{22} Trac tickets (2647 matches)

Results (2101 - 2200 of 2647)

Id Type Owner Reporter Milestone Status Resolution Summary Description Posixtime Modifiedtime
#1758 enhancement ross ross ckan-sprint-2012-02-20 closed fixed DGU Check user management auth

Ensure publisher edit page only allows admins to manage users. #1675 is related.

1328530915000000 1328709897000000
#1755 enhancement ross ross ckan-sprint-2012-02-20 closed fixed DGU Alpha paged view of publishers

The publisher index page should show an alpha paged list of publishers.

1328530634000000 1328631064000000
#1712 enhancement icmurray icmurray ckan-sprint-2012-02-06 closed fixed DGU /data page

CKAN provides the /data page page of data.gov.uk

Breakdown of tasks:

  • [x] Analysis / refinement of spec.
  • [x] Log-in / register as publisher

(Waiting on publisher form)

  • [x] Population of "browse by publisher"

list groups ordered by most datasets (Waiting on publisher integration)

  • [ ] Browse by nation
  • [ ] Featured datasets

Now a possible integration point with drupal

  • [X] Tag cloud
  • [X] Developers section
1327590527000000 1329733846000000
#909 enhancement pudo ckan-backlog assigned DCat importer for CKAN

Write an importer that supports most well known variants of DCat in importing the data as CKAN packages. In particular, the following sources should be supported:

  • CKANrdf generated exports
  • opengov.se RDF (not really DCat)
  • Sunlight Nationdatacatalog as harvested by dcat-tools.
1295265958000000 1346669602000000
#2258 enhancement rgrp ckan-future new Customizable contributor agreement
  • Customize text at bottom of forms
  • Also need to make clear that this does not apply to the data itself (that is covered by the license you choose on your dataset ...)
1332751549000000 1338204747000000
#287 enhancement dread dread v1.0 closed fixed Customise Canadian package edit form

Spec - see attached, which is a copy of the Pirate Pad from Lauren: http://piratepad.net/2C2iwiLDhd

1270801086000000 1270801210000000
#204 enhancement dread dread v0.11 closed fixed Custom package input form

As a


I want to

input government data in a constrained way

so that

you get consistency in the db which is easily searched, discovered and automatically linked.


Form has fields suitable for government data. (related to custom excel importer ticket)

In pylons config specify the form schema to use - whether the existing one or the government one.

On submission, during validation, warn if a field isn't completed (unless it's optional - agency, maintainer, maintainer_email)

Simple fields

  • all basic ckan fields
  • default license to OKD::Crown Copyright
  • co_id, precision, taxonomy url, agency

Date fields

Date format: machine readable. Can be specific or vague: year or month/year or day/month/year.

  • date_released
  • date_updated
  • temporal_coverage_from, temporal_coverage_to - two date fields combined

Strict selection

Drop down combo

  • department

Selection or free text

Editable combo

  • update_frequency - selections: never, weekly, monthly, annually, discontinued
  • geographic_granularity - selections: national, regional, local authority, ward, point
  • temporal_granularity - selections: yes, months, weeks, days, hours, point

Specialised fields

  • geographic_coverage - UI is tick boxes. store a comma separated list of all that apply from: england, scotland, wales, northern ireland, overseas, global

(Idea for future version: Select the most relevant one from a choice of OS hierarchical geographic IDs in the UK. Stored in the database as the RDF URI. Question - what to do beyond the UK?)

  • national_statisic - UI is check box, store as 'Yes' or 'No'
  • resources - use standard table, but suggestions for file type are: RDF, CSV, SPARQL, REST, XBRL, SDMX, Other XML, HTML+RDFa, XLS, DOC. Have warning label saying it is not ideal to have PDF, zip or html targets.
  • categories - multi values from strict selection of ONS categories. Stored as comma-separated.

Field data processed

  • tags - in addition to words entered here, search for known keywords in other fields: title, notes, department, agency, geographic coverage & categories.

Future - optional

Each form schemas is made available (or not) in the pylons config, along with the default schema for new packages. If there is more than just the 'basic' schema available then the 'new package' form has at the top a drop-down to select the schema with a 'switch' button. This submits the form's current data and parameter schema=xyz and the form arrives back populated with the existing options. No data should be lost switching views.

When you edit a package it detects the schema based on the extra fields that are present.

