{22} Trac tickets (2647 matches)

Results (801 - 900 of 2647)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Id Type Owner Reporter Milestone Status Resolution Summary Description Posixtime Modifiedtime
#1778 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-future assigned Replace classmethod's with module-level functions

In many places we have @classmethods where simple module-level functions would do (and would be more idiomatic in Python), e.g. the get() classmethods in the model/ classes.

Doing it with module functions lets us type module.function() instead of module.Class.method().

In many cases we're importing classes directly with from module import Class and then doing Class.method(), but from module import foo is bad style: http://docs.python.org/dev/howto/doanddont.html

1328543614000000 1340623743000000
#1782 enhancement zephod rgrp ckan-future new Improvements to datasets page UX (Feb 2012)
  • Relationships in sidebar [WONTFIX yet without some link to documentation or datastructure, something for me to render?]
  • Icons for *types* of resources in resource list
  • List of 'Owners' (administrators) at top right of sidebar (a la group page)
    • Much prefer owner to administrator ...
1328609441000000 1338205232000000
#1787 enhancement dread ckan-future new [super] Improve RESTful API
  • Lists of entities should be full URLs, rather than just the names
  • Discoverability - /api/v3/rest should list the entity types that can be listed

This could be v3 of the RESTful interface.

1328702082000000 1328702082000000
#1790 enhancement dread ckan-future new Click to delete tags, rather than have all existing tags in the tag text box

From Pablo:

Editing the tags field is clumsy when there are too many tags. Could show existing effectively as tags (like delicious), then allow clicks to delete. New tags added via text box.

1328888674000000 1328888674000000
#1796 enhancement ross dread ckan-future closed fixed Get rid of lxml dependency

lxml is used in CKAN core in two places:

  • ckan/lib/helpers.py:239 Parsing Markdown and ensuring it is valid XML (i.e. tags close nicely so the HTML of the rest of the CKAN page is not disruptable).
  • reading the SOLR config XML to determine what version it is.

Both of these could be done with xml.dom built into Python and would save us a sizeable and slightly problematic dependency.

lxml is needed by these extensions: ckanext-inspire, ckanext-harvest, ckanext-csw & ckanext-wordpresser, so we'd have to add this to their requirements.

1329244440000000 1340635557000000
#1800 refactor seanh ckan-future new Tidy up *_list() and *_search() functions in ckan/logic/action/get.py

For consistency all the *_list() functions should list objects only and not accept an optional search query. There should be *_search() functions whenever search is needed.

Currently it is inconsistent, e.g. package_list() and resource_list() do not accept a search query option and there are package_search() and resource_search(), but user_list() does accept a query and there is no user_search(). tag_list() also accepts a query, and there is also a tag_search() that apparently duplicates the search functionality.

1329405129000000 1338204886000000
#1815 task amercader amercader ckan-future new Reenable Sparql endpoint on publicdata.eu

Estimate: ?

The 4store Sparql endpoint has been down for a long time. It needs to be reenabled and we need to check that the necessary informtion is pushed when creating /editing a dataset.

1329757723000000 1338204641000000
#1818 enhancement amercader amercader ckan-future new Spatial metadata editor

Estimate 2.5d

Right now users need to manually enter a geojson value in the 'spatial' extra field in order to define a geometry for a dataset.

We need a map widget on the edit form that allows users to draw the geometry on top of a map. This will be based on the draw functions offered by OpenLayers? [1], [2].

Things to take into account:

  • Integration with the form sections.
  • Allow some degree of configuration (default extent, limit geometry types...)

[1] http://openlayers.org/dev/examples/draw-feature.html [2] http://openlayers.org/dev/examples/modify-feature.html

1329763941000000 1338203195000000
#1824 enhancement seanh ckan-future new Add vocabulary pages

For a free tag foo you can visit the page at /tag/foo and see a list of all the datasets that have the tag foo, and when the tag appears on dataset view pages etc. it's linked to this tag page.

We should do the same thing for vocabulary tags. A tag bar in vocabulary baz should be hyperlinked to a page /tag/baz/bar, or perhaps /vocab/baz/bar.

1329845089000000 1338204958000000
#2200 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-future new Add vocabulary_id option to tag_show() logic action function

Currently tag_show() only works with free tags, it's not possible to get a tag_show for a vocabulary tag.

1330533678000000 1338204900000000
#2202 enhancement rgrp ckan-future reopened Display page view count on dataset and resource pages

Just like we display download counts we should display view counts.

1330765455000000 1338204929000000
#2234 enhancement seanh ckan-future assigned Write a CKAN extension for pulling items from RSS/Atom feeds into CKAN templates

You configure the extension with some RSS and/or Atom feeds, it automatically reads items from these feeds and makes them available in the template context, you write a custom template to e.g. display 'news' items from a Wordpress blog on your front page.

This extension might be simpler and less fragile than ckanext-wordpresser, and also more generally useful.


