{9} Agile Backlog (495 matches)

Tickets showing cost and value estimates, and ordered by their ratio.

Results (101 - 200 of 495)

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Ticket Summary Component Version Milestone Severity Owner Status Created Value Cost Ratio
#2341 Fix Jenkins issue when testing branches that contain model changes ckan ckan-v1.9 seanh accepted 05/01/12 100
#2342 Fix Jenkins issue when testing branches with different solr schema versions ckan ckan-v1.9 seanh accepted 05/01/12 100
#2350 Hooks in package controller for validating form data ckan ckan-v1.9 icmurray new 05/01/12 100
#2530 DataHub purge fails on some revisions ckan ckan-v1.9 kindly new 06/15/12 100
#2603 Remove deprecated 'fields' parameter from resource_search ckan ckan-v1.9 icmurray new 06/26/12 100
#2621 Remove the deprecated 'fields' parameter from tag_search and tag_autocomplete ckan ckan-v1.9 icmurray new 06/28/12 100
#2679 Change default behaviour of TemplateController.view to 404. ckan ckan-v1.9 icmurray new 07/16/12 100
#2336 Move Jenkins' install script into ckan core so it can be versioned ckan ckanbuild seanh accepted 04/30/12 100
#2446 Create demo dataset history/comparison page ckan demo phase 4 johnmartin assigned 05/28/12 100
#2457 Create demo tags list page ckan demo phase 4 johnmartin assigned 05/28/12 100
#2461 Create demo revisions page ckan demo phase 4 toby assigned 05/28/12 100
#2698 markdown preview ckan demo phase 4 toby assigned 07/18/12 100
#2775 Add bin/less to paster serve command ckan demo phase 4 toby new 07/30/12 100
#2822 Resource additional info titles format/i18n ckan demo phase 4 toby new 08/09/12 100
#2834 Defer all publish calls until all modules have been initialised ckan demo phase 4 new 08/09/12 100
#2850 Add JSON support for IE7 ckan demo phase 4 new 08/14/12 100
#2416 Normalise resource/data types ckan demo phase 5 toby accepted 05/23/12 100
#2451 Create demo user list page ckan demo phase 5 johnmartin assigned 05/28/12 100
#2493 Demo site 404 needs some love ckan demo phase 5 aron.carroll accepted 06/06/12 100
#2555 Demo site needs a breadcrumb helper ckan demo phase 5 toby new 06/18/12 100
#2644 user dashboard for demo theme ckan demo phase 5 shevski assigned 07/10/12 100
#2674 Data preview not loading on s031 ckan demo phase 5 kindly assigned 07/16/12 100
#2785 Allow resources to be re-ordered ckan demo phase 5 johnmartin assigned 08/01/12 100
#2823 resource additional info title order ckan demo phase 5 toby new 08/09/12 100
#2833 Load module templates before calling .initialize() ckan demo phase 5 new 08/09/12 100
#2835 Client module needs a template loading method ckan demo phase 5 new 08/09/12 100
#2901 Language Dropdown bug in footer with IE7 ckan demo phase 5 new 09/04/12 100
#2906 Wrong flags in language dropdown ckan demo phase 5 new 09/05/12 100
#2656 Feed with few results has bad paging link, causing exception ckan seanh new 07/11/12 0
#1260 Remove duplicate functions from _util.html ckan ckan-backlog new 08/03/11 0
#1261 Investigate dots in extras search ckan ckan-backlog new 08/03/11 0
#1317 password reset - improve user search ckan ckan-backlog assigned 09/07/11 0
#1647 add links to ckan discuss & dev to thedatahub ckan ckan-backlog new 01/16/12 0
#1823 Spring clean bin directory ckan ckan-backlog new 02/20/12 0
#285 Paginate list of packages on tag read page ckan assigned 04/07/10 -100
#301 Package discussion pages ckan assigned 04/26/10 -100
#1069 Stub datasets (request for datasets) ckan tobes assigned 04/01/11 -100
#1130 First time users ckan assigned 05/09/11 -100
#2535 SSL certificate for DataHub + https by default ckan assigned 06/15/12 -100
#2622 Login fails in Opera 12 ckan new 06/28/12 -100
#2683 Add no-cache header to _tracking API call's response to make sure it doesn't get cached ckan new 07/16/12 -100
#2688 Allow ordering of groups in WUI ckan new 07/17/12 -100
#2709 Atom feeds are undocumented ckan icmurray new 07/18/12 -100
#2731 Some sites permanently 'down for maintenance' ckan new 07/23/12 -100
#2777 bug: user attributes ckan new 07/31/12 -100