1260188965000000 1285082169000000
#205 enhancement rgrp dread closed wontfix Custom package importer

Importer function is exposed to logged in users.

Alongside specifying file to import, user chooses between 'form schemas' - 'basic' and 'government'.

  • Basic is as it is currently
  • Government form has pre-defined Extra fields, careful validation of lots of fields, code formats/processes some field data for storage. e.g. searching for tag keywords.

All fields should be in step with the government custom input form.

For fields which have suggested values but the user can input his own value, this is achieved in the spreadsheet with two columns - the first being a drop-down and the second free text.


1260197819000000 1297068450000000
#2568 enhancement aron.carroll shevski ckan-sprint-2012-06-25 closed fixed Crop/shorten titles in breadcrumb headings

So that they don't interfere with buttons such as here: http://s031.okserver.org:2375/en/dataset/afterfibre/resource/5d19f9fa-c5a4-426c-84de-c624d6e8c3b3

1340039534000000 1340108132000000
#175 enhancement rgrp dread v0.11 closed fixed Creation date

'created' attribute on User, Group and Rating

datetime object: default=datetime.datetime.now()

See example on revision

Requires migrate script

1256754070000000 1265291037000000
#1484 defect dread dread ckan-sprint-2011-12-05 closed fixed Creating package with duplicate tags causes exception


curl http://localhost:5000/api/action/package_create -d '{"name":"test5", "tags":[{"name": "tag6"}, {"name": "tag6"}]}' -H 'Authorization:tester'

Also broken in Web UI (adding a package).

Affects API and Web UI in 1.5 and I think all versions from 1.4.1

1322052046000000 1322059006000000
#432 defect dread dread ckan-v1.2 closed fixed Creating package over REST gives 500 error

This occurs when CKAN is run with mod_wsgi (not under paster).

This is because of a unicode header being creating in rest.py.

1282065101000000 1282552819000000
#513 task dread closed wontfix Creating a package with API should warn if there are incorrect fields

When you create a package using the API, you might get a core field name wrong e.g. 'title' mispelt as 'titel' or 'groups' (which can't be specified in package creation). Currently that field will be ignored by the API. It should warn or give an error, rather than give 200 OK.

1282754802000000 1302774329000000
#164 enhancement wwaites dread v1.0 closed fixed Creating RDF data from CKAN

Related to: ticket:90 Link to RDF version of CKAN data and ticket:163 (regularly convert CKAN data to RDF).

Convert ckan data to RDF with suitable ontology and put on semantic.ckan.net.

1256052643000000 1271251422000000
#403 requirement pudo closed fixed Create web service for OFS storage

Create a thin web service that will allow users to upload files to OFS on S3 without knowing S3 credentials. This could also provide static urls for all stored resources.

1281346110000000 1287392451000000
#111 enhancement rgrp dread v0.10 closed fixed Create user object

Object properties:

  • id (uuid)
  • apikey (uuid) -- migrated from the apikey table
  • name (username = openid)

/account is being renamed to /user in the wui.

1252315994000000 1252331626000000
#522 requirement pudo pudo iati-2 closed fixed Create publishing entity account
  • Publishing entity emails system editors
  • System editor creates publishing entity account and emails publishing entity with details
  • Priority: 4/5
1282893668000000 1287392999000000
#2375 enhancement toby aron.carroll demo phase 5 closed fixed Create new base theme

As designed by Sam Smith -> https://okfn.basecamphq.com/projects/9558659-demo-ckan-front-end/ Also to be used as the demo theme although I think they will diverge at some point. At the moment they should be implemented as one and the same.

1336469009000000 1343317873000000
#391 task johnbywater johnbywater v1.1 closed fixed Create monitoring feature to generate QoS responsiveness log 1280446714000000 1280854592000000
#392 task johnbywater johnbywater v1.1 closed fixed Create monitoring feature to generate QoS availability log 1280446769000000 1280496140000000
#757 task thejimmyg johnbywater ckan-v1.3 closed duplicate Create migration script to add harvest source filter attribute to existing tables 1288040584000000 1296593448000000
#383 task johnbywater johnbywater v1.1 closed fixed Create middleware feature to generate QoS throughput log 1280347595000000 1280854578000000
#2542 enhancement seanh seanh ckanbuild accepted Create jenkins job to run ckanbuild, and run tests

It should run the script to create the debian package, boot a VM, install the debian package on the VM, boot a CKAN instance, then run the tests.