  • Mark Pilgrim's Universal Feed Parser might be useful for reading the feeds
  • Feed items should probably be cached somewhere


  • The news item 'widget' should be wrapped in a known class so that it can be styled easily regardless of the format of any HTML entry.
  • For non-HTML formatted items (Atom should tell you the content type of the entry) maybe we should have a template for rendering each item along with any enclosures that it might reference
  • Caching is pretty crucial and should probably obey the ttl of the feed.
1331902755000000 1346669567000000
#2235 enhancement rgrp ckan-future new Group drop down on dataset edit should use chosen and sort groups by name 1331907357000000 1338204726000000
#2238 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-future closed duplicate Deploy some test vocabs and publishers on test.ckan.net, check tutorial-style instructions for these 1332165311000000 1343392681000000
#2244 enhancement toby toby ckan-future new clean up auth
  • cache admins etc
  • aim to move check_access so independent of logic function
  • general spruce up
1332177771000000 1338205402000000
#2258 enhancement rgrp ckan-future new Customizable contributor agreement
  • Customize text at bottom of forms
  • Also need to make clear that this does not apply to the data itself (that is covered by the license you choose on your dataset ...)
1332751549000000 1338204747000000
#2265 enhancement dread ckan-future new 'More Like This' for a dataset

When viewing a dataset, it would be nice to show a couple of 'Related Datasets'. i.e. ones that are similar.

SOLR has a feature for finding documents similar to a particular document, called 'More Like This'.

We would like this for DGU.

1332865220000000 1339771350000000
#2282 enhancement toby toby ckan-future new log api calls for users

This was part of #2251 but is now it's own ticket.

we need clarity on this. The use cases so far have been possible limiting api calls for users.

so we want to monitor the user or ip address

what about the api calls?

do we want to record all calls or just some? do we want to record the type of call and to what level of detail?

recording the url just seems to specific to me.

1334074725000000 1338210829000000
#2287 enhancement seanh ckan-future new Consistent datetime and time period strings localization

Find all places where date, times and time periods are rendered as strings in CKAN. Make them all go through the same code path (e.g. the helper function in helpers.py) with localization support.

For example, on the user index page right now there are time period strings like "less than 1 month" that currently do not get translated (and the way they're implemented doesn't look i18n-friendly).

ISO date format everywhere might be a good idea.

Need to consider local timezone issues.

Python standard library and Babel may have useful helpers for this.

Should the local timezone displayed be a global setting per CKAN instance? Or should it change depending on the location of the user who is viewing the page?

1334254123000000 1339411445000000
#2301 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-future new Replace old-style string formatting with format() method (at least in strings marked for translation)

Some strings in CKAN are passed to gettext with more than one %s in them, this is no good as translators may need to change the order of substituted words.

Strings should not use the old style % substitution, they should use the new format method in Python 2.6+, e.g.:

'This {food} is {adjective}.'.format(food='spam', adjective='absolutely horrible')


We should probably only change strings that are marked for translation and that contain multiple %s, don't want to make too much work or cause too many strings to change and need to be re-translated.

1334579264000000 1340635812000000
#2312 enhancement ross ross ckan-future closed duplicate Analysis of how datasets could belong to users instead of Groups


Currently datasets can only be part of a group but that is quite heavyweight when a single user wants to upload a single dataset. To resolve this it would be great if a dataset could be attached to a user directly - find out how.

1334663770000000 1340188765000000
#2326 enhancement toby toby ckan-future new dataset permalinks

create permalinks

eg \dataset\~a5-DQ\nice-name

~XXXXX defines the permalink the nice-name is ignored

  • packages table needs a new field for this data
  • existing datasets need updating
  • new datasets need the identifier creating
  • routing needs updating
  • needs to work for all urls like edit

Once this is implemented we can decide when we will use permalinks vs the normal urls.

1335371946000000 1338212799000000
#2348 enhancement ross ckan-future assigned Java client library for CKAN

Start a Java library for interacting with the CKAN Action API.

Currently requires support for Groups, Tags, Resources, and Search.

An example app would be very useful.

1335879980000000 1346670024000000
#2378 enhancement ross ckan-future assigned Extract metadata directly from resources that contain it.

Some files that might be uploaded as resources on a dataset, such as some image formats, already contain metadata. For example some jpeg files might contain Exif ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exchangeable_image_file_format ) data.

[ ] Obtain list of embedded metadata 'standards'

[ ] Where the metadata is available it should be added as extra fields on the resource that is uploaded.

[ ] HTML?

[ ] Image formats (exif/gif etc)

[ ] PDF

[ ] Eventually consider ...

[ ] MS Office documents

1336651088000000 1346669985000000
#2382 task amercader amercader ckan-future new Investigate options for basic geocoding

A simple way for geocoding place names would be very useful, e.g in the spatial search, defining a geometry for a dataset (on the form or bulk)

1337017160000000 1338205325000000
#2404 enhancement rgrp ckan-future assigned Auto-screenshot for related items

As a User I want an image generated for my related item automatically so that I do not have to take picture myself and upload it somewhere

Implementation: (?) Use phantomjs or something like http://snapito.com/ Investigate for 1.8, will be needed for TDH Oct.

1337583347000000 1346669526000000
#2411 enhancement toby markw ckan-future new .ini file is a mess

The .ini file needs cleaning up in assorted ways which Toby will expand upon.

1337686900000000 1338210872000000
#2544 enhancement icmurray ckan-future closed duplicate facet.sort is not available in the package_search action

Not all solr facet parameters are available through the pcakage_search action. In particular, facet.sort has been asked for; but this ticket should check to see if there are other parameters that would be easy to add too.

See: http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SimpleFacetParameters#facet.sort

1340013421000000 1340015580000000
#2552 enhancement ross ckan-future assigned Controlling access to features


To provide a freemium service it is necessary to be able to provide differing levels of functionality based on the type of user (see #2550). These levels can be specific to the data hub but may require overriding functionality from core to provide these checks.

Initial implementation should focus on limiting access to datastore disk space.


These changes are currently only for the data hub and should be kept as much as possible within the data hub extension.

