{22} Trac tickets (2647 matches)

Results (701 - 800 of 2647)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Id Type Owner Reporter Milestone Status Resolution Summary Description Posixtime Modifiedtime
#1 enhancement somebody rgrp milestone1 closed fixed Visitor visits service


Visitor visits service

As a

Visitor (general web user)

I want to

Visit the website of the service (frontpage)

So that

  • See the front page and discover information about the service
  • Perform various activities related to the service such as registering and finding packages, registering as a user and logging in
1152549417000000 1183636342000000
#277 enhancement zephod dread ckan-backlog assigned Set some config options / settings in WUI (extension)

Use case

As a ckan administrator I want to easily change options about the CKAN install.


Settings to be in DB


## Title of site (using in several places including templates and <title> tag
ckan.site_title = CKAN

## Logo image to use (replaces site_title string on front page if defined)
ckan.site_logo = http://assets.okfn.org/p/ckan/img/ckan_logo_box.png

## Site tagline / description (used on front page)
ckan.site_description = 

## Used in creating some absolute urls (such as rss feeds, css files) and 
## dump filenames
ckan.site_url =

## Favicon (default is the CKAN software favicon)
ckan.favicon = http://assets.okfn.org/p/ckan/img/ckan.ico

## An 'id' for the site (using, for example, when creating entries in a common search index) 
## If not specified derived from the site_url
# ckan.site_id = ckan.net

## API url to use (e.g. in AJAX callbacks)
## Enable if the API is at a different domain
# ckan.api_url = http://www.ckan.net

## html content to be inserted just before </body> tag (e.g. google analytics code)
## NB: can use html e.g. <strong>blah</strong>
## NB: can have multiline strings just indent following lines
# ckan.template_footer_end = 

NB: these will still need to be stored somewhere for loading on initialization. do this in db init function ...

Settings / Options / KeyValues? Table


  • [namespace]: ? only if KeyValues? (for settings this would then always be settings)
  • key
  • label
  • value (json)
  • type (e.g. date and to specify in advance what type should be)
  • description
  • tags: ?? (for grouping ...)

Loading settings from DB

Do this in ckan/config/environment.py


  • /ckan-admin/settings
  • Show label, plus description plus text field


  • Would be part of ckan-admin section and hence build on ticket:833 (Administrative dashboard)
1269274861000000 1318247121000000
#283 enhancement rgrp dread closed wontfix Manage deletions of unwanted packages

Use case

As a user I want to notify the CKAN admins of a spammed or unsuitable package for deletion.

Suggested solution

In the package view side-bar, there is a note: "To have this package completely removed, contact the [ca.ckan.net administrators admin@…]."

Other solutions

A more complicated solution would be to allow packages to be tagged for deletion, which would auto-alert administrators, and allow easier administration of this. But this might be overkill.

c.f. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deleting_an_article

1270660210000000 1311325526000000
#265 enhancement johnbywater dread v1.0 closed fixed More detail shown in Atom feed

Use case

As a user I want to stay abreast of package changes, such as a new package being created, newer data is available for a package or a new download is available for a package.


Add into the Atom feed:

  1. a package is a new one
  2. the resources have been changed
  3. the last_updated field has been changed
1267708364000000 1271636891000000
#333 enhancement dread v1.1 closed wontfix CKAN front end requirements for package notifications

Use case: new package

  1. An external front-end system provides a web page with a list of packages. Each package has the option to edit it or and there is also a button to create a new package.
  1. User: clicks 'new package'.
  1. CKAN presents the package/new form to the user.
  1. (After a couple of previews) User: clicks 'commit'.
  1. Notification message goes from CKAN to the front-end detailing the new package.
  1. The user is redirected back to the front-end web page displaying the list of packages, which contains the new one.

The notification message (step 5) has to get through to the front-end that the new package is created before the redirect (step 6). This suggests that the message sending needs to be *synchronous*, i.e. acknowledged by the front-end, before CKAN redirects the user to the front-end package listing page (step 6).

In addition, this use case suggests the front-end listens for package notifications, to save another call to CKAN to get the package details, before the displaying the list of packages. If this isn't possible (see next use case) and it must listen for revision notifications instead, then perhaps it is worth including the full package details in the payload for the revision notification message. Would there be a problem with such a large message in the next use case, with 100 packages?

Use case: CKAN imports packages

  1. CKAN administrator runs a script that adds 100 new packages into CKAN.
  1. CKAN sends notification message to front-end to report the new packages/revisions.
  1. Knowing there are new revisions, the front-end queries the CKAN revision interface to get the list of new packages.
  1. The front-end queries CKAN for each new package one-by-one.
  1. A new user request to the front-end will include the info about the new packages.

The package addition could be achieved in 1 revision, 100 revisions or some compromise:

  • If it is 1 revision then potentially there are problems displaying the long list of packages in the 'recent changes'.
  • If it is 100 revisions, then the notification webhook would be called 100 times, which creates unnecessary load on the front-end. Suppose each Webhook call-back (step 2) triggers the front-end to make a call to CKAN to get the latest revisions (step3), in this case it would make 100 calls, most of them fruitless, causing unnecessary load on CKAN.

This use case suggests a bulk import of packages should go into one revision, and therefore generate one revision notification message and 100 package notification messages. The front-end client should listen to only revision messages.

1275324042000000 1275407987000000
#2733 enhancement johnglover johnglover ckan-v1.9 new Datastore logic functions

Where does the data go?

In a postgres database configured by the ckan.datastore_write_url config option which is a sqlalchemy url.

The user should have rights to create tables.

Whats the api like?

We will just implement it as logic functions like the rest of CKAN and will part of core. After that we may add some nicer api functions that use these but that is a secondary concern.

What are the initial logic functions?

  • datastore_create
  • datastore_delete
  • datastore_show

What is the JSON input format for datastore_create

To begin with it can have the following keys. It is fairly consistent with Max Ogdens' gut servers. Except adds resource_id.

resource_id: resource_id # the data is going to be stored against.
fields: a list of dictionaries of fields/columns and their extra metadata.
records: a list of dictionaries of the data eg  [{"dob": "2005", "some_stuff": ['a', b']}, ..]
  • The first row will be used to guess types not in the fields and the guessed types will be added to the headers permanently. Consecutive rows have to conform to the field definitions.
  • rows: can be empty so that you can just set the fields
  • fields are optional but needed if you want to do type hinting or add extra information for certain columns or to explicitly define ordering.

eg: [{"id": "dob", "type": "timestamp" }, {"id": "some_stuff", "type": "text"}, ...]. A header items values can not be changed after it has been defined nor can the ordering of them be changed. They can be extended though.

  • Any error results in total failure!! For now pass back the actual error.
  • Should be transactional

What json does datastore_delete take?

resource_id: resource_id # the data is going to be deleted.
filters: dictionary of matching conditions to delete
    e.g  {'key1': 'a. 'key2': 'b'}  this will be equivalent to "delete from table where key1 = 'a' and key2 = 'b' ".
    No filters (either not present or not defined) then delete the table. If we want truncate then add truncate: true to truncate the table.

