{9} Agile Backlog (495 matches)

Tickets showing cost and value estimates, and ordered by their ratio.

Results (101 - 200 of 495)

1 2 3 4 5
Ticket Summary Component Version Milestone Severity Owner Status Created Value Cost Ratio
#2542 Create jenkins job to run ckanbuild, and run tests ckan ckanbuild seanh accepted 06/15/12 -100
#1096 [super] CKAN Hosted ckan ckan-future rufuspollock new 04/19/11 -100
#1163 Improvements to Storage Extension ckan ckan-backlog rgrp new 05/26/11 200
#1311 Modal user register and login form ckan ckan-backlog rgrp new 09/06/11 200
#1343 [super] User related improvements (login, user pages etc) ckan ckan-backlog rgrp new 09/14/11 200
#1577 Can't upload file with foreign chars in filename ckan ckan-backlog rgrp new 12/19/11 200
#2279 Write tutorial for our DataStore API / Data Explorer ckan ckan-v1.8 rgrp new 04/03/12 200
#2874 Clean up bin directory ckan rgrp assigned 08/17/12 -100
#1384 CKAN wiki needs updating to refer to thedatahub.org instead of ckan.net and datasets instead of packages ckan ckan-backlog rgrp new 10/12/11 -100
#1429 Provide DOIs for datasets in a CKAN instance ckan ckan-backlog rgrp new 10/30/11 -100
#1459 Featured Dataset feature ckan ckan-backlog rgrp new 11/12/11 -100
#1571 [super] Issues Extension ckan ckan-backlog rgrp assigned 12/19/11 -100
#1458 Support previewing kml files in data viewer ckan ckan-future rgrp assigned 11/10/11 -100
#1009 Improvements to user accounts sytem ckan ckan-backlog pudo new 02/25/11 -100
#2773 About page needs improving ckan ckan-v1.9 markw new 07/30/12 -100
#1581 Blog post about Google Analytics extension for CKAN ckan ckan-future mark.wainwright@… new 12/20/11 100
#1171 Citation instructions on dataset and resource view pages ckan ckan 2.0 mark.wainwright assigned 06/01/11 100
#2796 Need a datahub one-pager ckan mark.wainwright new 08/02/12 -100
#1136 Move to SessionExtension in vdm vdm kindly assigned 05/12/11 300
#1135 Changeset model for vdm vdm kindly assigned 05/12/11 200
#1137 Remove need for statefulness in vdm vdm kindly assigned 05/12/11 200
#1689 List deleted datasets in API ckan kindly assigned 01/20/12 200
#1447 disk space leakage ckan ckan-backlog kindly assigned 11/07/11 200
#989 Extending the model from plugins ckan ckan-future kindly new 02/14/11 200
#2331 Search should AND terms not OR terms ckan ckan-sprint-2012-05-29 kindly reopened 04/28/12 200
#2790 logic.action.user_show is slow ckan demo phase 4 kindly new 08/01/12 200
#84 Revert support on versioned objects vdm ckan-future kindly assigned 07/23/09 100
#2203 Data Viewer support for PDF ckan ckan-v1.9 kindly assigned 03/04/12 100
#2294 Unauthorized action on Data API gets 302 rather than 401 or similar ckan ckan-v1.9 kindly assigned 04/14/12 100
#2530 DataHub purge fails on some revisions ckan ckan-v1.9 kindly new 06/15/12 100
#2674 Data preview not loading on s031 ckan demo phase 5 kindly assigned 07/16/12 100
#2877 Bugs with datastore v2 ckan kindly assigned 08/18/12 -100
#3027 solr for 2.0 ckan kindly new 12/04/12 -100
#979 Edit Resource extras in the API ckan ckan-backlog kindly assigned 02/11/11 -100
#1077 Move to simpler vdm system ckan ckan-backlog kindly new 04/08/11 -100
#1240 [super] API v4 ckan ckan-backlog kindly assigned 07/24/11 -100
#1255 Drupal consistancy checks. ckan ckan-backlog kindly assigned 08/01/11 -100
#1341 Delete spam users from ckan ckan ckan-backlog kindly reopened 09/14/11 -100
#1652 How we intergrate with Drupal Multiligual? ckan ckan-backlog kindly assigned 01/16/12 -100
#2729 searching for tags:[tag] works but tag:[tag] doesn't ckan ckan-backlog kindly new 07/22/12 -100
#2524 If there are no translation files for selected language fall back to default lang. ckan ckan-ecportal kindly new 06/13/12 -100
#2291 DataStorer incorrectly attempts to store JSON in DataStore ckan ckan-v1.9 kindly new 04/14/12 -100
#2334 Improved data import ckan ckan-v1.9 kindly assigned 04/28/12 -100
#2406 Errors in source install doc ckan ckan-v1.9 kindly new 05/21/12 -100
#2415 Confusing message on attempting to register new account with upper case ckan ckan-v1.9 kindly new 05/23/12 -100
#2426 Get rid of CKAN's formalchemy dependency ckan ckan-v1.9 kindly new 05/25/12 -100
#2427 Reduce cruft installed into CKAN's virtualenv due to Pylons ckan ckan-v1.9 kindly new 05/25/12 -100
#2473 Make datstorer store field ordering in _meta field ckan ckan-v1.9 kindly assigned 05/29/12 -100
#2708 limit extra data for package/group show ckan ckan-v1.9 kindly new 07/18/12 -100
#2548 Object ownership for groups/package ckan datahub-july kindly assigned 06/18/12 -100