User Stories

  • As a system component I want to find out if the current user has access to a feature (i.e. storage) and if so to what extent (xMb, xGb or unlimited).
  • As a system administrator I don't expect to need to manage the levels of users or the features that this applies to.


[ ] Clarification of requirements/analysis

[ ] Tests

[ ] Code

[ ] Model

[ ] API

[ ] UI

[ ] Documentation


1340018770000000 1346669544000000
#2573 enhancement icmurray ckan-future new package_search does not allow solr's per-field facet parameters

Solr allows its facet parameters to be specified on a per-field basis, eg. facet.limit applies to all facet fields, but solr allows it to be overriden for a specific field, eg. facet.tags.limit.

We don't support this at the moment because we have a whitelist of valid solr query parameters that we accept. See ckan.lib.search.query.VALID_SOLR_PARAMETERS.

1340112439000000 1340633101000000
#2810 enhancement kindly ckan-future new heroku ckan support

Get ckan working on heroku

1344364858000000 1344364858000000
#787 task thejimmyg thejimmyg ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed Auth API

Auth Proposal

Use case: We'd like an authenticated and authorized Drupal user to be able to edit/delete packages using the API

To do this a user would need a CKAN API key so we need some way of Drupal telling CKAN who a user is so that they can get their API key.

Proposed Implementation

A user visits the CKAN API key page to get their key. Because CKAN is at catalogue.data.gov.uk (a subdomain of the Drupal site) it can read Drupal cookies.

If there is no DRXtrArgs or DRXtrArgs2 cookie, we know the user isn't signed in so we redirect them to Drupal to sign in.

WISHLIST: It would be really nice if we could pass the URL to redirect back to Drupal so tha Druapl can send them back to the CKAN API key page

Either way, they get back to CKAN and now the cookies exist. When the first HTTP request header is sent, CKAN will read the Drupal session ID and then call a Drupal API, server to server.

TODO: Implement an API on the drupal server which accepts a Drupal session ID as an argument and returns the username and credentials, but only if the request if from the CKAN server (perhaps we specify an API key in the request)

If the session is valid CKAN will set its own auth cookie and show them the page with the API key. CKAN only considers a user signed in if both the CKAN cookie *and* Drupal session ID are present. If at any time they sign out of Drupal the Drupal session disappears so they will be signed out of CKAN too.

Now the user has an API key they can use the standard CKAN command line API tools.

The API key is the only thing the user will need to use the CKAN API. This poses a problem. What if a user is removed from Drupal but still has a CKAN API key?

Two solutions:

  1. API keys will be set to only be valid for the length of a Drupal session so that a user will only be able to use the write API for a little time after credentials are revoked
  1. CKAN provides an API to allow Drupal to revoke keys

Option 1. seems easier to me. If we choose this we will write a get_api_key command line tool so that Drupal user can write things like this:


datapkg list_packages --api_key get_api_key

The get_api_key function will prompt for username and password and then perform the steps necessary to get an API key.

1289211035000000 1315821118000000
#878 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed Integrate file upload with workflow around package resources

Create/edit a package -> add a resource -> Oh, i haven't uploaded yet, 'upload here' -> /upload -> standard upload form

Do we need to create a resource out of the file after upload? Do we sync file metadata with local Resource metadata?

If yes suggests (need to ticket):

  • 'ResourceExtras?' for extra metadata on resources
  • Makes 'Resource' into first class object (and make available in WUI)?


  • #877 (Upload in WUI) - should be part of that extension
1292868269000000 1315820838000000
#1108 enhancement zephod pudo ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed Create a more modern theme for CKAN

CKAN looks a bit aged, it should be styled more modernly and some elements could be re-arranged:

  • Collect user info in top bar
  • re-add the logo to ckan.net
  • Remove tags from main menu, replace with /sitemap.xml


quora.com, github.com, Google Projects, Google Refine, etc.

CKAN.net or CKAN general theme?

To be decided. Suggest we start with ckan.net specific and then backwards integrate (?). Existing ckan.net theme repo:


1303830790000000 1315140879000000
#1276 enhancement johnglover johnglover ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed Apply weighting to search fields in solr

For example:

  • name and title should have a higher weight than the notes field
1313414353000000 1315948394000000
#1277 enhancement johnglover johnglover ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed Use solr query parser for search instead of ckan query parser

See http://ckan.okfnpad.org/search for details/discussion

1313414446000000 1315948417000000
#1291 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed Add activity and activity detail tables.

Add tables described in http://ckan.okfnpad.org/notifications

1314267572000000 1315950394000000
#1293 enhancement zephod rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed Rename Package to Dataset throughout WUI, API


  • All templates
  • [DONE] Routing: /package/ -> /dataset/ (including API)
  • [DONE] Tests: self.app.get('/dataset/...') rather than package ...
    • One test to check redirect works?
  • Docs


  • Stay with Package in code e.g. stay with 'PackageController?'
    • also leave stuff like pkg = .... (gradual migration)
  • Leave extensions


  • Package -> Dataset
  • Data Package -> Dataset
  • respect capitalization
1314405700000000 1317649968000000
#1295 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed Simplify package create form

Sub ticket of #1294

  • Initial screen just title, name, description (notes), license (and tags?).
  • State that you can add data and more information on next screen. This takes you to Package 'view' where you can then do more stuff.
    • Flash some instructions? e.g. that resources are missing?
  • Name slug should by default look uneditable (cf wordpress way to do the slug)
1314406014000000 1315948009000000
#1296 enhancement zephod rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed Improved resource adding/editing on dataset/page page

Subticket of #1294.

