForm?, but seems to be missing from the interfaces. Should be added with docstring.

1347445795000000 1350303928000000
#2919 defect seanh ckan-v1.8 new Remove IController from docs

Still in docs but seems gone from code

1347461253000000 1347461253000000
#2920 defect seanh ckan 2.0 new Genshi text template message extractor no longer needed?

In setup.py, do we still need:

('templates/.txt', 'genshi', {

'template_class': 'genshi.template:TextTemplate'


in message_extractors? Doesn't like there are any txt files in there anymore.

1347530249000000 1347530249000000
#2921 defect seanh ckan 2.0 new Add docstring to top of lib/extract.py file

I think it couldn't hurt for this module to have a docstring at the top of the file explaining what the module is for. I know from setup.py that it's there to provide the extract_ckan() string extractor function for Babel, but I think looking at the file on its own it's not so obvious.

Also a couple of other small fixes:

jinja2_cleaner looks like a helper function only meant to be used by extract_ckan(), might make things clearer if it was called _jinja2_cleaner(), just so it doesn't look like a public function the module wants to export.

jinja_extensions seems to be a module-level variable that is only used in one function, could be moved into the function, unless you think there might be more functions that want it in future.

1347530407000000 1347530407000000
#2922 defect seanh ckan 2.0 new Better docstring for CKANInternationalizationExtension

I'm unsure about what's going on here. As I understand it, when we run python setup.py extract_messages it's going to use the extract_ckan() function from ckan/lib/extract.py to process the HTML files. For the HTML files that are jinja2 templates, extract_ckan() will call jinja2_cleaner() which will call regularise_html() on the strings. So the strings are regularised when they are extracted from the source files.

But then we have the parse() method of CkanInternationalizationExtension? also calling regularise_html(). I don't get what's happening here. Why do the strings need to be regularised twice?

My guess is that CkanInternationalizationExtension? is used when the strings are extracted from the templates at runtime, and they need to be regularised at this time in order to match them against the regularised strings in the mo files to find the translations to output?

Maybe CkanInternationalizationExtension? needs a better docstring saying what it does?

1347530507000000 1347530507000000
#2923 defect seanh ckan 2.0 new Change regularise -> regularize

The function is called regularise_html(), can't remember what file it's in.

1347530582000000 1347530582000000
#2924 defect seanh ckan 2.0 new Better docs for trans js command, and add to release process

Add a better docstring to for trans js command explaining what it does and why, and how to use it.

Also add this command to the CKAN Release Process as it's needed there

1347530671000000 1347530671000000
#2925 defect seanh ckan 2.0 new Remove trans mangle paster command?
  • Is trans mangle really necessary? If you upload a pot file to Transifex, it can generate a po file for you with 100% strings translated into a fictional pseudo language where everything is really long strings of unicode characters. I found this worked well for coverage testing, and also tests handling of unicode and long strings all over the place.
1347530768000000 1347530768000000
#2930 defect seanh ckan-v1.8.1 closed fixed convert_from_extras() returns qupted strings from API

Use an IGroupForm plugin to add a custom metadata field to groups using convert_to_extras() and convert_from_extras(), when calling group show the value comes back quoted, e.g. '"my_value"'

Should add tests to example_igroupform and others that setting and getting the custom fields works through the action API.

1347639864000000 1361988592000000
#2936 defect seanh ckan-v1.8 new Updating a group via the API clears its packages

If the group dict that you post to the API does not have any 'packages' key then all the group's packages get removed. I think it would be better if you could just update e.g. the group's description without having to also post the list of packages, and apparently this is how other update API actions work.

Might be worth checking all the update API actions for this behaviour, and making sure they're all consistent

1348048066000000 1348048066000000
#2937 defect seanh ckan-v1.8 closed fixed GroupController.history() missing extras_as_string

GroupController?'s history() method doesn't pass 'extras_as_string': True in the context when it calls group_show. This means that if you have an IGroupForm plugin that is adding a custom metadata field and using convert_to/from_extras() then a field value of 'foo' will be returned as '"foo"'

Other GroupController? and PackageController? methods do pass 'extras_as_string'

1348155730000000 1348238875000000
#2942 defect dread dread closed wontfix API POST barfs on interesting Content-Type headers

When POSTing to the API, if specified, the 'Content-Type' header must be blank or 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'. Otherwise we get an error like: "Bad request - JSON Error: Could not extract request body data: Bad content type: \'; charset=utf-8\'""

The problem is that this is a very reasonable header to send. Indeed requests 0.14 sends this particular header.

