{23} Trac comments (3729 matches)

Results (3301 - 3400 of 3729)

Ticket Posixtime Author Newvalue
#1442 1320275623000000 dread Fixed in cset:819a74bd1c03 for release 1.5. Note release 1.5 doesn't have #1381 feature, so you're not supposed to create with groups anyway, but this will be useful if people try it.
#1443 1320432511000000 dread Fixed in cset:96b5d9af70a7 for release-v1.5
#1444 1323089960000000 dread I've not looked at this yet, but now detection is disabled, less important.
#1445 1330019916000000 dread This went into CKAN 1.6
#1447 1322220690000000 dread This appears to have happened again today on test.ckan.net and someone has sorted it. The problem is visible on munin as inodes running out. * eu25 seems ready to fall over in about a week: http://munin.okfn.org/okfn.org/eu25.okfn.org-df_inode.html * thedatahub.org on s055 (and other fry instances) seem to have dynamically adjusted inode table size (by the kernel) so is less of a problem
#1447 1322648873000000 dread As predicted, this happened again today. From the following analysis it confirms that the problem is the cache growing and growing. Disk usage in megabytes: {{{ okfn@s025:~/var/srvc/publicdata.eu$ du -s -m /* 7 /bin 22 /boot 1 /dev 10 /etc 4157 /home 0 /initrd.img 0 /initrd.img.old 114 /lib 1 /lost+found 1 /media 1 /mnt 1 /opt 0 /proc 1 /root 7 /sbin 1 /selinux 1 /srv 0 /sys 1 /tmp 421 /usr 443 /var 0 /vmlinuz 0 /vmlinuz.old }}} {{{ okfn@s025:~/var/srvc/publicdata.eu$ du -s -m /home/okfn/var/srvc/publicdata.eu/*2173 /home/okfn/var/srvc/publicdata.eu/backup 1 /home/okfn/var/srvc/publicdata.eu/backup_RENAMED_TO_AVOID_MAYHEM.sh 1 /home/okfn/var/srvc/publicdata.eu/common.sh 1893 /home/okfn/var/srvc/publicdata.eu/data 1 /home/okfn/var/srvc/publicdata.eu/fetch.sh 1 /home/okfn/var/srvc/publicdata.eu/gather.sh 1 /home/okfn/var/srvc/publicdata.eu/pip-requirements.txt 1 /home/okfn/var/srvc/publicdata.eu/publicdata.eu.ini 86 /home/okfn/var/srvc/publicdata.eu/pyenv 1 /home/okfn/var/srvc/publicdata.eu/run.sh 1 /home/okfn/var/srvc/publicdata.eu/sstore 0 /home/okfn/var/srvc/publicdata.eu/who.ini }}} {{{ okfn@s025:~/var/srvc/publicdata.eu$ ls -l /home/okfn/var/srvc/publicdata.eu/backup total 2224588 -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 343199744 2011-06-14 20:50 db-20110614-2050.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 20:51 db-20110614-2051.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 20:52 db-20110614-2052.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 20:53 db-20110614-2053.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 20:54 db-20110614-2054.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 20:55 db-20110614-2055.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 20:56 db-20110614-2056.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 20:57 db-20110614-2057.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 20:58 db-20110614-2058.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 20:59 db-20110614-2059.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 1036288 2011-06-14 22:00 db-20110614-2200.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:01 db-20110614-2201.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:02 db-20110614-2202.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:03 db-20110614-2203.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:04 db-20110614-2204.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:05 db-20110614-2205.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:06 db-20110614-2206.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:07 db-20110614-2207.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:08 db-20110614-2208.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:09 db-20110614-2209.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:10 db-20110614-2210.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:11 db-20110614-2211.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:12 db-20110614-2212.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:13 db-20110614-2213.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:14 db-20110614-2214.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:15 db-20110614-2215.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:16 db-20110614-2216.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:17 db-20110614-2217.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:18 db-20110614-2218.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:19 db-20110614-2219.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:20 db-20110614-2220.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:21 db-20110614-2221.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:22 db-20110614-2222.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:23 db-20110614-2223.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:24 db-20110614-2224.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:25 db-20110614-2225.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:26 db-20110614-2226.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:27 db-20110614-2227.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:28 db-20110614-2228.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:29 db-20110614-2229.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:30 db-20110614-2230.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:31 db-20110614-2231.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:32 db-20110614-2232.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:33 db-20110614-2233.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:34 db-20110614-2234.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:35 db-20110614-2235.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:36 db-20110614-2236.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:37 db-20110614-2237.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:38 db-20110614-2238.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:39 db-20110614-2239.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:40 db-20110614-2240.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:41 db-20110614-2241.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:42 db-20110614-2242.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:43 db-20110614-2243.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:44 db-20110614-2244.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:45 db-20110614-2245.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:46 db-20110614-2246.