{22} Trac tickets (2647 matches)

Results (1801 - 1900 of 2647)

Id Type Owner Reporter Milestone Status Resolution Summary Description Posixtime Modifiedtime
#1108 enhancement zephod pudo ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed Create a more modern theme for CKAN

CKAN looks a bit aged, it should be styled more modernly and some elements could be re-arranged:

  • Collect user info in top bar
  • re-add the logo to ckan.net
  • Remove tags from main menu, replace with /sitemap.xml


quora.com, github.com, Google Projects, Google Refine, etc.

CKAN.net or CKAN general theme?

To be decided. Suggest we start with ckan.net specific and then backwards integrate (?). Existing ckan.net theme repo:


1303830790000000 1315140879000000
#1276 enhancement johnglover johnglover ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed Apply weighting to search fields in solr

For example:

  • name and title should have a higher weight than the notes field
1313414353000000 1315948394000000
#1277 enhancement johnglover johnglover ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed Use solr query parser for search instead of ckan query parser

See http://ckan.okfnpad.org/search for details/discussion

1313414446000000 1315948417000000
#1291 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed Add activity and activity detail tables.

Add tables described in http://ckan.okfnpad.org/notifications

1314267572000000 1315950394000000
#1293 enhancement zephod rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed Rename Package to Dataset throughout WUI, API


  • All templates
  • [DONE] Routing: /package/ -> /dataset/ (including API)
  • [DONE] Tests: self.app.get('/dataset/...') rather than package ...
    • One test to check redirect works?
  • Docs


  • Stay with Package in code e.g. stay with 'PackageController?'
    • also leave stuff like pkg = .... (gradual migration)
  • Leave extensions


  • Package -> Dataset
  • Data Package -> Dataset
  • respect capitalization
1314405700000000 1317649968000000
#1295 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed Simplify package create form

Sub ticket of #1294

  • Initial screen just title, name, description (notes), license (and tags?).
  • State that you can add data and more information on next screen. This takes you to Package 'view' where you can then do more stuff.
    • Flash some instructions? e.g. that resources are missing?
  • Name slug should by default look uneditable (cf wordpress way to do the slug)
1314406014000000 1315948009000000
#1296 enhancement zephod rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed Improved resource adding/editing on dataset/page page

Subticket of #1294.

  • Nice way to edit all resource attributes
  • Nice way to add new resources
    • Including file upload (cf #878).
      • Cf work in ckanjs (this can be a straight integration).
1314406093000000 1315948224000000
#1297 enhancement zephod rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed In-place preview of edited description markdown on edit dataset form

Subticket of #1294.

Can integrate from working system on ckanjs.

1314406183000000 1317649974000000
#1301 defect amercader amercader ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed Give access to extensions from the old formalchemy controllers

This was removed during the auth refactoring, but it's needed in the old controllers

1314882888000000 1314893744000000
#1303 defect amercader amercader ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed User can not login again if he has edited his profile

Only happens if the user does not update the password. Most probably introduced during #1229.

1314889472000000 1314978842000000
#1304 enhancement amercader amercader ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed Show more descriptive error messages when sending emails

Sending emails is failing in some cases, and the error message just says 'Could not send reset link'.

1314893206000000 1314893749000000
#1307 enhancement zephod rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed Implement captcha for signup
  • Major issue with spam signup on thedatahub.org
  • Suggest using recaptcha

Est cost: 1d

1315153860000000 1317649963000000
#1309 enhancement zephod zephod ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed duplicate Registering new user requires immediate login

Registering a new user directs you to that user's profile page but does not log you in. There is an empty set of "Recent changes" and no ability to modify the page. Users must follow the login link in the top-right corner to continue.

Registering a new user should immediately log you in.

1315225510000000 1315586335000000
#1310 defect dread dread ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed API GET of a revision that has been approved causes exception

e.g. this particular revision on ckan.net: http://ckan.net/api/rest/revision/9601fbcb-03a7-4ebc-981d-5aa16df4852c (most others have not been approved) Causes 500 error.

1315234899000000 1315820419000000
#1324 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed Add extra fields to resource table

add extra fields to resource as outlined in


Specifically (all unicode strings except for those noted):

  • name: a name for this resource (could be used in a ckan url)
  • type: the type of the resource. One of: file | api | service | listing
  • mimetype: standard mimetype (e.g. for zipped csv would be application/zip)
  • mimetype_inner: mimetype of innermost object (so for example would be text/csv)
  • size: [integer] size of the resource (content length) in bytes. Usually only relevant for resources of type file.
  • last_modified: [datetime] the date when this resource's data was last modified (NB: not the date when the metadata was modified).
  • cache_url: url for cache of object in ckan storage
  • cache_last_updated: [datetime] timestamp when cached version was created
  • webstore_url:
  • webstore_last_updated: [datetime] timestamp when webstore was last updated
1315578976000000 1315948336000000
#1325 defect dread dread ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed python 2.5 incompatibilities

We claim to support Python 2.5 (useful for Lenny), yet a few problems have crept in:

  • 'with' statement requires from __future__ import with_statement
  • import json from ckan.lib.helpers, rather than directly, since it copes with reverting to simplejson, used in python 2.5.
1315580452000000 1315587113000000
#84 enhancement kindly rgrp ckan-future assigned Revert support on versioned objects

Basic revert in the classic wiki form is already support by purging a Revision. However may wish to support:

  1. Cases where multiple objects changed in a revision but only want to revert 1 (low priority)
  2. Want to revert but have reversion as a new revision of that object.