1339775888000000 1340639863000000
#743 story johnbywater closed wontfix Create harvest source registration via Web UI 1288012860000000 1294412807000000
#2372 task aron.carroll aron.carroll closed fixed Create frontend style guide

This should cover formatting and best practices for HTML, CSS and JavaScript?

Perhaps this should sit in it's own repository (ckan-styleguides?) or gh-pages branch.

1336071043000000 1343220160000000
#48 enhancement rgrp johnbywater ckan-v1.4-sprint-1 closed fixed Create favicon

Because CKAN's worth it!

1201202789000000 1297077492000000
#527 story pudo rgrp closed fixed Create domain model and load sample data 1282899025000000 1293097531000000
#1475 enhancement kindly kindly ckan-sprint-2012-01-23 closed fixed Create documentation showing how to make an extension that use celery. 1321826681000000 1327576068000000
#1273 requirement amercader ckan-backlog new Create docs for API v3 1313412083000000 1313412083000000
#2452 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll demo phase 5 closed fixed Create demo user profile page





1338211295000000 1343924143000000
#2451 enhancement johnmartin aron.carroll demo phase 5 assigned Create demo user list page





1338211213000000 1352658902000000
#2457 enhancement johnmartin aron.carroll demo phase 4 assigned Create demo tags list page

This includes the tag page as well for now.





1338211735000000 1352658878000000
#2458 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll demo phase 3 closed fixed Create demo statistics page





1338211906000000 1344262256000000
#2441 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll ckan-sprint-2012-06-25 closed fixed Create demo search page





1338210155000000 1339670118000000
#2461 enhancement toby aron.carroll demo phase 4 assigned Create demo revisions page

I believe this is to be merged in with site activity.





1338212055000000 1344543838000000
#2455 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll ckan-sprint-2012-06-25 closed fixed Create demo register page





1338211541000000 1338998214000000
#2454 enhancement toby aron.carroll demo phase 5 closed fixed Create demo login page





1338211420000000 1343317795000000
#2440 enhancement toby aron.carroll demo phase 1 closed fixed Create demo homepage





1338206405000000 1340373461000000
#2448 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll ckan-sprint-2012-06-25 closed fixed Create demo groups overview page





1338210960000000 1339669678000000
#2449 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll ckan-sprint-2012-06-25 closed fixed Create demo group page





1338211060000000 1339670041000000
#2456 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll ckan-sprint-2012-06-25 closed fixed Create demo forgot password page





1338211604000000 1339670080000000
#2596 enhancement toby aron.carroll opendatasuite 1 closed fixed Create demo extension

Should have all supported extensions enabled, those that don't work should be disabled and ticketed. Also needs a customised homepage.

1340642315000000 1345209485000000
#2453 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll demo phase 5 closed fixed Create demo edit user profile page





1338211351000000 1343924178000000
#2528 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll demo phase 1 closed fixed Create demo edit dataset page



1339686982000000 1340617176000000
#2444 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll ckan-sprint-2012-06-25 closed fixed Create demo dataset related page





1338210559000000 1339670232000000
#2442 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll ckan-sprint-2012-06-25 closed fixed Create demo dataset overview





1338210249000000 1339670612000000
#2446 enhancement johnmartin aron.carroll demo phase 4 assigned Create demo dataset history/comparison page

This is a low priority for the demo site.





1338210738000000 1352658819000000
#2443 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll ckan-sprint-2012-06-25 closed fixed Create demo dataset data (resource) page




(to be added once test server is working)

1338210382000000 1341824663000000
#2445 enhancement toby aron.carroll ckan-sprint-2012-06-25 closed fixed Create demo dataset add related page





Needs a new endpoint at /dataset/DATASET/related/new this should have a form containing the following fields.

  • Title (required)
  • Type of item (Application|Visualisation)
  • Description
  • URL (required)
  • Image URL

When submitted if an item is created it should redirect (303) back to /dataset/DATASET/related with a flash message saying "Related item was successfully created".