What json does datastore_search take?

resource_id: resource_id # the data is going to be selected.
filters : dictionary of matching conditions to select
    e.g  {'key1': 'a. 'key2': 'b'}  this will be equivalent to "select * from table where key1 = 'a' and key2 = 'b' "
q: full text query
limit: limit the amount of rows to size default 100
offset: offset the amount of rows
fields:  list of fields return in that order, defaults (empty or not present) to all fields in fields order.
sort: comma separated field names with ordering e.g "fieldname1, fieldname2 desc"

Some free code: https://gist.github.com/3163864

What json does datastore_search return?

fields: same type as datastore_create accepts (i.e. with metadata)
offset: The same offset that was supplied in datastore_show
limit: The original limit
filters: The filters that were applied in data_show
total: # total matching records without size or offset
records: [same as data_create] # list of matching results

On error will return:

__error__: … sql error …

What types are allowed?

Aim to support as many postgres/postgis types that have string representations.




Each row in a table will be given an _id column which has an id generated by us which you can use in queries.

Other Features

Each row will store the _full_text index of all the data in the row. At some later point there will most likely be a way to index fields add constraints etc.

1343058886000000 1343656105000000
#883 enhancement wwaites wwaites ckan-v1.4 closed fixed uklii harvesting refactor

master ticket

  • #884 implement harvest job delete command for an easier life
  • #885 move csw code into dedicated ckanext plugin
  • #886 move forms api into dgu extension module
  • #887 move harvesting code to use generic harvesting module

1293277713000000 1300196622000000
#325 enhancement dread dread v1.1 closed fixed Event push notification

As a

CKAN client program

I want to

be notified when changes to the CKAN metadata occur.

Examples of use

  1. An external search engine needing to (re)index a package. (interest: Package)
  2. A front-end system that caches package info and wants to know when it changes, to keep in step. (interest: Package or Revision) See further details here: ticket:352 and previous iteration here: ticket:333.
  3. A system for automatically checking package URLs and resource URLs as they are put on the system. This could alert to bad URLs and automatically email feedback to (meta)data owners. (interest: PackageResource)
  4. Do some processing on resource (e.g. extract sample data for display) (interest: PackageResource)


The current state of CKAN can be queried through the REST API, you can keep track of changes by reviewing the feeds, but there is no way to find out the instant something is changed, without costly polling.


Split-off into two tickets:

  • Notification message - ticket:323
    • Which events to notify on
    • Message format
  • Interface for Notifier Service - ticket:322


To test notifications, Carrot / AMQP will be configured to use a native-Python Queue, instead of requiring RabbitMQ to be running on the machine.

1274723512000000 1278599979000000
#322 enhancement dread dread v1.1 closed fixed Client interface for Notification Service

Use cases

  • Register for package changes
  • Register for all revisions
  • Notified of a package change
  • Notified of a revision
  • Deregistration
  • Configuration of port in pylons config


  • Default port: 5672 (standard for AMQP)
  • Exchange name: 'ckan'
  • Exchange type: topic exchange (most flexible)
  • Routing keys: (see below)

Routing detail

Routing key format: "OBJ_TYPE" (NB tags should be identified by their name, not ID)

Example routing keys

  • 'package' - Package edited/created
  • 'resource' - Resource edited/created
  • 'revision' - Any change
  • 'db.clean'
  • 'db.rebuild'

Example queue bindings that clients may use:

  • * - no filtering - client receives all notifications
  • package - only changes to packages
  • revision - all revisions
  • db - all database operations


Since message payloads will be tied into the REST Entities, it makes sense to join up with the REST versioning. This could be achieved by providing new exchanges called 'ckan-1.1' perhaps?


  • How to use
  • simple example of an external client?
1274720042000000 1277722821000000
#323 enhancement dread dread v1.1 closed fixed Notification message

Which events to notify on

Listed by domain object, these are the notification message 'change types' that will be sent:

  • Package
  • PackageResource

Also it is clear that it could be useful to know when db-wide maintenance is carried out:

  • db - 'clean', 'rebuild' (db is wiped and replaced with new data), 'upgrade' (migration)

Ignored domain objects

These parts of the domain model will not carry notifications as no use case has been identified for them:

  • Revision
  • Group
  • Tag
  • Rating
  • User - list of users is sensitive info
  • Relationships - complicated
  • Authz - complicated and sensitive info
  • License - change of a license's metadata is a question for the 'license service'

Message format

A notification message's header contains the routing key, identifying the object type. The client is probably interested in the object (all use cases so far), so it makes sense to send the object in the payload. This should be the JSON-encoded dictionary exactly as provided for the object's REST Entity.

For the 'db' notifications there shall be no payload.

1274723333000000 1278578841000000
#2840 enhancement aron.carroll toby demo phase 3 closed fixed tag line styling


Is it possible to get the tagline text to float the other way

at the moment we have

...........Title Tag line to here

I'd like

...........Title ...........Tag line to here

is this possible or too much pain

based partly on this comment Markw wrote

A minor problem visible on the home page <http://s031.okserver.org:2375/> and other pages, when viewing in both Chrome and Firefox:

if the browser width is not very wide, the tag line 'Open source data portal' vanishes off the *left* hand side of the screen. For some reason the browser doesn't even recognise this with a horizontal scroll bar (as it does when stuff is off the *right* hand side) - it just chops off the text.

1344851307000000 1344852538000000
#2791 enhancement aron.carroll toby demo phase 3 closed fixed Logo fix


We should be able to have longish tag lines that look ok currently they wrap and stop the logo text being clickable

Can we have white-space:nowrap; for the tagline so long ones don't wrap and maybe look at aligning long ones

1343895034000000 1343906891000000
#2807 enhancement aron.carroll toby demo phase 3 closed fixed autocomplete.js error


edit dataset has a js error


TypeError?: options is undefined [Break On This Error]

this.lookup(options.term, options.callback);

autocomplete.js (line 231)

1344266228000000 1344270190000000
#169 enhancement dread dread closed duplicate Package derivations

A 'Derived' relationship can be applied from one package to another.

e.g. sussex-demography is derived from census-2001

'Derived' relationship is:

  • directional
  • many:many
  • stateful

'derived' table columns:

  • id (primary key)
  • source_package (foreign key)
  • result_package (foreign key)
  • description (markdown text)

Further tickets:

  • WUI - package view - shows 'derives from package x' and 'derived package y' with UML-like diagram of x -> this package -> y
  • WUI - package edit form - new option to say it 'derives from' or 'has derivation' and you select the appropriate
  • REST if - expose reading and writing this property
1256304927000000 1266928708000000
#762 story dread closed invalid Permanently Read-Only CKAN instance

A CKAN is used just for distributing metadata. Updates may still arrive through direct db manipulation, e.g.:

  • another (but writable) CKAN instance is connected to the same db
  • restoring database dumps from another CKAN db
1288090578000000 1288091982000000
#1263 enhancement dread dread closed fixed Bad name for logic action in API causes Exception

A bad action name: e.g. curl http://test.ckan.net/api/action/user_showaa -d '{}' causes 500 response.

