{22} Trac tickets (2647 matches)

Results (1301 - 1400 of 2647)

Id Type Owner Reporter Milestone Status Resolution Summary Description Posixtime Modifiedtime
#1364 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2011-10-10 closed fixed If package in index that is not in ckan error is caused.

We should ignore these but log the packages that are causing this to investigate.

1317222206000000 1318279636000000
#1376 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2011-10-10 closed fixed 404 raised when approving package

Regression found by updating datacatalogs.

1318088589000000 1318279651000000
#1383 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2011-10-24 closed fixed Add IResourceChange IResourceUrlChange Interfaces.

Need to add way for extensions to trigger based on resource change and just resource url change.

1318342153000000 1320142305000000
#1408 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2011-10-24 closed fixed Make site user, so tasks can post information back to ckan.

Give site user system administrative rights.

1319019626000000 1320141847000000
#1448 enhancement kindly kindly closed fixed Set up nice way to do celery deployment.

Celery is awkward to deply, need to find a way to do it more simply. i.e using celery-pylons and supervisor. A modified version of celery-pylons may be the best solution. 1d

1320666977000000 1325774155000000
#1474 enhancement kindly ckan-sprint-2011-11-21 closed fixed fix up navl tests

navl tests are being skipped unskip them!

1321825892000000 1321826753000000
#1475 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2012-01-23 closed fixed Create documentation showing how to make an extension that use celery. 1321826681000000 1327576068000000
#1477 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-v1.6 closed fixed [Super] Group refactor

This is the implementation of the final draft in


Steps to complete this will follow (somewhat) in the following order.

Change package_group table to membership. (#1478) 3d

  • model migration. (done)
  • simplify revisioning (done)
  • Remove any sqlalchemy releations from groups. (done)
  • change logic functions (done)

Single type per group (#1531)

  • migration add type to group table. (done) 1d

Add capacity table (#1522)

  • model migration. (done)
  • add to logic functions.

Allow other objects to be added to groups. (#1531)

  • change logic functions (done)

Adapt thedatahub.org to use new model.

  • move auth groups over to groups/members
  • change user_object roles to use groups? keep user object roles for time being.
  • make create update package/group put the correct items in the group/members/capacity tables.
  • work out how ui works.

--not doing the below as part of this super ticker now #1669.

Create model for dgu.

  • adapt auth functions to use auth.
  • adapt package_create/update group_create/update to fill in the correct capacties/members.

Adapt Iati, and potentially other custom instances.


  • #1279 Deprecate Authorization Groups
  • #1198 Publisher hierarchy
1321959320000000 1328016209000000
#1478 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2011-12-05 closed fixed change package_group to members table

This will comprise of the following steps.

  • model migration.
  • simplify revisioning
  • Remove any sqlalchemy relations from groups.
  • change logic functions

estimate 2d

1321959973000000 1323172654000000
#1485 enhancement kindly kindly closed fixed Package/Group form extension mechanism so you can add forms for particular package_types

We want to be able to change form depending on package type or group type.

This is dependent on a type field being added to the Package and the Group.

1322059169000000 1340034422000000
#1487 enhancement kindly ckan-sprint-2011-12-05 closed fixed Fix group ordering on homepage

ordering on homepage by name instead of group count

1322094280000000 1324474147000000
#1522 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2011-12-19 closed fixed Add capacity to member table.

Need to add capacities to member tables.

1323172610000000 1324333827000000
#1531 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2012-01-09 closed fixed Update group create/update so you can add capacities and group types.

The new members table needs a way so you can add arbitrary domain objects against them.

We need to extend the group schema to accept types, and instead of just being able to add packages to groups add members with their capacities that associated with different table rows.


1323272500000000 1326155226000000
#1612 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2012-01-09 closed fixed Group view page slow

Group show that lists packages is slow due to not using query in pagination.

1325633737000000 1325688886000000
#1614 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2012-01-09 closed fixed remove po files from git diff

Its a pain to see the difference between branches as there are normally a lot of po file transaction. Make the default be see that they have changed without actually show the diffs themselves.

1325686639000000 1325689136000000
#1699 task johnglover kindly ckan-sprint-2012-02-06 closed fixed Setup Ckan on tenforce test server

Need to setup server in tenforce test server.

1327417859000000 1327425070000000
#1700 enhancement johnglover kindly ckan-sprint-2012-02-06 closed fixed Document server setup for ckan server.

Document deployment on tenforce test server.

1327417952000000 1327425247000000
#1701 enhancement amercader kindly ckan-sprint-2012-02-06 closed fixed Normalize character encoding for ckan search.

Make sure accented characters are normalized when indexed and when searched for.

1327419050000000 1330085360000000
#1702 enhancement amercader kindly ckan-sprint-2012-02-06 closed duplicate Normalize character encoding for ckan search.

Make sure accented characters are normalized when indexed and when searched for.