Seems low priority at present.

Cost: ?

1248339543000000 1340626385000000
#377 enhancement glen@… ckan-future closed wontfix API Should return JSON in all cases

When the API returns any response it should always retunr JSON. For example a 404 response should return something like

{'status': 404, 'message': 'package somename not found'}

When errors are encountered when creating a package:

{'status': nnn, 'message': 'Validation Errors', 'errors':['description':'name cannot be
blank', 'description':'license code must be an integer']}

Not authorised:

{'status': 503, 'message': 'You are not authorised to create this package.'}

The reason being that screeds of html coming back in the response just makes it harder to debug and understand. Having the proper error codes/messages means that you can see why your package was not created.

1280268158000000 1338206349000000
#763 enhancement dread ckan-future assigned Read-only mode - Setup

Admin configures entering read-only mode in one of two places:

  • CKAN config file (e.g. ckan.ini)
  • environment variable from Apache config

Once enabled, no writes can occur to the database (including user ratings and other usage stats).

1288091506000000 1338206204000000
#948 enhancement dread ckan-future assigned Highlight (to a sysadmin) which packages are deleted

When a customer logs in as a sysadmin then he/she see all packages, including deleted and pending ones. These are hidden to the average user, but the sysadmin has no idea of this until he clicks on the package and sees at the bottom 'state: deleted'.

It should be more obvious than that on the search view - an icon, message or crossed-out name to packages are deleted.

1296646369000000 1338206280000000
#989 enhancement kindly pudo ckan-future new Extending the model from plugins

We need to support extending the model from plugins. This could involve:

  • Adding a plugin hook to extend the mapper
  • Adding an upgrade hook for plugin schema migrations
  • Documenting how this is to be done
  • Find a way to avoid conflicts
1297689724000000 1340034311000000
#1096 defect rufuspollock pudo ckan-future new [super] CKAN Hosted

Many users of CKAN want to have their own instance without much effort. Setting these up in separate places is a maintenance nightmare, we should much rather have some tenant separation in core CKAN. Some ideas:

  • introduce model.Site and c.site
    • site has: custom CSS, extra_template_path, title, languages list, package_form, group_form (all configured via web UI)
  • Subdomain detector to activate sites.
  • use site in Authorizer instead of System, have a NullSite? for global things
  • allow cross-site search
  • packages are in a list of sites, m:n rather than 1:n
    • list of sites is string-based, can contain sites not in site table to express harvested external material which is not editable locally.
1303235062000000 1339774484000000
#1165 enhancement nils.toedtmann ckan-future new Add multi-site support to ckan

Currently, each ckan site needs its own ckan wsgi process. That eats a lot of resources where many ckan sites are served from one machine (e.g. eu3).

That would dramatically change if a ckan process could behave like multiple ckans (e.g. like Apache's "<VirtualHost?>", or tracd). Depending on the "Host:" header in the HTTP1.1 request, it would choose which local ckan ini file to obey.

I see two ways to constitute the map hostname-to-ini-file map:

  • ckan reads a set of ini files, and each ini file declares which servers names it is responsible for
  • In a global ini file, there are directives mapping servernames to ini files.

In either case there should be a global ckan ini having the default settings for all local ckan sites. Each site ini could be very short then, just having e.g. title, name, database credentials, active plugins etc.

1306413667000000 1339774466000000
#1235 enhancement thejimmyg ckan-future new [super] Search Improvements

Child tickets:

  • #234 UI Review - Autocomplete package names & tags in search
  • #193 Searching by time-related field
  • #191 Searching by modification date
  • #905 Unable to search with accented characters in package names
  • #906 Ability to search without accents for accented words
  • #924 Search box has no search button

Broadly speaking though we need to choose PostgreSQL, Solr or something else. We don't want to invest our time maintaining two search backends with a limited abstraction layer between the two.

1311182641000000 1311182641000000
#1285 enhancement dread ckan-future assigned Errors cause emails

Currently a sysadmin gets an email when an exception is not caught. But there are occasions when we DO want to catch an exception so we can fail nicely for the user, but the sysadmin STILL gets an email to know to fix something. e.g. if there is an exception when search indexes a package. You want to catch the exception and still run any other notify calls.