This affects all versions of CKAN.

This is due to webob/requests.py:1248 being pretty basic.

1348593156000000 1348611144000000
#2949 defect amercader amercader new Reenable Data API button on the new theme

The checks to show or not the button need to be updated for the latest datastore version

1349107464000000 1349107464000000
#2953 defect dominik closed fixed Server error in template directories

If you go to: /{any template dir} for example /home or /related, a Server errror occurs.

IOError: [Errno 21] Is a directory: u'/../venv/src/ckan/ckan/templates/home'

1349252920000000 1349257893000000
#2955 defect dominik dominik ckan 2.0 closed fixed Recline should be updated 1349270534000000 1350577952000000
#2958 defect seanh ckan-v1.8 new Uploading files with unicode characters in filename fails in CKAN 1.7 and 1.8

e.g. 2012_08(주요국가).xls

I tested in CKAN 2.0 and it seemed to work fine there.

1349342976000000 1349342976000000
#2959 defect icmurray icmurray ckan 2.0 new Changing a Group's name through the action api disassociates it from its datasets in the index


  • Create a new Group, named "test-group".
  • Add a dataset to it.
  • Verify the dataset belongs to the group by visiting the Group's read-page
  • Update the Group through the action api (group_update), using the uid in the "id" field, and a new name in the "name" field.
  • Visit the group's read-page. The list of datasets will be empty.

This was an issue when editing a Group through the web interface, which was fixed in [1]. However it only fixes the issue in the group controller.

[1] https://github.com/okfn/ckan/commit/dbe25d8b8d7fabfc40c5d794a920b91cec349335

1349363935000000 1349363935000000
#2963 defect amercader ckan-v1.8 new Timeout on tag pages with lots of datasets

e.g. http://thedatahub.org/tag/lod

Tags with less datasets work fine (e.g. http://thedatahub.org/tag/railways)

1350295999000000 1350295999000000
#2964 defect seanh ckan 2.0 new Last organization admin can remove herself

If you are the only admin of an organization you can edit the organization's members and demote yourself, then the org has no admins and no one (except sysadmins maybe) can edit it.

Last admin should not be able to remove or demote herself.

Also applies to groups.

1350296058000000 1350296058000000
#2965 defect amercader ckan-v1.8 new Stats extension broken on 1.8
  • Graphs not showing (looks like a flot related file is missing)
  • Wrong groups counts (e.g. Data Explorer Examples show 1800 datasets when it onlu has 8)
1350296141000000 1350296157000000
#2967 defect seanh ckan 2.0 new Organization members edit page reloads after demoting self

Edit an organizations members page and demote yourself from organization admin, after saving the members edit page reloads even though you are no longer an admin and should no longer be able to access this page.

1350296227000000 1350296227000000
#2968 defect seanh ckan 2.0 new Anyone can access organization members page

The button will not show if you are not authorized but browse to /organization/members/foo and you can edit the members, it does stop you when you try to save your changes, but you shouldn't be able to get to the page at all

1350296355000000 1350297070000000
#2969 defect seanh ckan 2.0 new Group members page 500s

The group members page (e.g. /group/members/roger) seems broken, IDs instead of user names are shown for the members, and clicking on a member 500s

1350296454000000 1350296454000000
#2970 defect seanh ckan 2.0 new Organization and group member links use id not name

e.g. it the 'Members' button links to /organization/members/0a44... instead of /organization/members/foobar

1350296531000000 1350296531000000
#2993 defect seanh ckan 2.0 new "logged_in" and "visitor" show in user list at /users 1350466922000000 1350484826000000
#3001 defect seanh ckan 2.0 new Multilingual plugin crashes CKAN on add dataset when some languages are default

Enable the multilingual plugins:

ckan.plugins = stats synchronous_search multilingual_dataset multilingual_group multilingual_tag

and set your default language to one not supported by the multilingual plugin, e.g.

ckan.locale_default = cs_CZ

now run CKAN and try to add a dataset:

File '/home/seanh/Projects/ckan171/ckan/ckanext/multilingual/plugin.py', line 141 in before_index

text_field_items+ default_lang?.extend(all_terms)

KeyError?: 'text_cs_CZ'

It doesn't matter what language you are viewing the site in in your browser, the default language setting in the ini file determines whether it crashed or not.