  • Nice way to edit all resource attributes
  • Nice way to add new resources
    • Including file upload (cf #878).
      • Cf work in ckanjs (this can be a straight integration).
1314406093000000 1315948224000000
#1297 enhancement zephod rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed In-place preview of edited description markdown on edit dataset form

Subticket of #1294.

Can integrate from working system on ckanjs.

1314406183000000 1317649974000000
#1301 defect amercader amercader ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed Give access to extensions from the old formalchemy controllers

This was removed during the auth refactoring, but it's needed in the old controllers

1314882888000000 1314893744000000
#1303 defect amercader amercader ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed User can not login again if he has edited his profile

Only happens if the user does not update the password. Most probably introduced during #1229.

1314889472000000 1314978842000000
#1304 enhancement amercader amercader ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed Show more descriptive error messages when sending emails

Sending emails is failing in some cases, and the error message just says 'Could not send reset link'.

1314893206000000 1314893749000000
#1307 enhancement zephod rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed Implement captcha for signup
  • Major issue with spam signup on thedatahub.org
  • Suggest using recaptcha

Est cost: 1d

1315153860000000 1317649963000000
#1309 enhancement zephod zephod ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed duplicate Registering new user requires immediate login

Registering a new user directs you to that user's profile page but does not log you in. There is an empty set of "Recent changes" and no ability to modify the page. Users must follow the login link in the top-right corner to continue.

Registering a new user should immediately log you in.

1315225510000000 1315586335000000
#1310 defect dread dread ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed API GET of a revision that has been approved causes exception

e.g. this particular revision on ckan.net: http://ckan.net/api/rest/revision/9601fbcb-03a7-4ebc-981d-5aa16df4852c (most others have not been approved) Causes 500 error.

1315234899000000 1315820419000000
#1324 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed Add extra fields to resource table

add extra fields to resource as outlined in


Specifically (all unicode strings except for those noted):

  • name: a name for this resource (could be used in a ckan url)
  • type: the type of the resource. One of: file | api | service | listing
  • mimetype: standard mimetype (e.g. for zipped csv would be application/zip)
  • mimetype_inner: mimetype of innermost object (so for example would be text/csv)
  • size: [integer] size of the resource (content length) in bytes. Usually only relevant for resources of type file.
  • last_modified: [datetime] the date when this resource's data was last modified (NB: not the date when the metadata was modified).
  • cache_url: url for cache of object in ckan storage
  • cache_last_updated: [datetime] timestamp when cached version was created
  • webstore_url:
  • webstore_last_updated: [datetime] timestamp when webstore was last updated
1315578976000000 1315948336000000
#1325 defect dread dread ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed python 2.5 incompatibilities

We claim to support Python 2.5 (useful for Lenny), yet a few problems have crept in:

  • 'with' statement requires from __future__ import with_statement
  • import json from ckan.lib.helpers, rather than directly, since it copes with reverting to simplejson, used in python 2.5.
1315580452000000 1315587113000000
#1275 enhancement johnglover johnglover ckan-sprint-2011-09-26 closed fixed Move solr search extension to ckan core 1313413597000000 1319812967000000
#1302 refactor johnglover johnglover ckan-sprint-2011-09-26 closed fixed Move Resource and Tag search code to logic layer

Resource and Tag search is currently still using the old ckan query parser which is unnecessary. Refactor this out and move to the logic layer.

1314886102000000 1317131948000000
#1348 enhancement zephod zephod ckan-sprint-2011-09-26 closed fixed UX polishing (dataset create/view/edit experience)

Tweaking UIs and polishing the work done in #1294.

## Edit Page ##

  • [Done; cset:49e0b059b6f5] Hide upload if storage not enabled
  • [Done; cset:81ff13b42dad] Make 'Add resource' links on edit page clearer and more button-like.
  • [Done; cset:03904fc50cbf] Move edit form tabs to the left
  • [Done; cset:fde26b87d6ce] API placeholder text should not link to a CSV file
  • [Done] We used to autocomplete the format field - restore this functionality
    • Works on live. My local db has an empty 'resource_revision' table; maybe 'paster create-test-data' should insert something here?
  • [Done; cset:1aab499d73db] Summary should contain 'name' (or, if unavailable, use description. Long term: description is to be deprecated)
  • [Done] Remove/move instructions where possible (a lot could just be placeholder text on the elements) (other stuff could only show on hover)
    • NB: reveal_instructions.js already disabled on edit page
    • [RP] have now done this on create -- think we can leave on edit
  • [Done; cset:755b1a622199] We have broken 'error' reporting for resource issues. Either need to move that into error summary or somehow not destroy it when we rewrite table on page load ...
  • [Done; cset:7ad090cb7855] Add slideDown to Resource expanded view
  • [Done; cset:d3595143e506] Need ability to delete resources
    • No thought yet given to uploaded resources. Long term re-think probable.
  • [Done; cset:2430a68a59fc] Empty resource table to resemble view page ("no resources" text)

## General ##

  • [Done; cset:cc0ad47293e5] Highlight the package tab I'm on (view/edit/history)
    • More generally, the presence of the #minornavigation bar is very inconsistent throughout the site.
  • [Done; cset:d5babc3629cf] Remove 'license' filtered search from backend
  • [Done] Move script stuff to footer of page
1316170410000000 1317650043000000
#1349 enhancement zephod zephod ckan-sprint-2011-09-26 closed fixed Template tidying

Various things in templates can be tidied up after work has finished on #1294:

  • remove styling in page in group/index.html (put in css main)
    • ditto for package/search.html
    • ditto for home/index.html
  • Forms.css - to merge into style.css; remove explicit imports elsewhere
    • @import at the top of style.css @import url(forms.css)
  • Make a note: Success/failure controllers clash CSS with success/failure flash banners
1316171025000000 1317650050000000
#1350 enhancement zephod zephod ckan-sprint-2011-09-26 closed fixed i18n of new javascript

New js code running produced in the work following #1294 contains various string literals, and needs proper internationalisation.