1314116944000000 1338206151000000
#1366 defect dread ckan-future assigned Search inside extra fields

SOLR search doesn't support searching for part of an extra field, but it does for other fields.

i.e. title="One Two Three" matches q=one AND q=title:one and geographic_coverage="England Scotland" matches q=England BUT NOT q=geographic_coverage:England

This problem emerged when we went to SOLR in #1275 (CKAN 1.5a). Tests were skipped.

This is could be a problem for DGU and maybe elsewhere.

1317290992000000 1338206707000000
#1438 enhancement dread ckan-future new Action API - parameter discovery/checking

Many actions in the Action API require parameters. What params are needed should be listed and checked. Because currently, if you get them wrong you simply get a useless 500 error.

Currently they are listed in the docs, extracted from the code manually.

So you could GET /action/api/package_list to receive not only the help text, but a list of arguments.

And if you send an extra or missing argument then an intelligent error message can be returned.


How about some sort of decorator on the action function:

@logic_params(id, offset, limit)
def get_package_list(context, data_dict):

This would do the param checking, and is there a way to extract these params from the function? Or do a registration of the logic function?

I'd certainly like to keep the list of the list of params for the function with the function, for ease of reading the code.

Another good thing would be to pass in the params named as themselves, rather than having them contained in the data_dict.

1320161890000000 1338205050000000
#1444 defect dread dread ckan-future closed wontfix Language detection defaults to en_us?

Using curl you always get English, even if ckan.locale_default=de. Find out why. (1.5b)

Maybe we should disable locale detection for this release if lots of people's browsers don't have it set correctly (e.g. chinese with us internet explorer)

1320432634000000 1340190852000000
#1457 defect jilly.mathews ckan-future new Bug with DataNL instance

"when logging into http://register.data.overheid.nl/ with OpenID, the /user/me page gives a 404. CKAN version 1.3.4."

n the manual it says an API key kan be created via http://test.ckan.net/user/me /. However, when I try the corresponding http://register.data.overheid.nl/user/me, I get a 404 error (not found).

1320925041000000 1320925041000000
#1458 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-future assigned Support previewing kml files in data viewer

Super ticket: #1151 (viewing geo data)

E.g. preview of http://thedatahub.org/dataset/louisvillecrime should bring up a map

1320936488000000 1340632932000000
#1557 enhancement David Rasnik jilly mathews ckan-future new Complete Webstore Preview Extension

Finish any work out standing on web store preview extension to be able to package and release.

Ref James and I going through existing features and trying to mention any polishing that needed doing to get exiting features ready for release with projects such as CKAN hosted.

1324291253000000 1324291253000000
#1558 enhancement David Raznik jilly mathews ckan-future new Publisher Tools

Summarise final set of requirements for this and finish development and test. Estimated 10 working days.

1324291573000000 1324291573000000
#1560 enhancement David Raznik jilly mathews ckan-future new Follow extension

Estimate 2 days to finish dev and test.

David can you add any info needed here?

1324291879000000 1324291879000000
#1561 enhancement David Raznik jilly mathews ckan-future new To do extension

Can we finish this ready for release on data hub and CKAN Hosted.

1324291972000000 1324291972000000
#1562 enhancement Adria jilly mathews ckan-future new Finish Geo Spatial

Estimated 4 weeks of Adria's time. I guess this will need to be broken down into more tickets. This feature is being requested by a number of potential customers and we have some ideas of requirements between Rufus and Jilly for this. This is the most popular new feature we talk about to new clients.

1324292193000000 1324292193000000
#1563 enhancement David Raznik jilly mathews ckan-future closed invalid Finish Data Storage

Unsure what needs to happen here. Need to list outstanding tasks and implement.

1324292346000000 1324314806000000
#1564 enhancement David Raznik jilly mathews ckan-future new Structured Data (Data API)

Basic websotre exists but this may be not what is described yet.

CKAN provides a rich API for the data itself, allowing users to query retrieve and use data instantly from datasets in CKAN without needing to download or process it first.

1324292834000000 1324292834000000
#1565 enhancement Rufus Pollock jilly mathews ckan-future new Admin dashboard finished?

Is testing complete and ready for release?

1324293092000000 1324293092000000
#1567 enhancement David Raznik jilly mathews ckan-future new Finish QA extension

Requires change to celeryd. Estimated 4 weeks.

1324293599000000 1324293599000000
#1568 enhancement David Raznik jilly mathews ckan-future closed duplicate Moderated Edits

Can this be released as a standard CKAN feature?

1324293776000000 1325267998000000
#1569 enhancement David Raznik jilly mathews ckan-future new Wordpressser

How much effort will this be to be ready to use?

1324294056000000 1324294056000000
#1570 enhancement David Raznik jilly mathews ckan-future closed invalid Integrated file Storage

Is this ready for release? What needs to be done?

1324294142000000 1324314741000000
#1572 enhancement David Raznik jilly mathews ckan-future new Meta data Harvester

Need to write custom harvesters for each client. Is it worth having one for data hub?

1324294509000000 1324294509000000
#1573 enhancement David Raznik jilly mathews ckan-future new Apps and Ideas

Estimate 2 weeks for someone to finish and test.