Occurs only on 1.4.3 beta.

1312479020000000 1314029279000000
#1751 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-sprint-2012-02-20 closed fixed DGU dataset form: collection of updates from feedback

A collection of improvements to the dataset creation/edition form (feedback form DGU).

  • [x] validation error formatting
  • [x] geograohic coverage: add local authority
  • [x] resource format field
  • [x] resource format auto-complete
  • [x] renamed data tab -> files tab
  • [x] integrate Adris'a INSPIRE changeset, and migration scripts as part of build
  • [x] remove "discontinued" from the update frequency
  • [x] disable the disabling of save
  • [x] Remove ability to edit url on the edit-form (and remove "url not available")
1328526612000000 1329733458000000
#1730 enhancement johnglover seanh ckan-sprint-2012-02-20 closed fixed Form field for vocabularies

A function that takes a vocabulary name or ID as argument and returns a nice select box for selecting items from that given vocabulary. Meant to be used by form templates, to make it easy for them to integrate custom vocabularies. Could use http://harvesthq.github.com/chosen/

1328007897000000 1328714937000000
#1439 enhancement dread ckan-backlog new Action API discoverablility

A good service API needs to be discoverable, so you are not always having to refer to the documentation html.

Maybe /api/action should return a list of actions available? (Currently this returns a 404.)

  • It would be nice to sort these into get/create/update/delete.
  • #1438 Parameters for each of the actions must be discoverable too

/api/action/{action_name} should also return the help text / parameters allowable. (Currently this returns 400 error)

1320161970000000 1325474974000000
#2731 enhancement markw new Some sites permanently 'down for maintenance'

A large number of XXX.ckan.net sites give the following message:

"This Site is Down for Maintenance We apologize for the inconvenience. ~ The Open Knowledge Foundation sysadmins."

The message is unhelpful and patently false - the sites do not exist. Some of them were supposed to have been redirected to a relevant group at thedatahub.org in this ticket (now closed):


However, the redirection only seems to have worked in one case, http://si.ckan.net.

The problem still affects the following sites - the first 4 of which have supposedly been merged:

Please sort this out by redirecting, removing the sites, giving a more helpful (and accurate) failure message, etc, as appropriate.

1343045168000000 1343051608000000
#813 requirement cygri ckan-v1.3 closed fixed Add link to “Register new package” to the homepage

A link to the “register new package” page would be handy somewhere on the front page. As a frequent editor, I often go to http://ckan.net in order to create a new package. I don't want to hunt around for the link to the “new package” form.

The link could go into the bar next to “About / Statistics”. Or into the “More information” sidebar. Neither of these truly make sense, but it's a frequently accessed link and that's reason enough to put it somewhere onto the frontpage.

1289995253000000 1294411047000000
#814 requirement cygri ckan-v1.3 closed fixed Have an “About CKAN” link on every page

A link “About CKAN” pointing to http://ckan.net/about should be visible on every page. This is important because people often land on subpages and may have trouble figuring out what CKAN is.

I would put this link into the main navigation bar, on the very right next to “Revision History”. Then I would also remove the “Home” item from the main navigation bar because it is redundant. The CKAN logo is already a link to the homepage. The only other subpage in the “Home” section is “Statistics” and that's already linked from the homepage sidebar.

But anywhere else would be fine as well.

1289995821000000 1294411109000000
#1762 enhancement ross ross ckan-sprint-2012-02-20 closed fixed DGU Join publisher form

A new form for create publisher -> Add publisher access to your account' New wizard Autocomplete publisher name if linked from publisher view. Email address used to publish should be activated/validated on first use. Original email still used to log in.

1328532992000000 1329729305000000
#1197 enhancement timmcnamara ckan-backlog closed wontfix Add JavaScript guide for CKAN

A new library, guiders.js, has been open sourced that seems to be great at unobtrusively introducing new users to features of websites.

The library drives Optimizely's website. The GitHub repo is here: https://github.com/jeff-optimizely/Guiders-JS

Some examples:



1308801032000000 1340020357000000
#1779 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2012-02-20 closed fixed Add multilingual translation table.

A new table with 3 columns should be added. term, term_tranlastion, language_code. This table will be used for all translations, including tags. The table should have indexs on both the term and (term, language_code) combination.

1328548631000000 1329393759000000
#1164 enhancement amercader amercader pdeu-1 closed fixed Cloropleth Map of European Data Availability for PDEU

A nice map in the homepage showing the availability of data across Europe

1306408824000000 1308647224000000
#2796 enhancement mark.wainwright ross new Need a datahub one-pager

A one-pager explaining what the datahub is and with howto/examples for new users. This would make it much easier to explain the value in using the datahub for storing data.

1343924916000000 1345129495000000
#301 enhancement rgrp assigned Package discussion pages

A package discussion page is like a wikipedia discussion page: an editable free text page for people to have discussion/post comments about a given package.

It provides a way for people to make suggestions about a package without needing access to main package.

1272301033000000 1340632055000000
#1283 enhancement dread dread ckan-backlog closed fixed Deleted packages shouldn't be searchable or browsable

A package in deleted state doesn't show to general users, but admins DO see them. The idea is that they can resurrect them if they want. But now we have the trash can that lists deleted packages. So we don't want admins to see the deleted packages anywhere else.

(But an admin should still be able to READ and EDIT a deleted package, so if he clicks on it in the trash list he can see it to decide whether to resurrect and actually be able to change its state.)

Same in the Web interface and API.

This ticket ties in with #948 highlighting a package being deleted (when viewing or editing) and follows on from the introduction of the trash can #1076.

1314112481000000 1330083933000000
#2332 enhancement amercader rgrp ckan-v1.7 closed fixed Fixes for v1.7 release

A place to list crucial fixes for v1.7 release:

Related extension:

All not complete now moved to #2347

  • Related Item has comments on index page (they should not show up here -- why is this happening!)
  • Related item should be to left of history (history could in fact move to RHS)
    • What about losing icons since we duplicate for related item
  • Related item plus sign is very poorly aligned within box
    • Add related items should be in drop down like for resources (?) to make it easy to add items
    • Hover should show a title that gives some information about what related are (not at all clear)
  • Related item only includes App, Idea, Visualization but not API | Post | Paper | News Article options as in original ticket #2204

Search results:

  • #2331 - search should add not or
  • Search results should be similar across group pages and normal search results (suggest adopting group page style)
    • Search results resource link should link to resource page rather than url for that resource
    • Suggest we could tidy this a bit (e.g. have resources in mini-sidebar of search result ...?)