See files:

  • application.js
  • templates.js

Furthermore, efforts can be made to tidy up strings as described in #1329.

1316172576000000 1317650056000000
#1351 enhancement zephod zephod ckan-sprint-2011-09-26 closed fixed Tidy edit-user form; strip preview functionality

The template for editing a user's profile seems to output the same form twice in one page. Furthermore, the page is made needlessly complex by the preview functionality. The neat inline preview used in package will make this page a lot neater.

  • Fix the duplicate form
  • Strip the preview functionality from the front-end, replacing it with js editor
  • Strip the preview functionality from the back-end and test
1316534753000000 1317650062000000
#1360 enhancement zephod rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-09-26 closed fixed Remove support for filter by download and filter by openness in search

Deliver little user benefit and easier just to search and then see what is listed as open and with resources.

Implementation Details

Areas to fix:

  • UI
  • lib/search/...
  • tests
  • ...?


Est: 2h

1317077958000000 1317650018000000
#1166 enhancement amercader amercader ckan-sprint-2011-10-10 closed fixed Less stringent filters for displaying the WMS preview

Right now, for the "View available WMS layers" link to be displayed, the package needs to have an "INSPIRE=True" extra, a "resource-type=service" extra and a resource of type "WMS".

This is due to DGU (the project this was developed for) related reasons, but for a generic support, the resource type should probably be enough.

(The repository for this is ckanext-spatial, but it's not on the list)

1306422646000000 1317381932000000
#1264 enhancement zephod rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-10-10 closed fixed Merge ckanext-admin into core

This extension should be in core now -- functionality is basic and very useful.

Copy across from here: http://bitbucket.org/okfn/ckanext-admin

Suggest this no longer even be an extension.

1312480783000000 1318245716000000
#1268 enhancement kindly rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-10-10 closed fixed Speed up listing users by revisions by adding db index

At the moment this appears to be slow (kindly suggests because missing index in db). Page is /user on a ckan instance.

Would this also speed up user page where we recent changes?

1312906592000000 1318279592000000
#1272 enhancement amercader ckan-sprint-2011-10-10 closed fixed Store spatial extents provided in the package form

Consolidate the extra spatial as the field for providing information about the geographic extent of the package. This will integrate automatically with the spatial search and give developers a single point to develop geospatial features.

1313411787000000 1317381996000000
#1320 enhancement zephod rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-10-10 closed fixed Extend basic markdown to support normal http / https links

It is very annoying that you have to wrap links in <...> and most people don't bother. Extend h.markdown in code and markdown in js to fix this.

(We should also support 'package' links etc in javascript?)


  • Note that CKAN flavoured markdown will not currently recognise dataset:my_data links (still uses package).
  • Move the markdown api to /util/markdown
1315422000000000 1318164603000000
#1342 defect johnglover amercader ckan-sprint-2011-10-10 closed fixed Home controller does not capture SearchError exceptions

If there is a problem with the SOLR connection,the home page just shows a 500 Server error, instead of a notice (the package controller shows a notice when visiting http://localhost:5000/dataset).

Steps to reproduce:

1316001227000000 1318256532000000
#1344 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2011-10-10 closed fixed datetime error json conversion on search

Json decoding error on search, due to date in resources.

1316020195000000 1317211299000000
#1356 enhancement kindly amercader ckan-sprint-2011-10-10 closed fixed Can not recreate a deleted extra

If you delete an extra and later on change your mind, you can not recreate it with the same value (Different value works fine).

1317034180000000 1318279617000000
#1357 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-10-10 closed fixed Integrate new version of data preview

We have an all new and much improved data preview system developed as part of QA in July. Need to integrate this.

  • Is pure javascript
  • Will have this in CKAN core but considered to be a plugin (so need datapreview in ckan.plugins list to work -- will enable this by default)
  • Will depend on the http://wiki.ckan.org/DataExplorer
1317076044000000 1318164458000000
#1362 defect johnglover johnglover ckan-sprint-2011-10-10 closed fixed Clearing the database should also clear the search index

When paster db clean is run, the search index should also be cleared.

1317121861000000 1318256546000000
#1363 enhancement johnglover kindly ckan-sprint-2011-10-10 closed fixed Add task_status table to store qa/archiever/webstore information that does not need to be versioned.
table: task_status


unique(entity_id, task_type, key)

example keys:
1317219617000000 1318256600000000
#1364 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2011-10-10 closed fixed If package in index that is not in ckan error is caused.

We should ignore these but log the packages that are causing this to investigate.

1317222206000000 1318279636000000
#1369 enhancement zephod zephod ckan-sprint-2011-10-10 closed fixed Remove showdown.js from the page download

ckan.js can be rearchitected to avoid instantiating showdown.js in the root namespace. That way, layout_base.html doesn't need to import the script (because we don't use the showdown-dependant parts of ckan.js).

