{22} Trac tickets (2647 matches)

Results (1501 - 1600 of 2647)

Id Type Owner Reporter Milestone Status Resolution Summary Description Posixtime Modifiedtime
#1815 task amercader amercader ckan-future new Reenable Sparql endpoint on publicdata.eu

Estimate: ?

The 4store Sparql endpoint has been down for a long time. It needs to be reenabled and we need to check that the necessary informtion is pushed when creating /editing a dataset.

1329757723000000 1338204641000000
#1731 enhancement amercader amercader ckan-sprint-2012-03-19 closed fixed Publisher support for harvesting

Estimate: 4-5d

Only sysadmins can manage harvest sources right now, we need to allow publishers to handle their own sources.

We need to decide if there will be two different profiles on ckanext-harvest, the current one with only sysadmins allowed to manage the harvesting and a new one supporting publishers (ckan core can be configured to not use the publisher model)

Tasks include:

  • Auth checks on the different controller actions (and the command line interface?)
  • Modify the index page to just show sources the logged user has permissions on.

(Talk with Ross about the specific functions to use)

  • Create/edit form to show a dropdown with the user available publishers.
1328007919000000 1332152540000000
#1816 enhancement amercader amercader ckan-sprint-2012-03-19 closed fixed Update ckanext-apps to work with CKAN 1.5.1 - 1.6

Estimate [2-3d]

If possible, it should work with both 1.5.1 and 1.6.

Needed for PDEU, also at some point for IATI

1329757864000000 1331302835000000
#1814 enhancement amercader amercader ckan-sprint-2012-03-19 closed fixed Check publicadata.eu harvesters

Estimate 2d

Once ckanext-pdeu is running on CKAN 1.6, upgrade ckanext-harvest to be able to update the CKAN harvesters (default tags and extras).

Also check non-CKAN harvesters (specially scrappers) to see if they are still working.

Make a list of current harvesters with status and potential ones.

1329757408000000 1332152596000000
#1818 enhancement amercader amercader ckan-future new Spatial metadata editor

Estimate 2.5d

Right now users need to manually enter a geojson value in the 'spatial' extra field in order to define a geometry for a dataset.

We need a map widget on the edit form that allows users to draw the geometry on top of a map. This will be based on the draw functions offered by OpenLayers? [1], [2].

Things to take into account:

  • Integration with the form sections.
  • Allow some degree of configuration (default extent, limit geometry types...)

[1] http://openlayers.org/dev/examples/draw-feature.html [2] http://openlayers.org/dev/examples/modify-feature.html

1329763941000000 1338203195000000
#1573 enhancement David Raznik jilly mathews ckan-future new Apps and Ideas

Estimate 2 weeks for someone to finish and test.

1324294593000000 1324294593000000
#1560 enhancement David Raznik jilly mathews ckan-future new Follow extension

Estimate 2 days to finish dev and test.

David can you add any info needed here?

1324291879000000 1324291879000000
#3021 enhancement johnmartin johnmartin accepted Logout doesn't work without JS

Essentially, the functionality should be as follows:

  • Add logout link that has .js-hide attached to it within the header that isn't hidden within a dropdown

See http://plus.google.com/ (when logged in) with and without JS to see an example of the actual sign-out working without JS

1353410350000000 1353411968000000
#3015 enhancement johnmartin johnmartin ckan 2.0 closed invalid Dropdowns don't work without JavaScript

Essentially the default bootstrap dropdowns don't work properly without JavaScript? which is a little bit of an issue with JS not working.

1352805553000000 1353410072000000
#1029 defect kindly ckan-v1.4-sprint-3 closed fixed synchronous search erroring when harvesting is run.

Errors are caused when harvesting documents. This also makes the count not show up correctly on the ckan search page.

1299768337000000 1301311643000000
#2795 enhancement toby demo phase 5 new Check validation of HTML, CSS, JS

Ensure that we are being standards compliant

1343903128000000 1343903128000000
#1758 enhancement ross ross ckan-sprint-2012-02-20 closed fixed DGU Check user management auth

Ensure publisher edit page only allows admins to manage users. #1675 is related.

1328530915000000 1328709897000000
#119 enhancement dread dread v0.10 closed fixed Ensure non-active packages don't show up

Ensure pending packages don't show up in search or browse

cost: 4h

1253529414000000 1253791147000000
#166 enhancement dread dread v0.11 closed fixed Add extras editing to ckanclient

Ensure logging is working on server.

1256203581000000 1265891199000000
#428 requirement dread ckan-v1.2 closed fixed Daily dump of DGU CKAN available

End users want to get hold of a JSON & CSV dump of the DGU data.