#2641 Adapt spatial widgets to new theme ckan demo phase 5 johnmartin assigned 07/09/12 200
#2446 Create demo dataset history/comparison page ckan demo phase 4 johnmartin assigned 05/28/12 100
#2457 Create demo tags list page ckan demo phase 4 johnmartin assigned 05/28/12 100
#2451 Create demo user list page ckan demo phase 5 johnmartin assigned 05/28/12 100
#2785 Allow resources to be re-ordered ckan demo phase 5 johnmartin assigned 08/01/12 100
#3021 Logout doesn't work without JS ckan johnmartin accepted 11/20/12 -100
#2917 Organization admins can delete themselves ckan ckan 2.0 johnmartin new 09/12/12 -100
#3016 CKAN 2.0 template tweaks ckan ckan 2.0 johnmartin new 11/13/12 -100
#3018 Load more in activity streams ckan ckan 2.0 johnmartin new 11/14/12 -100
#2697 create dataset validation ckan demo phase 5 johnmartin assigned 07/18/12 -100
#3011 Recline fixes and updates for CKAN 2.0 ckan ckan 2.0 johnglover new 11/07/12 200
#3017 New stable branch for the demo server ckan ckan 2.0 johnglover new 11/13/12 200
#1584 QA report improvements - 2.5d ckan ckan-backlog johnglover new 12/21/11 200
#1588 QA - Give SPARQL endpoints a 4 star rating ckan ckan-backlog johnglover new 12/21/11 200
#1589 QA - Give 5 star rating to datasets with link metadata ckan ckan-backlog johnglover new 12/21/11 200
#2733 Datastore logic functions ckan ckan-v1.9 johnglover new 07/23/12 200
#1062 Data preview encoding error ckan ckan-backlog johnglover assigned 03/29/11 100
#1259 "Add a row" for Extras on Package form ckan ckan-backlog johnglover new 08/02/11 100
#1336 License fudge ckan ckan-backlog johnglover new 09/13/11 100
#1393 Don't skip search tests ckan ckan-backlog johnglover assigned 10/13/11 100
#1203 Moderated edits: html code shows as "changed" although it is not ckan ckan-backlog johnglover new 06/28/11 -100
#2829 Archiver fails on 403 http response ckan ckan-v1.9 johnglover new 08/09/12 -100
#2859 Fix the build ckan ckan-v1.8 icmurray new 08/16/12 400
#2405 Improvements to data viewer embed ckan ckan-v1.9 icmurray assigned 05/21/12 200
#2959 Changing a Group's name through the action api disassociates it from its datasets in the index ckan ckan 2.0 icmurray new 10/04/12 100
#2277 Use the new atom feeds in IATI ckan ckan-backlog icmurray new 04/02/12 100
#2310 Refactor the search-query construction in feeds.py ckan ckan-backlog icmurray new 04/16/12 100
#2298 Add sort-by controls to the search results page ckan ckan-v1.9 icmurray new 04/16/12 100
#2350 Hooks in package controller for validating form data ckan ckan-v1.9 icmurray new 05/01/12 100
#2603 Remove deprecated 'fields' parameter from resource_search ckan ckan-v1.9 icmurray new 06/26/12 100
#2621 Remove the deprecated 'fields' parameter from tag_search and tag_autocomplete ckan ckan-v1.9 icmurray new 06/28/12 100
#2679 Change default behaviour of TemplateController.view to 404. ckan ckan-v1.9 icmurray new 07/16/12 100
#2709 Atom feeds are undocumented ckan icmurray new 07/18/12 -100
#2784 model dictize sensitive data ckan icmurray new 08/01/12 -100
#250 RDF link in Atom feed ckan ckan-v1.9 icmurray assigned 02/18/10 -100
#2485 Encourage leak containment by limiting the number of requests a CKAN process serves ckan ckan-v1.9 icmurray new 06/01/12 -100
#2550 User types ckan datahub-july icmurray assigned 06/18/12 -200
#3013 common-error-messages is unreadable ckan dominik new 11/10/12 -100
#2961 Preview plugin endpoint ckan ckan 2.0 dominik assigned 10/08/12 -100
#2357 Create build script for front-end resources ckan demo phase 5 aron.carroll accepted 05/01/12 200
#2493 Demo site 404 needs some love ckan demo phase 5 aron.carroll accepted 06/06/12 100
#2949 Reenable Data API button on the new theme ckan amercader new 10/01/12 200
#728 CSW Harvesting shall be optimised in respect of reharvesting only records that have changed uklii ckan-backlog amercader assigned 10/21/10 200
#794 Investigate reconciling UKLP Publisher and Provider with DGU uklii ckan-backlog amercader assigned 11/08/10 200
#1152 True support for generic CSW servers uklii ckan-backlog amercader new 05/23/11 200
#1818 Spatial metadata editor ckan ckan-future amercader new 02/20/12 200
#3026 Support icons on nav_named_link ckan amercader new 11/30/12 100
#3023 New methods on IPackageController to provide access to the data_dict ckan amercader new 11/22/12 -100
#3025 Add requests to core requirements ckan amercader new 11/27/12 -100
#1815 Reenable Sparql endpoint on publicdata.eu pdeu ckan-future amercader new 02/20/12 -100
1 2 3 4 5
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.