If failed to create it should redirect (303) back to the form and populate the error messages, see add dataset for examples (https://github.com/okfn/ckan/blob/feature-2375-demo-theme/ckan/templates/package/new_package_form.html)

1338210652000000 1338982754000000
#2450 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll ckan-sprint-2012-06-25 closed fixed Create demo add group form





1338211136000000 1339670997000000
#2447 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll demo phase 5 closed fixed Create demo add dataset page




http://s031.okserver.org:2375/dataset/new http://s031.okserver.org:2375/dataset/new_resource

1338210835000000 1343924125000000
#1590 enhancement amercader amercader closed fixed Create customized feeds for the IATI Registry

We need a way to track changes on the registry (datasets edited or updated), globally and on a per country/publisher/etc. basis. RSS and Atom feeds are really popular, and after closing #191 and #1498 crating them from the search results should be fairly easy.

The following URLs are pretty self-explanatory:



As we need to implement custom wrappers for countries, publishers, etc, we might as well offer a fully customizable feed, e.g.:

http://localhost:5000/feed/custom.rss?q=activity_count:[* TO 100]

Apart from the actual feeds, there will be a small amount of work at the template level to add the links to the suitable pages (and maybe a generic page showing all available feeds)

1324486965000000 1326711608000000
#171 enhancement rgrp rgrp datapkg-0.7 closed fixed Create consolidated config for CLI

Create consolidated set of config by merging config from .datapkgrc and command line options and use that instead of mixture of command line options and other stuff ... (likely to be less buggy!)

1256488011000000 1297210925000000
#2357 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll demo phase 5 accepted Create build script for front-end resources

Should minify and concatenate JavaScript? and CSS as part of #2354

1335886181000000 1343220524000000
#508 task dread dread ckan-v1.2 closed fixed Create branch ultrastable
  • Create a branch named ultrastable that represents latest version of 1.0 as found on dgu
    • Going forward ultrastable will act as stable - 1 (and either ultrastable or stable will be on the rock-solid production systems such as dgu)
  • Do not deprecate the stable or metastable branch for the present
  • Ask for recommendations on mailing list about best practice for branching (e.g. versioned based versus a simple HEAD versus stable) and how this affects standard operations such as applying bugfixes.
    • For useful discussion of how to do backporting and applying bugfix patches see: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0374/#backport
    • NB: in general do not always have to apply in stable/ultrastable and merge upwards for bugfixes -- can use transplant extension as well.
1282663663000000 1282908795000000
#393 task johnbywater johnbywater v1.1 closed fixed Create aggregation feature to aggregate QoS log 1280446811000000 1280496962000000
#327 defect pudo pudo closed wontfix Create a web hook worker for CKAN

This will be useful as an example consumer of the new queue notifications (#325).

  • A user can register any URL to be notified upon an event.
  • Possible extensions: GET with ID only vs. POST with serialized object
  • E-Mail notifications are also hooks, essentially.

We need to have a UI module that allows for the hook CRUD and some feedback (e.g. non 200 status codes)

1274807361000000 1296467361000000
#1167 task nils.toedtmann closed fixed Create a standard CKAN system image for Amazon EC2 (AMI)

We should create a public AMI with CKAN pre-installed and configured such that users can easily create their own EC2 machine with a running CKAN to play with.

There are three phases:

  1. [nils] Deploy an empty EC2 instance to become the CKAN image master instance
  2. Install a CKAN and give it a standard configuration.
  3. [nils] Create a AMI from the CKAN image master instance and publish it.

I am happy to do first and last. Who is installing and configuring CKAN?

Unfortunately AMIs are specific to region, architecture and storage type. We cannot maintain too many images, so a number of choices have to be made:

  • Which distribution/version? Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
  • Which architecture/instance-type? I suggest 64-bit/t1.micro
  • Which region? I suggest us-east-1 and maybe eu-west-1
  • Which storage type? EBS (way easier to make an AMI from than instance-store)
  • Install CKAN from deb packages via mercurial/virtualenv? I assume the latter because the AMI is targeted to developers?

1 2

1306423016000000 1311178516000000
#12 enhancement johnbywater johnbywater closed invalid Create a release associated with a package

As a

Authenticated user

I want to

Create a release associated with a package

So that

The package has a new release


  • Permissions are as for updating a package ticket:10
  • for details of release attributes see: updating a release ticket:14
1152550407000000 1204135071000000
#1108 enhancement zephod pudo ckan-sprint-2011-09-12 closed fixed Create a more modern theme for CKAN

CKAN looks a bit aged, it should be styled more modernly and some elements could be re-arranged:

  • Collect user info in top bar
  • re-add the logo to ckan.net
  • Remove tags from main menu, replace with /sitemap.xml


quora.com, github.com, Google Projects, Google Refine, etc.