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:47 db-20110614-2247.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:48 db-20110614-2248.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:49 db-20110614-2249.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:50 db-20110614-2250.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:51 db-20110614-2251.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:52 db-20110614-2252.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:53 db-20110614-2253.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:54 db-20110614-2254.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:55 db-20110614-2255.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:56 db-20110614-2256.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:57 db-20110614-2257.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:58 db-20110614-2258.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-14 22:59 db-20110614-2259.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-15 00:00 db-20110615-0000.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-15 00:01 db-20110615-0001.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-15 00:02 db-20110615-0002.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-15 00:03 db-20110615-0003.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-15 00:04 db-20110615-0004.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-15 00:05 db-20110615-0005.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-15 00:06 db-20110615-0006.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-15 00:07 db-20110615-0007.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-15 00:08 db-20110615-0008.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-15 00:09 db-20110615-0009.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-15 00:10 db-20110615-0010.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-15 00:11 db-20110615-0011.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-15 00:12 db-20110615-0012.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-15 00:13 db-20110615-0013.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-15 00:14 db-20110615-0014.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-15 00:15 db-20110615-0015.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-15 00:16 db-20110615-0016.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-15 00:17 db-20110615-0017.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-15 00:18 db-20110615-0018.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-15 00:19 db-20110615-0019.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-15 00:20 db-20110615-0020.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-15 00:21 db-20110615-0021.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-15 00:22 db-20110615-0022.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-15 00:23 db-20110615-0023.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-15 00:24 db-20110615-0024.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-15 00:25 db-20110615-0025.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-15 00:26 db-20110615-0026.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-15 00:27 db-20110615-0027.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-15 00:28 db-20110615-0028.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-15 00:29 db-20110615-0029.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-15 00:30 db-20110615-0030.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-15 00:31 db-20110615-0031.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-15 00:32 db-20110615-0032.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-15 00:33 db-20110615-0033.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-15 00:34 db-20110615-0034.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-15 00:35 db-20110615-0035.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-15 00:36 db-20110615-0036.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-15 00:37 db-20110615-0037.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-15 00:38 db-20110615-0038.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-15 00:39 db-20110615-0039.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-15 00:40 db-20110615-0040.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-15 00:41 db-20110615-0041.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-15 00:42 db-20110615-0042.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-15 00:43 db-20110615-0043.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-15 00:44 db-20110615-0044.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-15 00:45 db-20110615-0045.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 0 2011-06-15 00:46 db-20110615-0046.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 483144447 2011-06-15 10:00 db-20110615-1000.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 482136064 2011-06-15 10:07 db-20110615-1007.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 483144447 2011-06-15 10:50 db-20110615-1050.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 okfn okfn 483053568 2011-06-15 10:51 db-20110615-1051.sql }}} {{{ okfn@s025:~/var/srvc/publicdata.eu$ du -s -m /home/okfn/var/srvc/publicdata.eu/data/sessions/container_file/* 117 /home/okfn/var/srvc/publicdata.eu/data/sessions/container_file/0 116 /home/okfn/var/srvc/publicdata.eu/data/sessions/container_file/1 117 /home/okfn/var/srvc/publicdata.eu/data/sessions/container_file/2 116 /home/okfn/var/srvc/publicdata.eu/data/sessions/container_file/3 116 /home/okfn/var/srvc/publicdata.eu/data/sessions/container_file/4 116 /home/okfn/var/srvc/publicdata.eu/data/sessions/container_file/5 116 /home/okfn/var/srvc/publicdata.eu/data/sessions/container_file/6 117 /home/okfn/var/srvc/publicdata.eu/data/sessions/container_file/7 116 /home/okfn/var/srvc/publicdata.eu/data/sessions/container_file/8 117 /home/okfn/var/srvc/publicdata.eu/data/sessions/container_file/9 117 /home/okfn/var/srvc/publicdata.eu/data/sessions/container_file/a 116 /home/okfn/var/srvc/publicdata.eu/data/sessions/container_file/b 116 /home/okfn/var/srvc/publicdata.eu/data/sessions/container_file/c 116 /home/okfn/var/srvc/publicdata.eu/data/sessions/container_file/d 117 /home/okfn/var/srvc/publicdata.eu/data/sessions/container_file/e 116 /home/okfn/var/srvc/publicdata.eu/data/sessions/container_file/f }}}
#1447 1324374324000000 dread Once again eu25 ran out of space again today.