1281703251000000 1285757316000000
#2623 enhancement ross seanh closed invalid Organization join/authorization buttons weirdness

Enable the organizations and organizations_dataset plugins. Start CKAN. Login and create a new organization. Logout. Login with a different account that is a sysadmin. Go to the organization you just created with the other account. There are Edit and Join buttons. Click on the Edit button, and the Join button changes to Authorization.

It should probably be an Authorization button right from the start if you are a sysadmin.

1341220902000000 1341232433000000
#2624 enhancement ross seanh ckan-v1.8 closed fixed Organizations breaks dataset tag editing

Enable the organizations and organizations_dataset plugins, login to ckan, create a group, create a dataset and add it to the group. Edit the dataset, add some tags to it. The new tags are not saved when you submit.

Disable the organizations and organizations_dataset plugins and tag editing works again.

1341226411000000 1341831716000000
#3001 defect seanh ckan 2.0 new Multilingual plugin crashes CKAN on add dataset when some languages are default

Enable the multilingual plugins:

ckan.plugins = stats synchronous_search multilingual_dataset multilingual_group multilingual_tag

and set your default language to one not supported by the multilingual plugin, e.g.

ckan.locale_default = cs_CZ

now run CKAN and try to add a dataset:

File '/home/seanh/Projects/ckan171/ckan/ckanext/multilingual/plugin.py', line 141 in before_index

text_field_items+ default_lang?.extend(all_terms)

KeyError?: 'text_cs_CZ'

It doesn't matter what language you are viewing the site in in your browser, the default language setting in the ini file determines whether it crashed or not.

A number of supported languages are defined at the top of ckanext/multilingual/plugin.py. I think if the default language is not one of these it crashes.

I think this affects all versions of CKAN since the multilingual plugin was added so at least 1.7, 1.8 and 2.0

1350579048000000 1350579048000000
#1706 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-sprint-2012-02-06 closed duplicate Tag taxonomies package schema

Enable ckanext's to add new vocabularies to default_package_schema(), use the new vocabularies in templates for dataset view, create, edit pages, helper function for extensions to create a vocabulary schema for a given vocabulary name (must match a vocab already in the db) and add it to default package schema.

1327427938000000 1329131079000000
#1373 defect shevski ckan-sprint-2011-11-07 closed fixed home page view does not react to logging in / out

Either: thedatahub.org does not display 'add a dataset' top navigation link or the 'create dataset' main central link to logged in user - instead showing 'sign up' link in the central box. It does however display the 'my account' and 'logout' link in the top right correctly.

Navigating to another part of the site (e.g. search or about or my account) does bring the 'add a dataset' navigation link back and the functionality works.

Works fine on test.ckan.net so only on thedatahub.

Not obviously a caching problem, since I did try clearing cache.

OR: it displays as if you're logged in even when you log out. The links doesn't work and prompt you to log in though.

1317829479000000 1320174240000000
#455 task johnbywater closed invalid SOLR - suggest 1 pager about how system would work

Either CKAN writes to SOLR and Drupal reads from SOLR, or CKAN writes to SOLR and Drupal reads SOLR via CKAN API (so search resource locations are unaffected).

1282299913000000 1291637172000000
#700 bug pudo dread iati-3 closed fixed Groups in package form

Editing groups in forms doesn't work for me, with latest code from this morning:

  1. Clean db
  2. paster create-test-data
  3. paster sysadmin create http://davidread.myopenid.com/
  4. paster serve development.ini
  5. In browser, log in to CKAN
  6. Create new package: name=abc group=Roger's books
  7. [Preview] - yes group appears
  8. [Save] - shows package and group hasn't appeared ERROR
  9. Check and reedit package it also doesn't appear here either.
1287394476000000 1290000656000000
#2655 defect toby shevski closed fixed updating datasets loses data

Editing and saving a resource wipes the data from the dataset. Happened with http://demo.ckan.org/dataset/my-tes I clicked on edit, changed a tag, clicked update and the data was gone!

1341999482000000 1342001885000000
#1015 defect kindly dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-3 closed fixed Editing group gives exception

Editing a group properties on ckan.net gives an exception when you submit the form. (Is this related to db migration issues?)

Example page: http://ckan.net/group/edit/civil-society


WebApp Error: <class 'sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError'>: (IntegrityError) duplicate key value violates unique constraint "group_revision_pkey" 'INSERT INTO group_revision (id, name, title, description, created, state, revision_id, continuity_id) VALUES (%(id)s, %(name)s, %(title)s, %(description)s, %(created)s, %(state)s, %(revision_id)s, %(continuity_id)s)' {'description': u"A group for open data related to civil society supported by members of the interest group at: http://okfn.org/groups/civil-society\r\n\r\nCivil society is composed of the totality of voluntary civic and social organizations and institutions that form the basis of a functioning society, as distinct from the force-backed structures of a state (regardless of that state's political system) and commercial institutions of the market. \r\n\r\nhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_society", 'created': datetime.datetime(2011, 2, 24, 14, 30, 53, 334842), 'title': u'Civil Society', 'state': u'active', 'continuity_id': u'f4f9f09
1298898588000000 1299788821000000
#2967 defect seanh ckan 2.0 new Organization members edit page reloads after demoting self

Edit an organizations members page and demote yourself from organization admin, after saving the members edit page reloads even though you are no longer an admin and should no longer be able to access this page.