#2784 model dictize sensitive data ckan icmurray new 08/01/12 -100
#2796 Need a datahub one-pager ckan mark.wainwright new 08/02/12 -100
#2814 Demo: upload file behaves oddly ckan shevski assigned 08/08/12 -100
#2844 SQL-only (no solr) version of CKAN ckan new 08/13/12 -100
#2851 Preview of PDF tries to connect to datastore ckan new 08/15/12 -100
#2870 1.8 tag_list not defined ckan seanh new 08/16/12 -100
#2874 Clean up bin directory ckan rgrp assigned 08/17/12 -100
#2877 Bugs with datastore v2 ckan kindly assigned 08/18/12 -100
#2888 Datapreview in Iframe ckan new 08/23/12 -100
#2895 QA pages (e.g. broken resource links) are not paginated ckan new 08/28/12 -100
#2911 Internal documentation of Organization Groups ckan new 09/06/12 -100
#2934 Webtests for CKAN ckan new 09/18/12 -100
#2938 Explain bundling in doc/resources.rst ckan Toby new 09/24/12 -100
#2939 Orgs are groups ckan toby new 09/25/12 -100
#2943 Chrome does not resize preview ckan new 10/01/12 -100
#2944 Recline preview does not work in Opera ckan new 10/01/12 -100
#2945 Pdf preview does not load in IE ckan new 10/01/12 -100
#2948 Negative range breaks datastore backend ckan new 10/01/12 -100
#2957 New datastore on postgres prior to 9.0 ckan new 10/03/12 -100
#2992 Delete resource should send me back to edit dataset page ckan new 10/16/12 -100
#3012 data.gov auth ckan toby new 11/08/12 -100
#3013 common-error-messages is unreadable ckan dominik new 11/10/12 -100
#3020 Update CKAN coding standards ckan new 11/16/12 -100
#3021 Logout doesn't work without JS ckan johnmartin accepted 11/20/12 -100
#3023 New methods on IPackageController to provide access to the data_dict ckan amercader new 11/22/12 -100
#3025 Add requests to core requirements ckan amercader new 11/27/12 -100
#3027 solr for 2.0 ckan kindly new 12/04/12 -100
#3029 JSONP parameter scuppers Search in API ckan seanh assigned 12/11/12 -100
#3030 clean up helper functions ckan new 12/18/12 -100
#2329 Add back in RSS/Atom links on relevant pages ckan ckan 2.0 assigned 04/26/12 -100
#2654 UI support for ordering groups on group_read page ckan ckan 2.0 assigned 07/10/12 -100
#2886 Configurable related items ckan ckan 2.0 new 08/22/12 -100
#2902 genshi is used in Group controller ckan ckan 2.0 new 09/04/12 -100
#2913 IGroupForm has package_form() method ckan ckan 2.0 new 09/11/12 -100
#2915 Refactor form_to_db_schema_options() ckan ckan 2.0 new 09/12/12 -100
#2917 Organization admins can delete themselves ckan ckan 2.0 johnmartin new 09/12/12 -100
#2920 Genshi text template message extractor no longer needed? ckan ckan 2.0 new 09/13/12 -100
#2921 Add docstring to top of lib/extract.py file ckan ckan 2.0 new 09/13/12 -100
#2922 Better docstring for CKANInternationalizationExtension ckan ckan 2.0 new 09/13/12 -100
#2923 Change regularise -> regularize ckan ckan 2.0 new 09/13/12 -100
#2924 Better docs for trans js command, and add to release process ckan ckan 2.0 new 09/13/12 -100
#2925 Remove trans mangle paster command? ckan ckan 2.0 new 09/13/12 -100
#2926 I*Form tests for per-type templates ckan ckan 2.0 new 09/13/12 -100
#2927 Test new package/group/organization type URLs support ckan ckan 2.0 new 09/13/12 -100
#2928 Run CKAN tests with example_i*form extensions enabled ckan ckan 2.0 new 09/13/12 -100
#2929 Remove is_fallback() from I*Form extension interfaces? ckan ckan 2.0 new 09/13/12 -100
#2931 Better docstring for app_globals.py ckan ckan 2.0 new 09/17/12 -100
#2932 Add docstring to system_info.py ckan ckan 2.0 new 09/17/12 -100
#2933 Update theming docs ckan ckan 2.0 new 09/17/12 -100
#2956 Allow for resource editing in CKAN 2.0 ckan ckan 2.0 shevski assigned 10/03/12 -100
#2961 Preview plugin endpoint ckan ckan 2.0 dominik assigned 10/08/12 -100
#2964 Last organization admin can remove herself ckan ckan 2.0 new 10/15/12 -100
#2966 'Add' button text is wrong when editing organization members ckan ckan 2.0 new 10/15/12 -100
#2967 Organization members edit page reloads after demoting self ckan ckan 2.0 new 10/15/12 -100
#2968 Anyone can access organization members page ckan ckan 2.0 new 10/15/12 -100
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