1327419369000000 1327419922000000
#1703 enhancement johnglover kindly ckan-sprint-2012-03-19 closed fixed Make custom fields for ecportal form based on prototype metamodel

The prototype portal gave us a list of classifiers that are expected for the initial launch. Add then to ckanext-ecportal.

1327419727000000 1331142926000000
#1704 enhancement johnglover kindly ckan-sprint-2012-02-06 closed fixed Import test datasets from prototype into ckan.

Eurostat datasets mainly.

1327420355000000 1328005759000000
#1715 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2012-02-20 closed fixed Search index multilingual

Need to make solr schema work for many languages. Get stopwords and choose correct analysis for each.

1327598884000000 1329393450000000
#1736 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-v1.7 closed fixed [Super] Multilingual Metadata

Translate all areas of metatdata to selected language. This includes finding datasets in all languages.

Multilingal Metadata: Tasks:

  • Add translation table. 2d
  • Api to add translation 3d
  • Add extention point to dataset view. 3d
  • Add extension point to search index to add translations. 2d.
  • Add all eurovoc data to translations. 1d.
  • Make multilingual solr schema 2d #1715
1328012697000000 1338205016000000
#1738 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2012-02-06 closed fixed Add extension point to search index, so can modify dataset dict before index.

It is useful for extensions to add or change items that go into the search index. Add an extension point for this.

1328031572000000 1330086105000000
#1739 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2012-02-06 closed fixed Fix issues where tests where not run.

Test failures in master due to tom and rufus not running tests. 0.3d.

1328047129000000 1328495826000000
#1741 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2012-02-20 closed fixed Add extention point to dataset view.

Need to add extension point to change the data_dict that passed to the dataset view template. This extensions modify what data gets shown.

Tasks include:

  • Fix up data_dict and templates so that the pkg objects do not get used in the templates. This is to assure that all data passed is modifiable. (2d) (complete)
  • Add extension point to Ipackage controller (1d)
  • Test (1d)
1328105709000000 1329750838000000
#1777 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2012-02-20 closed fixed Write about multilingual features for ec.

Basic description of multilingual features intended to be supported.

1328542835000000 1329393295000000
#1779 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2012-02-20 closed fixed Add multilingual translation table.

A new table with 3 columns should be added. term, term_tranlastion, language_code. This table will be used for all translations, including tags. The table should have indexs on both the term and (term, language_code) combination.

1328548631000000 1329393759000000
#1780 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-backlog closed duplicate Api to add translations.

Add api to translation to the term_translation table.

  • add to logic 2d
  • test 2d
1328548908000000 1328578479000000
#1781 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2012-02-20 closed fixed Api to add translations.

Add api to translation to the term_translation table.

  • add to logic 2d
  • test 1d
1328549031000000 1329393822000000
#1792 enhancement toby kindly ckan-sprint-2012-03-05 closed fixed [super] api to use same validation and logic as wui forms.

The api currently uses the default validation schemas regardless of the form you specified on the front end. There should be a way to post through the api using the same validation rules.

1329146487000000 1333037710000000
#1819 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2012-04-02 closed fixed change search index code to use package_dictize instead of obj.to_dict

Search index code needs to use package_dictize so that it can get the new vocablurary information and is more consistant with the rest of the system. This is in preperation for their translation being put in the search indexer.

1329770555000000 1338193886000000
#1820 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2012-03-19 closed fixed Index multilingual data when mulilingual extension is added.

All translated fields and vocabularies need to be added to search index in the correct fields.

1329770903000000 1332163374000000
#1821 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2012-03-05 closed fixed create internal multilingual extension that brings together all multilingual features

This extension point needs to combine.

  • Making sure the correct data get put in search index.
  • Make the search queries are modified to weight multilingual search correctly.
  • View pages, including search results are translated.
  • Bring together all search schema modifications.
1329771267000000 1330990111000000
#1822 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2012-03-05 closed fixed Weight mulilingual searches correctly

Dismax query across languages. Titles and selected languages, weighted more highly.

1329772080000000 1330990127000000
#1826 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2012-03-05 closed fixed weight queries so that title is more important than rest of body

Currently everything is considered equally when doing a normal search. Use dismax when there is not a fielded search to get round this. This is part of the work for #1822 as the dismax option is needed for multilingual search.

1329924260000000 1330990247000000
#2229 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2012-03-19 closed fixed Cleanup plugin system after some test failed to run.

The logic test did not have init. This caused lots of tests to fail because there were mock extensions that ran automatically in them. Fix plugin system so this can work.

1331721611000000 1332163408000000
#2233 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2012-03-19 closed fixed Make package show, use custom json schema

There is a disrepency between what we put in and get out when using a custom form/api. Narrow this gap by making sure package_show shows the correct serilization.

