{9} Agile Backlog (495 matches)

Tickets showing cost and value estimates, and ordered by their ratio.

Results (201 - 300 of 495)

1 2 3 4 5
Ticket Summary Component Version Milestone Severity Owner Status Created Value Cost Ratio
#2686 enabling datastore & data API breaks recline ckan ckan-backlog assigned 07/17/12 300
#2683 Add no-cache header to _tracking API call's response to make sure it doesn't get cached ckan new 07/16/12 -100
#2679 Change default behaviour of TemplateController.view to 404. ckan ckan-v1.9 icmurray new 07/16/12 100
#2674 Data preview not loading on s031 ckan demo phase 5 kindly assigned 07/16/12 100
#2673 simplify set of options for resources ckan new 07/14/12 100
#2663 h.resource_display_name needs love ckan ckan-v1.9 toby new 07/11/12 -100
#2656 Feed with few results has bad paging link, causing exception ckan seanh new 07/11/12 0
#2654 UI support for ordering groups on group_read page ckan ckan 2.0 assigned 07/10/12 -100
#2644 user dashboard for demo theme ckan demo phase 5 shevski assigned 07/10/12 100
#2641 Adapt spatial widgets to new theme ckan demo phase 5 johnmartin assigned 07/09/12 200
#2635 Non-destructive SOLR reindex ckan new 07/09/12 200
#2625 Add i18n strings from non-core but supported extensions to ckan.pot file ckan ckan-v1.9 new 07/02/12 -100
#2622 Login fails in Opera 12 ckan new 06/28/12 -100
#2621 Remove the deprecated 'fields' parameter from tag_search and tag_autocomplete ckan ckan-v1.9 icmurray new 06/28/12 100
#2619 Omit private datasets from public activity streams ckan ckan-v1.9 seanh assigned 06/28/12 -100
#2607 'Upload a file' appears on resource form when storage not enabled ckan ckan-backlog assigned 06/27/12 -100
#2603 Remove deprecated 'fields' parameter from resource_search ckan ckan-v1.9 icmurray new 06/26/12 100
#2590 Publisher dashboard ckan ckan-backlog shevski assigned 06/25/12 -100
#2585 Escape solr control characters in search queries, add advanced search screen ckan ckan-v1.9 new 06/22/12 -100
#2583 make sure that we implement authentication where needed ckan demo phase 5 toby new 06/22/12 -100
#2582 Do not hide notes / readme on dataset pages ckan ckan-v1.9 new 06/21/12 400
#2579 move sort_by functions into lib.helpers ckan ckan-v1.9 toby new 06/21/12 -100
#2573 package_search does not allow solr's per-field facet parameters ckan ckan-future new 06/19/12 -100
#2572 clean up stats plugin ckan ckan-v1.9 toby new 06/19/12 -100
#2555 Demo site needs a breadcrumb helper ckan demo phase 5 toby new 06/18/12 100
#2554 Research Virtuoso cartridges ckan ckan-backlog assigned 06/18/12 -100
#2552 Controlling access to features ckan ckan-future assigned 06/18/12 -100
#2550 User types ckan datahub-july icmurray assigned 06/18/12 -200
#2548 Object ownership for groups/package ckan datahub-july kindly assigned 06/18/12 -100
#2547 ODS Initial data sets ckan opendatasuite 2 shevski assigned 06/18/12 -100
#2546 ODS Managing homepage content ckan ckan-backlog assigned 06/18/12 -100
#2543 facet.sort is not available in the package_search action ckan ckan-v1.9 new 06/18/12 -100
#2542 Create jenkins job to run ckanbuild, and run tests ckan ckanbuild seanh accepted 06/15/12 -100
#2541 Add non-core extensions to ckanbuild ckan ckanbuild seanh accepted 06/15/12 -100
#2540 Implement a way of upgrading ckan sites using ckanbuild ckan ckanbuild seanh accepted 06/15/12 -100
#2539 Investigate the existing ckan debian package for ckanbuild ckan ckanbuild seanh accepted 06/15/12 -100
#2538 Add multiple-instance support to ckanbuild ckan ckanbuild seanh accepted 06/15/12 -100
#2537 Test and document ckanbuild ckan ckanbuild seanh accepted 06/15/12 -100
#2535 SSL certificate for DataHub + https by default ckan assigned 06/15/12 -100
#2531 New state option: archived / deprecated ckan ckan-backlog new 06/15/12 -100
#2530 DataHub purge fails on some revisions ckan ckan-v1.9 kindly new 06/15/12 100
#2529 DataHub (or CKAN) widgets ckan ckan-v1.9 new 06/15/12 -100
#2524 If there are no translation files for selected language fall back to default lang. ckan ckan-ecportal kindly new 06/13/12 -100
#2520 Document undocumented config options ckan ckan-v1.9 seanh assigned 06/13/12 -100
#2516 Make 'Assign to:' field on trac.ckan.org into a dropdown list ckan ckan-v1.9 seanh accepted 06/13/12 -100
#2513 Dataproxy should not default to utf8 ckan ckan-backlog assigned 06/13/12 -100
#2508 Make it possible to run CKAN tests for each language ckan ckan-backlog new 06/11/12 -100
#2499 Documentation for the internal analytics ckan ckan-v1.8 toby new 06/07/12 -100
#2493 Demo site 404 needs some love ckan demo phase 5 aron.carroll accepted 06/06/12 100
#2486 Should be able to use . in dataset names ckan ckan-backlog new 06/02/12 -100