1324294593000000 1324294593000000
#1581 enhancement mark.wainwright@… johnglover ckan-future new Blog post about Google Analytics extension for CKAN

The CKAN Google Analytics extension has been updated to work with the latest version of CKAN, could make for a nice blog post.

Can ping John Glover in January for any details required.

Key link is: http://thedatahub.org/analytics/dataset/top though this should probably move to be under stats (e.g. http://thedatahub.org/stats/usage)

1324402800000000 1325474274000000
#1596 enhancement dread ckan-future new Refactor authz roles

Suggestions from rgrp:

  • Get rid of Roles, and replace them with direct assignment of actions, even though there are many actions, and extensions can add arbitrary ones.
  • Debatable whether we should cut the number of actions to correspond to the three roles defined by the base system.
  • Have a method of finding roles (or, in future, actions) relevant to a given protection object (e.g. FILE-UPLOAD(ER) not relevant to Packages)

(This ticket is split off from #1065)

1324549888000000 1338205019000000
#1650 enhancement ross ross ckan-future closed wontfix Add new language/translation of fields for datasets.

Datasets should have a field that specifies the language used in the dataset, this should be a two character ISO 639-1 code (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes for list) . Also make sure all tests and migrations are resolved. [2d]

Determine the best approach to having 'translation_of' references to show which dataset the current one is a translation of. This may be a translation of field, or a 'copied from' field or another form of package relationship. [2d]

1326709392000000 1346670010000000
#1664 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-future closed fixed Smarter group activity streams

We already have simple activity streams for groups that have new group or group updated events (see #1631). Smarter/more useful group activity streams would also contain the events for things related to the group: users, datasets, other groups, etc.

This should just mean using a more complex SQL query in the group_activity_list() logic function.

Things might get tricky when a user or dataset joins a group, this may show up as two events (the user or dataset was modified, and the group was modified). We may want to have two separate events for this (one to go in the user or dataset activity stream and one for the group), or maybe we just want one 'user/dataset joined group' event.

1326795654000000 1351863437000000
#1667 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-future new Add an extension point for rendering activity streams

Currently rendering of activity stream events to HTML works by looking up a rendering function in a dictionary that maps activity types ('new package', 'changed group', etc.) to rendering functions that take an activity stream event and return the rendered HTML.

There needs to be an extension point where extensions can register their own rendering functions for particular activity types.

1326796151000000 1338204295000000
#1740 enhancement seanh ckan-future new Get rid of `from module import ...`

It's really bad to do from module import * and CKAN has a lot of them. I suggest a three-pronged approach:

  1. Don't add any more of them.
  1. When you're programming if you see an easy opportunity to remove one then do so.
  1. At some point we should task someone to go through the code and remove them all (which is what this ticket is for), but this will be a big job and may break things.

We should also get rid of most or all of the from module import foo and from module import foo, bar statements.

I think the right thing to do is just import module and then use module.foo in your code. But if you find yourself doing module.foo.bar then you may have a code smell.

See: http://docs.python.org/dev/howto/doanddont.html

1328094369000000 1328094884000000
#1748 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-future new Make activity streams conform to http://activitystrea.ms/ standard

At the very least we should make our JSON output conform to their spec:


1328450784000000 1338204337000000
#1749 enhancement seanh ckan-future assigned Allow creating activity details through API

Currently the activity_create() logic action function only lets you create top-level activity stream items, and not their related activity details. It should handle activity details via nested dicts.

1328465406000000 1338213933000000
#1778 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-future assigned Replace classmethod's with module-level functions

In many places we have @classmethods where simple module-level functions would do (and would be more idiomatic in Python), e.g. the get() classmethods in the model/ classes.

Doing it with module functions lets us type module.function() instead of module.Class.method().

In many cases we're importing classes directly with from module import Class and then doing Class.method(), but from module import foo is bad style: http://docs.python.org/dev/howto/doanddont.html

1328543614000000 1340623743000000
#1782 enhancement zephod rgrp ckan-future new Improvements to datasets page UX (Feb 2012)
  • Relationships in sidebar [WONTFIX yet without some link to documentation or datastructure, something for me to render?]
  • Icons for *types* of resources in resource list
  • List of 'Owners' (administrators) at top right of sidebar (a la group page)
    • Much prefer owner to administrator ...
1328609441000000 1338205232000000
#1787 enhancement dread ckan-future new [super] Improve RESTful API
  • Lists of entities should be full URLs, rather than just the names
  • Discoverability - /api/v3/rest should list the entity types that can be listed

This could be v3 of the RESTful interface.

1328702082000000 1328702082000000
#1790 enhancement dread ckan-future new Click to delete tags, rather than have all existing tags in the tag text box

From Pablo:

Editing the tags field is clumsy when there are too many tags. Could show existing effectively as tags (like delicious), then allow clicks to delete. New tags added via text box.