CKAN.net or CKAN general theme?

To be decided. Suggest we start with ckan.net specific and then backwards integrate (?). Existing ckan.net theme repo:


1303830790000000 1315140879000000
#2831 enhancement aron.carroll ckan 2.0 new Create a limited subset of markdown that's supported

Allowing people to use the full range of markdown results in extremely messy output across the site. I'd suggest limiting support to only a subset of common use cases.

  • Allow all inline elements, this allows bold, italic, code and links.
  • Allow lists.


  • Horizontal Rules
  • Headings
  • Block quote and code (this may turn out to be useful and so could be included)

This way you get markdowns paragraph handling and a few inline styles without breaking the entire layout of the page.

Here's the full syntax if anyone is interested http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax

1344512467000000 1344512467000000
#2553 enhancement toby toby demo phase 2 closed fixed Create a get snippet api action

just passes template name


1340020613000000 1342090078000000
#15 enhancement johnbywater johnbywater closed invalid Create a file

As a

Authenticated user

I want to

Create a file associated with a release

So that

The release has a new file associated with it


  • Permissions are as for package updating (see ticket:10)
  • file attributes are described in file updating: ticket:16)
    • there are no attributes that are required to be supplied to create a file
1152550770000000 1250619139000000
#130 enhancement dread rgrp v0.10 closed fixed Create a New Group via the WUI

As a


I want to

Create a new group via the WUI


  • locate at /group/new/
  • You must be logged in to create a group
  • Group creator is automatically given role of group admin
  • Edit screen is same as edit screen ...
1254130212000000 1254735501000000
#574 story johnbywater closed duplicate Create UKLII package with attributes from remote metadata record 1284045805000000 1284222410000000
#359 requirement pudo rgrp datapkg-0.7 closed fixed Create Storage with pluggable extensions

Storage represents something you can upload to (download is done in ticket:406).

  • storage sub package with defined interface (maybe just use OFS)
  • Only support uploading single files for the moment (though can do multiple files).
    • Relationship to build (ticket:306)
    • No support for syncing e.g. hg/git repos -- that's up to you as a user
  • Upload command

At end of this we can deprecate Repository.

Having Repository encapsulate Index and Storage (without Storage being explicit) is not helpful and leads to duplication.

1277750654000000 1291135692000000
#964 enhancement rgrp rgrp datapkg-0.8 closed fixed Create Resource Downloader and make it pluggable

In downloading packages we need to download resources and we need a ResourceDownloader? object for this. these should be pluggable so that we can add support for different types of resources.

1297211004000000 1297211237000000
#398 task johnbywater johnbywater ckan-v1.3 closed fixed Create Public API documentation for DGU (draft) 1281000828000000 1294407372000000
#2502 enhancement toby aron.carroll ckan-sprint-2012-06-25 closed fixed Create Jinja block for common helpers

Most important is {% snippet %} but {% url_for %} would be great too.

1339084936000000 1339494853000000
#2518 enhancement johnglover johnglover ckan-sprint-2012-06-25 closed fixed Create EC ODP CKAN release branch
  • branch from 1.7.1
  • apply CKAN patches that are current part of installation instructions
  • create i18n patch so custom i18n directories can be specified via a config option
1339581818000000 1339595863000000
#661 task dread ckan-v1.3 closed fixed Create CKAN site tester

From Rufus:

'blackbox' testing command (read-only only would be fine) -- very
useful for upgrade on sunday

On blackbox thinking of something like:

paster test-site http://hmg.ckan.net {package-name}

Or (maybe better):

paster test-site --site-spec {myconfig.json}

my-config is a json file with info for testing (could overload
--config rather than site-spec):

site-url: http://hmg.ckan.net/
...etc ...


Test front-page
Test /revision/
Test /package/{page}  -- check title
Test /package/history
Test /api/rest/package/ ...
Test /api/search/package ...
1285348558000000 1288271266000000
#943 enhancement pudo pudo ckan-v1.4-sprint-1 closed fixed Create CKAN Wiki

Set up a Mediawiki to contain info on CKAN.net (community) conventions etc.