Data viewer:

a) Data Viewer checks if datastore is empty nad falls back to ther options if emtpy b) DataStore? enabled is off by default and only turned on either explicitly by user or by DataStorer? on successful store ...

  • (? not really a fix) Give out a link as well as embed instructions (I often want to link to the explorer in a given state)
    • Should this link to the resource page or to a dedicated viewer page - cf # 2322 (resource sub-urls like /download, /api ...)
    • Do #2322 ...
  • Decent powered by icon for the Embed for the DataHub? (make this text customizable and allow html ...)
  • Embed link uses uuid rather than dataset name (this goes to perma-url question ...)
  • Data viewer embed url includes all the resource info

Dataset page:

  • Put home page link somewhere more prominent (e.g. the top of the sidebar)
  • Put author more prominent (at top right)
  • (? - new work) List CKAN owners at top right in sidebar
  • Make resources stand out more
  • Rename resources tab and heading to Data & Resources

Dataset edit and create:

  • Corrections to dataset creation form for v1.7 - #2317
  • Better auto-complete for groups on dataset edit/new page - #2319
    • Remove groups box and replace with tags on the new page (or is this needed for organizations stuff?)
  • Description / notes text area is not wide enough.
    • Should also be larger on edit page
  • Problem with date instructions on add/edit resource: "Dates are in ISO Format — eg. 2012-12-25 or %c2010-05-31T14:30%d."
  • Add/edit resource: new code to auto-check urls being added is great but from UX point of view has draw back that (esp on low speed connections) page just seems to hang for a long time with nothing happening. I wonder if either
    • A) this could happen after resource created on form (e.g. it creates, and then an overlay comes up saying: checking url and gathering url information or similar)
    • Or B) we still do this before creating new resource form on page but we still should show something like a spinner and some info like "checking url and gathering url info ...)

Resource view:

  • Do not show no description in no description (just show dataset info)


  • Fix spacing above page title (i.e. dataset title etc)
  • Bootstrap 2.0.2 (@zephod was *supposed* to have done this) - should be trivial and gives important bugfixes for data viewer
  • Fix subnav width on resources pages (does not extend all the way to the right like it should)
  • Fix spacing of top menu and search box (do not look right)
  • Group pages:


  • Ensure that we out-of-the-box config for CKAN has (#2388):
    • Only logged in users able to create
    • Creation permissions have only creators able to update a dataset

Deployments (without deployment we cannot know these are working):

  • Social extension
  • Analytics
1335644116000000 1340033281000000
#1003 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-3 closed fixed CKAN Javascript library and demonstration web interface

A plain javascript library for interfacing with CKAN would be very useful (why? see below!). It would also be nice to have a pure html + javascript web interface to CKAN both for its own sake and to act as a demonstrator for the library.


  • Development of bespoke interfaces -- much easier to edit html + javascript than to change ckan core
    • E.g. for specific communities e.g. geodata, science
    • Specialized tasks - multi-package editing
  • Very easy deployment and integration (e.g. can drop in to getthedata or other sites)
1298490086000000 1300100411000000
#1328 defect minspamboks@… assigned Unicode & paster commands

A possible bug in CKAN when I tried deleting users using "paster --plugin=ckan user delete" command.

To reproduce the bug do the following:

  1. Create a user with an ID (which in my case was a user's full name)

that contains non-unicode caracters like Norwegian "æ", "ø", or "å".

  1. Make sure that you can see something like the example below:

(pyenv) rm@mycomputer:$ paster --plugin=ckan user Users: name=Rustæm

  1. Then try deleting the user with following command:

(pyenv) rm@mycomputer:$ paster --plugin=ckan user delete "Rustæm"

You should now get a python encoding error. I know that this is quite rare case, but in our case it caused some trouble. Could you guys have a look at this bug?

CKAN ver. 1.3.3.

1315823110000000 1340191065000000
#2382 task amercader amercader ckan-future new Investigate options for basic geocoding

A simple way for geocoding place names would be very useful, e.g in the spatial search, defining a geometry for a dataset (on the form or bulk)

1337017160000000 1338205325000000
#356 enhancement rgrp v1.1 closed fixed Search box in at top of page (UI)

A small but useful ui improvement would be to have a search box at top right on every page.

As an example see the one here on trac or on github.com or bitbucket.org.

  • It would be particularly good to include a small advanced search link that took you to the full search page. Need to keep it small because screen real-estate here is limited (see how github.com does this for inspiration).
1277235411000000 1278931830000000
#1179 enhancement timmcnamara ckan-backlog new Support tag aliases

A small number of tags are near-duplicates of each other.

Perhaps we could support word stemming from NLTK and/or manual tag aliases:

statistics statistik ... survey surveying surveys

1307429221000000 1339774332000000
#2911 enhancement kindly new Internal documentation of Organization Groups

A summary/user story doc of how organizations and groups are expected to work.

1346941384000000 1346941384000000
#1542 enhancement dread ckan-backlog new Buttons to purge spam datasets and groups

A sysadmin should be able to easily examine a suspect group or package, determine if it was created by a spammer (as opposed to being a legitimate object that has been graffitied by a spammer) and purge it.

The existing two-stage revision delete is currently unreliable and perhaps too laborious.

Olav and Richard have needs along this line.

1323364930000000 1339774000000000
#1621 defect seanh seanh closed fixed UnicodeDecodeError when validating user password

A test case is currently failing for me on master:

ERROR: ckan.tests.functional.test_user.TestUserController.test_user_create_unicode
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/seanh/pyenv/lib/python2.6/site-packages/nose/case.py", line 197, in runTest
  File "/home/seanh/pyenv/src/ckan/ckan/tests/functional/test_user.py", line 342, in test_user_create_unicode
    res = res.follow()
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/paste/fixture.py", line 603, in follow
    return self.test_app.get(location, **kw)
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/paste/fixture.py", line 208, in get
    return self.do_request(req, status=status)
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/paste/fixture.py", line 389, in do_request
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/paste/wsgilib.py", line 343, in raw_interactive
    app_iter = application(basic_environ, start_response)
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/paste/lint.py", line 170, in lint_app
    iterator = application(environ, start_response_wrapper)
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/paste/cascade.py", line 130, in __call__
    return self.apps[-1](environ, start_response)
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/paste/registry.py", line 350, in __call__
    app_iter = self.application(environ, start_response)
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/repoze/who/middleware.py", line 69, in __call__
    auth_ids = self.authenticate(environ, classification, ids)
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/repoze/who/middleware.py", line 201, in authenticate
    userid = plugin.authenticate(environ, identity)
  File "/home/seanh/pyenv/src/ckan/ckan/lib/authenticator.py", line 29, in authenticate
    if user.validate_password(identity.get('password')):
  File "/home/seanh/pyenv/src/ckan/ckan/model/user.py", line 113, in validate_password
    hashed_pass = sha1(password_8bit + self.password[:40])
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 12: ordinal not in range(128)

1326105806000000 1335878161000000
#1607 enhancement icmurray dread ckan-v1.7 closed fixed [super] Data.gov.uk Maintenance Refactor and UKLP Development Support

A ticket to collect all of the changes needed for CKAN to become the 'data' tab on DGU.