1328888674000000 1328888674000000
#1796 enhancement ross dread ckan-future closed fixed Get rid of lxml dependency

lxml is used in CKAN core in two places:

  • ckan/lib/helpers.py:239 Parsing Markdown and ensuring it is valid XML (i.e. tags close nicely so the HTML of the rest of the CKAN page is not disruptable).
  • reading the SOLR config XML to determine what version it is.

Both of these could be done with xml.dom built into Python and would save us a sizeable and slightly problematic dependency.

lxml is needed by these extensions: ckanext-inspire, ckanext-harvest, ckanext-csw & ckanext-wordpresser, so we'd have to add this to their requirements.

1329244440000000 1340635557000000
#1800 refactor seanh ckan-future new Tidy up *_list() and *_search() functions in ckan/logic/action/get.py

For consistency all the *_list() functions should list objects only and not accept an optional search query. There should be *_search() functions whenever search is needed.

Currently it is inconsistent, e.g. package_list() and resource_list() do not accept a search query option and there are package_search() and resource_search(), but user_list() does accept a query and there is no user_search(). tag_list() also accepts a query, and there is also a tag_search() that apparently duplicates the search functionality.

1329405129000000 1338204886000000
#1815 task amercader amercader ckan-future new Reenable Sparql endpoint on publicdata.eu

Estimate: ?

The 4store Sparql endpoint has been down for a long time. It needs to be reenabled and we need to check that the necessary informtion is pushed when creating /editing a dataset.

1329757723000000 1338204641000000
#1818 enhancement amercader amercader ckan-future new Spatial metadata editor

Estimate 2.5d

Right now users need to manually enter a geojson value in the 'spatial' extra field in order to define a geometry for a dataset.

We need a map widget on the edit form that allows users to draw the geometry on top of a map. This will be based on the draw functions offered by OpenLayers? [1], [2].

Things to take into account:

  • Integration with the form sections.
  • Allow some degree of configuration (default extent, limit geometry types...)

[1] http://openlayers.org/dev/examples/draw-feature.html [2] http://openlayers.org/dev/examples/modify-feature.html

1329763941000000 1338203195000000
#1824 enhancement seanh ckan-future new Add vocabulary pages

For a free tag foo you can visit the page at /tag/foo and see a list of all the datasets that have the tag foo, and when the tag appears on dataset view pages etc. it's linked to this tag page.

We should do the same thing for vocabulary tags. A tag bar in vocabulary baz should be hyperlinked to a page /tag/baz/bar, or perhaps /vocab/baz/bar.

1329845089000000 1338204958000000
#2200 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-future new Add vocabulary_id option to tag_show() logic action function

Currently tag_show() only works with free tags, it's not possible to get a tag_show for a vocabulary tag.

1330533678000000 1338204900000000
#2202 enhancement rgrp ckan-future reopened Display page view count on dataset and resource pages

Just like we display download counts we should display view counts.

1330765455000000 1338204929000000
#2234 enhancement seanh ckan-future assigned Write a CKAN extension for pulling items from RSS/Atom feeds into CKAN templates

You configure the extension with some RSS and/or Atom feeds, it automatically reads items from these feeds and makes them available in the template context, you write a custom template to e.g. display 'news' items from a Wordpress blog on your front page.

This extension might be simpler and less fragile than ckanext-wordpresser, and also more generally useful.


  • Mark Pilgrim's Universal Feed Parser might be useful for reading the feeds
  • Feed items should probably be cached somewhere


  • The news item 'widget' should be wrapped in a known class so that it can be styled easily regardless of the format of any HTML entry.
  • For non-HTML formatted items (Atom should tell you the content type of the entry) maybe we should have a template for rendering each item along with any enclosures that it might reference
  • Caching is pretty crucial and should probably obey the ttl of the feed.
1331902755000000 1346669567000000
#2235 enhancement rgrp ckan-future new Group drop down on dataset edit should use chosen and sort groups by name 1331907357000000 1338204726000000
#2238 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-future closed duplicate Deploy some test vocabs and publishers on test.ckan.net, check tutorial-style instructions for these 1332165311000000 1343392681000000
#2244 enhancement toby toby ckan-future new clean up auth
  • cache admins etc
  • aim to move check_access so independent of logic function
  • general spruce up
1332177771000000 1338205402000000
#2258 enhancement rgrp ckan-future new Customizable contributor agreement
  • Customize text at bottom of forms
  • Also need to make clear that this does not apply to the data itself (that is covered by the license you choose on your dataset ...)
1332751549000000 1338204747000000
#2265 enhancement dread ckan-future new 'More Like This' for a dataset

When viewing a dataset, it would be nice to show a couple of 'Related Datasets'. i.e. ones that are similar.

SOLR has a feature for finding documents similar to a particular document, called 'More Like This'.

We would like this for DGU.

1332865220000000 1339771350000000
#2282 enhancement toby toby ckan-future new log api calls for users

This was part of #2251 but is now it's own ticket.

we need clarity on this. The use cases so far have been possible limiting api calls for users.

so we want to monitor the user or ip address

what about the api calls?

do we want to record all calls or just some? do we want to record the type of call and to what level of detail?

recording the url just seems to specific to me.