1296469547000000 1297076498000000
#1139 enhancement lucychambers lucychambers ckan-backlog closed fixed Create CKAN Theme Gallery

Take screenshots of existing ckan instances esp those mentioned <http://wiki.ckan.net/Theming> and put on flickr in ckan or ckan-theme group so we can create a gallery ... (both to illustrate theming but also to show ckan instances that are around -- could add to http://wiki.ckan.net/Instances)

1305645859000000 1306941356000000
#3014 defect seanh ckan 2.0 new Crash when deleting a non-empty vocabulary

From Knud Möller:

when I try to delete a non-empty tag vocabulary via the API (through HTTP), I get an internal server error. Checking the logs, this turns out to be a consistency error raised by sqlalchemy:

Error - <class 'sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError?'>: (IntegrityError?) update or delete on table "vocabulary" violates foreign key constraint "tag_vocabulary_id_fkey" on table "tag" DETAIL: Key (id)=(21421955-7560-467c-af30-9f790b73e6ae) is still referenced from table "tag".

'DELETE FROM vocabulary WHERE vocabulary.id = %(id)s' {'id': u'21421955-7560-467c-af30-9f790b73e6ae'}


The error makes sense, but I'm wondering if it would be useful to extend the API to also allow the deletion of non-empty vocabularies, possibly via a parameter (not sure what best practice in API design is). At the very least, it would be cool if the error message coming back in the response had more information in it.

1352803808000000 1352803808000000
#2317 enhancement rgrp ckan-v1.7 closed wontfix Corrections to dataset creation form for v1.7
  • Add home page url
  • Remove group option (seen it confuse several users) - perhaps replace with tags (?)
  • Check form looks ok in portugese (seems to be a problem with css)
1335022061000000 1340033433000000
#1681 enhancement ross ross closed fixed Core storage document

Document all of the changes and usage for #1574 so that we can mark it 'done done'.

Make sure we document any setup issues/processes and the settings.py setup required for CKAN so that Mark can announce next week and it should be easily deployable/testable.

Internal (perhaps in README somewhere or wiki): how does process work, where does data end up and in what order etc

External: here's how to configure it and here's what you get ... (goes in main sphinx docs)

1326904939000000 1338202930000000
#1300 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-11-07 closed fixed Core changes to base theme

Core changes to theme in order to make it easier to re-theme:

  • page_heading
  • side bar menu must be switchable (left to right) (through config or css)
  • Add optional_footer to complement optional_head
    • And adopt rule for template writers that all extra js must go in optional footer
    • That way we could move optional js to the bottom of the page to improve page load times.
  • Re-add support for body-class ... (seems to be removed by #1108)
  • more divs.
  • better labelling for css (and javascript)
1314862223000000 1319794520000000
#76 enhancement dread rgrp v0.10 closed fixed Convert to use formalchemy for all forms

Current form stuff is not very good (uses formencode). Switch to formalchemy would improve this, especially on validation.

As an extra we could utilize the formalchemy pylons admin interface (pretty much for free).

Cost: 12h


  1. Replace htmlfill and formencode extract in controllers/templates with formalchemy
    1. Crude and simple
    2. Suppress unwanted fields (revision, state, all revisions) and sort out ordering to be similar to before.
    3. Sort out tag field with a special renderer
  2. Validation - testing definitely required.
  3. Fix up description and pretty css etc
1247829041000000 1251301765000000
#832 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-v1.3 closed fixed Convert stats to a plugin

Convert stats section to a ckan plugin.

Stats need not be in core and making it a plugin would make it easier to extend and expand.

1290765915000000 1296334980000000
#85 enhancement rgrp rgrp closed fixed Convert state from an object to an enumeration

No real benefit of having State object as opposed to a simple text field with enumerated values and this second option is both simpler and more flexible.

Main hassle here is that it requires migration in all projects that use vdm.

If we're going to do this we should do it sooner rather than later.

Cost: 2h (+ 1h for a conversion method)

1248339662000000 1263206391000000
#70 enhancement rgrp rgrp v0.9 closed fixed Convert from py.test to nosetests

Cost: 1h

1246434753000000 1247827053000000
#100 enhancement rgrp rgrp closed fixed Convert existing data on disk to a datapkg distribution

(2008-10-29) convert existing directory on disk to a datapkg distribution (PythonDistribution? by default). This would be presented in the CLI as a convert command.