1350296227000000 1350296227000000
#2811 defect seanh ckan-v1.8 closed fixed Author doesn't show on dataset read page

Edit a dataset and add an author, dataset read page still says 'author not given'. If you fill out both the author and author email fields then it works.

1344415861000000 1349869110000000
#543 task wwaites rgrp closed duplicate Investigate partial page caching and edge-side includes

Edge-side includes or partial page caching are a standard way to deal with caching of pages in which some (usually small) part of the content cannot be cached or should be cached in a different manner (e.g. much more briefly) than the rest of the page.

Edge-side includes have the advantage that they integrate with general 3rd-party caching systems such as varnish.

Introducing either partial page or ESI will require some overhaul work to change the page render processing somewhat.

1283244784000000 1311178918000000
#2880 enhancement icmurray ross ckan 2.0 closed wontfix Datasets (Package) should have owners

Each dataset should have an explicit owner that is an organisation. This is the organisation that owns the dataset* and will be used for specifying who can move a dataset out of the default organisation.

This should probably be a foreign key link from dataset to organisation (or rather group).

  • Currently this won't necessarily be the organisation that the dataset is a member of, but it is likely that this will be the case initially (at least until someone moves it to another organisation).
1345466535000000 1350561968000000
#2594 enhancement johnglover johnglover ckan-ecportal closed fixed Add EU27 to EC ODP geographical coverage field

EU27 option seems to have been removed at some point, needs to be added back to geographical coverage vocabulary and tested.

1340638576000000 1340716640000000
#1518 defect rgrp markbrough ckan-sprint-2011-12-19 closed fixed CKAN Upload fails if filename has spaces in it

E.g. uploading a file with spaces in it: OECD Monthly Exchange Rates.zip

Gives a 404 Not Found response to the following file: http://test.ckan.org/api/storage/metadata/2011-12-05T193046/OECD%20Monthly%20Exchange%20Rates.zip

The upload wheel keeps spinning and the user is not informed that the upload has failed.

Analysis: turns out that google storage (possibly s3 but not checked) replaces with ' ' in keys with '+' on upload. This breaks things because we try and look up metadata about upload using the filename/key we put in but of course that does not exist because google has changed name.

Fix is trivial: replace ' ' in keys / filenames with '-'.

1323114236000000 1330020742000000
#2329 enhancement rgrp ckan 2.0 assigned Add back in RSS/Atom links on relevant pages

E.g. on dataset page, on revision page, on user page and on search results.

1335442540000000 1346664271000000
#2564 enhancement aron.carroll shevski demo phase 1 closed fixed Updates to additional info fields on datasets

E.g. http://s031.okserver.org:2375/en/dataset/adur_district_spending/resource/04127ad5-77e5-4a08-9f40-12d3c383e460

When there are no maintainer/contact details or extra fields we should hide the additional info box completely. Otherwise hide the last updated and licence fields which are already displayed in sidebar.

Update sidebar to provide context - so 'CSV' -> 'CSV format' + 'unknown' -> 'Last updated: unknown'

1340038534000000 1340118952000000
#161 defect dread rgrp v0.11 closed fixed Tag listing is incorrect

E.g. http://ckan.net/tag/read/postcodes this has no-postcode listed but when you look at that package 'postcodes' isn't a tag ...

I suspect this may be to do with search using deleted tags as I think no-postcode had postcodes as a tag at some point earlier ...

1256030925000000 1258573607000000
#560 defect kindly rgrp ckan-v1.4 closed fixed Deleted packages showing up in tag lists

E.g. http://ckan.net/tag/lod contains musicbrainz_ (Musicbrainz) item (if you click you will get 403/login as deleted packages can only be seen by admins).

Also suggested that these are showing up in the API (courtesy of Anja)

Cost: 2h

1283700001000000 1297084192000000
#1543 defect johnglover amercader ckan-sprint-2012-01-09 closed fixed Pagination links in the dataset listings don't keep the current filters

E.g. Pagination links on this page don't include groups=lodcloud http://thedatahub.org/dataset?groups=lodcloud

Not sure if related to #1501 (probably not)

1323442623000000 1324483367000000
#332 defect pudo rgrp closed fixed Autocomplete tag on click

During tag autocompletion, clicking on a suggested tag doesn't trigger completion in the text box.