Design doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19h9bA1G4cQkv031m8jNCu6FEB3a8qpXUmdPAguM-Ofs/edit?hl=en_GB The design doc is the authoritative source of tasks. This ticket acts as a synopsis.

Current sprint (2012-02-20):

  • 7a. Public Publisher Dashboard (including QA Work and notifications) MUST PHASE 1
  • 6. Publisher Registration Improvements MUST PHASE 1
  • 3. Themes/Taxonomy? as well as tags WONT PHASE 2
  • 32. Browse by Tags PHASE 1 MUST
  • 12. Edit/Delete? for Harvested Datasets MUST URGENT PHASE 1
  • 13. Provider labelling MUST PHASE 1 [UKLP #14 MUST]
  • 17. Filter “UK Location Records” MUST PHASE 1 [UKLP #21 SHOULD]
  • 22. Mixed Licenses MUST PHASE 2

Plus, brought forward from last sprint:

  • Publisher hierarchy support
  • Improved dataset creation tools (form) - #1525
  • Edit/delete for harvested datasets

Overview of tasks: see the design doc.

1325503348000000 1337159969000000
#40 defect rgrp rgrp v0.5 closed fixed Reserved html characters (such as &) in urls mean package does not render for read view

A url such as: http://someurl.com/xyz?x=1&VERSION=1.1&Service=WFS when set as url or download_url breaks the rendering of the package with an error like:

There was an error rendering the package: not well-formed (invalid token): line 1, column 181

Have checked that removing the & stuff makes the error go away so this looks like an issue with escaping urls when displaying them ...

1195565228000000 1200993319000000
#836 enhancement rgrp ckan-v1.3-sprint-1 closed fixed Use site_url config option in templates

A user reported wanting to install ckan at a suburl. Apparently this does not work well because some urls are hard-coded: http://lists.okfn.org/pipermail/ckan-discuss/2010-November/000726.html

Instead we should use the site_url config option where necessary.

Cost: 1h

1291132434000000 1302882808000000
#136 enhancement rgrp dread v0.11 closed fixed User has publicly viewable page

A user's 'home page' is at: user/<user.id> e.g. user/28394723982-03849472

Step 1:

  • Current user home page with recent edits

Step 2: Readonly

  • Number of edits
  • Number of Packages they are admin of

How do we do a nicer URL for the home page - can we use their openid login?

Follow on tickets: ticket:138 and ticket:142

1254741650000000 1255169466000000
#1306 enhancement kindly rgrp ckan-backlog closed wontfix Tests for the logic layer

AFAICT there are no tests for the logic layer at the moment. I imagine this is an issue (if it is not please explain and close as wontfix).

1315153267000000 1319797204000000
#879 enhancement wwaites rgrp ckan-v1.3 closed fixed Storage auth API

API to provide credentials to allow authorized 3rd parties (ie. one's with CKAN api keys) to make uploads to storage.

Implement as a CKAN extension.

1292868509000000 1316030482000000
#257 enhancement dread dread v1.0 closed fixed Package relationships - 4. Read in API


  • Appear in package listing Example: 'relationships': [{'is_dependency_of':'osm', comments:'Since version 0.2'}, {'is_parent_of':'bobs_maps'}]
1266928630000000 1273596170000000
#155 enhancement dread dread v1.0 closed duplicate Adding multiple packages to a group

Ability to add multiple packages to a group in one go (e.g. with 'add' link which makes drop down menu appear - so can add one after another - then submit simultaneously)

Use a bit of javascript to add more dropdowns.

Suggested by Jonathan Gray

1255621779000000 1271760041000000
#1154 enhancement johnglover nils.toedtmann ckan-sprint-2011-10-28 closed fixed Make ckan robust against solr failure

According to pudo, a ckan with activated solr extension throws a 5xx when solr is unreachable. Instead, it should behave more like a ckan without ckanext-solr when this happens.

1306254472000000 1314287519000000
#2672 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-v1.8 closed fixed Session.is_modified should use passive=True

According to sqlalchemy docs [1], when calling Session.is_modified(), the passive argument needs to be passed in as True.

[1] http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_0_7/orm/session.html?highlight=is_modified#sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session.is_modified

1342185523000000 1343124666000000
#1437 defect dread dread ckan-sprint-2011-11-07 closed fixed JSONP parameter in Action API

Action API needs JSONP support - be able to return responses encapsulated in a function of a supplied name. This is important for remote sites running javascript to interact with a CKAN site.

Specifying the callback parameter is the way we've achieved JSONP with the RESTful and Search APIs. It should work like this:

curl http://test.ckan.net/api/action/package_show?callback=jsoncallback -d '{"id": "fd788e57-dce4-481c-832d-497235bf9f78"}'

Or maybe the callback should be specified in the payload in the context or data_dict?

(My understanding is that CORS is similar - when more browsers support it, can we drop JSONP?)

1320161088000000 1320173795000000
#2619 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-v1.9 assigned Omit private datasets from public activity streams

Activities about private datasets should not appear in public activity streams.

I don't think you want to actually purge the activities from the db, because you might still want them to appear in private activity streams.

I do think that when a dataset goes private all its past activity should go private, because I imagine that users are going to want to hide everything about the dataset and not have any past activities 'leaking out'

I don't think you want to consider whether the dataset was private when the activity happened, rather if a dataset is private now then all its past activities are private (and the simplest thing would be to say that if a dataset is public now then all its past activities become public as well, but is that a privacy concern?)

The easiest way to implement this is going to be by modifying the *_activity_list() action functions in get.py, after they pull their activity lists out of the db they should pass them through a function that filters out stuff about private datasets.

An activity about a private dataset is one whose object_type is 'dataset' and whose object_id matches the id of a private dataset. You should also check the object_type and object_id of all of the activity object's activity detail objects, if any of those match a private dataset then mark the whole activity as private.

Currently all activity streams are public so should have all private datasets filtered out from them, except for the dashboard activity stream which is private to the individual user. In this case private datasets that the user has permission to see should not be filtered.

1340884140000000 1351531137000000
#3018 enhancement johnmartin johnmartin ckan 2.0 new Load more in activity streams

Activity streams should be able to load more than 15 items within them. Suggest the default amount of loading is around 30 and then click to load more.

1352900051000000 1355140950000000
#1038 enhancement dread dread ckan-v1.4 closed fixed Authz tool - operate on all packages at once

Add 'package:all' to authz tool to allow mass changes of authz.

