{1} Active Tickets (495 matches)

  • List all active tickets by priority.
  • Color each row based on priority.

Orig query:

SELECT p.value AS color,

id AS ticket, summary, component, version, milestone, t.type AS type, owner, status, time AS created, changetime AS _changetime, description AS _description, reporter AS _reporter

FROM ticket t, enum p WHERE status <> 'closed'

AND p.name = t.priority AND p.type = 'priority'

ORDER BY p.value, milestone, t.type, time

Results (201 - 300 of 495)

1 2 3 4 5
Ticket Summary Component Version Milestone Type Owner Status Created
#2932 Add docstring to system_info.py ckan ckan 2.0 enhancement new 09/17/12
#2933 Update theming docs ckan ckan 2.0 enhancement new 09/17/12
#2956 Allow for resource editing in CKAN 2.0 ckan ckan 2.0 enhancement shevski assigned 10/03/12
#2961 Preview plugin endpoint ckan ckan 2.0 enhancement dominik assigned 10/08/12
#2966 'Add' button text is wrong when editing organization members ckan ckan 2.0 enhancement new 10/15/12
#2971 "Are ytou sure you want to delete this member?" should say which member ckan ckan 2.0 enhancement new 10/15/12
#2972 Remove any imports of authz.py and delete file ckan ckan 2.0 enhancement new 10/15/12
#2973 Move new_authz.py into logic/auth/__init__.py ckan ckan 2.0 enhancement new 10/15/12
#2974 General of all auth functions ckan ckan 2.0 enhancement new 10/15/12
#2975 Tests for auth functions and new actions ckan ckan 2.0 enhancement new 10/15/12
#2976 Polish group and organization member pages ckan ckan 2.0 enhancement new 10/15/12
#2977 Fix user autocomplete on group and organization member pages ckan ckan 2.0 enhancement new 10/15/12
#2978 Tests for permissions for organizations and groups ckan ckan 2.0 enhancement new 10/15/12
#2979 Requesting membership to groups and organizations ckan ckan 2.0 enhancement new 10/15/12
#2988 UI functional tests for CKAN 2.0 ckan ckan 2.0 enhancement new 10/15/12
#2989 "Add dataset to organization" should auto-select the organization ckan ckan 2.0 enhancement new 10/15/12
#2990 Fix descriptions of groups and organizations on /groups and /organizations pages ckan ckan 2.0 enhancement new 10/15/12
#2991 Add blocks to header.html template ckan ckan 2.0 enhancement new 10/16/12
#2994 Add dataset and user popovers throughout the site ckan ckan 2.0 enhancement new 10/17/12
#2995 Popovers for resources, groups, organizations, tags... ckan ckan 2.0 enhancement new 10/17/12
#2997 Add activity streams to dataset pages ckan ckan 2.0 enhancement new 10/17/12
#2998 Add activity streams to group pages ckan ckan 2.0 enhancement new 10/17/12
#2999 Add activity streams to organization pages ckan ckan 2.0 enhancement new 10/17/12
#3000 Add number of followers to dataset pages ckan ckan 2.0 enhancement new 10/17/12
#3005 Add following/unfollowing of groups: model, API, frontend, tests ckan ckan 2.0 enhancement seanh new 10/23/12
#3007 Adding a dataset creates multiple activities ckan ckan 2.0 enhancement new 10/29/12
#3010 Pin images don't appear in data explorer ckan ckan 2.0 enhancement new 10/31/12
#3016 CKAN 2.0 template tweaks ckan ckan 2.0 enhancement johnmartin new 11/13/12
#3018 Load more in activity streams ckan ckan 2.0 enhancement johnmartin new 11/14/12
#3028 Feature: dashboard activity stream filtering ckan ckan 2.0 enhancement seanh new 12/10/12
#2915 Refactor form_to_db_schema_options() ckan ckan 2.0 refactor new 09/12/12
#2981 Remove config from jinja templates ckan ckan 2.0 refactor new 10/15/12
#2982 Move functionality from controllers into template helpers ckan ckan 2.0 refactor new 10/15/12
#2983 Refactor lib/base.py to remove circular import issues ckan ckan 2.0 refactor new 10/15/12
#2984 Auto-populate context with user, model, session, etc. ckan ckan 2.0 refactor new 10/15/12
#2985 Make lib/helpers.py more template-specific ckan ckan 2.0 refactor new 10/15/12
#2986 Make lib/base.py more like it was originally intended ckan ckan 2.0 refactor new 10/15/12
#2987 Remove all direct calls to logic action and auth functions ckan ckan 2.0 refactor new 10/15/12
#1182 Comments from deleted packages appear in "Recent Comments" feed ckan ckan-backlog defect new 06/09/11
#1185 Administrators can't delete packages from web UI ckan ckan-backlog defect new 06/15/11
#1203 Moderated edits: html code shows as "changed" although it is not ckan ckan-backlog defect johnglover new 06/28/11
#1355 Package extras property does not include the newly created ones ckan ckan-backlog defect new 09/26/11
#1642 Extra link generators generate garbled HTML ckan ckan-backlog defect new 01/12/12
#1668 repoze version discrepency ckan ckan-backlog defect new 01/17/12
#2197 Storage Metadata API: add/update not working with local file storage (Pairtree) ckan ckan-backlog defect assigned 02/28/12
#2486 Should be able to use . in dataset names ckan ckan-backlog defect new 06/02/12