#1447 1326279495000000 dread eu25 ran out of space again this weekend and eu8 (at/it/us_co) today.
#1447 1330082808000000 dread Yes please Nils!
#1447 1340727330000000 dread BTW on DGU I have set it up to use memcached for these sessions (v. easy) and I think it solves the problem.
#1450 1330019974000000 dread In CKAN 1.6.
#1451 1322568784000000 dread With the cron job setup, maybe this is best left as an extension. The core CKAN was designed to be mean and lean.
#1452 1321276189000000 dread Seb Bacon: > I agree.  It is quite standard for people to have their browser > language as en-US in many countries. > Yes, geo-location is likely to be better if you want to automate it. > > http://www.maxmind.com/app/geoip_country > > But I wouldn't automatically detect it at all.  Just have a default > language for each site, as you suggest.
#1453 1321635178000000 dread Code review: * basically - really excellent code and very thorough :-) * links should have %20 rather than spaces (tests/misc/test_format_text.py:61) * also check unicode chars encoding in urls (tests/misc/test_format_text.py:115) * also check searching for the tag with this encoding (ckan/tests/functional/api/model/test_tag.py:35) * we follow the PEP8 coding style which I interpret to mean not having blank lines after a function definition. But whichever, we're not consistent from file to file, but we should be within each file. e.g. ckan/tests/forms/test_package.py:12. * moo package problem - need to ensure test works on its own and when run as part of the suite, so independent of whether moo exists. tests/functional/api/test_action.py: * best to make tag search case insensitive - see ckan/tests/functional/api/model * It's worth keeping the old test in addition to your modified one - because query for just {q:''} will return both packages too. ckan/tests/functional/api/test_package_search.py:203 * Let's add an example of tag search with quotes in /doc/api.rst:337 * Please put imports at the top of the file, unless there's a good reason ckan/tests/functional/api/test_package_search.py:296 * Can you not the old test any more? It seems sufficiently to the test you changed it to, so can we include both? ckan/tests/functional/api/test_package_search.py:295
#1453 1322581830000000 dread I believe this is finished now. This was merged into master in cset:c0aaa31c4b7ded54d and headed for release 1.5.2.
#1453 1329395697000000 dread This has gone into release 1.6.
#1454 1320849527000000 dread Done in cset:138c5daf7765 heading for release 1.5.1.
#1455 1321872633000000 dread John to look at.
#1455 1324474466000000 dread Fix has gone into CKAN 1.5.1
#1456 1320930770000000 dread I see you've done this in cset:939e0e0809c1. Close now? BTW Take a look at the first suggestion from #1423 too, whilst in the area.
#1456 1324472178000000 dread Went into 1.5.1 release
#1460 1328638393000000 dread Have not looked at this yet. Bumping to this sprint.
#1461 1321359503000000 dread Fixed in cset:6ea5d3c50444 so all functions supply api key.
#1462 1330083671000000 dread This went into CKAN 1.5.1.
#1464 1323710659000000 dread Pls update status and milestone
#1465 1323710679000000 dread Pls update status and milestone.
#1466 1323710030000000 dread Is this still critical, James?
#1467 1321872507000000 dread Leaving this to James to schedule
#1467 1326119954000000 dread I believe that the "publisher issue" that James alludes to is that the dump doesn't contain the 'parent publisher' field that is generated in the DGU system on the Drupal side. This information will be stored following the Groups Refactor #1477 and should be added to the dump at this point. Excluding Datasets that are state=deleted is a good idea. I've split that off into #1623 The other issues mentioned are simply data quality - the same whether viewing the dump or elsewhere.
#1467 1326120319000000 dread > 'parent publisher' Sorry, I meant 'parent department'
#1468 1322591997000000 dread We originally talked about a command-line interface for deleting packages. I've done this here: #1499. Note: you can update the search index from a paster shell, simply by doing this before running your commands that edit packages: {{{ from ckan import plugins plugins.load('synchronous_search') }}}
#1470 1321540943000000 dread Adria put in fix cset:ad29e3ea75 but the model change missed a migration script and left some spurious tests broken.
#1470 1321543837000000 dread Tidy up done in cset:c46388b945d581 for 1.5.1 release and merged to master.
#1470 1324473955000000 dread This issue only affects 1.5 release.
#1473 1321872717000000 dread Done in cset:7733eb19971ff06e for 1.5.2
#1477 1324549459000000 dread I added the sub-tickets since this tickets already covers them really. They may provide useful details in the course of doing all this.
#1479 1321961592000000 dread Fixed in cset:380eab620c7397 for CKAN 1.5.1.