  • Add a metadata file (setup.py), perhaps prompting for input
  • List all existing data in that directory

Cost: 4h

1249986628000000 1318181227000000
#1472 enhancement rgrp rgrp ckan-sprint-2011-11-21 closed fixed Convert ckanclient to git and github from mercurial 1321624905000000 1321721874000000
#2343 enhancement johnglover johnglover ckan-sprint-2012-05-15 closed fixed Convert all non-free metadata fields to vocabulary fields
  • convert non-free fields to vocab fields (eg: interoperability_level)
  • store values as JSON files in the ecportal repo
  • translate output on dataset view page
  • add tests
1335876562000000 1335969506000000
#2803 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll demo phase 3 closed fixed Convert all JS translations to use keywords 1344251817000000 1344256274000000
#1192 task annapowellsmith annapowellsmith ckan-sprint-2011-10-28 closed fixed Convert CKAN Sphinx docs into admin/reference manual

As part of the general documentation overhaul (ticket:1142) we (APS and RGRP) want to convert the current Sphinx docs into:

  • An Admin Manual which is task-based and aims to cover everything a developer would need to know to set up and customize a CKAN install.
  • A Reference Manual which is the primary source of reference for CKAN software - this includes API docs.

The current chapters of the Sphinx docs should be moved as follows:

  • index.rst - copy some stuff from README.txt, keep short
  • README.txt - split out installation - stop symlinking in, keep separate, write new intro in index.rst
  • [NEW] install.rst - new file on installation
  • [NEW] theming.rst - move over from wiki
  • api - will stay (gradually move tutorials/getting started to wiki.ckan.net user guide)
  • i18n.rst: internationlization. say we have x langauges. just set lang config option. if your lang not there yet see wiki page for how to prepare a translation file
  • design.rst - REMOVE (can copy some over if you can be bothered to http://wiki.ckan.net/Vision (all philosophical stuff should go!))
  • loaders.rst: move to wiki.ckan.net/Using_Loaders
  • feeds.rst: move to User Manual (CKAN_Feeds or just Feeds)
  • importer.rst: remove (don't even copy)
  • forms.rst: remove (ping david read and ckan-dev asking for replacement documentation -- do we need this in core ckan -- do we want pure js ...?). Suggest we start with (stub out) http://wiki.ckan.net/Customizing_Forms
  • forms-integration.rst: remove
  • model.rst: leave but move to reference (only for core devs)
  • load-testing.rst -> move to http://wiki.ckan.net/Load_Testing
  • distributed.rst -> remove
  • admin.html should consolidate with authorization.html (some of authorization.html is probably in ref section but howto in main manual) <-- high priority
  • deb.html -> go into reference (query james gardner on list about moving this to wiki?)
1308324593000000 1312191462000000
#2322 enhancement ross rgrp ckan-sprint-2012-05-29 closed fixed Convenience offset on end of resource urls: /raw, /api, /viewer


/raw or /download (latter may be better)


=> redirects to resource url (download)



=> either redirects or directly serves /api/data/{resource-id}

Viewer (Explorer?)

Do data viewer but without anything else showing (full-screen?). this would not be just the data explorer but other cases too (including iframe etc ...)


Resource (pre)-viewer without anything else (perhaps include resource title)

Assigning for kindly for review.

These would take about 20m to implement and would be *very* convenient from my experience of using the data API.

Implementation at enhancement-2322-convenience-urls

1335236581000000 1344086640000000
#2552 enhancement ross ckan-future assigned Controlling access to features


To provide a freemium service it is necessary to be able to provide differing levels of functionality based on the type of user (see #2550). These levels can be specific to the data hub but may require overriding functionality from core to provide these checks.

Initial implementation should focus on limiting access to datastore disk space.


These changes are currently only for the data hub and should be kept as much as possible within the data hub extension.

User Stories

  • As a system component I want to find out if the current user has access to a feature (i.e. storage) and if so to what extent (xMb, xGb or unlimited).
  • As a system administrator I don't expect to need to manage the levels of users or the features that this applies to.


[ ] Clarification of requirements/analysis

[ ] Tests

[ ] Code

[ ] Model

[ ] API

[ ] UI

[ ] Documentation


1340018770000000 1346669544000000
#2838 enhancement seanh ckan-v1.9 new Context variables accepted by action functions need to be documented

I was doing this:

context = {'model': base.model, 'session': base.model.Session,
                    'user': toolkit.c.user or toolkit.c.author,
                    'extras_as_string': True}
group_dict = logic.get_action('group_show')(context,
                    {'id': group_id})

in an extension and one of the group_dicts fields, one that uses convert_to/from_extras, was coming out with the wrong value. It took me ages to realise that I had to pass 'extras_as_string': True in the context. I don't think this or other context variables are documented anywhere.