1275302887000000 1280743320000000
#1431 defect dread dread ckan-v1.5 closed fixed Captcha field - foreign chars cause exception

During registering a user, the user inputs foreign chars into the captcha field.

URL: http://thedatahub.org/user/register
Module ckan.lib.captcha:22 in check_recaptcha
<<                                     remoteip=client_ip_address,
           f = urllib2.urlopen(recaptcha_server_name, params)
           data = f.read()
>>  response=recaptcha_response_field))
Module urllib:1267 in urlencode
<<          for k, v in query:
                   k = quote_plus(str(k))
                   v = quote_plus(str(v))
                   l.append(k + '=' + v)
>>  v = quote_plus(str(v))
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xea' in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)
1320078849000000 1320084104000000
#242 defect pudo rgrp v1.1 closed fixed Miscellaneous tidying up (v0.11)

Dumping ground for various minor and miscellaneous items (mainly refactorings):rgrp

  • controllers/tag.py: why does this not use lib/search.py (but controllers/packages.py search method does)?


  • lib/search.py: inheritance would be nicer than switching on entity in search (i.e. have SearchPackage?, SearchTag? etc)
1265715103000000 1280823876000000
#1638 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-sprint-2012-01-23 closed wontfix Don't use JsonType in activity streams

Dump and load JSON explicitly instead.

1326304935000000 1326305570000000
#405 task rgrp rgrp datapkg-0.8 closed fixed Retrieval options for package resources

Download Command (was install command) should support the following modes:

  • Download only the first listed resource (current behaviour, slightly arbitrary)
  • Download resources by interactive selection
  • Download resources by MIME type (cf #235)
  • Download all resources.
1281346806000000 1297214833000000
#687 task dread dread ckan-v1.2 closed fixed Release ckanclient 0.4

Done. Added release process here: wiki:ReleaseProcess

1286452098000000 1286452650000000
#1825 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-sprint-2012-03-05 closed fixed Write docs for vocabularies API

Done on branch feature-1698-tag-taxonomies

1329845122000000 1330807330000000
#2263 enhancement amercader amercader closed fixed IATI: Get "Record updated" field from the registry

Don't provide a field in the form or spreadsheet import for this, just use dataset.metadata_modified.

1332766145000000 1332846807000000
#2226 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-sprint-2012-03-19 closed fixed [super] Refactor and improve documentation (v1.7)

Documentation is key to the success of projects!

Move material into main docs from wiki

Create a User Guide

Basic step-by-step on getting started with CKAN (See start on set of slides here e.g. http://blog.thedatahub.org/2012/03/02/tutorial-publish-data-with-the-datahub/)

  • Publishing data
  • Authorization and workflows
    • Publisher Profile (Workflow)

Break into sections

Suggest something like:

# General
* Intro
* Conceptual Overview
* What CKAN helps you do (http://ckan.org/)
* FAQ ? (or point to the wiki)

# For Administrators

* Installation and Setup
  * Configuration options
* Customization - Theming etc
* Authorization and Workflows
* Storage

# For Users (Publishers, Data Wranglers, etc etc)
* Walkthrough of publishing a dataset
* Storage
* API (see Developers section)

# CKAN Developers

* Domain Model
* Extensions
* i18n

CKAN Developers
* Buildbot
1331481965000000 1332475494000000
#841 enhancement kindly dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-4 closed duplicate Caching docs (as a whole)

Documentation article on caching / improving performance. (To complement configuration docs.)

  • Different sorts of cache - beaker style, etags, package_dict in search results(?)
  • How each one affects performance
  • How to turn them on/off and configure them
  • Is it possible to bypass each of them in the browser or with wget/curl?
1291308879000000 1300364333000000
#2240 enhancement ross ross ckan-sprint-2012-04-02 closed fixed Document CityData ideas

Document the ideas raised on 14/03 for CityData? and distribute to team for discussion

1332169761000000 1332408769000000
#973 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-1 closed fixed Document license configuration and license system.

Document how license system works and specifically how licenses can be configured.

Cost: 2h

1297332948000000 1297678851000000
#1700 enhancement johnglover kindly ckan-sprint-2012-02-06 closed fixed Document server setup for ckan server.

Document deployment on tenforce test server.

1327417952000000 1327425247000000
#1681 enhancement ross ross closed fixed Core storage document

Document all of the changes and usage for #1574 so that we can mark it 'done done'.

Make sure we document any setup issues/processes and the settings.py setup required for CKAN so that Mark can announce next week and it should be easily deployable/testable.

Internal (perhaps in README somewhere or wiki): how does process work, where does data end up and in what order etc

External: here's how to configure it and here's what you get ... (goes in main sphinx docs)

1326904939000000 1338202930000000
#2539 enhancement seanh seanh ckanbuild accepted Investigate the existing ckan debian package for ckanbuild

Do we want to build on top of the existing debian packaging code? Or throw it away and start fresh?