1334074725000000 1338210829000000
#2287 enhancement seanh ckan-future new Consistent datetime and time period strings localization

Find all places where date, times and time periods are rendered as strings in CKAN. Make them all go through the same code path (e.g. the helper function in helpers.py) with localization support.

For example, on the user index page right now there are time period strings like "less than 1 month" that currently do not get translated (and the way they're implemented doesn't look i18n-friendly).

ISO date format everywhere might be a good idea.

Need to consider local timezone issues.

Python standard library and Babel may have useful helpers for this.

Should the local timezone displayed be a global setting per CKAN instance? Or should it change depending on the location of the user who is viewing the page?

1334254123000000 1339411445000000
#2301 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-future new Replace old-style string formatting with format() method (at least in strings marked for translation)

Some strings in CKAN are passed to gettext with more than one %s in them, this is no good as translators may need to change the order of substituted words.

Strings should not use the old style % substitution, they should use the new format method in Python 2.6+, e.g.:

'This {food} is {adjective}.'.format(food='spam', adjective='absolutely horrible')


We should probably only change strings that are marked for translation and that contain multiple %s, don't want to make too much work or cause too many strings to change and need to be re-translated.

1334579264000000 1340635812000000
#2312 enhancement ross ross ckan-future closed duplicate Analysis of how datasets could belong to users instead of Groups


Currently datasets can only be part of a group but that is quite heavyweight when a single user wants to upload a single dataset. To resolve this it would be great if a dataset could be attached to a user directly - find out how.

1334663770000000 1340188765000000
#2326 enhancement toby toby ckan-future new dataset permalinks

create permalinks

eg \dataset\~a5-DQ\nice-name

~XXXXX defines the permalink the nice-name is ignored

  • packages table needs a new field for this data
  • existing datasets need updating
  • new datasets need the identifier creating
  • routing needs updating
  • needs to work for all urls like edit

Once this is implemented we can decide when we will use permalinks vs the normal urls.

1335371946000000 1338212799000000
#2348 enhancement ross ckan-future assigned Java client library for CKAN

Start a Java library for interacting with the CKAN Action API.

Currently requires support for Groups, Tags, Resources, and Search.

An example app would be very useful.

1335879980000000 1346670024000000
#2378 enhancement ross ckan-future assigned Extract metadata directly from resources that contain it.

Some files that might be uploaded as resources on a dataset, such as some image formats, already contain metadata. For example some jpeg files might contain Exif ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exchangeable_image_file_format ) data.

[ ] Obtain list of embedded metadata 'standards'

[ ] Where the metadata is available it should be added as extra fields on the resource that is uploaded.

[ ] HTML?

[ ] Image formats (exif/gif etc)

[ ] PDF

[ ] Eventually consider ...

[ ] MS Office documents

1336651088000000 1346669985000000
#2382 task amercader amercader ckan-future new Investigate options for basic geocoding

A simple way for geocoding place names would be very useful, e.g in the spatial search, defining a geometry for a dataset (on the form or bulk)

1337017160000000 1338205325000000
#2404 enhancement rgrp ckan-future assigned Auto-screenshot for related items

As a User I want an image generated for my related item automatically so that I do not have to take picture myself and upload it somewhere

Implementation: (?) Use phantomjs or something like http://snapito.com/ Investigate for 1.8, will be needed for TDH Oct.

1337583347000000 1346669526000000
#2411 enhancement toby markw ckan-future new .ini file is a mess

The .ini file needs cleaning up in assorted ways which Toby will expand upon.

1337686900000000 1338210872000000
#2544 enhancement icmurray ckan-future closed duplicate facet.sort is not available in the package_search action

Not all solr facet parameters are available through the pcakage_search action. In particular, facet.sort has been asked for; but this ticket should check to see if there are other parameters that would be easy to add too.

See: http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SimpleFacetParameters#facet.sort

1340013421000000 1340015580000000
#2552 enhancement ross ckan-future assigned Controlling access to features


To provide a freemium service it is necessary to be able to provide differing levels of functionality based on the type of user (see #2550). These levels can be specific to the data hub but may require overriding functionality from core to provide these checks.

Initial implementation should focus on limiting access to datastore disk space.


These changes are currently only for the data hub and should be kept as much as possible within the data hub extension.

User Stories

  • As a system component I want to find out if the current user has access to a feature (i.e. storage) and if so to what extent (xMb, xGb or unlimited).
  • As a system administrator I don't expect to need to manage the levels of users or the features that this applies to.


[ ] Clarification of requirements/analysis

[ ] Tests

[ ] Code

[ ] Model

[ ] API

[ ] UI

[ ] Documentation


1340018770000000 1346669544000000
#2573 enhancement icmurray ckan-future new package_search does not allow solr's per-field facet parameters

Solr allows its facet parameters to be specified on a per-field basis, eg. facet.limit applies to all facet fields, but solr allows it to be overriden for a specific field, eg. facet.tags.limit.