1300212788000000 1300212841000000
#1776 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-sprint-2012-02-20 closed fixed Granular editing of vocabulary tags

Add API calls for adding one or more tags to and removing one or more tags from a vocabulary, without affecting the other tags in that vocabulary and without having to pass the full list of the vocabulary's tags.

1328541213000000 1329302364000000
#123 enhancement dread dread v0.10 closed fixed Ability to edit Group in WUI

Add Group editing page.

If no permissions to change group can't edit group. Also cannot view edit page.

Editable attributes: name, title, description

No preview needed

1253708041000000 1254321447000000
#1705 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-sprint-2012-02-20 closed fixed Implement Vocabularies domain model and API

Add Vocabulary domain class, add logic functions for creating, updating, listing, getting, deleting vocabularies, add tests.

1327427254000000 1329131067000000
#2924 defect seanh ckan 2.0 new Better docs for trans js command, and add to release process

Add a better docstring to for trans js command explaining what it does and why, and how to use it.

Also add this command to the CKAN Release Process as it's needed there

1347530671000000 1347530671000000
#889 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.3-sprint-2 closed fixed Support extra footer material in config option (e.g. for google analytics)

Add a config option 'template_footer_end' which is inserted in layout_template just before </body>.

This allows sysadmins to add extra items, especially, scripts directly into site without having to do any theming and is especially useful for things like google analytics.

Aside: going forward may want to turn this into a extension.

Cost: 1h

1293713189000000 1293715109000000
#1606 enhancement dread ckan-backlog new metadata license config option

Add a config option to choose the metadata licence. Set default to Open Database License.

Currently the dataset edit form says "Important: By submitting content, you agree to release your contributions under the Open Database License." This is hard-coded, but not suitable for when DGU uses the CKAN form - they use the OGL.

1325501130000000 1339773981000000
#1511 enhancement kindly seanh ckan-sprint-2012-01-23 closed fixed Logic function for getting a user's public activity stream

Add a function to logic.action.get that returns a user's public activity stream as a list of dicts.

1323094207000000 1327576134000000
#1729 enhancement johnglover seanh ckan-sprint-2012-02-20 closed duplicate Helper function for extensions to add vocabularies to a ckan instance

Add a helper function to make it easy for extensions to add new vocabularies to default_package_schema(). The helper function should take the name or ID of a vocabulary (which should already exist in the db) and add the necessary key: [schema] entry to default_package_schema(), with the necessary validation, authorisation, transformation.

1328007723000000 1329131023000000
#1765 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-sprint-2012-02-20 closed fixed Enhance Tag and Package models with vocabularies

Add a vocabulary column to the tags database table, change tags to have unique (tag_name, vocabulary_id) instrad of unique tag name, update methods in the Tag and Package classes to deal with the fact that tags may belong to vocabularies and that tag names are no longer unique.

1328537061000000 1329131124000000
#1370 enhancement toby rgrp ckan-sprint-2012-04-30 closed fixed [super] Social sharing for datasets (and resources)

Add a way to share datasets and see mentions of datasets on twitter (and elsewhere)

As a visitor I want to share a link to a dataset I have found. I also want to see how many others have shared this (or mentioned it).

  • Sharing platform: simplest option is probably twitter but could generalize to e.g. sharethis system which supports, facebook, twitter etc etc.
    • Will need a config option for relevant API key e.g. ckan.sharethis.apikey
  • Location: Put this at top of sidebar on dataset view (a better suggsetion?)
  • Should show how many mentions / shares there are. (very important!)


  • (Tom and Ira and ...): do we really want this, versus e.g. proper follow extension?
  • What about bringing conversation back in to CKAN. E.g. show all times this dataset (i.e. its url) was mentioned on twitter. If we do this I think this should be definite +1.
  • Also, given our users, I think just doing twitter (identica) may be sufficient (how many people want to share links to datasets on facebook?)
1317422686000000 1336045983000000
#2997 enhancement seanh ckan 2.0 new Add activity streams to dataset pages

Add an activity stream tab to dataset pages, like we have on user profile pages. Dataset activity streams are already implemented in the backend.

1350484306000000 1350484306000000
#1031 enhancement johnlawrenceaspden rgrp ckan-v1.4-sprint-4 closed fixed User lookup API

Add an api for searching users. This is needed for any kind of ajax autocomplete (needed for anywhere we want to add users).

  • API location: /api/util/user/lookup?q=querystr&limit=10
  • Return json objects containing {id: ..., name: ..., fullname: ...}
  • Put in a module called controllers/apiv2/user.py
1299780419000000 1300101520000000
#1781 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2012-02-20 closed fixed Api to add translations.

Add api to translation to the term_translation table.

  • add to logic 2d
  • test 1d
1328549031000000 1329393822000000
#1780 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-backlog closed duplicate Api to add translations.

Add api to translation to the term_translation table.

  • add to logic 2d
  • test 2d
1328548908000000 1328578479000000
#2593 enhancement johnglover johnglover ckan-ecportal closed fixed Setup nginx caching for EC ODP

Add caching config to ecportal-server-setup repository.

1340638428000000 1340721249000000
#128 enhancement dread rgrp v0.11 closed fixed Add ckan_url attribute to REST JSON representation of a Package

Add ckan_url attribute to REST JSON representation of a Package pointing to the (read) url of package on CKAN.

Cost: 30m

1253866713000000 1275694573000000
#1698 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-v1.7 closed fixed [super] Tag Taxonomies

Add drupal-like "taxonomies" to CKAN.

Etherpad with user stories, feature list, design and implementation discussion:


Branch where this is being developed is feature-1698-tag-taxonomies:


Tickets related to this have keyword taxonomies.

1327415756000000 1338204433000000
#2267 enhancement aron.carroll rgrp demo phase 5 closed fixed Add generator=ckan tag in head

Add generator=ckan tag in head of templates to identify site as generated by CKAN

1333040018000000 1343229146000000
#1692 enhancement rgrp ckan-v1.7 closed wontfix Add image attribute to Dataset and Group

Add image attribute for Dataset and Group which would be shown in prominent place.

For dataset this could be a relevant image and for Group this would be more of a logo.

I think this has very high value from a UX point of view.


  • Do we need to support uploading and storing the image (or do users store elsewhere)
    • Could use something like transloadit service
    • Use our own storage facility with a reserved directory
  • Do we need to do resizing etc?
    • Maybe. Perhaps can prefer this in reasonably small size and then just size down in css for thumbnails etc.
1327108761000000 1338204395000000
#2761 enhancement seanh ckan-v1.8 new Document all the errors you can get when setting up filestore, and how to fix them

Add it to a 'Troubleshooting' section on the filestore page: http://docs.ckan.org/en/ckan-1.7.1/filestore.html

For the error messages and their solutions, see various threads on ckan-dev

1343302566000000 1343302566000000
#250 enhancement icmurray dread ckan-v1.9 assigned RDF link in Atom feed

Add link to RDF representation of a package in our Atom feed.