1317392516000000 1318165086000000
#1371 enhancement johnglover johnglover ckan-sprint-2011-10-10 closed fixed Make logic layer functions for working with task_status table

The background tasks will use the logic API to access the task_status table so new logic layer functions are needed.

1317808776000000 1324037905000000
#1375 enhancement amercader amercader ckan-sprint-2011-10-10 closed fixed Define new package id before sending it to the IPackageController plugins

When creating a package, the package_create logic function sends the newly created package object to all plugins implementing the IPackageController interface


At this point, the changes have not yet been commited and the id of the package is not set (It has a default value of make_uuid, which is set when commited). For this reason, plugins have no way of knowing the package id. E.g. the spatial query plugin needs to know this id to link the package extent to the actual package.

One possible solution would be to set the package id in the data dict received by package_create (if it's not defined):

from ckan.model.types import make_uuid
if not 'id' in data or not data['id']:
   data['id'] = make_uuid()
1317910441000000 1318260008000000
#1376 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2011-10-10 closed fixed 404 raised when approving package

Regression found by updating datacatalogs.

1318088589000000 1318279651000000
#1377 defect zephod zephod ckan-sprint-2011-10-10 closed fixed Ckan admin repair

Integrating ckanext-admin into core has thrown up a number of problems:

  • Look & feel does not match the rest of the site
  • Tests are not passing
  • On the trash page, clicking 'undelete' triggers a purge
  • Using the purge functionality is dangerous; deleting and purging the latest revision will corrupt a dataset (& several corrupt datasets have been found on thedatahub.org)
  • Trash page can contain nested form tags in certain cases (breaking test harness & form redirection)
1318240018000000 1318245795000000
#1229 enhancement dread thejimmyg ckan-sprint-2011-10-24 closed fixed Refactor all database code out of the controllers and into the logic layer

Progress can be tracked in this document:


1311093924000000 1319645778000000
#1319 enhancement rgrp dread ckan-sprint-2011-10-24 closed fixed Require an email address on User registration

Superticket: #1343

This avoids difficulties when they forget their password.

  • (?) Email validation (navl does not have one!)
  • Require email confirmation to be activated (?) (Answer: no, not at present -- see discussion below)
1315415932000000 1324036947000000
#1321 defect dread dread ckan-sprint-2011-10-24 closed fixed Flash message deferred

When you reset a password, the flash message saying "check your email" sometimes doesn't display on the next page. You then click on the link in your email and it displays on that page (i.e. too late).

Seen this on thedatahub.org. To do with the proxy caching?

1315474657000000 1319814460000000
#1368 enhancement zephod zephod ckan-sprint-2011-10-24 closed fixed UX polishing and bugfixes

From Ira: PDF of bugs and suggestions is attached.

This ticket is included in release v1.5. Post-v1.5 UX improvements are collected in #1404.


  • [dataset/edit]: Deletions are confirmed with a dialog box
  • [dataset/edit]: Long URLs break the edit resources tab. Show name (& 'no name') with a pencil icon.
  • [dataset/edit]: Rearrange the delete resources mechanism;
    • Use a little minus icon on the far left, followed by a pencil icon for editing.
    • The 'delete resource' button can become 'hide'
    • Deletions are confirmed with a dialog box
  • [dataset/edit]: Rearrange the 'you have unsaved changes' warning;
    • Delete the little green plus sign on the right;
    • Try a flash banner instead (more general purpose & beautiful)
  • [dataset/edit]: Try a pencil icon (+'hide' button) rather than the +/- buttons which look a bit like you're adding a dataset.
  • [dataset/view]: Subscribe button (& subscribe to history) doesn't work as expected. Modal dialog carrying instructions?
  • [dataset/view]: Drop the 'add to a group>>' and 'add tag>>'. Needs inline tag-adder.
  • [markdown editor]: Tab colours confuse the user. Inactive button appears to be greyed out.
  • [dataset/edit]: The upload file UI mutates and breaks across lines; make it a little more rigid. Verify at different zoom levels.
  • [groups/add]: Hide unimportant fields
  • [navigation] Add 3D bevel (@see github) to current tab highlight.
  • [dataset/create and groups/create]: Slug generator can be tidied. Default: Not editable. @see http://groupspaces.com/a/group/
  • [groups/view]: Show description and owner. To match dataset section.
  • [groups/authz]: Tidy to match admin/authz (pretty buttons & spacing). Add navigation bar.
  • [groups]: Entire section to use pretty buttons please.
  • [about]: Get the about page working on test.ckan.org. (Works locally and on live).


  • [dataset/edit]: Make 'tags' a top level form section; it is too important to go below the fold. (wontfix)
  • [groups]: Clicking a column heading should sort by that column. Default should be 'size', not 'name'. (ticket #1403)
  • ([groups]: (Investigate) Is it easy to implement a little search-groups feature?) (ticket #1403)
  • [*/authz]: Add tooltips to explain column headers. (Not required if mechanism is about to be refactored...) (wontfix: we need to rethink this mechanism; authorization refactor is coming)
  • [general]: 'Authorization' refactor to 'Permissions' on nav-bars. (wontfix, further discussion. authorization might be less techy...)
  • [search]: (Investigate) Can we quickly & easily reintegrate the faceted search-by-license but present it in the sidebar like the other facets? (wontfix: high cost and maintenance overhead; need compelling user story)
1317391960000000 1318847910000000
#1372 refactor johnglover johnglover ckan-sprint-2011-10-24 closed fixed Refactor archiver to work as a celery task

Take the resource archiver (currently part of ckanext-qa) and make it into a standalone extension that works as a celery task.