We don't support this at the moment because we have a whitelist of valid solr query parameters that we accept. See ckan.lib.search.query.VALID_SOLR_PARAMETERS.

1340112439000000 1340633101000000
#2810 enhancement kindly ckan-future new heroku ckan support

Get ckan working on heroku

1344364858000000 1344364858000000
#2351 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-ecportal closed fixed Install EC Portal on CentOS

Install and document (step-by-step) CKAN (and dependencies, and extensions) onto VM on s031.okserver.org which has CentOS 6.2 installed. Paying particular attention to the fact that we won't have root access on the staging nor production servers, and so a) anything that requires root access must be documented carefully; and b) we want to be able to perform maintenance without being root.


We want to have non-root access to:

  • CKAN logs; (relevant) apache logs; qa process' logs; rdf cron logs
  • restarting CKAN
  • restarting qa processes
  • changing/disabling rdf cronjob
  • our database (through sql)
  • restarting solr

CKAN and Dependencies

  • CKAN installed from source
  • Required plugins: synchronous_search ecportal ecportal_form organizations multilingual_dataset multilingual_group multilingual_tag qa

Extra configuration

  • uploads
  • analytics (toby)
  • qa
  • rdf cron
  • caching
  • datastore

Things to remember

  • Use ckanext/multilingual/solr/schema.xml and stopword files
  • Use nginx as proxy.
1335883455000000 1340615641000000
#2524 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-ecportal new If there are no translation files for selected language fall back to default lang.

If a user selects a language there are no mo files for then an error is raised. Revert to default language instead.

1339609048000000 1340117608000000
#2593 enhancement johnglover johnglover ckan-ecportal closed fixed Setup nginx caching for EC ODP

Add caching config to ecportal-server-setup repository.

1340638428000000 1340721249000000
#2594 enhancement johnglover johnglover ckan-ecportal closed fixed Add EU27 to EC ODP geographical coverage field

EU27 option seems to have been removed at some point, needs to be added back to geographical coverage vocabulary and tested.

1340638576000000 1340716640000000
#2645 enhancement johnglover johnglover ckan-ecportal closed fixed Update server setup to use local files

Server setup scripts need to have two distinct steps:

1) Download all files that aren't in RHEL repositories, create RPMs where necessary (python virtualenv).

2) Install from local files.

1341916281000000 1341996302000000
#129 enhancement rgrp dread ckan-backlog closed invalid Secure db access by channelling query generation through authz module

Controllers and templates should not access db objects directly - they should do all access via authz module giving username. They are handed by a query that has already been filtered by the packages they are authorized to read.

(Additional idea to be discussed: When they request a package object, they are handed an copy of the db object - disconnected from the database - so it the db object can't be changed.)

A couple of tests can be reenabled when this is done: ckan.tests.functional.test_authz.TestUsage?.test_admin_list_deleted ckan.tests.functional.test_authz.TestUsage?.test_search_deleted

1253886136000000 1267719162000000
#140 enhancement rgrp ckan-backlog new News section on front page

Have a news section (suggest as a sidebar item).

News section will link to latest 3/4 blog posts on CKAN from blog.okfn.org.


  • Suggest pulling via rss or similar.
  • Will want to cache this ...

Cost: 4h?

1254902541000000 1265625159000000
#143 enhancement thejimmyg dread ckan-backlog assigned Most active users listed on homepage

Display league of users' recent activity on homepage.

1255010373000000 1312372381000000
#253 enhancement dread ckan-backlog assigned Package relationships


Functionality to formally associate packages. We see a need for specific parent-child, inheriting or dependency relations. Not only should this help navigation between packages in the web interface, but it also provides a mechanism to automatically pull dependencies when downloading a data package, in a similar manner as we see in software package management.


  1. There are 27 packages in data.gov.uk to do with the Data4NR's Health Poverty Index. There is currently no common link between these, unless you search for 'HPI' (which also brings up House Price Index), or look under tag 'health' (which also has 600 other results). There should be a link on each HPI package page to navigate to the other 'sibling' HPI packages, and to a 'root' package that has info about the set. This could be partially achieved using the existing tag or group concepts, but a more explicit/official/obvious marking of their relationship could be beneficial.
  1. In ckan.net is freedict, a collection of translation dictionaries. You could make each dictionary a child package and use this system. But it would probably be better to make each dictionary a different resource in the same package. (There are other ideas to denote a resource as the data making up a 'portion' of package, or a 'whole' of the package, to help people downloading datasets in the software package style.)
  1. OSM has had some Naptan data imported (bus stops), with special permission - i.e. a more liberal license. It would be useful to show this link on both OSM and Naptan packages in CKAN: OSM 'derives from' Naptan with a comment about the license change. I'm not sure this is useful to an automatic download or use of these datasets, but may aid exploration on the CKAN website and understanding the provenance of the bus stop data on it.
  1. IPCC collection of data linked / mirrored. Not sure if there are useful relationships here?
  1. Dracos gets postbox locations from crowd sourcing and OSM. We could say Dracos 'derives from' OSM.