A number of supported languages are defined at the top of ckanext/multilingual/plugin.py. I think if the default language is not one of these it crashes.

I think this affects all versions of CKAN since the multilingual plugin was added so at least 1.7, 1.8 and 2.0

1350579048000000 1350579048000000
#3002 defect amercader ckan-v1.8 new API v1/2 'legacy' search parameters must be escaped before they are put into a Solr query string

Just to track @tauberer patch on Github. Would be nice to write a test for it. Probably going to 1.8.1

1350639142000000 1350639142000000
#3004 defect seanh ckan 2.0 closed fixed ImportError: No module named polib

This is happening whenever people try to run paster commands. polib should only be needed for the check-po-files command don't import otherwise.

1350907790000000 1361988802000000
#3013 defect dominik dominik new common-error-messages is unreadable

Since the update of the doc theme, the page became unreadable.


1352553505000000 1352553505000000
#3014 defect seanh ckan 2.0 new Crash when deleting a non-empty vocabulary

From Knud Möller:

when I try to delete a non-empty tag vocabulary via the API (through HTTP), I get an internal server error. Checking the logs, this turns out to be a consistency error raised by sqlalchemy:

Error - <class 'sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError?'>: (IntegrityError?) update or delete on table "vocabulary" violates foreign key constraint "tag_vocabulary_id_fkey" on table "tag" DETAIL: Key (id)=(21421955-7560-467c-af30-9f790b73e6ae) is still referenced from table "tag".

'DELETE FROM vocabulary WHERE vocabulary.id = %(id)s' {'id': u'21421955-7560-467c-af30-9f790b73e6ae'}


The error makes sense, but I'm wondering if it would be useful to extend the API to also allow the deletion of non-empty vocabularies, possibly via a parameter (not sure what best practice in API design is). At the very least, it would be cool if the error message coming back in the response had more information in it.

1352803808000000 1352803808000000
#3019 defect seanh ckan 2.0 new Cannot delete dataset extras

Deleting extras in the web interface is broken

1352918678000000 1352918678000000
#3022 defect amercader amercader ckan 2.0 closed fixed setup_template_variables method of IDatasetForm never called

On the package controller the package_type is not passed to the lookup function, so the setup_template_variables defined on the extensions is never called

1353602743000000 1358254781000000
#3029 defect seanh dread assigned JSONP parameter scuppers Search in API

http://datahub.io/api/2/search/package?jsonp=jsonpcallback&q=canada returns

{"count": 0, "results": []}

I believe this worked in CKAN 1.4 or 1.5, but it is broken on 1.7.1, 1.8 and whatever demo.ckan.org is running. I suspect the jsonpcallback parameter is getting sent to SOLR.

This bug prevents using javascript on another site to search CKAN (although hopefully the action API would work).

1355238035000000 1355243824000000
#1 enhancement somebody rgrp milestone1 closed fixed Visitor visits service


Visitor visits service

As a

Visitor (general web user)

I want to

Visit the website of the service (frontpage)

So that

  • See the front page and discover information about the service
  • Perform various activities related to the service such as registering and finding packages, registering as a user and logging in
1152549417000000 1183636342000000
#2 enhancement somebody johnbywater milestone1 closed fixed Register as user on the service

As a


I want to

Be able to register as a user on the service

So that

One can login and be an authenticated user and perform the actions that only authenticated users can perform


  • Registration involves the provisional of a minimal set of user details, namely:
    1. username (unique in lifetime of the service)
    2. fullname
    3. email
    4. password
1152549635000000 1152553157000000
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