1317808970000000 1319625783000000
#1374 defect dread dread ckan-sprint-2011-10-24 closed fixed Can't switch to English if default is non-English

e.g. cz.ckan.net defaults to Czech (config option lang=cs_CZ) but it fails when you try to switch to English.

1317893975000000 1319648746000000
#1378 enhancement zephod zephod ckan-sprint-2011-10-24 closed fixed New to TheDataHub? - StackOverflow style banner

Implement a banner across the top of the screen giving newbies a link to the about page, and making them feel welcome. See stackoverflow for reference?

1318247329000000 1324047835000000
#1381 enhancement amercader pudo ckan-sprint-2011-10-24 closed fixed Managing groups via package entity API

It is not currently possible to assign or remove groups by adding or removing their group name from the "groups" list on the REST API. This should be allowed, as it is easier than first adding a package and then editing each group it must belong to.

1318266706000000 1324037815000000
#1383 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2011-10-24 closed fixed Add IResourceChange IResourceUrlChange Interfaces.

Need to add way for extensions to trigger based on resource change and just resource url change.

1318342153000000 1320142305000000
#1386 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-10-24 closed fixed Disallow account creation via openid

Superticket: #1343

Creation of accounts from OpenID causes large number of problems:

  • No guarantee of other profile info
  • Poor username (just from openid)

We therefore will:

  1. Require creation of user account via register (no auto-creation of accounts via openid)
    • sidebar of register page should point to login page rather than openid signin

  1. Permit association of an openid with an account ...
    • How: paste in your openid url (requires change to edit form to have this)
      • won't work for google with their weird openid urls
    • [future] Nicer way is to have login via openid while logged in (which association then happening in background)
  1. Migration (for 1+2):
    • (?) Generate decent usernames for all existing accounts
    • As this is nontrivial suggest instead we allow editing of usernames (by account owner and sysadmins). This is useful in its own right and is a reasonable 80/20 solution.
      • This does present the problem of re-associating commits with the new username. Best solution to this would be to switch revisions to point to userid rather than username. See #1534
  1. [optional] Change display_name to always be username
    • Change My Account to Username at top right of all pages (once we know usernames are short ...)
      • could do this straight away by truncating long usernames (e.g. truncate at 20 chars ...)
      • Also should we lose the icon?
1318425493000000 1324036930000000
#1389 defect johnglover johnglover ckan-sprint-2011-10-24 closed fixed Update ckanext-datacatalogs for ckan 1.5 1318497052000000 1319625799000000
#1390 enhancement johnglover johnglover ckan-sprint-2011-10-24 closed fixed Update ckanext-moderatededits for ckan 1.5 on datacatalogs.org 1318497099000000 1319625810000000
#1391 enhancement johnglover johnglover ckan-sprint-2011-10-24 closed fixed Update datacatalogs.org to ckan 1.5 1318497186000000 1319625819000000
#1399 enhancement johnglover rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-10-24 closed fixed Generate archiving request on resource url change

Superticket: #1397

Generate archiving request on resource url change by implementing IResourceUrlChange and sending tasks to celery. [0.25d][0.25d]

Will be part of of ckanext-archiver extension.


  1. A resource is added to CKAN
  2. IResourceCreate event generated
  3. IF: resource url points to ckan storage or falls within some other set of exclusion conditions then END else continue
  4. Generate a Archiver.Update task with resource.id
1318600123000000 1319625829000000
#1408 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2011-10-24 closed fixed Make site user, so tasks can post information back to ckan.

Give site user system administrative rights.

1319019626000000 1320141847000000
#1417 defect dread dread ckan-sprint-2011-10-24 closed fixed Browser language detection doesn't work

In Firefox:

  • Edit | Preferences | Content | Languages - put 'de' at top language
  • Clear cookies
  • Load thedatahub.org
  • it should be in German, but it's in the default language - English.
1319539010000000 1319651617000000
#78 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-10-28 closed fixed Extend login cookie lifetime

When you login you get given a cookie but it is very short (life of your browser session I think).

Work out how to extend to something reasonable (30 days or perhaps forever with logout unsetting cookie).

  1. A quick investigation to see whether this is possible
  2. If possible do it

Cost: ?

1247829310000000 1314877169000000
#318 defect johnglover wwaites ckan-sprint-2011-10-28 closed fixed Insufficient validation of resource URIs

The CKAN instance on data.gov.uk serves invalid URIs out of its API.

For example the following can be found,


In this URI, the : and / characters after the ? in the query part are invalid according to section 3.4 of RFC2396

Also URIs are not stripped of whitespace at the end.

This causes problems when other software with a more correct interpretation of what a valid URI is attempts to consume data from CKAN. In this instance the Talis triplestore complains about such URIs.

"Be liberal in what you accept and conservative in what you send" would seem apt.


  • Validation of urls as part of form entry or data loading
    • Need to consider situation where this should happen out-of-band (i.e. we allow load even with invalid data and then flag bad dates in separate validation process). In general doubtful that we should do this here because url invalidity is such a big deal
  • This code should support analysis of existing data so we can go through existing database and find invalid urls
    • Also useful to have this so we can do out of band validation
1274302723000000 1349778662000000
#816 enhancement johnglover cygri ckan-sprint-2011-10-28 closed fixed Autocomplete for the resource format field

The field for entering the format of a resource should have autocomplete, populated from all the values that have already been entered in this field for any resource.

This would help improve data quality and consistency.