1266507695000000 1340631430000000
#1633 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-v1.7 closed wontfix Render a dataset's activity stream on its' page

Add logic functions for getting the activity stream for a dataset in JSON and rendered HTML formats, add HTML activity stream into dataset page.

1326304298000000 1335877927000000
#1632 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-v1.7 closed wontfix Render a group's activity stream on its' page

Add logic functions for getting the activity stream for a group in JSON and rendered HTML formats, add HTML activity stream into group page.

1326304199000000 1335877871000000
#2771 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-v1.8 new Documentation and examples for IDatasetForm and IGroupForm

Add minimal, working IDatasetForm and IGroupForm example extensions to core, with tests.

The IDatasetForm example should use tag vocabularies (two birds with one stone)

The IDatasetForm and IGroupForm docs are not very good (and are somewhat spread around different doc chapters), fix them up, and reference the new working examples.

Tab Vocabularies docs should reference IDatasetForm example.

When using convert_to/from_extras() you have to remove any free extras from the form or it won't work, this needs to be documented (in the docstring maybe)

There have been recent changes to the schemas that IDatasetForm and IGroupForm use, make sure the docs are up to date.

1343392238000000 1350303564000000
#108 enhancement dread rgrp v0.10 closed fixed Package search in the REST API

Add package search facility in the rest api at /api/search

Queries can be provided as for the normal package search either by posting to that url or by performing a get with a query string.

E.g. .../api/search/package?q=xyz

Query parameters:

  • q is keyword string (searches name, title, tags by default)
    • split by words and ANDed
  • additional parameters for specific fields
  • qjson is alternative to q for Searching by specific fields (in addition to keyword string). Payload to json is a JSON-encoded dict which is a dictionary with a q field for free text (keywords) and additional key/value pairs for specific fields
    • if q and qjson specified ignore q and just process qjson value

Additional parameters in addition to query ("q" or "qjson") are:

  • limit
  • offset
  • fullinfo=0/1 - return full record for each result (default=0)
  • order_by=field_name
  • search_notes=0/1 (default 0) do we search notes field in a keyword search

Return value is json encoded dictionary with keys:

  • 'results': list of results
  • 'count': total number of results

Extras (for the future)

  • Prioritisation is not part of this ticket (requires fulltext support in DB or in external app such as Xapian)
1251915845000000 1252340511000000
#1032 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.6 closed fixed [super] Resources in WUI

Add resources into Web User Interface.

  • Locate at: /dataset/{dataset}/resource/{id}
  • CRUD
  • Authorization


  • #945 - Richer resources - Resource Groups, new fields, improved UI
  • #1445 - Resource View page in WUI
  • #1450 - Dataset view pages to match

Moved to superticket #1506:

  • #978 - Edit Resource Extras in Web UI
1299782021000000 1330348463000000
#1291 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed Add activity and activity detail tables.

Add tables described in http://ckan.okfnpad.org/notifications

1314267572000000 1315950394000000
#91 enhancement dread rgrp v0.10 closed fixed Add author and maintainer attributes to package

Add the following attributes to package:

  • author, author_email
  • maintainer, maintainer_email

Gives us full compatibility to: http://docs.python.org/distutils/setupscript.html#additional-meta-data

Column ordering - should come after name, title, url, download_url.

1249049780000000 1250864156000000
#1488 enhancement dread dread ckan-sprint-2011-11-21 closed fixed List of installed extensions - add to the status_show

Add the list of extensions install (config's ckan.plugins) to status_show logic action (See #1087)

1322130555000000 1322241966000000
#2601 defect ross seanh closed fixed 500 Server Error when editing datasets with organizations plugins enabled

Add the organizations and organizations_dataset plugins to ini file, run ckan, login, create an organization, create a dataset and put in organization, edit the dataset and set organization to none, try to edit the dataset again (you must be sysadmin to do this) and get a 500:

Error - <class 'genshi.template.eval.UndefinedError'>: [] has no member named "get"
File '/home/seanh/.virtualenvs/ckan/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/weberror/errormiddleware.py', line 162 in __call__
  app_iter = self.application(environ, sr_checker)
File '/home/seanh/.virtualenvs/ckan/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/beaker/middleware.py', line 73 in __call__
  return self.app(environ, start_response)
File '/home/seanh/.virtualenvs/ckan/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/beaker/middleware.py', line 155 in __call__
  return self.wrap_app(environ, session_start_response)
File '/home/seanh/.virtualenvs/ckan/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/routes/middleware.py', line 130 in __call__
  response = self.app(environ, start_response)
File '/home/seanh/.virtualenvs/ckan/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pylons/wsgiapp.py', line 125 in __call__
  response = self.dispatch(controller, environ, start_response)
File '/home/seanh/.virtualenvs/ckan/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pylons/wsgiapp.py', line 324 in dispatch
  return controller(environ, start_response)
File '/home/seanh/Projects/ckan/ckan/ckan/lib/base.py', line 221 in __call__
  res = WSGIController.__call__(self, environ, start_response)
File '/home/seanh/.virtualenvs/ckan/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pylons/controllers/core.py', line 221 in __call__
  response = self._dispatch_call()
File '/home/seanh/.virtualenvs/ckan/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pylons/controllers/core.py', line 172 in _dispatch_call
  response = self._inspect_call(func)
File '/home/seanh/.virtualenvs/ckan/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pylons/controllers/core.py', line 107 in _inspect_call
  result = self._perform_call(func, args)
File '/home/seanh/.virtualenvs/ckan/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pylons/controllers/core.py', line 60 in _perform_call
  return func(**args)
File '/home/seanh/Projects/ckan/ckan/ckan/controllers/package.py', line 499 in edit
File '/home/seanh/Projects/ckan/ckan/ckan/lib/base.py', line 148 in render
  return cached_template(template_name, render_template, loader_class=loader_class)
File '/home/seanh/.virtualenvs/ckan/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pylons/templating.py', line 249 in cached_template
  return render_func()
File '/home/seanh/Projects/ckan/ckan/ckan/lib/base.py', line 101 in render_template
  return literal(stream.render(method=method, encoding=None, strip_whitespace=True))
File '/home/seanh/.virtualenvs/ckan/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/genshi/core.py', line 183 in render
  return encode(generator, method=method, encoding=encoding, out=out)
File '/home/seanh/.virtualenvs/ckan/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/genshi/output.py', line 57 in encode
  return _encode(''.join(list(iterator)))
File '/home/seanh/.virtualenvs/ckan/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/genshi/output.py', line 339 in __call__
  for kind, data, pos in stream:
File '/home/seanh/.virtualenvs/ckan/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/genshi/output.py', line 670 in __call__
  for kind, data, pos in stream:
File '/home/seanh/.virtualenvs/ckan/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/genshi/output.py', line 771 in __call__
  for kind, data, pos in chain(stream, [(None, None, None)]):
File '/home/seanh/.virtualenvs/ckan/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/genshi/output.py', line 586 in __call__
  for ev in stream:
File '/home/seanh/.virtualenvs/ckan/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/genshi/core.py', line 288 in _ensure
  for event in stream:
File '/home/seanh/.virtualenvs/ckan/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/genshi/template/base.py', line 605 in _include
  for event in stream:
File '/home/seanh/.virtualenvs/ckan/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/genshi/template/markup.py', line 327 in _match
  for event in stream:
File '/home/seanh/.virtualenvs/ckan/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/genshi/template/base.py', line 545 in _flatten
  for kind, data, pos in stream:
File '/home/seanh/.virtualenvs/ckan/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/genshi/template/directives.py', line 169 in _generate
  attrs = _eval_expr(self.expr, ctxt, vars)
File '/home/seanh/.virtualenvs/ckan/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/genshi/template/base.py', line 277 in _eval_expr
  retval = expr.evaluate(ctxt)
File '/home/seanh/.virtualenvs/ckan/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/genshi/template/eval.py', line 178 in evaluate
  return eval(self.code, _globals, {'__data__': data})
File '/home/seanh/Projects/ckan/ckan/ckanext/organizations/templates/organization_package_form.html', line 110 in <Expression u"{'selected':'selected'} if organization.get('id','') == group['id'] else {}">
  <option value="${group['id']}" py:attrs="{'selected':'selected'} if organization.get('id','') == group['id'] else {}">${group['title']}</option>
File '/home/seanh/Projects/ckan/ckan/ckan/config/environment.py', line 248 in genshi_lookup_attr
  val = cls.undefined(key, owner=obj)
File '/home/seanh/.virtualenvs/ckan/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/genshi/template/eval.py', line 410 in undefined
  raise UndefinedError(key, owner=owner)
UndefinedError: [] has no member named "get"
1340722754000000 1341291379000000
#2941 enhancement johnmartin johnmartin ckan 2.0 closed fixed Add follower support back into CKAN 2.0