1331865349000000 1332178421000000
#2237 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2012-03-19 closed fixed Make way to split up tests and run tests with different db. 1331938496000000 1332178352000000
#2249 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2012-04-02 closed fixed Fix google spreadsheet to work with DataStore.

Need google spreadsheet app to work with the new datastore. This should simplify it a lot.

1332330242000000 1338205316000000
#2250 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2012-04-02 closed fixed Setup nginx and datastore on ecportal 1332330570000000 1338205361000000
#2251 enhancement toby kindly ckan-sprint-2012-04-16 closed fixed Internal analytics for ckan.

Page views and Resources clicks need to be tracked.

User Stories

US1 As a Site Admin / Visitor (?) I want to see how often a page has been viewed (every page) and how often resources have been downloaded.

US1a Next to a resource or a dataset see how often it has been downloaded / viewed

US1b I want to see datasets or resources ranked by most downloaded or viewed

US1c See a trend graph for a dataset (and resources)

Adminstrative Dashboard (?)

  • I want to see the traffic breakdown by country to my site ...
  • Ditto for browser type, language, etc etc
  • I want to see it graphed over time ...

Implementation Details

  1. How do we store this data in CKAN?
  2. How do we track (and store)?
  3. How do we display
  • Config option ckan.status.enabled = False (by default)

Storing Data

How does ckanext-googleanalytics do this? Current table:

package_id | count_recent | count_total

Move to a new stats_summary table

id | item_id | object_type | stats_type (total, month_yyyy_mm, ...) | value

Do we store this data into the search (solr) so we can search by it?

Displaying Data

  • Helper functions / dictize:
    • Helper function: h.stats_get(object_type, id, stats_type)
      • h.stats_top_ranked(object_type, number) -> returns object_dicts or just labels or ...
    • Change to dictize
  • Location in the default theme (do we show for example in search results too!)
  • Support for ranking by most popular in search?

Tracking Data

  • Our own solution (just write to site_tracking)
  • Google analytics (plus extension for retrieving data) <- would need a refactor
  • Piwiki

Own Solution

(For later: not as part of this ticket probably)

site_tracking table

id | url | timestamp | action (page_view, resource_download) |

  • Make javascript to make request to ckan to store clicks and page views.
  • Add middleware so these requests do not go through pylons and just store data quickly.
1332331029000000 1336046155000000
#2261 enhancement toby kindly ckan-sprint-2012-04-02 closed fixed All links need to option to change where language is placed in url.

For the ecportal case we need links to be like the following


1332762702000000 1332840112000000
#2316 enhancement kindly ckan-sprint-2012-04-30 closed fixed add resource status api to see the state of celely tasks

add resource_status_show action function to see the state of celery tasks.

Need to get information from both out task status table and the celery_taskmeta table.

1335016037000000 1338205426000000
#2327 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2012-04-30 closed fixed Upgrade solr schema to version 1.4
  • Add Ascii folding filter to text fields.
  • Add capacity field for public, private access.
  • Add title_string so you can sort alphabetically on title.
  • Fields related to analytics, access and view counts.
  • Add data_dict field for the whole package_dict.

Actual implementation of data_dict adding will be added later.

1335374973000000 1338205397000000
#2362 enhancement toby kindly ckan-v1.9 accepted Improve plugin documentaion, including examples.

Improve documentation for plugins and add examples. Could use ckanext-example as a base.

1335888791000000 1342085420000000
#2363 enhancement toby kindly ckan-v1.8 new Documentation of best caching practice.

Need better documentation on best practices in making page loads faster for non logged in users.

1335889017000000 1340099794000000
#2402 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2012-05-29 closed fixed search result speedup.

Search results are slow as we do many package_dictize. Store the package_dict in the search index so that we do not have to hit the database for each of them.

1337300201000000 1337781991000000
#2403 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2012-05-29 closed fixed home page speed improvements

Home page loads *all* groups and dictizes them, it should only dictize the top 10 or so from the search facets.

1337302582000000 1337782037000000
#2472 enhancement amercader kindly ckan-v1.8 closed fixed clean up datastore controller to get rid of datastore_url enables checks

Datastore_url enabled checks are useless.

We should probably change this to datastore_url = 'active' and only update the flag to when a attempt at a post is made.

This will need to be removed from the form at some point.

1338293407000000 1341222195000000
#2473 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-v1.9 assigned Make datstorer store field ordering in _meta field

Recline views should have a default table order, being the same as the csv that was imported.

1338293492000000 1340636871000000
#2524 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-ecportal new If there are no translation files for selected language fall back to default lang.

If a user selects a language there are no mo files for then an error is raised. Revert to default language instead.

1339609048000000 1340117608000000
#2810 enhancement kindly ckan-future new heroku ckan support

Get ckan working on heroku

1344364858000000 1344364858000000
#2888 enhancement kindly new Datapreview in Iframe

Try and put datapreview in Iframe.