#1480 1321978546000000 dread Done in /api/util. Added length limits to mungers. Also added markdown test and documentation. Cset:e43009db393cb for 1.5.2
#1484 1322059006000000 dread Fixed and added tests. Improved IntegrityError error messages. Changeset:ddca1a7 for release 1.5.1.
#1487 1324474147000000 dread Fixed in CKAN 1.5.1.
#1488 1322241966000000 dread 'extensions' added. Also mounted RESTful version of status_show at: /api/util/status Done in cset:415d9ae aiming for 1.5.2 release.
#1489 1322138014000000 dread I updated the theme stuff in a75ca84. I've asked Ian to see if he can replace the form stuff with a new form (v. quick simple!).
#1490 1324033557000000 dread Fixed in 1.5.1 * group_package_show introduced in 1.5.1 * tag_show added extended packages in 1.5 (e6bad88a) * package_search added extended packages in 1.5 (e6bad88a)
#1491 1330020630000000 dread went into CKAN 1.6
#1493 1323166859000000 dread Fixed in db814bed5 and cdbfa799f on master
#1493 1324474360000000 dread Went into CKAN 1.5.1.
#1497 1322569805000000 dread Got rid of this one that appears on many CLI commands: {{{ /home/dread/gitroot/pyenv-ckan/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pylons/templating.py:610: UserWarning: Unbuilt egg for setuptools [unknown version] (/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages) Engine = entry_point.load() }}} cset:e1e2918 Look out for others and reopen when found.
#1499 1322591888000000 dread Done in cset:9d97592 on master aimed for release 1.5.2.
#1500 1323166918000000 dread Fixed in cset:783e9ed05 on master aimed for 1.5.2
#1502 1324480415000000 dread Went into CKAN 1.5.1.
#1503 1323281764000000 dread This is still ongoing - see the spreadsheet!
#1503 1323695557000000 dread The repos moved to github have now been deleted on bitbucket.
#1503 1323793662000000 dread All done now.
#1504 1322757715000000 dread Fixed in cset:725670972371 on master, aimed for release 1.5.2.
#1504 1324035928000000 dread Cherry picked for 1.5.1.
#1505 1322760570000000 dread Also added tests for search_package api. Done in cset:edde51c aiming for release 1.5.2.
#1505 1324474577000000 dread Fix cherry-picked for 1.5.1.
#1513 1326728958000000 dread This problem is now more obvious because we display use name. If there is an user icon, but no user name then you are in this 'inbetween' state. The problem is that the cookie exists in your browser, but it is not valid, for whatever reason. The solution is to change the css/javascript that displays the Register/My Account bit in the corner to talk to Auth, rather than just check for the cookie.
#1513 1328205092000000 dread Fixed in [master ff90b3f]. Headed for 1.6 release.
#1515 1330086273000000 dread The main body of this went into CKAN 1.6, including: #1298, #1299, #1495, #1511, #1623, #1631, #1637, #1663, #1666, #1686, #1639, #1694
#1518 1330020742000000 dread Fix went into CKAN 1.6
#1520 1323280999000000 dread Rufus has persuaded me that this is not important since it is so rare, and focus on #1534 (which was #1514) instead.
#1521 1330084599000000 dread This went into CKAN 1.6
#1528 1330020444000000 dread Went into CKAN 1.6
#1529 1324318628000000 dread Was done in cset:237ad148ba9 on master 7/12/11, aimed for 1.5.2
#1530 1323283663000000 dread Cheers Lucy. Ok the gap between the name field and its help text is way too big. Zeph, any chance you can take a look?
#1532 1323956004000000 dread I couldn't see a way to communicate the situation "OpenID authenticated, but doesn't match any CKAN user" from the repoze middleware to CKAN. So in [release-v1.5.1c 9e86c8b] I have provided extra instructions in the OpenID log-in screen, and in the log-in error message suggest what could have gone wrong. This issue appeared in 1.5.1b and fixed in 1.5.1c in time for the 1.5.1 release.
#1536 1323349465000000 dread Fixed on master - cset:39b745f. Aimed for 1.5.2 branch (should be on thedatahub.org in a few days).
#1536 1330020599000000 dread Went into CKAN 1.6
#1543 1324483367000000 dread This is not broken in 1.5 or earlier. Fix is in 1.5.1 release, so not a problem on any release.
#1546 1323962689000000 dread It looks like Rufus forgot the second bit of the AND clause: {{{ and_(model.revision_table.c.id==model.package_revision_table.c.revision_id, + model.package_revision_table.c.continuity_id==self.id) ) }}} Unfortunately John's fix breaks the #191 fix. I'm reopening that to fix it there.