Add the views and functionality of following users and groups into 2.0

1348584670000000 1350560915000000
#258 enhancement rgrp dread v1.0 closed fixed Add uuids into package in REST

Add uuids into package in REST interface.

1266954722000000 1273596163000000
#3007 enhancement seanh ckan 2.0 new Adding a dataset creates multiple activities

Adding a new dataset creates multiple activity stream activities, e.g. seanh created the dataset foo, seanh add the resource bar to the dataset foo, and seanh updated the dataset foo are all created when I add a new dataset. I wonder if these can be collapsed into a single activity.

1351516507000000 1351517019000000
#67 enhancement rgrp rgrp v0.10 closed fixed List all of a user's recent edits on their home page

Additional feature related to ticket:66.

cost: 2h

1245263731000000 1250785122000000
#763 enhancement dread ckan-future assigned Read-only mode - Setup

Admin configures entering read-only mode in one of two places:

  • CKAN config file (e.g. ckan.ini)
  • environment variable from Apache config

Once enabled, no writes can occur to the database (including user ratings and other usage stats).

1288091506000000 1338206204000000
#761 story dread closed invalid Read-only CKAN for maintenance

Administrator wants to upgrade CKAN or move it to another server. During this time the database is being administered and either edits are lost or can't be done.

1288090334000000 1288091977000000
#1185 defect timmcnamara ckan-backlog new Administrators can't delete packages from web UI

Administrators have "View", "Edit" and "History" tabs. However, I can't see a way to delete a package from the web UI.

Version: CKAN.net as of today

1308111818000000 1339774289000000
#2988 enhancement seanh ckan 2.0 new UI functional tests for CKAN 2.0

Afaik the new CKAN 2.0 frontend has no functional tests

1350298935000000 1350298935000000
#2344 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-v1.8 closed duplicate Get jenkins install script into CKAN core

After checking out a commit to test from CKAN's GitHub?, Jenkins runs a script that creates a new virtual environment and installs CKAN and its dependencies into it, and does some other necessary tasks. Jenkins then runs the tests in this virtualenv.

The install script may have to change from one commit to the next as CKAN's install instructions change, so it would be good if the script was shipped in CKAN core. That way Jenkins will run different versions of the script depending on which commit it's testing and if the tests fail because the script is wrong then that's actually a bug that needs to be fixed in CKAN core. Also the CKAN install instructions could be simplified a lot by just having users run this script instead of doing each step by hand.

1335876673000000 1340040449000000
#2467 defect amercader amercader ckan-v1.8 closed fixed Fix stats extension frontend

After moving to Bootstrap the tables on the frontend look broken.

1338213230000000 1340981885000000
#1280 defect kindly ckan-backlog closed fixed fix sqlalchemy so that it works with postgres 9.0

After the ckan migrate process, sqlalcehmy reflect does not work and causes an error when reflecting indexes. A bug report needs to be put into sqlalchemy.

1313513090000000 1328786670000000
#1017 defect pudo sebbacon closed fixed Problem assigning users to authz groups through web interface

Against ckan-1.3.1, when I create an authz group called "administrators" and visit /authorizationgroup/edit/administrators, I am unable to add more than one user to it.

Each time I add additional users, the existing user on the list is replaced with the new one.

1299071127000000 1299668555000000
#1808 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-sprint-2012-03-19 closed fixed Translation of content on dataset view pages

All data is that is translatable should be translated when viewed.

This includes tag names will be ID codes. When viewing a dataset page, look up the current language of the interface (ckan_lang or something in the environs) and display the string for the tag in that language.

Related to the dataset view extension points for translation, recently added by kindly/=.

1329742530000000 1331146804000000
#1246 defect pudo adrian.pohl@… ckan-sprint-2011-10-28 closed fixed Search results on ckan.net are mistakenly all 'open'

All package search results on ckan.net are labelled as 'open' even when their license is closed or unknown: http://ckan.net/package

1311863353000000 1311892816000000
#2208 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-sprint-2012-06-25 closed fixed Export strings from ckan and ckanext-ecportal to combined pot file

All strings from the ckanext-ecportal extension (and from CKAN core) need to be exported to a pot file to send to tenforce.

1330961806000000 1339596371000000
#1820 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2012-03-19 closed fixed Index multilingual data when mulilingual extension is added.

All translated fields and vocabularies need to be added to search index in the correct fields.

1329770903000000 1332163374000000
#765 enhancement dread ckan-backlog assigned Read-only mode - API usage

All writes to the API are captured and you are returned an error explaining the reason.

Possible errors:

  • 503 temporary maintenance
  • 403 forbidden (if server if permanently read-only)
1288091897000000 1338206123000000
#83 enhancement rgrp rgrp vdm-0.6 closed fixed Allow "ignored" fields on versioned objects

Allow 'ignored' fields on versioned objects (i.e. attributes which are not 'versioned'). This is not hard to do as we already have most of the necessary mechanisms set up in the Revisioner object.

Cost: 2h

1248339384000000 1267648301000000
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