1345745461000000 1345745461000000
#2911 enhancement kindly new Internal documentation of Organization Groups

A summary/user story doc of how organizations and groups are expected to work.

1346941384000000 1346941384000000
#2935 enhancement kindly kindly ckan 2.0 closed fixed Make recline work with new datastore 1348042459000000 1350578067000000
#3027 enhancement kindly kindly new solr for 2.0

change mm support solr 3 and 4 add *_date field

1354587729000000 1354587729000000
#180 enhancement rgrp jwyg v0.11 closed duplicate Tag cloud as way to view CKAN tags

Create big tag cloud with all CKAN tags - perhaps weighting with size and colour...

1257534254000000 1265284374000000
#181 enhancement rgrp jwyg closed invalid New 'stats' box on right hand sidebar

With up to date statistics such as:

  • total packages
  • total tags
  • total users
  • most active users
  • last update
  • etc.

Could also be nice to have a more dedicated stats page - with information such as graphs showing rate of packages being added and such like. See ticket:184

1257534385000000 1296339510000000
#1405 defect dread jonathan.gray@… ckan-sprint-2011-11-07 closed fixed You can add a package twice to a group

To reproduce (from Jonathan Gray):

  • I go to add an item to the group
  • As I type, I get autocomplete options (cool!)
  • When I click on one, it adds this, and copies the same autocomplete option in the box
  • When I click submit, it seems to add the item twice
  • On the main group page I think it just shows up once, but when I click edit it shows two identical boxes, both ticked - and the count includes two copies of the same item

Basically the problem is allowing the same package associated multiple times with a group.

This is an issue on CKAN 1.5b and probably earlier.

1318856354000000 1320152291000000
#2898 defect johnmartin demo phase 5 new Looses data entered on step 1 of create dataset after login

To reproduce:

  1. Enter details for new dataset without being logged in
  1. Hit login page for just before step 2
  1. Once logged in you end up back at the empty add dataset form (instead of expected 2nd step of dataset edit)
1346332094000000 1346332120000000
#2899 enhancement johnmartin demo phase 5 new Step 2 > Save & add another bug


  1. Add dataset
  1. Get to step 2
  1. Click "Save & add another" without adding any data
  1. Ends on step 3

Should: fail to validate and remain on step 2

1346332519000000 1346332519000000
#2901 enhancement johnmartin demo phase 5 new Language Dropdown bug in footer with IE7

The language dropdown in Internet Explorer 7 behaves oddly. Essentially I think the problem is with the way that the dropdown decides to go into "drop-up mode" (e.g there aint enough screen space below the initial state so it has to drop up).

1346754674000000 1346754674000000
#2903 enhancement johnmartin johnmartin demo phase 5 closed wontfix Two search boxes

I think the architecture on the search page is a bit odd. Not sure I like that there is a doubling up of the search box (e.g. one in the header and one in the body of the search results page)

Needs some thought

1346853712000000 1352206813000000
#2904 enhancement johnmartin demo phase 5 new Show more formats/groups/tags shouldn't display if there aren't more

On the search results page when there are no more formats, groups or tags to display it should not display the show more links.

1346854444000000 1346854444000000
#2905 enhancement johnmartin demo phase 5 new Add dataset URL key behaviour

On step 1 for adding a dataset can we add a ajax ping that checks if the URL that is generated by the JS is taken? Behaviour should be as follows:

  1. User types title in box (as current)
  1. URL key is regexed by JS (as current)
  1. The JS does a ajax call to check if the generated URL key is valid. The ajax callback returns a JSON dump which contains what the URL key should be (e.g. if 'test' was taken it returns 'test-1')
  1. If the URL key returned in the ajax is different than the one generated by the JS then:

4a. If the user hasn't clicked the edit button then: it automatically updates the URL key field with the URL key supplied in the ajax

4b. If the user has clicked the edit button then: a form error next to the input appears saying that the URL key is taken and within that error is suggests the URL key returned by the ajax as alternative (the user can click said URL key within the error to automatically choose that one)

The URL key isn't reserved by the ajax and upon form submission the usual validation should still apply.

1346855283000000 1346855283000000
#2907 enhancement johnmartin johnmartin demo phase 5 closed fixed Demo header

The user login / avatar with in the header really should be within another topbar, as it goes against convention to have the user information within the normal header.

1346930925000000 1352206307000000
#2908 enhancement johnmartin demo phase 5 new Dataset related with image should retain aspect ratio

At the moment if you have an related item with an image associated to a dataset that appears in the side column it's resized but doesn't keep it's original aspect ratio.

1346931162000000 1346931162000000
#2909 enhancement johnmartin demo phase 5 new User profile headers are a bit weird

They seem to be not exactly well thought out. Needs some thought on better display of the information that they contain.