1289996574000000 1319812324000000
#888 enhancement johnglover rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-10-28 closed fixed Improvements to the dataproxy and the data API

First version of dataproxy and data API working (ticket:698) but have identified a variety of important improvements. (Should split these into sub-tickets ...):

For dataproxy:

  • Testing for dataproxy
    • Can start by using known good remote urls (moving forward could switch to providing/mocking these locally)
  • Remove content-lenght for csv requirement: just read the first x rows (up to some configurable maximum)
  • Google docs style row/column selections
  • Use the swiss library - https://bitbucket.org/okfn/swiss
    • Support google docs spreadsheets (format = service/gdocs/ccc or gdocs/ccc or gdocs/spreadsheet)
  • Handle redirects for content-length?
  • Ignore resource type if not recognized and fall-back to trying to identify from extension (or mime-type?)

For dataapi:

  • Ensure we pass on resource format as part of redirect i.e. /api/data/{id} -> {dataproxy}?url={resource-url}&type={resource-type}
1293649783000000 1311773103000000
#1128 task dread dread ckan-sprint-2011-10-28 closed fixed Upload Scotland gov data

Upload to ckan.net: https://sites.google.com/site/scotlandsdata/

1304712293000000 1310568028000000
#1150 defect johnglover timmcnamara ckan-sprint-2011-10-28 closed fixed Non-ASCII chars prevent data preview

Characters outside of ASCII range are not supported within data previews.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Visit http://ckan.net/package/kivele2010
  2. Click on [preview] for any of the resources
1306019914000000 1311774141000000
#1154 enhancement johnglover nils.toedtmann ckan-sprint-2011-10-28 closed fixed Make ckan robust against solr failure

According to pudo, a ckan with activated solr extension throws a 5xx when solr is unreachable. Instead, it should behave more like a ckan without ckanext-solr when this happens.

1306254472000000 1314287519000000
#1172 defect dread thejimmyg ckan-sprint-2011-10-28 closed fixed Remove all try: except: blocks that don't re-raise the original exception

The current codebase has one or two try: except; blocks that don't catch specific exceptions. Under no circumstances should any broad try: except: blocks be allowed unless the exceptions they catch are immediately re-raised. Uncaught exceptions are wasting us quite a lot of time when trying to track down problems.

1306926049000000 1314118883000000
#1176 defect thejimmyg dread ckan-sprint-2011-10-28 closed fixed unicode_body exception

We seem to occasionally get this exception on ckan.net.

User agents causing this include:

  • Alexa ia_archiver (3/6/11)
  • Maxthon browser (17/5/11)
Module ckan.controllers.error:32 in document
<<              return original_response.body
               # Otherwise, decorate original response with error template.
               c.content = literal(original_response.unicode_body) or cgi.escape(request.GET.get('message', ''))
               c.prefix=request.environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME', ''),
               c.code=cgi.escape(request.GET.get('code', str(original_response.status_int))),
>>  c.content = literal(original_response.unicode_body) or cgi.escape(request.GET.get('message', ''))
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'unicode_body'
1307351562000000 1314273012000000
#1183 defect johnglover nickstenning ckan-sprint-2011-10-28 closed fixed Downloads "Preview" button doesn't preview.

The "Preview" button is a nice idea, but it doesn't seem to actually "preview" anything if the file MIME type would ordinarily cause the browser to download the file. If so, the browser does indeed just download the file.

This is notable in the context of most hosted file services (including Google Storage) which will deliberately serve a MIME type of application/x-some-junk-here in order to force a download.

1307701669000000 1311771069000000
#1192 task annapowellsmith annapowellsmith ckan-sprint-2011-10-28 closed fixed Convert CKAN Sphinx docs into admin/reference manual

As part of the general documentation overhaul (ticket:1142) we (APS and RGRP) want to convert the current Sphinx docs into:

  • An Admin Manual which is task-based and aims to cover everything a developer would need to know to set up and customize a CKAN install.
  • A Reference Manual which is the primary source of reference for CKAN software - this includes API docs.

The current chapters of the Sphinx docs should be moved as follows:

  • index.rst - copy some stuff from README.txt, keep short
  • README.txt - split out installation - stop symlinking in, keep separate, write new intro in index.rst
  • [NEW] install.rst - new file on installation
  • [NEW] theming.rst - move over from wiki
  • api - will stay (gradually move tutorials/getting started to wiki.ckan.net user guide)
  • i18n.rst: internationlization. say we have x langauges. just set lang config option. if your lang not there yet see wiki page for how to prepare a translation file
  • design.rst - REMOVE (can copy some over if you can be bothered to http://wiki.ckan.net/Vision (all philosophical stuff should go!))
  • loaders.rst: move to wiki.ckan.net/Using_Loaders
  • feeds.rst: move to User Manual (CKAN_Feeds or just Feeds)
  • importer.rst: remove (don't even copy)
  • forms.rst: remove (ping david read and ckan-dev asking for replacement documentation -- do we need this in core ckan -- do we want pure js ...?). Suggest we start with (stub out) http://wiki.ckan.net/Customizing_Forms
  • forms-integration.rst: remove
  • model.rst: leave but move to reference (only for core devs)
  • load-testing.rst -> move to http://wiki.ckan.net/Load_Testing
  • distributed.rst -> remove
  • admin.html should consolidate with authorization.html (some of authorization.html is probably in ref section but howto in main manual) <-- high priority
  • deb.html -> go into reference (query james gardner on list about moving this to wiki?)
1308324593000000 1312191462000000
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