1339775661000000 1340639845000000
#557 defect pudo ckan-v1.3 closed invalid Remove siblings from link_to/from relationship display

Displaying siblings is not needed for link_to/from.

1283542595000000 1297075159000000
#143 enhancement thejimmyg dread ckan-backlog assigned Most active users listed on homepage

Display league of users' recent activity on homepage.

1255010373000000 1312372381000000
#1822 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2012-03-05 closed fixed Weight mulilingual searches correctly

Dismax query across languages. Titles and selected languages, weighted more highly.

1329772080000000 1330990127000000
#2458 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll demo phase 3 closed fixed Create demo statistics page





1338211906000000 1344262256000000
#2455 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll ckan-sprint-2012-06-25 closed fixed Create demo register page





1338211541000000 1338998214000000
#2456 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll ckan-sprint-2012-06-25 closed fixed Create demo forgot password page





1338211604000000 1339670080000000
#2454 enhancement toby aron.carroll demo phase 5 closed fixed Create demo login page





1338211420000000 1343317795000000
#2445 enhancement toby aron.carroll ckan-sprint-2012-06-25 closed fixed Create demo dataset add related page





Needs a new endpoint at /dataset/DATASET/related/new this should have a form containing the following fields.

  • Title (required)
  • Type of item (Application|Visualisation)
  • Description
  • URL (required)
  • Image URL

When submitted if an item is created it should redirect (303) back to /dataset/DATASET/related with a flash message saying "Related item was successfully created".

If failed to create it should redirect (303) back to the form and populate the error messages, see add dataset for examples (https://github.com/okfn/ckan/blob/feature-2375-demo-theme/ckan/templates/package/new_package_form.html)

1338210652000000 1338982754000000
#2444 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll ckan-sprint-2012-06-25 closed fixed Create demo dataset related page





1338210559000000 1339670232000000
#2443 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll ckan-sprint-2012-06-25 closed fixed Create demo dataset data (resource) page




(to be added once test server is working)

1338210382000000 1341824663000000
#2453 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll demo phase 5 closed fixed Create demo edit user profile page





1338211351000000 1343924178000000
#2452 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll demo phase 5 closed fixed Create demo user profile page





1338211295000000 1343924143000000
#2451 enhancement johnmartin aron.carroll demo phase 5 assigned Create demo user list page





1338211213000000 1352658902000000
#2447 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll demo phase 5 closed fixed Create demo add dataset page




http://s031.okserver.org:2375/dataset/new http://s031.okserver.org:2375/dataset/new_resource

1338210835000000 1343924125000000
#2450 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll ckan-sprint-2012-06-25 closed fixed Create demo add group form





1338211136000000 1339670997000000
#2448 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll ckan-sprint-2012-06-25 closed fixed Create demo groups overview page





1338210960000000 1339669678000000
#2441 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll ckan-sprint-2012-06-25 closed fixed Create demo search page





1338210155000000 1339670118000000
#2442 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll ckan-sprint-2012-06-25 closed fixed Create demo dataset overview





1338210249000000 1339670612000000
#2440 enhancement toby aron.carroll demo phase 1 closed fixed Create demo homepage





1338206405000000 1340373461000000
#2643 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll demo phase 2 closed fixed Demo homepage redesign



1341848685000000 1342617247000000
#2449 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll ckan-sprint-2012-06-25 closed fixed Create demo group page





1338211060000000 1339670041000000
#665 requirement johnbywater johnbywater ckan-v1.3 closed duplicate The system shall support withdrawing a harvested dataset or service from publication

Discussion between John and Peter:

Given we can identify a document, does the disappearance of a document from a registered source imply the disappearance of the metadata (such that we delete packages once the documents disappear from the registered source)?

I would expect a more explicit 'delete'. The UKLP Use Case Library describes this as "withdraw a dataset or service from publication" (part of UCD03 Maintain resources).

1285588250000000 1297268097000000
#1230 enhancement kindly ckan-sprint-2011-10-28 closed fixed Make sure plugins tables work in tests.

Dgu tests failed as harvesting table are not created at the correct point.

1311100811000000 1311154142000000
#94 enhancement dread rgrp v0.10 closed fixed Use sqlalchemy-migrate to handle db/model upgrades

Details of how to go about this here <http://www.rufuspollock.org/2009/07/27/sqlalchemy-migrate-with-pylons/>

Cost: 2h

1249134185000000 1250604808000000
#1252 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.5 closed fixed Deprecate ckan.net in favour of thedatahub.org

Deprecate ckan.net in favour of thedatahub.org

  • Announce
  • Create thedatahub.org and have it run same data as ckan.net
  • Announce closing down of ckan.net with 302
  • Implement 302 permanent

Also redirect wiki.ckan.net to wiki.ckan.org

1311965339000000 1318160334000000
#2640 enhancement amercader amercader demo phase 2 closed fixed Update recline on the demo site

Depends on #2639

1341845911000000 1342112730000000
#1360 enhancement zephod rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-09-26 closed fixed Remove support for filter by download and filter by openness in search

Deliver little user benefit and easier just to search and then see what is listed as open and with resources.