1346931348000000 1346931348000000
#2910 enhancement johnmartin demo phase 5 new User listings are not very compelling

They are currently are just a small image / name. They should be: Larger image, Full name (username), description, edits/dataset

1346931587000000 1346931587000000
#2940 enhancement johnmartin johnmartin ckan 2.0 closed fixed Edit different resources from edit dataset pag

We need a nice way to be able to get to editing the different resources that are associated to a dataset.

1348580812000000 1350560926000000
#2941 enhancement johnmartin johnmartin ckan 2.0 closed fixed Add follower support back into CKAN 2.0

Add the views and functionality of following users and groups into 2.0

1348584670000000 1350560915000000
#2954 enhancement johnmartin johnmartin ckan 2.0 closed fixed Flickering on resource view when changing between views

From the google doc: When I move between grid, graph and map view mode (or click on filters) the whole data explorer flickers (jumps up & down slightly) for a few moments before settling. This is happening on all resources for me and when you initially open launch the page: http://demo.ckan.org/dataset/afghanistan-election-data/resource/f6331f99-51f6-44d9-95b9-b20f3b74f360. Only in Chrome, working fine in Firefox.

1349268916000000 1350578030000000
#2956 enhancement shevski johnmartin ckan 2.0 assigned Allow for resource editing in CKAN 2.0

On the edit dataset page... there needs to be a way for users to be able to see all the resources associated to the dataset and edit them individually.

1349277100000000 1349346442000000
#2992 enhancement johnmartin new Delete resource should send me back to edit dataset page 1350407956000000 1350407956000000
#3015 enhancement johnmartin johnmartin ckan 2.0 closed invalid Dropdowns don't work without JavaScript

Essentially the default bootstrap dropdowns don't work properly without JavaScript? which is a little bit of an issue with JS not working.

1352805553000000 1353410072000000
#3016 enhancement johnmartin johnmartin ckan 2.0 new CKAN 2.0 template tweaks

Just a ticket to keep track of a few suggested template changes.

1352813417000000 1352813417000000
#3018 enhancement johnmartin johnmartin ckan 2.0 new Load more in activity streams

Activity streams should be able to load more than 15 items within them. Suggest the default amount of loading is around 30 and then click to load more.

1352900051000000 1355140950000000
#3021 enhancement johnmartin johnmartin accepted Logout doesn't work without JS

Essentially, the functionality should be as follows:

  • Add logout link that has .js-hide attached to it within the header that isn't hidden within a dropdown

See http://plus.google.com/ (when logged in) with and without JS to see an example of the actual sign-out working without JS

1353410350000000 1353411968000000
#1036 defect johnlawrenceaspden johnlawrenceaspden ckan-v1.4-sprint-4 closed fixed Add tests for three functions in ckan/model/user.py

create a new test file ckan/model/test_user.py

add tests for the following three functions in ckan/model/user.py

number_of_edits, number_administered_packages, search

merged in in changeset 0046f83aedcf

1300127840000000 1301304575000000
#1050 enhancement thejimmyg johnlawrenceaspden closed invalid Authz lib improvement and refactor of ckan/lib/authztool.py

Refactor ckan/lib/authztool.py so that the relevant methods are independent of the command line interface.

The extracted methods should live in a new file ckan/authz.py. authztool.py should probably move into cli.py and will just do command line parsing and printing and use ckan/authz.py. The updated web gui for authz will also use this code.

Tests should be made. There's already a file ckan/tests/test_authz.py, which looks like the appropriate place for new tests.

all to go on a branch feature-1050-refactor-authtoolz

Optional extras

  • Rename ckan/authz.py to ckan/lib/authz.py or even ckan/logic/authz.py
1300451937000000 1315394117000000
#1065 enhancement zephod johnlawrenceaspden ckan-v1.6 closed fixed [super] Change Authorization System

Child tickets

  • #1198 Publisher hierarchy
  • #1050 Authz lib improvement and refactor of ckan/lib/authztool.py
  • #1004 Group creation instructions missing
  • #1099 Strange interactions between two browsers while playing with authz groups
  • #1115 can have two authzgroups with the same name
  • #1133 command line rights manipulation doesn't work
  • #1138 minor navigations behave inconsistently

Old ticket description:

  1. Change name of AuthzGroup? to UserGroup? to reflect what it is for
  1. Get rid of Roles, and replace them with direct assignment of actions, even though there are many actions, and extensions can add arbitrary ones.
    • Debatable whether we should cut the number of actions to correspond to the three roles defined by the base system.
    • Have a method of finding roles (or, in future, actions) relevant to a given protection object (e.g. FILE-UPLOAD(ER) not relevant to Packages)
  1. Change UserGroups? so that they can have a hierarchical structure,

More info on Hierarchy change

e.g. UserGroup? NHS contains the User nhsysadmin, as well as the UserGroups? SURREY and BERKS, which themselves contain users.