See more examples discussed here: http://trac.ckan.org/ticket/253


This is split into four tickets:

No need for write access to be provided API for the moment.

This ticket also encompasses ticket:169 (Package derivations) and ticket:176 (Package dependencies).

1266854721000000 1339774726000000
#256 requirement dread ckan-backlog assigned Package relationships - 3. Edit in WUI


  • Editable as part of package or separately? (e.g. like authz)
  • Do we normalize to only one type name of the pair?
  • Do we allow create of relationship from both ends (e.g. only from dependency to dependent or either way?)
1266928561000000 1339774714000000
#277 enhancement zephod dread ckan-backlog assigned Set some config options / settings in WUI (extension)

Use case

As a ckan administrator I want to easily change options about the CKAN install.


Settings to be in DB


## Title of site (using in several places including templates and <title> tag
ckan.site_title = CKAN

## Logo image to use (replaces site_title string on front page if defined)
ckan.site_logo = http://assets.okfn.org/p/ckan/img/ckan_logo_box.png

## Site tagline / description (used on front page)
ckan.site_description = 

## Used in creating some absolute urls (such as rss feeds, css files) and 
## dump filenames
ckan.site_url =

## Favicon (default is the CKAN software favicon)
ckan.favicon = http://assets.okfn.org/p/ckan/img/ckan.ico

## An 'id' for the site (using, for example, when creating entries in a common search index) 
## If not specified derived from the site_url
# ckan.site_id = ckan.net

## API url to use (e.g. in AJAX callbacks)
## Enable if the API is at a different domain
# ckan.api_url = http://www.ckan.net

## html content to be inserted just before </body> tag (e.g. google analytics code)
## NB: can use html e.g. <strong>blah</strong>
## NB: can have multiline strings just indent following lines
# ckan.template_footer_end = 

NB: these will still need to be stored somewhere for loading on initialization. do this in db init function ...

Settings / Options / KeyValues? Table


  • [namespace]: ? only if KeyValues? (for settings this would then always be settings)
  • key
  • label
  • value (json)
  • type (e.g. date and to specify in advance what type should be)
  • description
  • tags: ?? (for grouping ...)

Loading settings from DB

Do this in ckan/config/environment.py


  • /ckan-admin/settings
  • Show label, plus description plus text field


  • Would be part of ckan-admin section and hence build on ticket:833 (Administrative dashboard)
1269274861000000 1318247121000000
#331 enhancement rgrp ckan-backlog new Timezone of CKAN timestamps should be configurable

Revisions are timestamped using the server's clock, which may not relate to the expected timezone for the site. e.g. the Norway site has a server on GMT. No timezone info is displayed either.

Would like to set timezone for a CKAN instance to use in rendering revision timestamps. For example, use CET or EST timezone.

1275302440000000 1339774701000000
#350 enhancement dread ckan-backlog reopened Search engine optimisation

Need to research what can easily be done to improve CKAN packages in the search rankings.

Comments from Glen Barnes:

We've been pretty successful at SEO without even really trying (see http://www.google.co.nz/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=auckland+google+transit+feed&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&redir_esc=&ei=dsYSTOzJLs2eceuZiI8I as an example). This to me is key. If we are to make data available it has to be findable which is the main reason for a catalogue. There are probably things we should be doing on CKAN like using slugged urls (http://www.ckan.net/package/ascoe -> http://www.ckan.net/package/ascoe/atmospheric-chemistry-studies-in-the-oceanic-environment), setting the H1 tag correctly ("Atmospheric Chemistry Studies in the Oceanic Environment" on the example above). Some basic SEO 101 on page optimisations.

1276594541000000 1339774690000000
#351 enhancement dread ckan-backlog new Homepage: list new, updated and 'hot' packages

Have a simpler list of exciting data, as opposed to the big revision list.

For example:

Hot data

New packages: package1, package2, package3
Updated resources: package1, package2, package3
Popular packages: 
1276595816000000 1339774677000000
#363 defect kindly dread ckan-backlog closed wontfix Blank revisions

Occasionally we seem to get revisions that are not connected to packages. These shouldn't appear, since all revisioned objects are linked to a package aren't they?

They appear on the 'Recently changed' list on the home page with an empty 'Packages' column.

1278947772000000 1310125872000000
#369 enhancement shudson@… ckan-backlog new "Package Listing Key" should appear on Tag results

Currently there's a nice legend titled "Package Listing Key" that appears in right side of "Browse Packages" results. The same key should show on other search results like when searching for a tag.

1279821634000000 1339774666000000
#370 enhancement shudson@… ckan-backlog new Use better email encryption for author_email and maintainer_email

The JavaScript? email encryption used is not very reassuring. Google's MailHide? is a much better solution that is easily implemented.


Check on the Mailhide API where there are even some Python libraries already built.

1279821819000000 1339774649000000
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.