Implementation Details

Areas to fix:

  • UI
  • lib/search/...
  • tests
  • ...?


Est: 2h

1317077958000000 1317650018000000
#3019 defect seanh ckan 2.0 new Cannot delete dataset extras

Deleting extras in the web interface is broken

1352918678000000 1352918678000000
#309 defect pudo dread closed fixed Tag list shows unused tags

Deleted tags are visible on the /tag page and are searchable.

Delete tags are ones that were in use once and then discarded, so this includes ones which are not used on any packages any more, including misspelling, mistakes, and deprecated tags. It would makes sense to remove them.

Example tag that is viewed at /tag and searchable: http://ckan.net/tag/2rand[0

1273247648000000 1280743432000000
#880 defect dread ckan-v1.3-sprint-2 closed fixed ONS loader tripping up on deleted packages

Deleted packages with the same title and extra fields as an active package trip up the loader. It finds them in the search, but due to ckanclient not using the apikey when you 'get' the package to examine it further, it causes an exception.

1292939379000000 1292945137000000
#2531 enhancement rgrp ckan-backlog new New state option: archived / deprecated

Deleted means things will get purged at some point.

Archived means they stay around but get hidden from search results and a big warning notice gets displayed saying this is archived / deprecated.

@richard cyganiak ...

1339750787000000 1339770649000000
#2764 enhancement rgrp closed duplicate Simplify filestore

Definitely do:

  • Local file filestore: Remove pairtree (and OFS) and do something very simple


  1. Local file only. Allow for uploaders to GS / S3 in the background
    • Advantages: simpler, if local upload can do progress bars etc etc
    • Disadvantages: strain for web-app (upload a 2GB file what happens)
      • This is probably fixable ...
  2. Stick with how we are

New filestore without pairtree

Each uploaded file is located on disk at:




Need the uuid to avoid collisions.

Metadata: Store no metadata.

1343303928000000 1343320440000000
#1090 defect dread dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-6 closed fixed Visitor can't create packages on new CKAN install

Default visitor roles in default config is reader, not anon_editor.

Problem caused by changes in #1066 (released in 1.3.3)

New installs will be affected, although simple to just increase permissions when the installer realises a visitor can't create packages.

The solution to the config getting out of sync with the code like this is to not have the default_roles in the config - refer to the code in the configuration instructions.

1302635219000000 1302635699000000
#1434 enhancement seanh dread ckan-v1.8 closed fixed Add i18n strings from extensions

Decide which extensions are important.

1320145648000000 1341245889000000
#917 enhancement kindly kindly closed fixed Turning off Autoflush in SQLAlchemy

David Raznik: I propose we remove autoflush by default in ckan. It caused a lot of bugs on the version upgrade due to its magical behavior.

I have a patch in https://bitbucket.org/kindly/ckan/ on branch feature_switch_autoflush_off_by_default.

This change simplifies code. It only took 7 extra flushes/commits to make work and there are over 40 instances that we remove autoflush, so as not to cause error (I have not removed them in the patch yet).

Things to know about using flush:

  • Most of the time nothing will change. A commit implies flush.
  • You only need to flush if you expect a query to return an object you just saved. i.e if you session.add(obj) and you expect obj to be in a session.query.
  • A flush is handy when you want to get the primary key out before you do a commit. i.e session.add(obj); session.flush(); obj.id is now generated.
  • You can use them as a limited form of nested transaction.

It increased the performance on the tests by about 5%. There are less flushes altogether so is faster.

I do not see any downsides.

1295279694000000 1295280232000000
#2472 enhancement amercader kindly ckan-v1.8 closed fixed clean up datastore controller to get rid of datastore_url enables checks

Datastore_url enabled checks are useless.

We should probably change this to datastore_url = 'active' and only update the flag to when a attempt at a post is made.

This will need to be removed from the form at some point.

1338293407000000 1341222195000000
#1650 enhancement ross ross ckan-future closed wontfix Add new language/translation of fields for datasets.

Datasets should have a field that specifies the language used in the dataset, this should be a two character ISO 639-1 code (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes for list) . Also make sure all tests and migrations are resolved. [2d]

Determine the best approach to having 'translation_of' references to show which dataset the current one is a translation of. This may be a translation of field, or a 'copied from' field or another form of package relationship. [2d]

1326709392000000 1346670010000000
#2470 enhancement johnglover johnglover ckan-sprint-2012-06-25 closed fixed Fix inconsistency in package_list snippet

Datasets listed in search results have not gone through schema validation (but on the user page they do), so package_list snippet currently has to display both 'notes' and 'description'.