1344630911000000 1344630911000000
#759 story johnbywater johnbywater ckan-v1.3 closed duplicate Construct and send filtered CSW GetRecords request 1288040753000000 1294408652000000
#673 task johnbywater closed Construct and send CSW GetRecordById request 1286214712000000 1286786758000000
#2287 enhancement seanh ckan-future new Consistent datetime and time period strings localization

Find all places where date, times and time periods are rendered as strings in CKAN. Make them all go through the same code path (e.g. the helper function in helpers.py) with localization support.

For example, on the user index page right now there are time period strings like "less than 1 month" that currently do not get translated (and the way they're implemented doesn't look i18n-friendly).

ISO date format everywhere might be a good idea.

Need to consider local timezone issues.

Python standard library and Babel may have useful helpers for this.

Should the local timezone displayed be a global setting per CKAN instance? Or should it change depending on the location of the user who is viewing the page?

1334254123000000 1339411445000000
#2813 enhancement toby markw demo phase 5 new Confusing sidebar on demo dataset page

On a dataset page on demo.ckan.org, the left sidebar is confusing.

  • It starts with some random links. Actually they are links to groups which the dataset is in, but this isn't clear.
  • The sidebar elements that are actually part of the dataset are 'Datset extent' and 'License', so these should be right at the top (if they belong in the sidebar at all), instead of which they are right at the bottom in the junk part of the page (i.e. probably lower than the bottom of the main page, and hence lower than anyone will scroll).
1344420206000000 1344445419000000
#2415 defect kindly markw ckan-v1.9 new Confusing message on attempting to register new account with upper case

On registering a new account, if you try to use a capital letter in your 'Login', you get the unhelpful error message:

"The form contains invalid entries: Name: Url must be purely lowercase alphanumeric (ascii) characters and these symbols: -_"

What does 'Name' or 'Url' have to do with anything? It means 'Login must be ...'

But even better would be to make the login case-insensitive and allow capitals to be entered.

1337779189000000 1341268304000000
#2808 enhancement aron.carroll toby demo phase 3 closed fixed Confirm delete dialog badly placed on small screen

If you make your browser window short - say half screen height on a page with delete eg http://localhost:5000/dataset/edit/1-kmwaterfractionfromnationaltopographicdatabasemapscanada

the dialog box is partially off the screen - it should try to stay on screen

1344333474000000 1345023693000000
#525 requirement pudo pudo iati-2 closed fixed Confirm and approve publishing entity account

  • So some kind of confirmation or approval by someone more senior?
  • Alternative: just have an account request.
  • Priority: 3
1282894040000000 1285595152000000
#400 task johnbywater johnbywater ckan-v1.2 closed fixed Configure DGU Public API with TSO

Have TSO configure data.ov.uk/api/catalogue. Have TSO register catalogue.data.gov.uk.

1281000956000000 1288003690000000
#1656 enhancement ross closed duplicate Configuration for reverse proxying

Provide configuration for reverse proxying that will correctly handle the mapping of a URL to a sub-folder (using X-SCRIPT-NAME)

  • Analysis of the best solution [1d]
  • Implement reverse proxying in tandem with #1653 [2d]
  • Document and store the configuration files. [1d]
1326711575000000 1326711659000000
#1657 enhancement ross ross closed wontfix Configuration for reverse proxying

Provide configuration for reverse proxying that will correctly handle the mapping of a URL to a sub-folder (using X-SCRIPT-NAME)

  • Analysis of the best solution [1d]
  • Implement reverse proxying in tandem with #1653 [2d]
  • Document and store the configuration files. [1d]
1326711580000000 1338206640000000
#2886 enhancement ross ckan 2.0 new Configurable related items

Related items (Apps & Ideas) have a collection of types, which are currently fixed. Some of these types are ambiguous, such as ideas in that they may not have a link - and if they do it is likely to be to a blog post - another existing type.

Whilst the URL is required, and we think this should stay required, we should also allow users to change the types found in Apps & Ideas to a shortened list that suits their requirements.

1345625718000000 1345625718000000
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