#1546 1323970014000000 dread The fix for the break related to 191 is checked in here: [release-v1.5.1c 2c595ae] and cherry picked to [origin/defect-191-modification-date f98a4b2]
#1546 1324034396000000 dread Broken since introduction in CKAN 1.3. Fixed in CKAN 1.5.1.
#1547 1330084379000000 dread Went into CKAN 1.6
#1548 1323888271000000 dread Done in cset:35bfe8e in master.
#1549 1324037471000000 dread I see a need for short links to any package or resource, so people can Twitter about them. As far as providing forwarding to a resource URL, even if that changes, then I'm not sure there is a need for it to be short - we could just use a long link with the resource-id. e.g. thedatahub.org/resource/c1e89abb-13cd-4e18-9078-03d15bf6f256/url-forward.
#1552 1324056240000000 dread Done: [release-v1.5.1c 9850afc]
#1553 1324056939000000 dread This is now ameliorated in thedatahub.org by requiring login to do any edits. But the bug may be an issue for other sites that want more open settings.
#1559 1326973608000000 dread Jilly, is this the work to get the Disqus (comments) extension to work with CKAN 1.5.1 (broken due to new templates)? Finland are currently wanting this. Shall I have a crack?
#1575 1326808631000000 dread Tags corrected and Canada gov group changed to canada-gov. Script checked in as bin/canada.py [master 731111d]. Spent 2.5 hrs.
#1586 1324480384000000 dread Went into CKAN 1.5.1
#1586 1324480406000000 dread Replying to [comment:1 dread]: > Went into CKAN 1.5.1 Sorry, that was an error - ignore.
#1591 1325704907000000 dread Today I upgraded s057: br cz ie norway
#1591 1325764196000000 dread I've now completed the upgrade for datacatalogs.org. All that remains now is DGU. Reassigning to Ian as I'm away shortly.
#1591 1326117568000000 dread Spent about one day on this from myself.
#1591 1327320209000000 dread All covered off. DGU is 1.5 but security issue fixed previously.
#1591 1328789470000000 dread This ticket was created in response to the security issue in CKAN 1.5 only - it does not affect other versions. There is a different argument to upgrade older CKANs installed elsewhere, but there tend to be problems with extensions and themes not being compatible, so I think should be considered on a case-by-case basis and how much budget is available.
#1597 1324550545000000 dread This feature is requested by Colin Calnan
#1597 1326821156000000 dread I found that adding facet:limit=200 does what we need.
#1600 1328183223000000 dread Nice tutorial - that is one nice use case for the Data Hub we want to push. And good to be able to have context help in CKAN, with configurable URLs. I'm just wondering why boot another Sphinx, on top of our existing wiki.ckan.org, ckan.org & ReadTheDocs solution? Why has it changed from a couple of months ago when we redesigned the docs with Anna and we all decided that User Docs should live in the wiki.
#1605 1327317069000000 dread Need to merge with #1682
#1605 1330038773000000 dread #1682 now merged in
#1608 1330036982000000 dread This has gone into CKAN 1.6
#1613 1326813924000000 dread OK, this is the browser doing this - not us at all. It is not standard practise. I think it is not a problem. Reference: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2286402/url-fragment-and-302-redirects Safari 5 and IE9 and below drop the original URI's fragment if a HTTP/3xx redirect occurs. If the Location header on the response specifies a fragment, it is used. Chrome 11, Firefox 4, and Opera will all "reattach" the original URI's fragment after following a 3xx redirection.
#1615 1326393651000000 dread The mounting issue is discussed and more-or-less solved here: #1401 What's this redirect problem? The redirect is to a relative URL using h.url_for, just the same as the majority of links. I can't see why this is a problem, and it certainly works for Florian and Herrmann (see #1401). Please provide more details. {{{ url = h.url_for(controller='package', action='read', id=pkgname) redirect(url) }}}
#1615 1328888870000000 dread Closing - looks ok to me
#1616 1326452451000000 dread Maybe we just need a '-f' option to force it to continue if an exception occurs? It's a manual process and it's good to know loud and clear if there is a an exception setting up a new server say, but have the option to force it if the system is down temporarily is a critical service.
#1623 1326892264000000 dread Done in [master c2c3427]. Added first CLI test too! Targets release 1.5.2. Took 0.5h
#1624 1326207441000000 dread ckan/templates/package/edit.html: <li><a href="#section-further-information">Futher Information</a></li>
#1624 1326216362000000 dread Fixed in [master 863e6ff] aimed at release 1.5.2.
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