1338220927000000 1338284041000000
#2268 enhancement thejimmyg amercader ckan-backlog new UKLP Use same schema as form for harvested records

Datasets created via the harvesting (UKLP ones) and the ones created via the form use a different schema. That could lead to problems. We need to discuss the best approach.

1333108606000000 1333108606000000
#1714 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-sprint-2012-02-06 closed fixed DGU dataset view page

Dataset read page for DGU


  • [X] Fix missing title
  • [X] Links to the social media stuff
    • "Share your app"
    • "Share your idea"
    • "Request new data"
  • [ ] Presentation of additional information should be broken into sections

Content is there. Don't do anything until theming/design work is undertaken.

  • [ ] "More like this": links to similar datasets.


  • [N] Stars (I think these are being removed)
  • [ ] Comments

Possible integration point with Drupal. Needs it own ticket.

  • [X] Give feedback to department
  • [X] Tidy up the QA stars
1327591090000000 1329734018000000
#2641 enhancement johnmartin amercader demo phase 5 assigned Adapt spatial widgets to new theme

Dataset extent map and spatial filter need to adapted to the new theme, as they are not showing up now

1341846147000000 1352658854000000
#694 bug wwaites dread closed fixed No postgres tools for current version

Database for all CKAN instances upgraded to Postgres 8.4, but none of the eu machines were upgraded with the tools necessary to administer them.

1286977052000000 1287087916000000
#2535 enhancement rgrp assigned SSL certificate for DataHub + https by default

DataHub? is increasingly used and we should ensure it uses ssl as part of general security.

See also #1446 (Need to support https login for multiple instances as part of the CKAN package install)

1339758027000000 1346662082000000
#1151 enhancement rgrp timmcnamara ckan-sprint-2012-03-05 closed wontfix Preview for geographic data should be a map

Data viewer / previewer for a resource that has a KML file, or others, such as GeoRSS and GeoJSON, we should provide a map.

  • Support for KML files: #1458

This is non-trivial for external files as we need a way to jsonify. For files stored locally this is more of a recline issue (and will require a bit of work to either guess columns or allow user to specify them).

1306043217000000 1330908188000000
#824 enhancement dread dread closed fixed 'Getdata' moved out of CKAN

Data importers should use API instead of object model directly:

  • saves load on server
  • much better error checking and authentication
  • eating our own dogfood (tests the API well)
1290595507000000 1290595559000000
#1144 enhancement timmcnamara ckan-backlog new Support DSPL

DSPL, the Dataset Publishing Language, is being promoted by Google for its "Google Public Data Explorer" system. It is an XML format with metadata.

The format is described on the developer docs ofthe Google Code site.

Google provides a Python script which reads CSV data and generates DSPL

Sample from http://code.google.com/apis/publicdata/docs/dspl_sample.html:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<dspl xmlns="http://schemas.google.com/dspl/2010"

  <import namespace="http://www.google.com/publicdata/dataset/google/time"/>
  <import namespace="http://www.google.com/publicdata/dataset/google/quantity"/>
  <import namespace="http://www.google.com/publicdata/dataset/google/entity"/>
  <import namespace="http://www.google.com/publicdata/dataset/google/geo"/>
      <value>My statistics</value>
      <value>Some very interesting statistics about countries</value>

      <value>Bureau of Statistics</value>

    <topic id="geography">
    <topic id="social_indicators">
        <name><value>Social indicators</value></name>
      <topic id="population_indicators">
          <name><value>Population indicators</value></name>
      <topic id="poverty_and_income">
          <name><value>Poverty & income</value></name>
      <topic id="health">

    <!-- As noted in the tutorial, this concept should extend quantity:amount.-->
    <concept id="population">
          <value>Size of the resident population.</value>
      <topic ref="population_indicators"/>
      <type ref="integer"/>

    <!-- This country concept is defined for educational purposes only. A country
    concept exists in the Google geo dataset. See:

    http://code.google.com/apis/publicdata/docs/canonical/geo.html --> 
    <concept id="country" extends="geo:location">
          <value>My list of countries</value>
      <type ref="string"/>
      <property id="name">
          <name><value xml:lang="en">Country name</value></name>
            <value xml:lang="en">The official name of the country</value>
        <type ref="string"/>
      <table ref="countries_table"/>

    <!-- This US state concept is defined for educational purposes only. A US state
      concept exists in the Google geo US dataset. See:

      http://code.google.com/apis/publicdata/docs/canonical/geo.us.html --> 
    <concept id="state" extends="geo:location">
          <value>US states</value>
      <type ref="string"/>
      <property concept="country" isParent="true"/>
      <table ref="states_table"/>