One user in SURREY is Simon the Sysadmin, who has permissions on the whole system. His permissions should not leak out to other users or groups, and user permissions generally should not.

Each Group has permissions over various objects.

A user has permissions in his own right, and also has the permissions of his own group, and of all the groups contained in his group, and so on recursively.


possible(user, action, package):

if user has permission for action on package

or any of have that permission

or any of his groups group-children (but not user-children), and so on recursively have the permission.

1301508331000000 1324550041000000
#1081 defect johnlawrenceaspden johnlawrenceaspden closed fixed can't remove user from authz group

I've found that if I make an authorization group I sometimes can't remove myself from it. I've no idea why. I can add and remove other users. I'll investigate, just making a note of it here.

1302541056000000 1303489474000000
#1082 defect johnlawrenceaspden closed fixed language changes behave strangely

Set language to Greek, flash message says 'Language set to: English', but page is now about half in Greek.

Set language back to English causes server error:

AttributeError?: 'NoneType?' object has no attribute 'path'

Module ckan.controllers.error:29 in document view

if original_request.path.startswith('/api'):

However going to a new page reveals that it's back to English

1302541989000000 1315917217000000
#1083 defect johnlawrenceaspden johnlawrenceaspden ckan-v1.5-sprint-1 closed fixed userobjectroles added twice can't be deleted

the add_user_to_role/remove_user_from_role functions are asymmetrical in that the add function is happy to add the same role twice but the remove asserts that it's only in the table once and crashes if that's not true.

an attempt has been made to guard against this, but fails, I think because the add functions rely on the caller committing the change to the db.

same problem affects corresponding authorization_group functions

I'll try to sort this out. Making a note here.

1302550660000000 1305537827000000
#1085 defect dread johnlawrenceaspden closed fixed local development copy of ckan depends on existence of ckan.net

ckan.net appears to have either gone down or be running ultra slowly.

this means that ckan copies running locally on my machine run very slowly indeed.

is this behaviour desirable?

This command finds lots of http://~~~ckan.net references in python, html and javascript files:

find ~/pyenv/src \( -name "*.py" -or -name "*.html" -or -name "*.js" \) -print0 | xargs -0 -e grep --color -nH -e "http://.*ckan.net"

output for reference:

/home/okfn/pyenv/src/ckan/ckan/init__.py:5:Network (CKAN) site: http://www.ckan.net. /home/okfn/pyenv/src/ckan/ckan/lib/create_test_data.py:346:<http://ckan.net/> /home/okfn/pyenv/src/ckan/ckan/lib/rdf.py:3:DOMAIN = 'http://ckan.net' /home/okfn/pyenv/src/ckan/ckan/lib/rdf.py:4:CKAN_NAMESPACE = 'http://ckan.net/#' /home/okfn/pyenv/src/ckan/ckan/lib/talis.py:60: 'ckan':'http://ckan.net/ns#', /home/okfn/pyenv/src/ckan/ckan/public/scripts/bookmarklet.js:2: f='http://ckan.net/package/new?url='+encodeURIComponent(window.location.href)+'&title='+encodeURIComponent(document.title); /home/okfn/pyenv/src/ckan/ckan/public/scripts/test_bookmarklet.html:16: addtockan.src='http://ckan.net/scripts/bookmarklet.js'; /home/okfn/pyenv/src/ckan/ckan/public/scripts/test_bookmarklet.html:27: <p><strong>Proper bookmarklet (compressed -- need to escape &amp;):</strong> <a href="javascript:(function(){f='http://ckan.net/package/new?url='+encodeURIComponent(window.location.href)+'&amp;title='+encodeURIComponent(document.title);if((n=document.getElementsByName('description')[0])&amp;&amp;(d=n.content)){f+='&amp;notes='+encodeURIComponent(d);}a=function(){if(!window.open(f)){location.href=f;}};if(/Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent)){setTimeout(a,0)}else{a()}})()">Add to CKAN</a> /home/okfn/pyenv/src/ckan/ckan/templates/home/license.html:31: For convenience, all material - including all package, tag and revision information - is available in bulk, in the form of a full dump of the CKAN database. This (gzipped) dump file is updated daily and can be downloaded from <a href="http://www.ckan.net/dump/">http://www.ckan.net/dump/</a>. /home/okfn/pyenv/src/ckan/ckan/tests/dictization.py:71: 'notes': u'Some test notes\n\n### A 3rd level heading\n\nSome bolded text.\n\n*Some italicized text.*\n\nForeign characters:\nu with umlaut \xfc\n66-style quote \u201c\nforeign word: th\xfcmb\n \nNeeds escaping:\nleft arrow <\n\n<http://ckan.net/>\n\n', /home/okfn/pyenv/src/ckan/ckan/tests/dictization.py:137: 'notes': u'Some test notes\n\n### A 3rd level heading\n\nSome bolded text.\n\n*Some italicized text.*\n\nForeign characters:\nu with umlaut \xfc\n66-style quote \u201c\nforeign word: th\xfcmb\n \nNeeds escaping:\nleft arrow <\n\n<http://ckan.net/>\n\n', /home/okfn/pyenv/src/ckan/ckan/tests/dictization.py:447: 'notes': u'Some test notes\n\n### A 3rd level heading\n\nSome bolded text.\n\n*Some italicized text.*\n\nForeign characters:\nu with umlaut \xfc\n66-style quote \u201c\nforeign word: th\xfcmb\n \nNeeds escaping:\nleft arrow <\n\n<http://ckan.net/>\n\n', /home/okfn/pyenv/src/ckan/ckan/tests/dictization.py:458: 'notes': u'Some test notes\n\n### A 3rd level heading\n\nSome bolded text.\n\n*Some italicized text.*\n\nForeign characters:\nu with umlaut \xfc\n66-style quote \u201c\nforeign word: th\xfcmb\n \nNeeds escaping:\nleft arrow <\n\n<http://ckan.net/>\n\n', /home/okfn/pyenv/src/ckan/ckan/tests/functional/api/base.py:178: assert '"ckan_url": "http://test.ckan.net/package/annakarenina"' in msg, msg /home/okfn/pyenv/src/ckanclient/ckanclient/init__.py:116: api e.g. http://ckan.net/api rather than http://ckan.net/api/rest) /home/okfn/pyenv/src/ckanclient/ckanclient/init__.py:261: :param base_location: default *http://www.ckan.net/api* /home/okfn/pyenv/src/ckanclient/ckanclient/init__.py:267: base_location = 'http://www.ckan.net/api'