#2607 'Upload a file' appears on resource form when storage not enabled ckan ckan-backlog defect assigned 06/27/12
#737 Markdown syntax summary page ckan ckan-backlog enhancement new 10/22/10
#909 DCat importer for CKAN lod2 ckan-backlog enhancement assigned 01/17/11
#979 Edit Resource extras in the API ckan ckan-backlog enhancement kindly assigned 02/11/11
#1009 Improvements to user accounts sytem ckan ckan-backlog enhancement pudo new 02/25/11
#1077 Move to simpler vdm system ckan ckan-backlog enhancement kindly new 04/08/11
#1101 Integrate googlanalytics into site nav ckan ckan-backlog enhancement new 04/21/11
#1120 Atom feeds of each tag ckan ckan-backlog enhancement new 05/02/11
#1144 Support DSPL ckan ckan-backlog enhancement new 05/19/11
#1145 Support the Handle System ckan ckan-backlog enhancement new 05/19/11
#1179 Support tag aliases ckan ckan-backlog enhancement new 06/07/11
#1184 Support Wuala as CKAN storage option ckan ckan-backlog enhancement new 06/14/11
#1188 Allow diffing against initial (blank) package version ckan ckan-backlog enhancement new 06/15/11
#1201 seperate out logic in atom feeds to logic layer. ckan ckan-backlog enhancement new 06/24/11
#1227 Display packages' tags in search results ckan ckan-backlog enhancement new 07/19/11
#1232 [super] Interface improvements ckan ckan-backlog enhancement new 07/20/11
#1233 [super] Improve wiki-style functionality for history ckan ckan-backlog enhancement new 07/20/11
#1240 [super] API v4 ckan ckan-backlog enhancement kindly assigned 07/24/11
#1255 Drupal consistancy checks. ckan ckan-backlog enhancement kindly assigned 08/01/11
#1278 Refactor authorized_query calls ckan ckan-backlog enhancement new 08/15/11
#1287 NAVL validation errors - Junk fields should be listed explicitly ckan ckan-backlog enhancement thejimmyg assigned 08/24/11
#1341 Delete spam users from ckan ckan ckan-backlog enhancement kindly reopened 09/14/11
#1358 Generate configuration documentation automatically from the deployment_ini_tmpl file ckan ckan-backlog enhancement zephod assigned 09/26/11
#1403 Refactor groups index page ckan ckan-backlog enhancement zephod new 10/17/11
#1406 Re-enable RSS subscriptions ckan ckan-backlog enhancement new 10/17/11
#1411 Force resource format to be lower case (also mimetype) ckan ckan-backlog enhancement zephod new 10/22/11
#1414 track user log-ins on thedatahub.org ckan ckan-backlog enhancement new 10/24/11
#1423 Edit resources suggestions ckan ckan-backlog enhancement new 10/26/11
#1429 Provide DOIs for datasets in a CKAN instance ckan ckan-backlog enhancement rgrp new 10/30/11
#1432 [super] Data processing system for CKAN and Webstore ckan ckan-backlog enhancement new 11/01/11
#1459 Featured Dataset feature ckan ckan-backlog enhancement rgrp new 11/12/11
#1507 Minor fixes to dataset add on Group edit form - 0.5d ckan ckan-backlog enhancement zephod assigned 12/05/11
#1535 Plump for auth header of: X-CKAN-API-KEY ckan ckan-backlog enhancement new 12/07/11
#1550 Allow simple auth via the API ckan ckan-backlog enhancement assigned 12/16/11
#1571 [super] Issues Extension ckan ckan-backlog enhancement rgrp assigned 12/19/11
#1578 [super] Re-enable and refactor ratings ckan ckan-backlog enhancement new 12/19/11
#1598 Reinstate Ratings ckan ckan-backlog enhancement new 12/29/11
#1604 Get ckanext-moderatededits working with CKAN 1.5+ templates ckan ckan-backlog enhancement new 12/31/11
#1606 metadata license config option ckan ckan-backlog enhancement new 01/02/12
#1635 Email notifications (e.g. for activity streams) ckan ckan-backlog enhancement seanh new 01/11/12
#1643 Add fixed tags to thedatahub for better browsing ckan ckan-backlog enhancement new 01/12/12
#1644 Order default dataset page by most downloaded resources on thedatahub ckan ckan-backlog enhancement new 01/12/12
#1652 How we intergrate with Drupal Multiligual? ckan ckan-backlog enhancement kindly assigned 01/16/12
#1679 Default roles problem ckan ckan-backlog enhancement new 01/17/12
#1684 Remove all config from ckanext-archiver ckan ckan-backlog enhancement assigned 01/19/12
#1697 A Configurable list of states for a Dataset ckan ckan-backlog enhancement new 01/24/12
#1717 [super] Search UX improvements ckan ckan-backlog enhancement new 01/26/12
#1747 Expire old activities ckan ckan-backlog enhancement new 02/05/12
#1750 Move ckan/lib/activity.py into the model ckan ckan-backlog enhancement new 02/05/12
#1789 Implement a tag_update() logic action function ecportal ckan-backlog enhancement new 02/09/12
#1831 Login with email address ckan ckan-backlog enhancement assigned 02/24/12
#2284 Local queries/views/viz in Related stuff. ckan ckan-backlog enhancement assigned 04/12/12
#2508 Make it possible to run CKAN tests for each language ckan ckan-backlog enhancement new 06/11/12
#2513 Dataproxy should not default to utf8 ckan ckan-backlog enhancement assigned 06/13/12
1 2 3 4 5
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