#2485 Encourage leak containment by limiting the number of requests a CKAN process serves ckan ckan-v1.9 icmurray new 06/01/12 -100
#2483 Non-local resources should not have Download links ckan ckan-v1.9 new 05/31/12 -100
#2480 Better message when dataset has no resources ckan ckan-v1.9 new 05/31/12 -100
#2479 Meanings of Author and Maintainer fields are unclear ckan ckan-v1.9 new 05/31/12 -100
#2478 Get NeverNotifyUpdaterPlugin installed on trac.ckan.org ckan ckan-v1.9 seanh accepted 05/30/12 -100
#2477 Add extensions section to readthedocs ckan ckan-v1.9 seanh accepted 05/30/12 -100
#2475 Upgrade trac.ckan.org to trac 0.12.3 ckan ckan-v1.9 seanh accepted 05/29/12 -100
#2473 Make datstorer store field ordering in _meta field ckan ckan-v1.9 kindly assigned 05/29/12 -100
#2466 Fix spam handling on trac ckan ckan-v1.9 seanh accepted 05/28/12 200
#2461 Create demo revisions page ckan demo phase 4 toby assigned 05/28/12 100
#2457 Create demo tags list page ckan demo phase 4 johnmartin assigned 05/28/12 100
#2451 Create demo user list page ckan demo phase 5 johnmartin assigned 05/28/12 100
#2446 Create demo dataset history/comparison page ckan demo phase 4 johnmartin assigned 05/28/12 100
#2433 API uses name not id for some version 3 calls ckan ckan-v1.8 toby new 05/25/12 100
#2431 Trac git integration ckan ckan-v1.9 seanh accepted 05/25/12 200
#2430 Look into marking tickets as dependent on other tickets in trac ckan ckan-v1.9 seanh accepted 05/25/12 200
#2427 Reduce cruft installed into CKAN's virtualenv due to Pylons ckan ckan-v1.9 kindly new 05/25/12 -100
#2426 Get rid of CKAN's formalchemy dependency ckan ckan-v1.9 kindly new 05/25/12 -100
#2416 Normalise resource/data types ckan demo phase 5 toby accepted 05/23/12 100
#2415 Confusing message on attempting to register new account with upper case ckan ckan-v1.9 kindly new 05/23/12 -100
#2412 More than one resource invalidatiing breaks dataset edit form ckan ckan-sprint-2012-06-25 zephod assigned 05/22/12 200
#2411 .ini file is a mess ckan ckan-future toby new 05/22/12 -100
#2407 'Access denied' message is unhelpful ckan ckan-v1.9 amercader new 05/21/12 -100
#2406 Errors in source install doc ckan ckan-v1.9 kindly new 05/21/12 -100
#2405 Improvements to data viewer embed ckan ckan-v1.9 icmurray assigned 05/21/12 200
#2404 Auto-screenshot for related items ckan ckan-future assigned 05/21/12 -100
#2395 paster db clean/init don't work when spatial extension enabled ckan ckan-backlog new 05/16/12 100
#2382 Investigate options for basic geocoding ckan ckan-future amercader new 05/14/12 -100
#2378 Extract metadata directly from resources that contain it. ckan ckan-future assigned 05/10/12 -100
#2370 Add examples of all config settings in default config file ckan ckan-v1.9 seanh assigned 05/03/12 -100
#2363 Documentation of best caching practice. ckan ckan-v1.8 toby new 05/01/12 200
#2362 Improve plugin documentaion, including examples. ckan ckan-v1.9 toby accepted 05/01/12 -200
#2357 Create build script for front-end resources ckan demo phase 5 aron.carroll accepted 05/01/12 200
#2350 Hooks in package controller for validating form data ckan ckan-v1.9 icmurray new 05/01/12 100
#2348 Java client library for CKAN ckan ckan-future assigned 05/01/12 100
#2342 Fix Jenkins issue when testing branches with different solr schema versions ckan ckan-v1.9 seanh accepted 05/01/12 100
#2341 Fix Jenkins issue when testing branches that contain model changes ckan ckan-v1.9 seanh accepted 05/01/12 100
#2337 Sort out ini file confusion in docs ckan ckan-v1.9 seanh assigned 04/30/12 -100
#2336 Move Jenkins' install script into ckan core so it can be versioned ckan ckanbuild seanh accepted 04/30/12 100
#2335 Unicode characters don't work in CKAN ini files ckan ckan-v1.9 seanh assigned 04/30/12 -100
#2334 Improved data import ckan ckan-v1.9 kindly assigned 04/28/12 -100
#2333 Introduce new resource type datastore ckan ckan-v1.9 new 04/28/12 -100
#2331 Search should AND terms not OR terms ckan ckan-sprint-2012-05-29 kindly reopened 04/28/12 200
#2329 Add back in RSS/Atom links on relevant pages ckan ckan 2.0 assigned 04/26/12 -100
#2328 Link to Catalog API for each Dataset, Group and Tag ckan ckan-v1.9 new 04/26/12 -100
#2326 dataset permalinks ckan ckan-future toby new 04/25/12 100
#2324 Link API docs to relevant version not just latest ckan ckan-v1.9 new 04/25/12 -100
#2321 Use resource names/titles in URLs ckan ckan-v1.9 new 04/24/12 -100
#2320 Introduce new state: archived ckan ckan-v1.9 new 04/23/12 -100
#2310 Refactor the search-query construction in feeds.py ckan ckan-backlog icmurray new 04/16/12 100
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