    <concept id="gender" extends="entity:entity">
          <value>Gender, Male or Female</value>
        <totalName><value>Both genders</value></totalName>
      <type ref="string"/>
      <table ref="genders_table"/>

    <concept id="unemployment_rate" extends="quantity:rate">
          <value>unemployment rate</value>
          <value>The percent of the labor force that is unemployed, not seasonally
      <topic ref="social_indicators"/>
      <type ref="float"/>
      <attribute id="is_percentage">
        <type ref="boolean"/>


    <slice id="countries_slice">
      <dimension concept="country"/>
      <dimension concept="time:year"/>
      <metric concept="population"/>
      <table ref="countries_slice_table"/>

    <slice id="states_slice">
      <dimension concept="state"/>
      <dimension concept="time:year"/>
      <metric concept="population"/>
      <metric concept="unemployment_rate"/>
      <table ref="states_slice_table"/>

    <slice id="countries_gender_slice">
      <dimension concept="country"/>
      <dimension concept="gender"/>
      <dimension concept="time:year"/>
      <metric concept="population"/>
      <table ref="countries_gender_slice_table"/>


    <table id="countries_table">
      <column id="country" type="string"/>
      <column id="name" type="string"/>
      <column id="latitude" type="float"/>
      <column id="longitude" type="float"/>
        <file format="csv" encoding="utf-8">countries.csv</file>

    <table id="countries_slice_table">
      <column id="country" type="string"/>
      <column id="year" type="date" format="yyyy"/>
      <column id="population" type="integer"/>
        <file format="csv" encoding="utf-8">country_slice.csv</file>

    <table id="states_table">
      <column id="state" type="string"/>
      <column id="name" type="string"/>
      <column id="country" type="string">
      <column id="latitude" type="float"/>
      <column id="longitude" type="float"/>
        <file format="csv" encoding="utf-8">states.csv</file>

    <table id="states_slice_table">
      <column id="state" type="string"/>
      <column id="year" type="date" format="yyyy"/>
      <column id="population" type="integer"/>
      <column id="unemployment_rate" type="float"/>
        <file format="csv" encoding="utf-8">state_slice.csv</file>

    <table id="genders_table">
      <column id="gender" type="string"/>
      <column id="name" type="string"/>
        <file format="csv" encoding="utf-8">genders.csv</file>

    <table id="countries_gender_slice_table">
      <column id="country" type="string"/>
      <column id="gender" type="string"/>
      <column id="year" type="date" format="yyyy"/>
      <column id="population" type="integer"/>
        <file format="csv" encoding="utf-8">gender_country_slice.csv</file>

1305763609000000 1339774517000000
#1429 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-backlog new Provide DOIs for datasets in a CKAN instance

DOI = digital object identifier = http://www.doi.org/

As a Publisher I want a DOI for my dataset so that it can be cited by and linked to by others in a standard and easy way.


  • Probably implement as extension rather than core
1319977305000000 1319977305000000
#1165 enhancement nils.toedtmann ckan-future new Add multi-site support to ckan

Currently, each ckan site needs its own ckan wsgi process. That eats a lot of resources where many ckan sites are served from one machine (e.g. eu3).

That would dramatically change if a ckan process could behave like multiple ckans (e.g. like Apache's "<VirtualHost?>", or tracd). Depending on the "Host:" header in the HTTP1.1 request, it would choose which local ckan ini file to obey.

I see two ways to constitute the map hostname-to-ini-file map:

  • ckan reads a set of ini files, and each ini file declares which servers names it is responsible for
  • In a global ini file, there are directives mapping servernames to ini files.

In either case there should be a global ckan ini having the default settings for all local ckan sites. Each site ini could be very short then, just having e.g. title, name, database credentials, active plugins etc.

1306413667000000 1339774466000000
#903 defect pudo pudo ckan-v1.3 closed fixed Proper handling of deleted packages in Solr serps

Currently, deleted packages are filtered from search results after solr returns. That means result count can drop below the requested number, down to 0. Thus we need to filter before or in Solr.

1294831054000000 1296588070000000
#2779 enhancement aron.carroll shevski demo phase 3 closed fixed add 'deleted' to deleted datasets that admins can view

Currently, as a logged in admin, you can view deleted datasets just as if they are live datasets. Nothing distinguishes them apart from normal datasets other than they don't show up on the dataset page

This is potentially very confusing Can we add some kind of banner / label to deleted datasets to show they have been deleted?

& Do you guys need Sam to design this?

Related ticket for undeleting datasets - http://trac.ckan.org/ticket/2780

1343737077000000 1343903455000000
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.