1302620434000000 1302625314000000
#1086 defect thejimmyg johnlawrenceaspden closed wontfix no way to delete authorization groups from web interface

as title.

1302625333000000 1323346552000000
#1091 defect johnlawrenceaspden closed wontfix usernames of users logged in using open ids are strange

If I use my gmail openID to log into a CKAN instance, then my username is:


This seems a bit odd.

1302701460000000 1323102767000000
#1099 defect johnlawrenceaspden closed wontfix strange interactions between two browsers while playing with authz groups

While playing with the authorization groups, trying to design tests, I found that it was necessary to log in as two different users with two different browsers. Often actions of one user would cause server errors in the other user's browser.

I don't have a reproducible test case, but it happens fairly often so it shouldn't be too difficult to get one.

1303380824000000 1324057106000000
#1102 defect johnlawrenceaspden closed duplicate searching broken in development setup

With the default test data created by

paster db clean paster db init paster create-test-data

going to the front page shows two recently changed packages A Wonderful Story A Novel by Tolstoy

But none of those words "Wonderful", etc produce search hits. In fact as far as I can tell, nothing produces any search hits.

That isn't true on ckan.net, where searching seems to work.

1303491912000000 1303744552000000
#1103 defect johnlawrenceaspden closed duplicate searching broken in development setup

With the default test data created by

paster db clean paster db init paster create-test-data

going to the front page shows two recently changed packages A Wonderful Story A Novel by Tolstoy

But none of those words "Wonderful", etc produce search hits. In fact as far as I can tell, nothing produces any search hits.

That isn't true on ckan.net, where searching seems to work.

1303494538000000 1303744575000000
#1104 defect dread johnlawrenceaspden ckan-v1.4-sprint-7 closed fixed create-test-data doesn't index the packages it creates

With the default test data created by

paster db clean paster db init paster create-test-data

going to the front page shows two recently changed packages A Wonderful Story A Novel by Tolstoy

But none of those words "Wonderful", etc produce search hits. In fact as far as I can tell, nothing produces any search hits.

That isn't true on ckan.net, where searching seems to work.

1303494635000000 1303920791000000
#1115 defect johnlawrenceaspden closed wontfix can have two authzgroups with the same name

If you've got edit permission on an authzgroup, then you can change its name to be the same as another existing authzgroup.

This causes some strange UI effects at worst, and probably causes worse problems somewhere else.

Is there any reason why changing the names of existing authzgroups should be allowed? And if so, name collisions should presumably be guarded against in both the name-changing and creation functions

1304085120000000 1324054704000000
#1118 defect johnlawrenceaspden closed invalid tests are testing something other than the behaviour seen in the browser

I'm finding that if I try to take an action with insufficient credentials from a test then I often (but not always) get a 401 error, whereas in the browser I get redirected to the login page.

It's a bit worrying that the program in its test environment doesn't behave like it does in the browser.

1304093017000000 1311174062000000
#1132 defect johnlawrenceaspden ckan-backlog closed invalid test_authz doesn't run

Trying to run the tests in test_authz.py with

$ nosetests --ckan ckan/tests/functional/test_authz.py results in no tests being run:

Ran 0 tests in 0.840s


1304966923000000 1307352675000000
#1133 defect johnlawrenceaspden closed worksforme command line rights manipulation doesn't work

It appears that the command

$ paster rights add russianfan admin warandpeace

has no effect, even though

$ paster rights remove russianfan admin warandpeace

works fine. This may be specific to something I've done, could someone confirm?

If it's the case more generally, then I'm assuming this behaviour is untested? Tests should probably be added.

1305054948000000 1324057072000000
#1138 enhancement johnlawrenceaspden closed invalid minor navigations behave inconsistently

For Authorization Groups, if you have admin privileges you see view, edit and authz tabs, and if you don't have the necessary privileges you only see the view tab.

For Packages, you see all tabs whatever your permissions, so there's a link you can click on which will redirect you to the login page.

1305279888000000 1316965357000000
#1141 CREP johnglover ckan-backlog closed fixed [super] Moderated Edits User Interface

Proposer: John Glover
Seconder: James Gardner


We are trying to achieve these goals:

  • To get people involved with making edits to CKAN metadata.
  • To have an ownership model as to who can moderate and validate these changes
  • To not put too huge a burden on these owners.

This feature allows anyone to edit a package and create a new revision, but requires an owner/moderator to approve a revision before it is are made "official".

There have been a lot of discussions around the revisioning system side of this ticket (CREP 0002) and I think these are now largely resolved. We now want to discuss the user interface.

The Problem

We require the following functionality:

  • Allow a group of changes to be stored as a new revision.
  • Allow a linear stack of "community" revisions.
  • Provide a way for the editor and moderator to compare previous revisions to the current one.
  • When a moderator approves a change it creates a new revision flagged "moderated" (this is analogous to a merge commit)
  • Provide a way for the editor and moderator comment on revisions if necessary.

Extra features:

  • Need a way to summarise the changes (as part of the preview perhaps)
  • Sysadmin needs to purge a revision completely



UI Mockup:


  • Revisions are per package rather than per field.
  • Internally CKAN has separate revisions for resources, extras and package metadata. From a user's point of view this could be confusing to expose, so everything that they see on a package form when they hit save is a single revision.

On the Edit page:

  • We have a panel on the right, listing all the revisions with the current moderated one selected. Moderated revisions are highligted in some way (red and bold?).
  • The values displayed in the form are by default populated from the latest revision (whether community or moderated)
  • Under each field is a "shadow", showing the value of the field in the revision selected in the panel, if it is different from the value in the field. By default the shadow values are populated from the latest moderated revision which is the one selected in the revision panel by default too.
  • When you change the value of a field, a shadow may appear or disappear accordingly. If they disappear a box saying that they are the same replaces it
  • If you want to edit values from a previous revision, you first select that revision to get the shadows populated. There is a button named "Replace fields with values from this revision" under the revision list. You click this, a warning pops up and then you say "Yes". You then select the moderated revision again.
  • We also allow package comments the same way as the todo extension works at the moment. Additionally, we need to be able to differentiate between what the moderator wrote and what a community member wrote, and so we may need to make a small change to the todo extension to facilitate this.
  • In addition to package comments, each revision will have a revision log (analogous to a commit message).

Technical Details

  • This CREP will result in a new CKAN extension.
  • It depends heavily on the new revisioning system (CREP0002), some of the details of which are yet to be finalised.
  • This CREP therefore requires working closely with David Raznick to come up with an API that the UI AJAX calls can use.
  • We will then use suitable test data to mimic these API calls until CREP0002 is ready.

Why do it this way

This hopefully provides a clear and consistent mechanism allowing both a community member to make new revisions and a moderator to view and approve revisions, with largely the same UI/UX.

Implementation plan


A new CKAN extension, consisting of:

  • Code: Python, HTML, CSS, Javascript
  • Unit tests
  • Localization
  • Documentation


John Glover to do it.


John has implemented the bulk of this UI. Just some things to tidy up before it is complete:

  • Genshi stream filters to be updated with CKAN 1.5 / 1.5.1 templates
  • history_ajax / read_ajax to be replaced with calls to Action API (or Util REST API)

I've split these two off into a new ticket #1604.

Related Progress

The Todo extension is written and available at: https://bitbucket.org/johnglover/ckanext-todo.

In the section 'The Problem', under extra features, we mention a need for the sysadmin to be able to purge a revision already. This is already done.

See also

#1129 Backend work

1305721003000000 1325352507000000
#1274 enhancement johnglover johnglover ckan-sprint-2011-10-28 closed fixed Testing solr search

Copy ckan core postgres package search tests to the ckanext-solr extension and update them so that they use the solr search backend.

1313413202000000 1313429049000000
#1275 enhancement johnglover johnglover ckan-sprint-2011-09-26 closed fixed Move solr search extension to ckan core 1313413597000000 1319812967000000
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